org.apache.flink.table.api.TableEnvironment Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.flink.table.api.TableEnvironment. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testDynamicPartition() throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvWithHiveCatalog();
	tableEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.src (x int, y string, z double)");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "src")
				.addRow(new Object[]{1, "a", 1.1})
				.addRow(new Object[]{2, "a", 2.2})
				.addRow(new Object[]{3, "b", 3.3})
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.dest (x int) partitioned by (p1 string, p2 double)");
		TableEnvUtil.execInsertSqlAndWaitResult(tableEnv, "insert into db1.dest select * from db1.src");
		assertEquals(3, hiveCatalog.listPartitions(new ObjectPath("db1", "dest")).size());
		verifyHiveQueryResult("select * from db1.dest", Arrays.asList("1\ta\t1.1", "2\ta\t2.2", "3\tb\t3.3"));
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #2
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public void testResolvingSchemaOfCustomCatalogTableTableApi() throws Exception {
	TableTestUtil testUtil = getTestUtil();
	TableEnvironment tableEnvironment = testUtil.getTableEnv();
	GenericInMemoryCatalog genericInMemoryCatalog = new GenericInMemoryCatalog("in-memory");
		new ObjectPath("default", "testTable"),
		new CustomCatalogTable(isStreamingMode),
	tableEnvironment.registerCatalog("testCatalog", genericInMemoryCatalog);

	Table table = tableEnvironment.from("testCatalog.`default`.testTable")
Example #3
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public List<String> completeStatement(String sessionId, String statement, int position) {
	final ExecutionContext<?> context = getExecutionContext(sessionId);
	final TableEnvironment tableEnv = context.getTableEnvironment();

	try {
		return context.wrapClassLoader(() ->
				Arrays.asList(tableEnv.getCompletionHints(statement, position)));
	} catch (Throwable t) {
		// catch everything such that the query does not crash the executor
		if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
			LOG.debug("Could not complete statement at " + position + ":" + statement, t);
		return Collections.emptyList();
Example #4
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public void testTimestampUDF() throws Exception {

	TableEnvironment tableEnv = HiveTestUtils.createTableEnvWithBlinkPlannerBatchMode(SqlDialect.HIVE);
	tableEnv.registerCatalog(hiveCatalog.getName(), hiveCatalog);
	tableEnv.executeSql(String.format("create function myyear as '%s'", UDFYear.class.getName()));
	tableEnv.executeSql("create table src(ts timestamp)");
	try {
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "default", "src")
				.addRow(new Object[]{Timestamp.valueOf("2013-07-15 10:00:00")})
				.addRow(new Object[]{Timestamp.valueOf("2019-05-23 17:32:55")})

		List<Row> results = Lists.newArrayList(
				tableEnv.sqlQuery("select myyear(ts) as y from src").execute().collect());
		Assert.assertEquals(2, results.size());
		Assert.assertEquals("[2013, 2019]", results.toString());
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop table src");
Example #5
Source File:    From zeppelin with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public TableEnvironment createJavaFlinkBatchTableEnvironment() {
  try {
    Class<?> clazz = null;
    if (flinkVersion.isFlink110()) {
      clazz = Class
    } else {
      clazz = Class

    Constructor con = clazz.getConstructor(
    return (TableEnvironment) con.newInstance(
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw new TableException("Create BatchTableEnvironment failed.", t);
Example #6
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public void testDefaultPartitionName() throws Exception {
	hiveShell.execute("create database db1");
	hiveShell.execute("create table db1.src (x int, y int)");
	hiveShell.execute("create table db1.part (x int) partitioned by (y int)");
	hiveShell.insertInto("db1", "src").addRow(1, 1).addRow(2, null).commit();

	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvWithHiveCatalog();

	// test generating partitions with default name
	tableEnv.sqlUpdate("insert into db1.part select * from db1.src");
	HiveConf hiveConf = hiveShell.getHiveConf();
	String defaultPartName = hiveConf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.DEFAULTPARTITIONNAME);
	Table hiveTable = hmsClient.getTable("db1", "part");
	Path defaultPartPath = new Path(hiveTable.getSd().getLocation(), "y=" + defaultPartName);
	FileSystem fs = defaultPartPath.getFileSystem(hiveConf);

