
Collection of independent libraries on top of Spring Boot to provide a faster setup of jvm microservices.

"I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work." - Thomas Edison


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Have a look at the release notes for details about updates and changes.


This project contains a number of independent libraries on top of Spring Boot to provide a faster setup of jvm microservices. The libraries are used in different projects at OTTO. It's purpose is to provide a common implementation for cross-cutting requirements like:

... plus all the features of Spring Boot.

Future Releases aka Roadmap

Semantic Versioning v2.0.0 is used to specify the version numbers.

This project maintains its roadmap with issues and milestones.

1.0.0: Edison Microservices for Spring Boot 1.4 ✔

1.x.0: Edison Microservices for Spring Boot 1.5 ✔

2.0.0: Edison Microservices for Spring Boot 2.x

Migration from Edison 1.x to Edison 2

Edison 2 has several breaking changes that will make a refactoring of your current application necessary. For a list of the actual changes, please take a look at the Changelog.

When migrating, take care of the following adjustments:


Edison Modules:



Make sure you have Java 8 or later and gradle 5.x installed on your computer.


Test and create coverage report

gradle check

Dependency Update

Determine possible dependency updates

gradle dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release


Publish new releases

gradle uploadArchives


There are a few examples that may help you to start your first microservice based on Edison and Spring Boot. Because Spring Boot itself has some complexity, it is recommended to first read it's documentation before starting with Edison.

The examples can be started with gradle:

gradle examples:example-status:bootRun
gradle examples:example-jobs:bootRun
gradle examples:example-togglz:bootRun
gradle examples:example-togglz-mongo:bootRun

Open in your browser http://localhost:8080/

Note: Every example is configured to use port 8080, so make sure to run only one example at a time or to reconfigure the ports.


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