mpicbg.models.IllDefinedDataPointsException Java Examples

The following examples show how to use mpicbg.models.IllDefinedDataPointsException. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From render with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Fits sampled points to a model.
 * Stolen from
 * <a href="">
 * </a>.
 * @param  model                model to fit (note: model will be changed by this operation).
 * @param  coordinateTransform  transform to apply to each sampled point.
 * @param  sampleWidth          width of each sample.
 * @param  sampleHeight         height of each sample.
 * @param  samplesPerDimension  number of samples to take in each dimension.
public static void fit(final Model<?> model,
                       final CoordinateTransform coordinateTransform,
                       final double sampleWidth,
                       final double sampleHeight,
                       final int samplesPerDimension)
        throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException {

    final List<PointMatch> matches = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int y = 0; y < samplesPerDimension; ++y) {
        final double sampleY = y * sampleHeight;
        for (int x = 0; x < samplesPerDimension; ++x) {
            final double sampleX = x * sampleWidth;
            final Point p = new Point(new double[]{sampleX, sampleY});
            matches.add(new PointMatch(p, p));
Example #2
Source File:    From render with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Sample the average scaling of a given {@link CoordinateTransform} by transferring a set of point samples using
 * the {@link CoordinateTransform} and then least-squares fitting a {@link SimilarityModel2D} to it.
 * @param width  of the samples set
 * @param height of the samples set
 * @param dx     spacing between samples
 * @return average scale factor
public static double sampleAverageScale(final CoordinateTransform ct,
                                        final int width,
                                        final int height,
                                        final double dx) {
    final ArrayList<PointMatch> samples = new ArrayList<>();
    for (double y = 0; y < height; y += dx) {
        for (double x = 0; x < width; x += dx) {
            final Point p = new Point(new double[]{x, y});
            samples.add(new PointMatch(p, p));
    final AffineModel2D model = new AffineModel2D();
    try {;
    } catch (final NotEnoughDataPointsException | IllDefinedDataPointsException e) {
        LOG.warn("failed to fit samples, returning scale factor of 1", e);
        return 1;
    final double[] data = new double[6];
    // return 1;
    return Math.sqrt(Math.max(data[0] * data[0] + data[1] * data[1], data[2] * data[2] + data[3] * data[3]));
Example #3
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Estimates an initial {@link Model} based on some given {@link PointMatch}es. Note that the {@link PointMatch}es have to be stored as PointMatch(target,reference). 
 * @param matches - The {@link List} of apriori known {@link PointMatch}es
 * @param model - The {@link Model} to use
 * @throws NotEnoughDataPointsException
 * @throws IllDefinedDataPointsException
public void estimateIntialModel( final List<PointMatch> matches, final Model<?> model ) throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException
	/* remove ambigous correspondences */
	ambigousMatches = removeAmbigousMatches( matches );
	/* fit the model */ matches );

	/* apply the new model of the target to determine the error */
	for ( final P point : target )
		point.apply( model );

	/* compute the output */
	avgError = PointMatch.meanDistance( matches );
	maxError = PointMatch.maxDistance( matches );
	numMatches = matches.size();
	pointMatches = matches;		
Example #4
Source File:    From TrakEM2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
   public < P extends PointMatch >void fit(final Collection< P > matches)
		throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException

	final Stack< java.awt.Point > sourcePoints = new Stack<java.awt.Point>();
	final Stack< java.awt.Point > targetPoints = new Stack<java.awt.Point>();

	for ( final P pm : matches )
		final double[] p1 = pm.getP1().getL();
		final double[] p2 = pm.getP2().getL();

		targetPoints.add( new java.awt.Point( ( int )Math.round( p1[ 0 ] ), ( int )Math.round( p1[ 1 ] ) ) );
		sourcePoints.add( new java.awt.Point( ( int )Math.round( p2[ 0 ] ), ( int )Math.round( p2[ 1 ] ) ) );

