Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From swagger-parser with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Decodes the given string and returns an object applicable to the given schema.
 * Throws a ParseException if no applicable object can be recognized.
private Object getDecodedObject( Schema schema, String objectString) throws ParseException {
    Object object =
        objectString == null?
        null :

        schema.getClass().equals( DateSchema.class)?
        toDate( objectString) :

        schema.getClass().equals( DateTimeSchema.class)?
        toDateTime( objectString) :

        schema.getClass().equals( ByteArraySchema.class)?
        toBytes( objectString) :


    if( object == null && objectString != null) {
        throw new ParseException( objectString, 0);

    return object;
Example #2
Source File:    From crnk-framework with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testByte() {
  MetaPrimitiveType type = new MetaPrimitiveType();
  Schema schema = OASUtils.transformMetaResourceField(type);
  Assert.assertTrue(schema instanceof ByteArraySchema);
Example #3
Source File:    From swagger-parser with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testIssue75() {
    OpenAPIV3Parser parser = new OpenAPIV3Parser();
    final OpenAPI openAPI ="src/test/resources/issue99.yaml");
    RequestBody body =  openAPI.getPaths().get("/albums").getPost().getRequestBody();
    Schema model = body.getContent().get("application/json").getSchema();

    assertTrue(model instanceof ArraySchema);
    ArraySchema am = (ArraySchema) model;
    assertTrue(am.getItems() instanceof ByteArraySchema);
    assertEquals(am.getItems().getFormat(), "byte");
Example #4
Source File:    From swagger-parser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static Schema createSchema(String type, String format) {

        if(INTEGER_TYPE.equals(type)) {
                return new IntegerSchema().format(null);
            }else {
                return new IntegerSchema().format(format);
        else if(NUMBER_TYPE.equals(type)) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(format)){
                return new NumberSchema();
            } else {
                return new NumberSchema().format(format);
        else if(BOOLEAN_TYPE.equals(type)) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(format)){
                return new BooleanSchema();
            } else {
                return new BooleanSchema().format(format);
        else if(STRING_TYPE.equals(type)) {
            if(BYTE_FORMAT.equals(format)) {
                return new ByteArraySchema();
            else if(BINARY_FORMAT.equals(format)) {
                return new BinarySchema();
            else if(DATE_FORMAT.equals(format)) {
                return new DateSchema();
            else if(DATE_TIME_FORMAT.equals(format)) {
                return new DateTimeSchema();
            else if(PASSWORD_FORMAT.equals(format)) {
                return new PasswordSchema();
            else if(EMAIL_FORMAT.equals(format)) {
                return new EmailSchema();
            else if(UUID_FORMAT.equals(format)) {
                return new UUIDSchema();
            else {
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(format)){
                    return new StringSchema().format(null);
                }else {
                    return new StringSchema().format(format);
        else if(OBJECT_TYPE.equals(type)) {
            return new ObjectSchema();
        else {
            return new Schema();
Example #5
Source File:    From swagger-parser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testDeserializeByteString() {
    String yaml = "openapi: 3.0.0\n" +
            "servers: []\n" +
            "info:\n" +
            "  version: 0.0.0\n" +
            "  title: My Title\n" +
            "paths:\n" +
            "  /persons:\n" +
            "    get:\n" +
            "      description: a test\n" +
            "      responses:\n" +
            "        '200':\n" +
            "          description: Successful response\n" +
            "          content:\n" +
            "            '*/*':\n" +
            "              schema:\n" +
            "                type: object\n" +
            "                properties:\n" +
            "                  bytes:\n" +
            "                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/ByteString'\n" +
            "components:\n" +
            "  schemas:\n" +
            "    ByteString:\n" +
            "      type: string\n" +
            "      format: byte\n" +
            "      default: W.T.F?\n" +
            "      enum:\n" +
            "        - VGhlIHdvcmxk\n" +
            "        - aXMgYWxs\n" +
            "        - dGhhdCBpcw==\n" +
            "        - dGhlIGNhc2U=\n" +
            "        - W.T.F?\n" +
    OpenAPIV3Parser parser = new OpenAPIV3Parser();
    SwaggerParseResult result = parser.readContents(yaml, null, null);

    final OpenAPI resolved = new OpenAPIResolver(result.getOpenAPI(), null).resolve();

    Schema byteModel = resolved.getComponents().getSchemas().get("ByteString");
    assertTrue(byteModel instanceof ByteArraySchema);
    List<byte[]> byteValues = byteModel.getEnum();
    assertEquals(byteValues.size(), 4);
    assertEquals(new String( byteValues.get(0)), "The world");
    assertEquals(new String( byteValues.get(1)), "is all");
    assertEquals(new String( byteValues.get(2)), "that is");
    assertEquals(new String( byteValues.get(3)), "the case");

    assertEquals( byteModel.getDefault(), null);

        "attribute components.schemas.ByteString.enum=`W.T.F?` is not of type `byte`",
        "attribute components.schemas.ByteString.default=`W.T.F?` is not of type `byte`"));