Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From samza with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
IRecordProcessorFactory createRecordProcessorFactory(String stream) {
  return () -> {
    // This code is executed in Kinesis thread context.
    try {
      SystemStreamPartition ssp = sspAllocator.allocate(stream);
      KinesisRecordProcessor processor = new KinesisRecordProcessor(ssp, KinesisSystemConsumer.this);
      KinesisRecordProcessor prevProcessor = processors.put(ssp, processor);
      Validate.isTrue(prevProcessor == null, String.format("Adding new kinesis record processor %s while the"
              + " previous processor %s for the same ssp %s is still active.", processor, prevProcessor, ssp));
      return processor;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      callbackException = e;
      // This exception is the result of kinesis dynamic shard splits due to which sspAllocator ran out of free ssps.
      // Set the failed state in consumer which will eventually result in stopping the container. A manual job restart
      // will be required at this point. After the job restart, the newly created shards will be discovered and enough
      // ssps will be added to sspAllocator freePool.
      throw new SamzaException(e);
Example #2
Source File:    From samza with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Map<String, KinesisRecordProcessor> createAndInitProcessors(IRecordProcessorFactory factory, int numShards) {
  Map<String, KinesisRecordProcessor> processorMap = new HashMap<>();
  IntStream.range(0, numShards)
      .forEach(p -> {
        String shardId = String.format("shard-%05d", p);
        // Create Kinesis processor
        KinesisRecordProcessor processor = (KinesisRecordProcessor) factory.createProcessor();

        // Initialize the shard
        ExtendedSequenceNumber seqNum = new ExtendedSequenceNumber("0000");
        InitializationInput initializationInput =
            new InitializationInput().withShardId(shardId).withExtendedSequenceNumber(seqNum);
        processorMap.put(shardId, processor);
  return processorMap;
Example #3
Source File:    From datacollector with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Worker createKinesisWorker(IRecordProcessorFactory recordProcessorFactory, int maxBatchSize) {
  KinesisClientLibConfiguration kclConfig =
      new KinesisClientLibConfiguration(


  if (conf.initialPositionInStream == InitialPositionInStream.AT_TIMESTAMP) {
    kclConfig.withTimestampAtInitialPositionInStream(new Date(conf.initialTimestamp));
  } else if (conf.initialPositionInStream == InitialPositionInStream.LATEST || conf.initialPositionInStream == InitialPositionInStream.TRIM_HORIZON) {

  if (conf.region == AwsRegion.OTHER) {
  } else {

  return new Worker.Builder()
Example #4
Source File:    From samza with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Helper to simulate and test the life-cycle of record processing from a kinesis stream with a given number of shards
 * 1. Creation of record processors.
 * 2. Initialization of record processors.
 * 3. Processing records via record processors.
 * 4. Calling checkpoint on record processors.
 * 5. Shutting down (due to re-assignment or lease expiration) record processors.
private void testProcessRecordsHelper(String system, String stream, int numShards, int numRecordsPerShard)
    throws InterruptedException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {

  KinesisConfig kConfig = new KinesisConfig(new MapConfig());
  // Create consumer
  KinesisSystemConsumer consumer = new KinesisSystemConsumer(system, kConfig, new NoOpMetricsRegistry());
  initializeMetrics(consumer, stream);

  List<SystemStreamPartition> ssps = new LinkedList<>();
  IntStream.range(0, numShards)
      .forEach(p -> {
        SystemStreamPartition ssp = new SystemStreamPartition(system, stream, new Partition(p));
  ssps.forEach(ssp -> consumer.register(ssp, SYSTEM_CONSUMER_REGISTER_OFFSET));

  // Create Kinesis record processor factory
  IRecordProcessorFactory factory = consumer.createRecordProcessorFactory(stream);

  // Create and initialize Kinesis record processor
  Map<String, KinesisRecordProcessor> processorMap = createAndInitProcessors(factory, numShards);
  List<KinesisRecordProcessor> processorList = new ArrayList<>(processorMap.values());

  // Generate records to Kinesis record processor
  Map<KinesisRecordProcessor, List<Record>> inputRecordMap = generateRecords(numRecordsPerShard, processorList);

  // Verification steps

  // Read events from the BEM queue
  Map<SystemStreamPartition, List<IncomingMessageEnvelope>> messages =
      readEvents(new HashSet<>(ssps), consumer, numRecordsPerShard);
  if (numRecordsPerShard > 0) {
    Assert.assertEquals(messages.size(), numShards);
  } else {
    // No input records and hence no messages
    Assert.assertEquals(messages.size(), 0);

  Map<SystemStreamPartition, KinesisRecordProcessor> sspToProcessorMap = getProcessorMap(consumer);
  ssps.forEach(ssp -> {
    try {
      KinesisRecordProcessor processor = sspToProcessorMap.get(ssp);

      // Verify that the read messages are received in order and are the same as input records
      Assert.assertEquals(messages.get(ssp).size(), numRecordsPerShard);
      List<IncomingMessageEnvelope> envelopes = messages.get(ssp);
      List<Record> inputRecords = inputRecordMap.get(processor);
      verifyRecords(envelopes, inputRecords, processor.getShardId());

      // Call checkpoint on consumer and verify that the checkpoint is called with the right offset
      IncomingMessageEnvelope lastEnvelope = envelopes.get(envelopes.size() - 1);
      consumer.afterCheckpoint(Collections.singletonMap(ssp, lastEnvelope.getOffset()));
      ArgumentCaptor<String> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
      Assert.assertEquals(inputRecords.get(inputRecords.size() - 1).getSequenceNumber(), argument.getValue());

      // Call shutdown (with ZOMBIE reason) on processor and verify if shutdown freed the ssp mapping
      shutDownProcessor(processor, ShutdownReason.ZOMBIE);
      Assert.assertTrue(isSspAvailable(consumer, ssp));
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException | InvalidStateException | ShutdownException ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException(ex);