org.apache.nifi.nar.NarUnpacker Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.nifi.nar.NarUnpacker. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From localization_nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testProcessorLoadsNarResources() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();

    NiFiProperties properties = loadSpecifiedProperties("/conf/",


    NarClassLoaders.getInstance().init(properties.getFrameworkWorkingDirectory(), properties.getExtensionsWorkingDirectory());



    File processorDirectory = new File(temporaryFolder.getRoot(), "org.apache.nifi.processors.WriteResourceToStream");
    File indexHtml = new File(processorDirectory, "index.html");
    Assert.assertTrue(indexHtml + " should have been generated", indexHtml.exists());
    String generatedHtml = FileUtils.readFileToString(indexHtml);
    Assert.assertTrue(generatedHtml.contains("This example processor loads a resource from the nar and writes it to the FlowFile content"));
    Assert.assertTrue(generatedHtml.contains("files that were successfully processed"));
    Assert.assertTrue(generatedHtml.contains("files that were not successfully processed"));
Example #2
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testProcessorLoadsNarResources() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();

    NiFiProperties properties = loadSpecifiedProperties("/conf/",

    final Bundle systemBundle = SystemBundle.create(properties);
    final ExtensionMapping mapping = NarUnpacker.unpackNars(properties, systemBundle);

    NarClassLoadersHolder.getInstance().init(properties.getFrameworkWorkingDirectory(), properties.getExtensionsWorkingDirectory());

    final ExtensionDiscoveringManager extensionManager = new StandardExtensionDiscoveringManager();
    extensionManager.discoverExtensions(systemBundle, NarClassLoadersHolder.getInstance().getBundles());

    DocGenerator.generate(properties, extensionManager, mapping);

    final String extensionClassName = "org.apache.nifi.processors.WriteResourceToStream";
    final BundleCoordinate coordinate = mapping.getProcessorNames().get(extensionClassName).stream().findFirst().get();
    final String path = coordinate.getGroup() + "/" + coordinate.getId() + "/" + coordinate.getVersion() + "/" + extensionClassName;
    File processorDirectory = new File(temporaryFolder.getRoot(), path);
    File indexHtml = new File(processorDirectory, "index.html");
    Assert.assertTrue(indexHtml + " should have been generated", indexHtml.exists());
    String generatedHtml = FileUtils.readFileToString(indexHtml, Charset.defaultCharset());
    Assert.assertTrue(generatedHtml.contains("This example processor loads a resource from the nar and writes it to the FlowFile content"));
    Assert.assertTrue(generatedHtml.contains("files that were successfully processed"));
    Assert.assertTrue(generatedHtml.contains("files that were not successfully processed"));
Example #3
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public NiFi(final NiFiProperties properties, ClassLoader rootClassLoader)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {

    // There can only be one krb5.conf for the overall Java process so set this globally during
    // start up so that processors and our Kerberos authentication code don't have to set this
    final File kerberosConfigFile = properties.getKerberosConfigurationFile();
    if (kerberosConfigFile != null) {
        final String kerberosConfigFilePath = kerberosConfigFile.getAbsolutePath();"Setting to {}", new Object[]{kerberosConfigFilePath});
        System.setProperty("", kerberosConfigFilePath);


    // register the shutdown hook

    final String bootstrapPort = System.getProperty(BOOTSTRAP_PORT_PROPERTY);
    if (bootstrapPort != null) {
        try {
            final int port = Integer.parseInt(bootstrapPort);

            if (port < 1 || port > 65535) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to start NiFi because system property '" + BOOTSTRAP_PORT_PROPERTY + "' is not a valid integer in the range 1 - 65535");

            bootstrapListener = new BootstrapListener(this, port);
        } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to start NiFi because system property '" + BOOTSTRAP_PORT_PROPERTY + "' is not a valid integer in the range 1 - 65535");
    } else {"NiFi started without Bootstrap Port information provided; will not listen for requests from Bootstrap");
        bootstrapListener = null;

    // delete the web working dir - if the application does not start successfully
    // the web app directories might be in an invalid state. when this happens
    // jetty will not attempt to re-extract the war into the directory. by removing
    // the working directory, we can be assured that it will attempt to extract the
    // war every time the application starts.
    File webWorkingDir = properties.getWebWorkingDirectory();
    FileUtils.deleteFilesInDirectory(webWorkingDir, null, LOGGER, true, true);
    FileUtils.deleteFile(webWorkingDir, LOGGER, 3);


