org.alfresco.util.Pair Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.alfresco.util.Pair. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private CannedQueryResults<NodeRef> executeGetPeopleQuery(
        final PagingRequest pagingRequest,
        final String pattern,
        final List<QName> filterProps,
        final boolean includeAdministrators,
        final List<Pair<QName, Boolean>> sortProps)
    GetPeopleCannedQueryFactory getPeopleCannedQueryFactory = (GetPeopleCannedQueryFactory) cannedQueryRegistry.getNamedObject(CANNED_QUERY_PEOPLE_LIST);
    final GetPeopleCannedQuery cq = (GetPeopleCannedQuery) getPeopleCannedQueryFactory

    return transactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper().doInTransaction(cq::execute, true);
Example #2
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Pair<String[], Set<QName>> initKeys(Map<String, String> attributeMapping,
        String... extraAttibutes)
    // Compile a complete array of LDAP attribute names, including operational attributes
    Set<String> attributeSet = new TreeSet<String>();
    for (String attribute : attributeMapping.values())
        if (attribute != null)
    String[] attributeNames = new String[attributeSet.size()];

    // Create a set with the property names converted to QNames
    Set<QName> qnames = new HashSet<QName>(attributeMapping.size() * 2);
    for (String property : attributeMapping.keySet())
        qnames.add(QName.createQName(property, this.namespaceService));

    return new Pair<String[], Set<QName>>(attributeNames, qnames);
Example #3
Source File:    From SearchServices with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Query getCMISQuery(CMISQueryMode mode, Pair<SearchParameters, Boolean> searchParametersAndFilter, SolrQueryRequest req, queryModelQuery, CmisVersion cmisVersion, String alternativeDictionary) throws ParseException
    SearchParameters searchParameters = searchParametersAndFilter.getFirst();
    Boolean isFilter = searchParametersAndFilter.getSecond();

    CmisFunctionEvaluationContext functionContext = getCMISFunctionEvaluationContext(mode, cmisVersion, alternativeDictionary);

    Set<String> selectorGroup = queryModelQuery.getSource().getSelectorGroups(functionContext).get(0);

    LuceneQueryBuilderContext<Query, Sort, ParseException> luceneContext = getLuceneQueryBuilderContext(searchParameters, req, alternativeDictionary, FTSQueryParser.RerankPhase.SINGLE_PASS);
    LuceneQueryBuilder<Query, Sort, ParseException> builder = (LuceneQueryBuilder<Query, Sort, ParseException>) queryModelQuery; luceneQuery = builder.buildQuery(selectorGroup, luceneContext, functionContext);

    return new ContextAwareQuery(luceneQuery, Boolean.TRUE.equals(isFilter) ? null : searchParameters);
Example #4
Source File:    From alfresco-remote-api with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Inspect a resource to find operations on it.
 * @param api Api
 * @param entityPath String
 * @param metainfo resource metadata
public static void inspectOperations(Api api, Class<?> resource, final String entityPath, List<ResourceMetadata> metainfo)
    Map<String,Pair<ResourceOperation,Method>> operations = findOperations(entityPath, resource);
    if (operations != null && !operations.isEmpty())
        for (Entry<String, Pair<ResourceOperation, Method>> opera : operations.entrySet())
            Method annotatedMethod = opera.getValue().getSecond();
            final boolean isNoAuthRequired = isNoAuth(annotatedMethod);

            if (isDeleted(annotatedMethod))
                metainfo.add(new OperationResourceMetaData(opera.getKey(), api, new HashSet(Arrays.asList(opera.getValue().getFirst())), isNoAuthRequired));
                metainfo.add(new OperationResourceMetaData(opera.getKey(), Arrays.asList(opera.getValue().getFirst()), api, annotatedMethod, isNoAuthRequired));
Example #5
Source File:    From SearchServices with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Get a report from a nodeId with the associated txId and the indexing status
 * Synchronous execution
 * @param params Query Request with following parameters:
 * - nodeId, mandatory: the number of the node to build the report
 * - core, The name of the SOLR Core or "null" to get the report for every core
 * @return Response including the action result:
 * - report: An Object with the report details
 * - error: When mandatory parameters are not set, an error node is returned
 * @throws JSONException
private NamedList<Object> actionNODEREPORTS(SolrParams params) throws JSONException

