
Demo project on how upload and process excel file in the spring boot



If you are using IntelliJ

Open the project in IntelliJ

Go to src/java/com.github.chen0040.bootslingshot and right-click SpringSlingshotApplication and select "Run main()" in IntelliJ

Navigate to your web browser to http://localhost:8080

If you are uploading a CSV file

Once at http://localhost:8080, click "CSV Sample Download" to download a csv sample, then click "Choose File" to load the downloaded CSV sample,and then click "Upload CSV", you will notice that as the product is being saved on the remote server, the web page keeps on updating the progress (done using websocket and sockjs). At the backend, the Thread.sleep is used to simulate long running process.

If you are uploading a Excel file

Once at http://localhost:8080, click "Excel Sample Download" to download a csv sample, then click "Choose File" to load the downloaded Excel sample,and then click "Upload Excel", you will notice that as the product is being saved on the remote server, the web page keeps on updating the progress (done using websocket and sockjs). At the backend, the Thread.sleep is used to simulate long running process.