    // redirect JUL log events

    final Bundle systemBundle = SystemBundle.create(properties, rootClassLoader);

    // expand the nars
    final ExtensionMapping extensionMapping = NarUnpacker.unpackNars(properties, systemBundle);

    // load the extensions classloaders
    NarClassLoaders narClassLoaders = NarClassLoadersHolder.getInstance();

            properties.getFrameworkWorkingDirectory(), properties.getExtensionsWorkingDirectory());

    // load the framework classloader
    final ClassLoader frameworkClassLoader = narClassLoaders.getFrameworkBundle().getClassLoader();
    if (frameworkClassLoader == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find the framework NAR ClassLoader.");

    final Set<Bundle> narBundles = narClassLoaders.getBundles();

    // load the server from the framework classloader
    Class<?> jettyServer = Class.forName("org.apache.nifi.web.server.JettyServer", true, frameworkClassLoader);
    Constructor<?> jettyConstructor = jettyServer.getConstructor(NiFiProperties.class, Set.class);

    final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    nifiServer = (NiFiServer) jettyConstructor.newInstance(properties, narBundles);
    nifiServer.setBundles(systemBundle, narBundles);

    if (shutdown) {"NiFi has been shutdown via NiFi Bootstrap. Will not start Controller");
    } else {

        if (bootstrapListener != null) {

        final long duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;"Controller initialization took " + duration + " nanoseconds "
                + "(" + (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(duration, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) + " seconds).");
Example #4
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {

        String nifi_home = System.getenv("NIFI_HOME");
        if (nifi_home == null || nifi_home.equals("")) {
            nifi_home = ".";

        final File libDir = new File(nifi_home + "/lib");
        final File narWorkingDirectory = new File(nifi_home + "/work/stateless-nars");

        if (args.length >= 1 && args[0].equals(EXTRACT_NARS)) {
            if (!libDir.exists()) {
                System.out.println("Specified lib directory <" + libDir + "> does not exist");

            final File[] narFiles = libDir.listFiles(file -> file.getName().endsWith(".nar"));
            if (narFiles == null) {
                System.out.println("Could not obtain listing of lib directory <" + libDir + ">");

            if (!narWorkingDirectory.exists() && !narWorkingDirectory.mkdirs()) {
                throw new IOException("Could not create NAR working directory <" + narWorkingDirectory + ">");

  "Unpacking {} NARs", narFiles.length);
            final long startUnpack = System.nanoTime();
            for (final File narFile : narFiles) {
                NarUnpacker.unpackNar(narFile, narWorkingDirectory);

            final long millis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startUnpack);
  "Finished unpacking {} NARs in {} millis", narFiles.length, millis);


        File frameworkWorkingDirectory;
        try {
            frameworkWorkingDirectory = Objects.requireNonNull(narWorkingDirectory.listFiles(file -> file.getName().startsWith("nifi-framework")))[0];
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find core stateless dependencies in the working directory <" + narWorkingDirectory + ">");

        final File bundledDependenciesDir = new File(frameworkWorkingDirectory, NarUnpacker.BUNDLED_DEPENDENCIES_DIRECTORY);
        final File[] jarFiles = bundledDependenciesDir.listFiles();
        if (jarFiles == null) {
            throw new IOException("Could not obtain listing of NiFi-Framework NAR's bundled dependencies in working directory <" + bundledDependenciesDir + ">");
        final URL[] jarUrls = toURLs(jarFiles);

        final ClassLoader rootClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        final URLClassLoader frameworkClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(jarUrls, rootClassLoader);

        final Class<?> programClass = Class.forName(PROGRAM_CLASS_NAME, true, frameworkClassLoader);
        final Method launchMethod = programClass.getMethod("launch", String[].class, ClassLoader.class, File.class);
        launchMethod.invoke(null, args, rootClassLoader, narWorkingDirectory);
Example #5
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public OneWaySslAccessControlHelper(final String nifiPropertiesPath) throws Exception {
    // configure the location of the nifi properties
    File nifiPropertiesFile = new File(nifiPropertiesPath);
    System.setProperty(NiFiProperties.PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH, nifiPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath());

