httpclient-android Build Status

Build script and dependencies to create repackaged upstream version of HttpClient and depdendencies (HttpMime, HttpCore, HttpClient-Cache) and get it working on Android API version from 3 to 23

Current version: 4.5.8 (originating from upstream HttpClient 4.5.8 version)


Download the repository and simply hit ./ script


Required dependencies are:


Build params (ENV variables) you can use:

Maven Central

This repository version will publish the library under namespace

 Maven Local

Using gradle installArchives will install the library to local Maven repository


Gradle dependency string, once you have it installed

dependencies {
  compile ""

Or you can simply depend on the project, like this (httpclient-android is resulting Gradle project dir)

dependencies {
  compile project("/path/to/generated/project/httpclient-android")

Testing the library on the device

To test the library, you can use provided android app template, in the /testing-android-app folder

This template currently just shows the response from if successfull, and the error message otherwise

cd testing-android-app
./gradlew clean instalDebug
adb shell am start -n

If everything goes well, you should see, within seconds after running the last command, json with http headers of just finished HttpGet