Office 365 Connect Sample for Android

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Office 365 Connect sample

Connecting to Office 365 is the first step every Android app must take to start working with Office 365 services and data. This sample shows how to connect and then call one API.

Device requirements

To run the Connect sample, your device needs to meet the following requirements:


To use the Office 365 Connect sample for Android you need the following:

Open the sample using Android Studio

  1. Install Android Studio and add the Android SDK packages according to the instructions on
  2. Download or clone this sample.
  3. Start Android Studio.

    1. Close any projects that you might have open, then select Open an existing Android Studio project.
    2. Browse to your local repository and select the O365-Android-Connect project. Click OK.

    Note: Android Studio might display a dialog asking if you want to use Gradle wrapper. Click OK.

    Additionally, Android Studio shows a Frameworks detected notification if you don't have the Android Support Repository installed. Open the SDK manager and add the Android Support Repository to avoid the Frameworks detected notification.

  4. Open the file.

    1. Find the CLIENT_ID constant and set its String value equal to the client id you registered in Azure Active Directory.
    2. Find the REDIRECT_URI constant and set its String value equal to the redirect URI you registered in Azure Active Directory. Office 365 Connect sample

    Note: If you have don't have CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URI values, add a native client application in Azure and take note of the CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URI.

Once you've built the Connect sample, you can run it on an emulator or device. Pick a device with API level 15 or higher from the Choose device dialog.

To learn more about the sample, visit our understanding the code wiki page. If you just want to use this code sample in your app, visit the Using the O365 Android Connect sample code in your app.

Questions and comments

We'd love to get your feedback on the O365 Android Connect project. You can send your questions and suggestions to us in the Issues section of this repository.

Questions about Office 365 development in general should be posted to Stack Overflow. Make sure that your questions or comments are tagged with [Office365] and [API].

Next steps

This sample just shows the essentials that your apps need to work with Office 365. There is so much more that your apps can do using the Office 365 APIs, like helping your users to manage their work day with calendar, find just the information they need in all the files they store in OneDrive, or find the exact person they need from their list of contacts. We have more to share with you in the Office 365 APIs Starter Project for Android. We think it can help you fuel your ideas.

Additional resources


Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.