    NamedList<Object> report = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();

    if (params.get(ARG_NODEID) == null)
        report.add(ACTION_STATUS_ERROR, "No " + ARG_NODEID +" parameter set.");
        return report;

    Long nodeid = Long.valueOf(params.get(ARG_NODEID));
    String requestedCoreName = coreName(params);

            .filter(coreName -> requestedCoreName == null || coreName.equals(requestedCoreName))
            .map(coreName -> new Pair<>(coreName, coreStatePublisher(coreName)))
            .filter(coreNameAndPublisher -> coreNameAndPublisher.getSecond() != null)
            .forEach(coreNameAndPublisher ->
                            buildNodeReport(coreNameAndPublisher.getSecond(), nodeid)));
    return report;
Example #6
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testAuditModel() throws Exception
    final File file = AbstractContentTransformerTest.loadQuickTestFile("pdf");
    final URL url = new URL("file:" + file.getAbsolutePath());
    RetryingTransactionCallback<Pair<Long, ContentData>> callback = new RetryingTransactionCallback<Pair<Long, ContentData>>()
        public Pair<Long, ContentData> execute() throws Throwable
            Pair<Long, ContentData> auditModelPair = auditDAO.getOrCreateAuditModel(url);
            return auditModelPair;
    Pair<Long, ContentData> configPair = txnHelper.doInTransaction(callback);
    // Now repeat.  The results should be exactly the same.
    Pair<Long, ContentData> configPairCheck = txnHelper.doInTransaction(callback);
    assertEquals(configPair, configPairCheck);
Example #7
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private VisitedNode(
        Long id,
        NodeRef nodeRef,
        QName type,
        Long aclId,
        Pair<Long, ChildAssociationRef> primaryParentAssocPair)
{ = id;
    this.nodeRef = nodeRef;
    this.nodeType = type;
    this.aclId = aclId;
    this.primaryParentAssocPair = primaryParentAssocPair;
    this.secondaryParentAssocs = new ArrayList<Pair<Long,ChildAssociationRef>>(17);
    this.secondaryChildAssocs = new ArrayList<Pair<Long,ChildAssociationRef>>(17);
    this.targetAssocs = new ArrayList<Pair<Long,AssociationRef>>();
    this.sourceAssocs = new ArrayList<Pair<Long,AssociationRef>>();
Example #8
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
  protected List<SiteMembership> queryAndFilter(CannedQueryParameters parameters)
      SiteMembersCannedQueryParams paramBean = (SiteMembersCannedQueryParams)parameters.getParameterBean();
      String siteShortName = paramBean.getShortName();
      boolean collapseGroups = paramBean.isCollapseGroups();

CannedQuerySortDetails sortDetails = parameters.getSortDetails();
List<Pair<? extends Object, SortOrder>> sortPairs = sortDetails.getSortPairs();

  	final CQSiteMembersCallback callback = new CQSiteMembersCallback(siteShortName, sortPairs);
  	siteService.listMembers(siteShortName, null, null, collapseGroups, callback);

      return callback.getSiteMembers();
Example #9
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Pair<Long, String> getMimetype(Long id)
    // Check the cache
    String mimetype = (String) mimetypeEntityCache.get(id);
    if (mimetype != null)
        return new Pair<Long, String>(id, mimetype);
    // Get it from the DB
    MimetypeEntity mimetypeEntity = getMimetypeEntity(id);
    if (mimetypeEntity == null)
        throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("The MimetypeEntity ID " + id + " doesn't exist.");
    mimetype = mimetypeEntity.getMimetype();
    // Cache it
    mimetypeEntityCache.put(mimetype, id);
    mimetypeEntityCache.put(id, mimetype);
    // Done
    return new Pair<Long, String>(id, mimetype);
Example #10
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Map<ACLType, Integer> patchAcls()
    CounterSet result = new CounterSet();
    List<Pair<Long, StoreRef>> stores = nodeDAO.getStores();

    for (Pair<Long, StoreRef> pair : stores)
        CounterSet update;
        Long rootNodeId = nodeDAO.getRootNode(pair.getSecond()).getFirst();
        update = fixOldDmAcls(rootNodeId, nodeDAO.getNodeAclId(rootNodeId), (Long)null, true);