	// TODO: test reading from flink when is fixed
	assertEquals(Arrays.asList("1\t1", "2\tNULL"), hiveShell.executeQuery("select * from db1.part"));

	hiveShell.execute("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #7
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public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);
	String outputPath = params.getRequired("outputPath");
	String sqlStatement = params.getRequired("sqlStatement");

	TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(EnvironmentSettings.newInstance()

	tEnv.registerTableSource("table1", new GeneratorTableSource(10, 100, 60, 0));
	tEnv.registerTableSource("table2", new GeneratorTableSource(5, 0.2f, 60, 5));
		new CsvTableSink(outputPath)
			.configure(new String[]{"f0", "f1"}, new TypeInformation[]{Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP}));

Example #8
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public void testReadComplexDataType() throws Exception {
	final String catalogName = "hive";
	final String dbName = "source_db";
	final String tblName = "complex_test";
	hiveShell.execute("create table source_db.complex_test(" +
					"a array<int>, m map<int,string>, s struct<f1:int,f2:bigint>)");
	Integer[] array = new Integer[]{1, 2, 3};
	Map<Integer, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
	map.put(1, "a");
	map.put(2, "b");
	Object[] struct = new Object[]{3, 3L};
	hiveShell.insertInto(dbName, tblName)
			.addRow(array, map, struct)
	TableEnvironment tEnv = HiveTestUtils.createTableEnv();
	tEnv.registerCatalog(catalogName, hiveCatalog);
	Table src = tEnv.sqlQuery("select * from hive.source_db.complex_test");
	List<Row> rows = JavaConverters.seqAsJavaListConverter(TableUtil.collect((TableImpl) src)).asJava();
	Assert.assertEquals(1, rows.size());
	assertArrayEquals(array, (Integer[]) rows.get(0).getField(0));
	assertEquals(map, rows.get(0).getField(1));
	assertEquals(Row.of(struct[0], struct[1]), rows.get(0).getField(2));
Example #9
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public void testWhitespacePartValue() throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvWithHiveCatalog();
	tableEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.dest (x int) partitioned by (p string)");
		StatementSet stmtSet = tableEnv.createStatementSet();
		stmtSet.addInsertSql("insert into db1.dest select 1,'  '");
		stmtSet.addInsertSql("insert into db1.dest select 2,'a \t'");
		TableResult tableResult = stmtSet.execute();
		// wait job finished
		assertEquals("[p=  , p=a %09]", hiveShell.executeQuery("show partitions db1.dest").toString());
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #10
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public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);
	String outputPath = params.getRequired("outputPath");
	String sqlStatement = params.getRequired("sqlStatement");

	TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(EnvironmentSettings.newInstance()

	((TableEnvironmentInternal) tEnv).registerTableSourceInternal("table1", new GeneratorTableSource(10, 100, 60, 0));
	((TableEnvironmentInternal) tEnv).registerTableSourceInternal("table2", new GeneratorTableSource(5, 0.2f, 60, 5));
	((TableEnvironmentInternal) tEnv).registerTableSinkInternal("sinkTable",
		new CsvTableSink(outputPath)
			.configure(new String[]{"f0", "f1"}, new TypeInformation[]{Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP}));

	TableResult result = tEnv.executeSql(sqlStatement);
	// wait job finish
Example #11
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public void testDecimal() throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvWithHiveCatalog();
	tableEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.src1 (x decimal(10,2))");
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.src2 (x decimal(10,2))");
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.dest (x decimal(10,2))");
		// populate src1 from Hive
		// TABLE keyword in INSERT INTO is mandatory prior to 1.1.0
		hiveShell.execute("insert into table db1.src1 values (1.0),(2.12),(5.123),(5.456),(123456789.12)");

