
An alternative to the ring based, consistent hashing. This is a fast thread safe implementation of Rendezvous (Highest Random Weight, HRW) hashing. An algorithm that allows clients to achieve distributed agreement on which node (or proxy) a given key is to be placed in. This implementation has the following properties.


In comparison (source code) of Consistent hashing and Rendezvous hashing, consider the following load distribution after removing a couple nodes in a 5 node ring:

Only node4 takes the load of the 2 that were removed. However using HRW the distribution remains even

This example uses a rather simple ring for consistent hash implementation however and this extreme unbalance can be mitigated by adding the nodes many times (ie ~200) throughout the ring. These virtual nodes (or vnodes) are used in databases like Riak and Cassandra. Many libraries however do not implement vnodes.


    private static final Funnel<CharSequence> strFunnel = Funnels.stringFunnel(Charset.defaultCharset());

    // prepare 5 initial nodes "node1", "node2" ... "node5"
    List<String> nodes = Lists.newArrayList();
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 5; i ++) {

    // create HRW instance
    RendezvousHash<String, String> h = new RendezvousHash(Hashing.murmur3_128(), strFunnel, strFunnel, nodes);

    String node = h.get("key");  // returns "node1"
    // remove "node1" from pool
    h.get("key"); // returns "node2"

    // add "node1" back into pool
    h.get("key"); // returns "node1"