
htm.java awesomeness

NOTE: Minimum JavaSE version is 1.8

Originally Developed for Use with Nostromo, a Numenta HTM Challenge entry.

(2015-10-21) Progress delayed for a few days while I work on machine intelligence work: htm.java and Cortical.io

Also see the Ultimate JavaFX Layout Engine

A new JavaFX Mapping API which allows you to embed Google Maps in your JavaFX application and combines two API's (GMapsFX and google-maps-services-java) to allow one to easily use functionality missing in both, such as:


Right now it is a project meant for import into an IDE. There is a reference implementation that I will be working on to show the potential of this library. The class is:


I will keep its status up to date until I reach the point where I can start work on the project that uses this library (see Nostromo)









Stay Tuned For More as this gets flushed out! :-)