		// populate src2 with same data from Flink
		TableEnvUtil.execInsertSqlAndWaitResult(tableEnv, "insert into db1.src2 values (cast(1.0 as decimal(10,2))), (cast(2.12 as decimal(10,2))), " +
				"(cast(5.123 as decimal(10,2))), (cast(5.456 as decimal(10,2))), (cast(123456789.12 as decimal(10,2)))");
		// verify src1 and src2 contain same data
		verifyHiveQueryResult("select * from db1.src2", hiveShell.executeQuery("select * from db1.src1"));

		// populate dest with src1 from Flink -- to test reading decimal type from Hive
		TableEnvUtil.execInsertSqlAndWaitResult(tableEnv, "insert into db1.dest select * from db1.src1");
		verifyHiveQueryResult("select * from db1.dest", hiveShell.executeQuery("select * from db1.src1"));
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #12
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 * Test to read from partition table.
 * @throws Exception
public void testReadPartitionTable() throws Exception {
	final String dbName = "source_db";
	final String tblName = "test_table_pt";
	TableEnvironment tEnv = createTableEnv();
	tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE source_db.test_table_pt " +
					"(`year` STRING, `value` INT) partitioned by (pt int)");
	HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, dbName, tblName)
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2014", 3})
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2014", 4})
	HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, dbName, tblName)
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2015", 2})
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2015", 5})
	Table src = tEnv.sqlQuery("select * from hive.source_db.test_table_pt");
	List<Row> rows = Lists.newArrayList(src.execute().collect());

	assertEquals(4, rows.size());
	Object[] rowStrings =;
	assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"2014,3,0", "2014,4,0", "2015,2,1", "2015,5,1"}, rowStrings);
Example #13
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public String explainStatement(SessionContext session, String statement) throws SqlExecutionException {
	final ExecutionContext<?> context = getOrCreateExecutionContext(session);
	final TableEnvironment tableEnv = context

	// translate
	try {
		final Table table = createTable(context, tableEnv, statement);
		return context.wrapClassLoader(() -> tableEnv.explain(table));
	} catch (Throwable t) {
		// catch everything such that the query does not crash the executor
		throw new SqlExecutionException("Invalid SQL statement.", t);
Example #14
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public void testNotNullConstraints() throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvWithHiveCatalog();
	tableEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.tbl (x int,y bigint not null enable rely,z string not null enable norely)");
		CatalogBaseTable catalogTable = hiveCatalog.getTable(new ObjectPath("db1", "tbl"));
		TableSchema tableSchema = catalogTable.getSchema();
		assertTrue("By default columns should be nullable",
		assertFalse("NOT NULL columns should be reflected in table schema",
		assertTrue("NOT NULL NORELY columns should be considered nullable",
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #15
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public void useCatalog(SessionContext session, String catalogName) throws SqlExecutionException {
	final ExecutionContext<?> context = getOrCreateExecutionContext(session);
	final TableEnvironment tableEnv = context

	context.wrapClassLoader(() -> {
		// Rely on TableEnvironment/CatalogManager to validate input
		try {
		} catch (CatalogException e) {
			throw new SqlExecutionException("Failed to switch to catalog " + catalogName, e);
		return null;
Example #16
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testBatchAppend() {
	TableEnvironment tEnv = HiveTestUtils.createTableEnvWithBlinkPlannerBatchMode(SqlDialect.HIVE);
	tEnv.registerCatalog(hiveCatalog.getName(), hiveCatalog);
	tEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tEnv.executeSql("create table append_table (i int, j int)");
		TableEnvUtil.execInsertSqlAndWaitResult(tEnv, "insert into append_table select 1, 1");
		TableEnvUtil.execInsertSqlAndWaitResult(tEnv, "insert into append_table select 2, 2");
		ArrayList<Row> rows = Lists.newArrayList(tEnv.executeSql("select * from append_table").collect());
		rows.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(o -> (int) o.getField(0)));
		Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Row.of(1, 1), Row.of(2, 2)), rows);
	} finally {
		tEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #17
Source File:    From zeppelin with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public TableEnvironment createScalaFlinkBatchTableEnvironment() {
  try {
    Class clazz = null;
    if (flinkVersion.isFlink110()) {
      clazz = Class
    } else {
      clazz = Class
    Constructor constructor = clazz

    return (TableEnvironment)
            constructor.newInstance(benv, tblConfig, catalogManager, moduleManager);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new TableException("Fail to createScalaFlinkBatchTableEnvironment", e);
Example #18
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public void testConfiguration() throws Exception {
	final ExecutionContext<?> context = createConfigurationExecutionContext();
	final TableEnvironment tableEnv = context.getTableEnvironment();