	final Transformation transf = bUnwarpJ_.computeTransformationBatch(sourceWidth,
			sourceHeight, width, height, sourcePoints, targetPoints, parameter);
	this.set(transf.getIntervals(), transf.getDirectDeformationCoefficientsX(),
			transf.getDirectDeformationCoefficientsY(), width, height);
Example #5
Source File:    From render with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void calculate(final List<List<PointMatch>> consensusSetInliers,
                      final Model aggregateModel)
        throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException {

    consensusSetDeltaXStandardDeviations = new ArrayList<>();
    consensusSetDeltaYStandardDeviations = new ArrayList<>();
    aggregateDeltaXAndYStandardDeviation = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 };

    final List<PointMatch> aggregatedInliers = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final List<PointMatch> consensusSet : consensusSetInliers) {
        if (consensusSet.size() > 0) {
            final double[] worldDeltaXAndYStandardDeviation = getWorldDeltaXAndYStandardDeviation(consensusSet);
            if (aggregateModel != null) {
                consensusSet.forEach(pm -> aggregatedInliers.add(new PointMatch(pm.getP1().clone(),

    if (aggregateModel == null) {
        if (consensusSetDeltaXStandardDeviations.size() > 0) {
            aggregateDeltaXAndYStandardDeviation = new double[]{
    } else {;
        this.aggregateDeltaXAndYStandardDeviation = getWorldDeltaXAndYStandardDeviation(aggregatedInliers);
Example #6
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
final public <P extends PointMatch> void fit( final Collection< P > matches )
	throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException
	if ( matches.size() < MIN_NUM_MATCHES )
		throw new NotEnoughDataPointsException( matches.size() + " matches given, we need at least " + MIN_NUM_MATCHES + " data point." );
Example #7
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
final public <P extends PointMatch> void fit( final Collection< P > matches )
	throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException
	if ( matches.size() < MIN_NUM_MATCHES )
		throw new NotEnoughDataPointsException( matches.size() + " matches given, we need at least " + MIN_NUM_MATCHES + " data point." );
Example #8
Source File:    From TrakEM2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public < P extends PointMatch >void fit( final Collection< P > pointMatches ) throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException
	if ( pointMatches.size() < getMinNumMatches() )
		throw new NotEnoughDataPointsException( pointMatches.size() + " data points are not enough to estimate a 2d polynomial of order " + nlt.getDimension() + ", at least " + getMinNumMatches() + " data points required." ); pointMatches );

	final double h1[][] = new double[ pointMatches.size() ][ 2 ];
    final double h2[][] = new double[ pointMatches.size() ][ 2 ];

    int i = 0;
	for ( final P match : pointMatches )
    	final double[] tmp1 = match.getP1().getL().clone();
    	affine.applyInPlace( tmp1 );

    	final double[] tmp2 = match.getP2().getW();

    	h1[ i ] = new double[]{ tmp1[ 0 ], tmp1[ 1 ] };
		h2[ i ] = new double[]{ tmp2[ 0 ], tmp2[ 1 ] };