    HashMap<ACLType, Integer> toReturn = new HashMap<ACLType, Integer>();
    toReturn.put(ACLType.DEFINING, Integer.valueOf(result.get(ACLType.DEFINING).getCounter()));
    toReturn.put(ACLType.FIXED, Integer.valueOf(result.get(ACLType.FIXED).getCounter()));
    toReturn.put(ACLType.GLOBAL, Integer.valueOf(result.get(ACLType.GLOBAL).getCounter()));
    toReturn.put(ACLType.LAYERED, Integer.valueOf(result.get(ACLType.LAYERED).getCounter()));
    toReturn.put(ACLType.OLD, Integer.valueOf(result.get(ACLType.OLD).getCounter()));
    toReturn.put(ACLType.SHARED, Integer.valueOf(result.get(ACLType.SHARED).getCounter()));
    return toReturn;
Example #11
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Defers to the typed service
public StoreRef createStore(String protocol, String identifier)
    StoreRef storeRef = new StoreRef(protocol, identifier);
    // invoke policies
    invokeBeforeCreateStore(ContentModel.TYPE_STOREROOT, storeRef);
    // create a new one
    Pair<Long, NodeRef> rootNodePair = nodeDAO.newStore(storeRef);
    NodeRef rootNodeRef = rootNodePair.getSecond();
    // invoke policies
    // Done
    return storeRef;
Example #12
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected String applyInternal() throws Exception
    // We don't need to catch the potential InvalidQNameException here as it will be caught
    // in AbstractPatch and correctly handled there
    QName qnameType = QName.createQName(this.qnameStringType);
    QName qnameAspect = QName.createQName(this.qnameStringAspect);

    Long maxNodeId = patchDAO.getMaxAdmNodeID();
    Pair<Long, QName> type = qnameDAO.getQName(qnameType);
    Pair<Long, QName> aspect = qnameDAO.getQName(qnameAspect);
    if (type != null && aspect != null)
        for (Long i = 0L; i < maxNodeId; i+=BATCH_SIZE)
            Work work = new Work(type, aspect, i);
            retryingTransactionHelper.doInTransaction(work, false, true);

    return I18NUtil.getMessage(MSG_SUCCESS, qnameAspect, qnameType);
Example #13
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected AuditApplicationEntity getAuditApplicationByName(String appName)
    // Resolve the name as a property ID
    Pair<Long, Serializable> appNamePair = propertyValueDAO.getPropertyValue(appName);
    if (appNamePair == null)
        // There will be no results
        return null;
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(11);
    params.put("id", appNamePair.getFirst());
    AuditApplicationEntity entity = template.selectOne(
    // Done
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Searched for audit application '" + appName + "' and found: " + entity);
    return entity;
Example #14
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * This method will tokenise a name string in order to extract first name, last name - if possible.
 * The split is simple - it's made on the first whitespace within the trimmed nameFilter String. So
 * <p/>
 * "Luke Skywalker" becomes ["Luke", "Skywalker"].
 * <p/>
 * "Jar Jar Binks" becomes ["Jar", "Jar Binks"].
 * <p/>
 * "C-3PO" becomes null.
 * @param nameFilter String
 * @return A Pair<firstName, lastName> if the String is valid, else <tt>null</tt>.
private Pair<String, String> tokeniseName(String nameFilter)
    Pair<String, String> result = null;
    if (nameFilter != null)
        final String trimmedNameFilter = nameFilter.trim();
        // We can only have a first name and a last name if we have at least 3 characters e.g. "A B".
        if (trimmedNameFilter.length() > 3)
            final String[] tokens = trimmedNameFilter.split(ON_FIRST_SPACE, 2);
            if (tokens.length == 2)
                result = new Pair<String, String>(tokens[0], tokens[1]);
    return result;
Example #15
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Long getNodeIdNotNull(NodeRef nodeRef)
    Pair<Long, NodeRef> nodePair = nodeDAO.getNodePair(nodeRef);
    if (nodePair == null)
        throw new InvalidNodeRefException(nodeRef);
    return nodePair.getFirst();
Example #16
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testCreateNamespaceEmpty() throws Exception
    // Create a namespace
    String uri = "";
    Pair<Long, String> namespacePair = getNamespace(uri, true, true);
    // Check that it can be retrieved
    Pair<Long, String> namespacePairCheck = getNamespace(namespacePair.getSecond(), false, true);
    assertEquals("Namespace ID changed", namespacePair.getFirst(), namespacePairCheck.getFirst());
Example #17
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testUpdate() throws Exception
    ContentData contentData = getContentData();
    Pair<Long, ContentData> resultPair = create(contentData);
    Long id = resultPair.getFirst();
    // Update
    contentData = ContentData.setMimetype(contentData, "TEXT/HTML"); // Note the upper case mimetype
    contentData = ContentData.setEncoding(contentData, "UTF-16");
    // Don't update the content itself
    update(id, contentData);
    // Check
    Pair<Long, ContentData> result = getAndCheck(id, contentData);
    // Check the mimetype has been lowercased
    assertEquals("text/html", result.getSecond().getMimetype());
Example #18
Source File:    From SearchServices with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void setRequestAuthentication(HttpMethod method, byte[] message) throws IOException
    if (method instanceof PostMethod)
        // encrypt body
        Pair<byte[], AlgorithmParameters> encrypted = encryptor.encrypt(KeyProvider.ALIAS_SOLR, null, message);
        setRequestAlgorithmParameters(method, encrypted.getSecond());