	Configuration conf = tableEnv.getConfig().getConfiguration();
	assertEquals(100, conf.getInteger(ExecutionConfigOptions.TABLE_EXEC_SORT_DEFAULT_LIMIT));
	assertEquals("128kb", conf.getString(ExecutionConfigOptions.TABLE_EXEC_SPILL_COMPRESSION_BLOCK_SIZE));


	// these options are not modified and should be equal to their default value
Example #19
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private void testCaseInsensitive(String format) throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tEnv = createTableEnvWithHiveCatalog(hiveCatalog);
	String folderURI = TEMPORARY_FOLDER.newFolder().toURI().toString();

	// Flink to write sensitive fields to parquet file
			"create table parquet_t (I int, J int) with (" +
	waitForJobFinish(tEnv.executeSql("insert into parquet_t select 1, 2"));
	tEnv.executeSql("drop table parquet_t");

	// Hive to read parquet file
			"create external table parquet_t (i int, j int) stored as %s location '%s'",
			Row.of(1, 2),
			tEnv.executeSql("select * from parquet_t").collect().next());
Example #20
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testDateTimestampPartitionColumns() throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvWithHiveCatalog();
	tableEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.part(x int) partitioned by (dt date,ts timestamp)");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "part")
				.addRow(new Object[]{1})
				.addRow(new Object[]{2})
				.commit("dt='2019-12-23',ts='2019-12-23 00:00:00'");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "part")
				.addRow(new Object[]{3})
				.commit("dt='2019-12-25',ts='2019-12-25 16:23:43.012'");
		List<Row> results = Lists.newArrayList(tableEnv.sqlQuery("select * from db1.part order by x").execute().collect());
		assertEquals("[1,2019-12-23,2019-12-23T00:00, 2,2019-12-23,2019-12-23T00:00, 3,2019-12-25,2019-12-25T16:23:43.012]", results.toString());

		results = Lists.newArrayList(tableEnv.sqlQuery("select x from db1.part where dt=cast('2019-12-25' as date)").execute().collect());
		assertEquals("[3]", results.toString());

		TableEnvUtil.execInsertSqlAndWaitResult(tableEnv, "insert into db1.part select 4,cast('2019-12-31' as date),cast('2019-12-31 12:00:00.0' as timestamp)");
		results = Lists.newArrayList(tableEnv.sqlQuery("select max(dt) from db1.part").execute().collect());
		assertEquals("[2019-12-31]", results.toString());
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #21
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates a table using the given query in the given table environment.
private Table createTable(TableEnvironment tableEnv, String selectQuery) {
	// parse and validate query
	try {
		return tableEnv.sqlQuery(selectQuery);
	} catch (Throwable t) {
		// catch everything such that the query does not crash the executor
		throw new SqlExecutionException("Invalid SQL statement.", t);
Example #22
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public void testParallelismOnLimitPushDown() {
	final String dbName = "source_db";
	final String tblName = "test_parallelism_limit_pushdown";
	TableEnvironment tEnv = createTableEnv();
	tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE source_db.test_parallelism_limit_pushdown " +
				"(`year` STRING, `value` INT) partitioned by (pt int)");
	HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, dbName, tblName)
				.addRow(new Object[]{"2014", 3})
				.addRow(new Object[]{"2014", 4})
	HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, dbName, tblName)
				.addRow(new Object[]{"2015", 2})
				.addRow(new Object[]{"2015", 5})
	Table table = tEnv.sqlQuery("select * from hive.source_db.test_parallelism_limit_pushdown limit 1");
	PlannerBase planner = (PlannerBase) ((TableEnvironmentImpl) tEnv).getPlanner();
	RelNode relNode = planner.optimize(TableTestUtil.toRelNode(table));
	ExecNode execNode = planner.translateToExecNodePlan(toScala(Collections.singletonList(relNode))).get(0);
	Transformation transformation = execNode.translateToPlan(planner);
	Assert.assertEquals(1, ((PartitionTransformation) ((OneInputTransformation) transformation).getInput())
Example #23
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public void testTables() throws Exception {
	final ExecutionContext<?> context = createDefaultExecutionContext();
	final TableEnvironment tableEnv = context.getTableEnvironment();