    NiFiProperties props = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(nifiPropertiesPath);
    flowXmlPath = props.getProperty(NiFiProperties.FLOW_CONFIGURATION_FILE);

    // delete the database directory to avoid issues with re-registration in testRequestAccessUsingToken

    final File libTargetDir = new File("target/test-classes/access-control/lib");

    final File libSourceDir = new File("src/test/resources/lib");
    for (final File libFile : libSourceDir.listFiles()) {
        final File libDestFile = new File(libTargetDir, libFile.getName());
        Files.copy(libFile.toPath(), libDestFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

    final Bundle systemBundle = SystemBundle.create(props);
    NarUnpacker.unpackNars(props, systemBundle);
    NarClassLoadersHolder.getInstance().init(props.getFrameworkWorkingDirectory(), props.getExtensionsWorkingDirectory());

    // load extensions
    final ExtensionDiscoveringManager extensionManager = new StandardExtensionDiscoveringManager();
    extensionManager.discoverExtensions(systemBundle, NarClassLoadersHolder.getInstance().getBundles());

    // start the server
    server = new NiFiTestServer("src/main/webapp", CONTEXT_PATH, props);

    // get the base url
    baseUrl = server.getBaseUrl() + CONTEXT_PATH;

    // Create a TlsConfiguration for the truststore properties only
    TlsConfiguration trustOnlyTlsConfiguration = TlsConfiguration.fromNiFiPropertiesTruststoreOnly(props);

    // create the user
    final Client client = WebUtils.createClient(null, SslContextFactory.createSslContext(trustOnlyTlsConfiguration));
    user = new NiFiTestUser(client, null);
Example #6
Source File:    From nifi with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public AccessControlHelper(final String nifiPropertiesPath) throws Exception {
    // configure the location of the nifi properties
    File nifiPropertiesFile = new File(nifiPropertiesPath);
    System.setProperty(NiFiProperties.PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH, nifiPropertiesFile.getAbsolutePath());
    NiFiProperties props = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties(null);
    flowXmlPath = props.getProperty(NiFiProperties.FLOW_CONFIGURATION_FILE);

    final File libTargetDir = new File("target/test-classes/access-control/lib");

    final File libSourceDir = new File("src/test/resources/lib");
    for (final File libFile : libSourceDir.listFiles()) {
        final File libDestFile = new File(libTargetDir, libFile.getName());
        Files.copy(libFile.toPath(), libDestFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

    final Bundle systemBundle = SystemBundle.create(props);
    NarUnpacker.unpackNars(props, systemBundle);
    NarClassLoadersHolder.getInstance().init(props.getFrameworkWorkingDirectory(), props.getExtensionsWorkingDirectory());

    // load extensions
    final ExtensionDiscoveringManager extensionManager = new StandardExtensionDiscoveringManager();
    extensionManager.discoverExtensions(systemBundle, NarClassLoadersHolder.getInstance().getBundles());

    // start the server
    server = new NiFiTestServer("src/main/webapp", CONTEXT_PATH, props);

    // get the base url
    baseUrl = server.getBaseUrl() + CONTEXT_PATH;

    // create the users - user purposefully decoupled from clientId (same user different browsers tabs)
    readUser = new NiFiTestUser(server.getClient(), NiFiTestAuthorizer.READ_USER_DN);
    writeUser = new NiFiTestUser(server.getClient(), NiFiTestAuthorizer.WRITE_USER_DN);
    readWriteUser = new NiFiTestUser(server.getClient(), NiFiTestAuthorizer.READ_WRITE_USER_DN);
    noneUser = new NiFiTestUser(server.getClient(), NiFiTestAuthorizer.NONE_USER_DN);
    privilegedUser = new NiFiTestUser(server.getClient(), NiFiTestAuthorizer.PRIVILEGED_USER_DN);
    executeCodeUser = new NiFiTestUser(server.getClient(), NiFiTestAuthorizer.EXECUTED_CODE_USER_DN);
    anonymousUser = new NiFiTestUser(server.getClient(), StringUtils.EMPTY);

    // populate the initial data flow
    NiFiWebApiTest.populateFlow(server.getClient(), baseUrl, readWriteUser, READ_WRITE_CLIENT_ID);