    } h1, h2, lambda );
Example #9
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Minimize the displacement of all {@link PointMatch Correspondence pairs}
 * of all {@link Tile Tiles}
 * @param maxAllowedError do not accept convergence if error is &lt; max_error
 * @param maxIterations stop after that many iterations even if there was
 *   no minimum found
 * @param maxPlateauwidth convergence is reached if the average absolute
 *   slope in an interval of this size and half this size is smaller than
 *   0.0001 (in double accuracy).  This is assumed to prevent the algorithm
 *   from stopping at plateaus smaller than this value.
 * @param debugLevel defines if the Optimizer prints the output at the end of the process
public void optimize(
		final double maxAllowedError,
		final int maxIterations,
		final int maxPlateauwidth,
		final int debugLevel ) throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException 
	final ErrorStatistic observer = new ErrorStatistic( maxPlateauwidth + 1 );
	int i = 0;
	boolean proceed = i < maxIterations;
	while ( proceed )
		for ( final TileSPIM tile : tiles )
			if ( fixedTiles.contains( tile ) ) continue;
		observer.add( error );
		if ( i > maxPlateauwidth )
			proceed = error > maxAllowedError;
			int d = maxPlateauwidth;
			while ( !proceed && d >= 1 )
					proceed |= Math.abs( observer.getWideSlope( d ) ) > 0.0001;
				catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); }
				d /= 2;
		proceed &= ++i < maxIterations;
	if ( debugLevel <= ViewStructure.DEBUG_MAIN )
		println( "Successfully optimized configuration of " + tiles.size() + " tiles after " + i + " iterations:" );
		println( "  average displacement: " + decimalFormat.format( error ) + "px" );
		println( "  minimal displacement: " + decimalFormat.format( minError ) + "px" );
		println( "  maximal displacement: " + decimalFormat.format( maxError ) + "px" );
Example #10
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
final public <P extends PointMatch> void fit( final Collection< P > matches )
	throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException
	if ( matches.size() < MIN_NUM_MATCHES )
		throw new NotEnoughDataPointsException( matches.size() + " data points are not enough to estimate a 3d affine model, at least " + MIN_NUM_MATCHES + " data points required." );

		a00, a01, a02,
		     a11, a12,
		b00, b01, b02,
		b10, b11, b12,
		b20, b21, b22;

	a00 = a01 = a02 = a11 = a12 = a22 = b00 = b01 = b02 = b10 = b11 = b12 = b20 = b21 = b22 = 0;
	for ( final PointMatch m : matches )
		final double[] p = m.getP1().getL();
		final double[] q = m.getP2().getW();
		final double w = m.getWeight();

		final double px = p[ 0 ], py = p[ 1 ], pz = p[ 2 ];
		final double qx = q[ 0 ], qy = q[ 1 ], qz = q[ 2 ];
		a00 += w * px * px;
		a01 += w * px * py;
		a02 += w * px * pz;
		a11 += w * py * py;
		a12 += w * py * pz;
		a22 += w * pz * pz;

		b00 += w * px * qx;
		b01 += w * px * qy;
		b02 += w * px * qz;
		b10 += w * py * qx;
		b11 += w * py * qy;
		b12 += w * py * qz;
		b20 += w * pz * qx;
		b21 += w * pz * qy;
		b22 += w * pz * qz;

	final double det =
		a00 * a11 * a22 +
		a01 * a12 * a02 +
		a02 * a01 * a12 -
		a02 * a11 * a02 -
		a12 * a12 * a00 -
		a22 * a01 * a01;

	if ( det == 0 )
		throw new IllDefinedDataPointsException();

	final double idet = 1f / det;

	final double ai00 = ( a11 * a22 - a12 * a12 ) * idet;
	final double ai01 = ( a02 * a12 - a01 * a22 ) * idet;
	final double ai02 = ( a01 * a12 - a02 * a11 ) * idet;
	final double ai11 = ( a00 * a22 - a02 * a02 ) * idet;
	final double ai12 = ( a02 * a01 - a00 * a12 ) * idet;
	final double ai22 = ( a00 * a11 - a01 * a01 ) * idet;

	m00 = ai00 * b00 + ai01 * b10 + ai02 * b20;
	m01 = ai01 * b00 + ai11 * b10 + ai12 * b20;
	m02 = ai02 * b00 + ai12 * b10 + ai22 * b20;

	m10 = ai00 * b01 + ai01 * b11 + ai02 * b21;
	m11 = ai01 * b01 + ai11 * b11 + ai12 * b21;
	m12 = ai02 * b01 + ai12 * b11 + ai22 * b21;

	m20 = ai00 * b02 + ai01 * b12 + ai02 * b22;
	m21 = ai01 * b02 + ai11 * b12 + ai12 * b22;
	m22 = ai02 * b02 + ai12 * b12 + ai22 * b22;
Example #11
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
final public <P extends PointMatch> void fit( final Collection< P > matches )
	throws NotEnoughDataPointsException, IllDefinedDataPointsException
	if ( matches.size() < MIN_NUM_MATCHES )
		throw new NotEnoughDataPointsException( matches.size() + " data points are not enough to estimate a 3d rigid model, at least " + MIN_NUM_MATCHES + " data points required." );