		new String[]{"TableNumber1", "TableNumber2", "TableSourceSink", "TestView1", "TestView2"},
Example #24
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private static void testSqlError(
		TableEnvironment env,
		Table inputTable,
		SqlErrorTestItem testItem) {
	try {
		env.sqlQuery("SELECT " + testItem.expression + " FROM " + inputTable).execute();
		fail("Error expected: " + testItem.errorMessage);
	} catch (Throwable t) {
		assertTrue(t instanceof ValidationException);
		assertThat(t.getMessage(), containsString(testItem.errorMessage));
Example #25
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public void testCreateDropTemporaryCatalogFunctionsWithDifferentIdentifier() {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvironment();
	String createNoCatalogDB = "create temporary function f4" +
		" as '" + TEST_FUNCTION + "'";

	String dropNoCatalogDB = "drop temporary function f4";


	String createNonExistsCatalog = "create temporary function catalog1.default_database.f4" +
		" as '" + TEST_FUNCTION + "'";

	String dropNonExistsCatalog = "drop temporary function catalog1.default_database.f4";


	String createNonExistsDB = "create temporary function default_catalog.db1.f4" +
		" as '" + TEST_FUNCTION + "'";

	String dropNonExistsDB = "drop temporary function default_catalog.db1.f4";

Example #26
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);
	String sourceTablePath = params.getRequired("sourceTablePath");
	String queryPath = params.getRequired("queryPath");
	String sinkTablePath = params.getRequired("sinkTablePath");
	Boolean useTableStats = params.getBoolean("useTableStats");
	TableEnvironment tableEnvironment = prepareTableEnv(sourceTablePath, useTableStats);

	//execute TPC-DS queries
	for (String queryId : TPCDS_QUERIES) {
		System.out.println("[INFO]Run TPC-DS query " + queryId + " ...");
		String queryName = QUERY_PREFIX + queryId + QUERY_SUFFIX;
		String queryFilePath = queryPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + queryName;
		String queryString = loadFile2String(queryFilePath);
		Table resultTable = tableEnvironment.sqlQuery(queryString);