        ((PostMethod) method).setRequestEntity(new ByteArrayRequestEntity(encrypted.getFirst(), "application/octet-stream"));

    long requestTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // add MAC header
    byte[] mac = macUtils.generateMAC(KeyProvider.ALIAS_SOLR, new MACInput(message, requestTimestamp, getLocalIPAddress()));

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
        logger.debug("Setting MAC " + mac + " on HTTP request " + method.getPath());
        logger.debug("Setting timestamp " + requestTimestamp + " on HTTP request " + method.getPath());

    if (overrideMAC)
        mac[0] += (byte) 1;
    setRequestMac(method, mac);

    if (overrideTimestamp)
        requestTimestamp += 60000;
    // prevent replays
    setRequestTimestamp(method, requestTimestamp);
Example #19
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testBasicBytes_WithKey()
    byte[] bytes = new byte[] {11, 12, 13};

    Pair<byte[], AlgorithmParameters> encryptedPair = encryptor.encrypt("mykey1", null, bytes);
    byte[] decrypted = encryptor.decrypt(
    assertTrue("Encryption round trip failed. ", Arrays.equals(bytes, decrypted));
Example #20
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testContentUrl_FetchingOrphansWithLimit() throws Exception
    // Orphan some content
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        ContentData contentData = getContentData();
        Pair<Long, ContentData> resultPair = create(contentData);
        getAndCheck(resultPair.getFirst(), contentData);
    final int[] count = new int[] {0}; 
    // Iterate over all orphaned content URLs and ensure that we hit the one we just orphaned
    ContentUrlHandler handler = new ContentUrlHandler()
        public void handle(Long id, String contentUrl, Long orphanTime)
            // Check
            if (id == null || contentUrl == null || orphanTime == null)
                fail("Invalid orphan data returned to handler: " + id + "-" + contentUrl + "-" + orphanTime);
    contentDataDAO.getContentUrlsOrphaned(handler, Long.MAX_VALUE, 5);
    assertEquals("Expected exactly 5 results callbacks", 5, count[0]);
Example #21
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Pair<Long, String> getNamespace(String namespaceUri)
    if (namespaceUri == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Namespace URI cannot be null");
    Pair<Long, String> entityPair = namespaceCache.getByValue(namespaceUri);
    return entityPair;
Example #22
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param nodeId            the key node ID
public Pair<Long, Node> findByKey(Long nodeId)
    NodeEntity node = selectNodeById(nodeId);
    if (node != null)
        // Lock it to prevent 'accidental' modification
        return new Pair<Long, Node>(nodeId, node);
        return null;
Example #23
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void assertPropDeleted(Pair<Long, ?> value)
    if (value != null)
        String msg = String.format("Property value [%s=%s] should have been deleted by cleanup script.",
                    value.getSecond().getClass().getSimpleName(), value.getSecond());
Example #24
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetNodeIdsIntervalForType() throws Exception
    // Different calls with equivalent parameters should return the same values
    Pair<Long, Long> interval1 = getNodeIdsInterval(0L, System.currentTimeMillis());
    Pair<Long, Long> interval2 = getNodeIdsInterval(null, System.currentTimeMillis());
    Pair<Long, Long> interval3 = getNodeIdsInterval(null, null);
    assertEquals(interval1.getFirst(), interval2.getFirst());
    assertEquals(interval2.getFirst(), interval3.getFirst());
    assertEquals(interval1.getSecond(), interval2.getSecond());