	// calculate N
	double Sxx, Sxy, Sxz, Syx, Syy, Syz, Szx, Szy, Szz;
	Sxx = Sxy = Sxz = Syx = Syy = Syz = Szx = Szy = Szz = 0;
	for ( final PointMatch m : matches )
		final double[] p = m.getP1().getL(); 
		final double[] q = m.getP2().getW();
		final double x1 = p[ 0 ];
		final double y1 = p[ 1 ];
		final double z1 = p[ 2 ];
		final double x2 = q[ 0 ];
		final double y2 = q[ 1 ];
		final double z2 = q[ 2 ];
		Sxx += x1 * x2;
		Sxy += x1 * y2;
		Sxz += x1 * z2;
		Syx += y1 * x2;
		Syy += y1 * y2;
		Syz += y1 * z2;
		Szx += z1 * x2;
		Szy += z1 * y2;
		Szz += z1 * z2;
	N[0][0] = Sxx + Syy + Szz;
	N[0][1] = Syz - Szy;
	N[0][2] = Szx - Sxz;
	N[0][3] = Sxy - Syx;
	N[1][0] = Syz - Szy;
	N[1][1] = Sxx - Syy - Szz;
	N[1][2] = Sxy + Syx;
	N[1][3] = Szx + Sxz;
	N[2][0] = Szx - Sxz;
	N[2][1] = Sxy + Syx;
	N[2][2] = -Sxx + Syy - Szz;
	N[2][3] = Syz + Szy;
	N[3][0] = Sxy - Syx;
	N[3][1] = Szx + Sxz;
	N[3][2] = Syz + Szy;
	N[3][3] = -Sxx - Syy + Szz;

	// calculate eigenvector with maximal eigenvalue
	final JacobiFloat jacobi = new JacobiFloat(N);
	final float[][] eigenvectors = jacobi.getEigenVectors();
	final float[] eigenvalues = jacobi.getEigenValues();
	int index = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
		if (eigenvalues[i] > eigenvalues[index])
			index = i;

	final float[] q = eigenvectors[index];
	final float q0 = q[0], qx = q[1], qy = q[2], qz = q[3];
	// calculate eigenvector with maximal eigenvalue

	final EigenvalueDecomposition evd = new EigenvalueDecomposition( new Matrix( N ) );
	final double[] eigenvalues = evd.getRealEigenvalues();
	final Matrix eigenVectors = evd.getV();

	int index = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
		if (eigenvalues[i] > eigenvalues[index])
			index = i;

	final double q0 = eigenVectors.get( 0, index ); 
	final double qx = eigenVectors.get( 1, index );
	final double qy = eigenVectors.get( 2, index );
	final double qz = eigenVectors.get( 3, index );
	// computational result
	// rotational part
	m00 = (q0 * q0 + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz);
	m01 = 2 * (qx * qy - q0 * qz);
	m02 = 2 * (qx * qz + q0 * qy);
	m10 = 2 * (qy * qx + q0 * qz);
	m11 = (q0 * q0 - qx * qx + qy * qy - qz * qz);
	m12 = 2 * (qy * qz - q0 * qx);
	m20 = 2 * (qz * qx - q0 * qy);
	m21 = 2 * (qz * qy + q0 * qx);
	m22 = (q0 * q0 - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz);
	// translational part
	result.apply(c1x, c1y, c1z);
	result.a03 = c2x - result.x;
	result.a13 = c2y - result.y;
	result.a23 = c2z - result.z;