		//register sink table
		String sinkTableName = QUERY_PREFIX + queryId + "_sinkTable";
		((TableEnvironmentInternal) tableEnvironment).registerTableSinkInternal(sinkTableName,
				new CsvTableSink(
					sinkTablePath + FILE_SEPARATOR + queryId + RESULT_SUFFIX,
		TableResult tableResult = resultTable.executeInsert(sinkTableName);
		// wait job finish
		System.out.println("[INFO]Run TPC-DS query " + queryId + " success.");
Example #27
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testPartitionPrunning() throws Exception {
	final String dbName = "source_db";
	final String tblName = "test_table_pt_1";
	TableEnvironment tEnv = createTableEnv();
	tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE source_db.test_table_pt_1 " +
					"(`year` STRING, `value` INT) partitioned by (pt int)");
	HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, dbName, tblName)
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2014", 3})
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2014", 4})
	HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, dbName, tblName)
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2015", 2})
			.addRow(new Object[]{"2015", 5})
	Table src = tEnv.sqlQuery("select * from hive.source_db.test_table_pt_1 where pt = 0");
	// first check execution plan to ensure partition prunning works
	String[] explain = src.explain().split("==.*==\n");
	assertEquals(4, explain.length);
	String optimizedLogicalPlan = explain[2];
	String physicalExecutionPlan = explain[3];
	assertTrue(optimizedLogicalPlan, optimizedLogicalPlan.contains(
			"HiveTableSource(year, value, pt) TablePath: source_db.test_table_pt_1, PartitionPruned: true, PartitionNums: 1"));
	assertTrue(physicalExecutionPlan, physicalExecutionPlan.contains(
			"HiveTableSource(year, value, pt) TablePath: source_db.test_table_pt_1, PartitionPruned: true, PartitionNums: 1"));
	// second check execute results
	List<Row> rows = Lists.newArrayList(src.execute().collect());
	assertEquals(2, rows.size());
	Object[] rowStrings =;
	assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"2014,3,0", "2014,4,0"}, rowStrings);
Example #28
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public TableSchema getTableSchema(SessionContext session, String name) throws SqlExecutionException {
	final TableEnvironment tableEnv = getOrCreateExecutionContext(session)
	try {
		return tableEnv.scan(name).getSchema();
	} catch (Throwable t) {
		// catch everything such that the query does not crash the executor
		throw new SqlExecutionException("No table with this name could be found.", t);
Example #29
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public void testViews() throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = getTableEnvWithHiveCatalog();
	tableEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.src (key int,val string)");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "src")
				.addRow(new Object[]{1, "a"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{1, "aa"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{1, "aaa"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{2, "b"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{3, "c"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{3, "ccc"})
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.keys (key int,name string)");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "keys")
				.addRow(new Object[]{1, "key1"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{2, "key2"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{3, "key3"})
				.addRow(new Object[]{4, "key4"})
		hiveShell.execute("create view db1.v1 as select key as k,val as v from db1.src limit 2");
		hiveShell.execute("create view db1.v2 as select key,count(*) from db1.src group by key having count(*)>1 order by key");
		hiveShell.execute("create view db1.v3 as select k.key,,count(*) from db1.src s join db1.keys k on s.key=k.key group by k.key, order by k.key");
		List<Row> results = Lists.newArrayList(tableEnv.sqlQuery("select count(v) from db1.v1").execute().collect());
		assertEquals("[2]", results.toString());
		results = Lists.newArrayList(tableEnv.sqlQuery("select * from db1.v2").execute().collect());
		assertEquals("[1,3, 3,2]", results.toString());
		results = Lists.newArrayList(tableEnv.sqlQuery("select * from db1.v3").execute().collect());
		assertEquals("[1,key1,3, 2,key2,1, 3,key3,2]", results.toString());
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");
Example #30
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testPartitionFilterDateTimestamp() throws Exception {
	TableEnvironment tableEnv = HiveTestUtils.createTableEnvWithBlinkPlannerBatchMode(SqlDialect.HIVE);
	TestPartitionFilterCatalog catalog = new TestPartitionFilterCatalog(
			hiveCatalog.getName(), hiveCatalog.getDefaultDatabase(), hiveCatalog.getHiveConf(), hiveCatalog.getHiveVersion());
	tableEnv.registerCatalog(catalog.getName(), catalog);
	tableEnv.executeSql("create database db1");
	try {
		tableEnv.executeSql("create table db1.part(x int) partitioned by (p1 date,p2 timestamp)");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "part")
				.addRow(new Object[]{1}).commit("p1='2018-08-08',p2='2018-08-08 08:08:08'");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "part")
				.addRow(new Object[]{2}).commit("p1='2018-08-09',p2='2018-08-08 08:08:09'");
		HiveTestUtils.createTextTableInserter(hiveShell, "db1", "part")
				.addRow(new Object[]{3}).commit("p1='2018-08-10',p2='2018-08-08 08:08:10'");

		Table query = tableEnv.sqlQuery(
				"select x from db1.part where p1>cast('2018-08-09' as date) and p2<>cast('2018-08-08 08:08:09' as timestamp)");
		String[] explain = query.explain().split("==.*==\n");
		String optimizedPlan = explain[2];
		assertTrue(optimizedPlan, optimizedPlan.contains("PartitionPruned: true, PartitionNums: 1"));
		List<Row> results = Lists.newArrayList(query.execute().collect());
		assertEquals("[3]", results.toString());
	} finally {
		tableEnv.executeSql("drop database db1 cascade");