    assertEquals(interval2.getSecond(), interval3.getSecond());
Example #25
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testCreateQName() throws Exception
    // Create a qname
    QName qname = QName.createQName(getName(), GUID.generate());
    Pair<Long, QName> qnamePair = getQName(qname, true, true);
    // Check that it can be retrieved
    Pair<Long, QName> qnamePairCheck = getQName(qnamePair.getSecond(), false, true);
    assertEquals("QName ID changed", qnamePair.getFirst(), qnamePairCheck.getFirst());
    // Check the duplicate checking
    getQName(qname, true, false);
Example #26
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeleteByKey() throws Exception
    TestValue valueOne = new TestValue(getName() + "-ONE");
    Pair<Long, Object> entityPairOne = entityLookupCacheA.getOrCreateByValue(valueOne);
    Long id = entityPairOne.getFirst();
    assertEquals(valueOne.val, database.get(id));
    assertEquals(2, cache.getKeys().size());
    // Delete
    int deleteCount = entityLookupCacheA.deleteByKey(id);
    assertEquals("Delete count was incorrect.", 1, deleteCount);
    assertEquals(0, cache.getKeys().size());
Example #27
Source File:    From SearchServices with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Get a report from a txId with detailed information related with the Transaction
 * Synchronous execution
 * @param params Query Request with following parameters:
 * - txId, mandatory, the number of the Transaction to build the report
 * - core, The name of the SOLR Core or "null" to get the report for every core
 * @return Response including the action result:
 * - report: an Object with the details of the report
 * - error: When mandatory parameters are not set, an error node is returned
 * @throws JSONException
private NamedList<Object> actionTXREPORT(SolrParams params) throws JSONException
    NamedList<Object> report = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();

    if (params.get(ARG_TXID) == null)
        report.add(ACTION_STATUS_ERROR, "No " + ARG_TXID + " parameter set.");
        return report;

    Long txid = Long.valueOf(params.get(ARG_TXID));
    String requestedCoreName = coreName(params);

            .filter(coreName -> requestedCoreName == null || coreName.equals(requestedCoreName))
            .map(coreName -> new Pair<>(coreName, trackerRegistry.getTrackerForCore(coreName, MetadataTracker.class)))
            .filter(coreNameAndMetadataTracker -> coreNameAndMetadataTracker.getSecond() != null)
            .forEach(coreNameAndMetadataTracker ->

    if (report.size() == 0)
    return report;

Example #28
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Helper method that returns the same result type as {@link #check(Log)} given a local checkCommand.
public static Pair<Boolean,String> check(RuntimeExec checkCommand)
    ExecutionResult result = checkCommand.execute();
    Boolean success = result.getSuccess();
    String output = success ? result.getStdOut().trim() : result.toString();
    return new Pair<>(success, output);
Example #29
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Long getQNameId(QName sortPropQName)
    if (sortPropQName.equals(SORT_QNAME_CONTENT_SIZE) || sortPropQName.equals(SORT_QNAME_CONTENT_MIMETYPE))
        sortPropQName = ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT;
    Pair<Long, QName> qnamePair = qnameDAO.getQName(sortPropQName);
    return (qnamePair == null ? null : qnamePair.getFirst());
Example #30
Source File:    From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public NodeRef getNodeRef(Long nodeId)
    Pair<Long, NodeRef> nodePair = nodeDAO.getNodePair(nodeId);
    return nodePair == null ? null : nodePair.getSecond();