Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void test()
        throws Exception
    RunJobFlowRequest request = new RunJobFlowRequest()
            .withName("Digdag Test")
            .withApplications(Stream.of("Hadoop", "Hive", "Spark", "Flink")
                    .map(s -> new Application().withName(s))
            .withLogUri(tmpS3FolderUri + "/logs/")
            .withInstances(new JobFlowInstancesConfig()

    RunJobFlowResult result = emr.runJobFlow(request);

    String clusterId = result.getJobFlowId();


    Id attemptId = pushAndStart(server.endpoint(), projectDir, "emr", ImmutableMap.of(
            "test_s3_folder", tmpS3FolderUri.toString(),
            "test_cluster", clusterId,
            "outfile", outfile.toString()));
    expect(Duration.ofMinutes(30), attemptSuccess(server.endpoint(), attemptId));


    assertThat(Files.exists(outfile), is(true));
Example #2
Source File:    From datacollector with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public String createCluster(String clusterName) {
  RunJobFlowRequest request = new RunJobFlowRequest()
      .withInstances(new JobFlowInstancesConfig()

  if (emrClusterConfig.isLoggingEnabled()) {
    if (emrClusterConfig.isEnableEmrDebugging()) {
      String COMMAND_RUNNER = "command-runner.jar";
      String DEBUGGING_COMMAND = "state-pusher-script";
      String DEBUGGING_NAME = "Setup Hadoop Debugging";
      StepConfig enabledebugging = new StepConfig()
          .withHadoopJarStep(new HadoopJarStepConfig()
  RunJobFlowResult result = getEmrClient(emrClusterConfig).runJobFlow(request);
  return result.getJobFlowId();
Example #3
Source File:    From herd with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates the job flow instance configuration containing specification of the number and type of Amazon EC2 instances.
 * @param emrClusterDefinition the EMR cluster definition that contains all the EMR parameters
 * @return the job flow instance configuration
private JobFlowInstancesConfig getJobFlowInstancesConfig(EmrClusterDefinition emrClusterDefinition)
    // Create a new job flow instances configuration object.
    JobFlowInstancesConfig jobFlowInstancesConfig = new JobFlowInstancesConfig();

    // Set up master/slave security group

    // Set up service access security group

    // Add additional security groups to master nodes.

    // Add additional security groups to slave nodes.

    // Fill-in the ssh key.
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emrClusterDefinition.getSshKeyPairName()))

    // Fill in configuration for the instance groups in a cluster.

    // Fill in instance fleet configuration.

    // Fill-in subnet id.
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emrClusterDefinition.getSubnetId()))
        // Use collection of subnet IDs when instance fleet configuration is specified. Otherwise, we expect a single EC2 subnet ID to be passed here.
        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(jobFlowInstancesConfig.getInstanceFleets()))
            jobFlowInstancesConfig.setEc2SubnetIds(herdStringHelper.splitAndTrim(emrClusterDefinition.getSubnetId(), ","));

    // Fill in optional keep alive flag.
    if (emrClusterDefinition.isKeepAlive() != null)

    // Fill in optional termination protection flag.
    if (emrClusterDefinition.isTerminationProtection() != null)

    // Fill in optional Hadoop version flag.
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emrClusterDefinition.getHadoopVersion()))

    // Return the object.
    return jobFlowInstancesConfig;
Example #4
Source File:    From herd with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void createEmrClusterAssertCallRunEmrJobFlowWithInstanceFleetAndMultipleSubnets()
    // Create objects required for testing.
    final String clusterName = "clusterName";
    final String clusterId = "clusterId";
    final String name = STRING_VALUE;
    final String instanceFleetType = STRING_VALUE_2;
    final Integer targetOnDemandCapacity = INTEGER_VALUE;
    final Integer targetSpotCapacity = INTEGER_VALUE_2;
    final List<EmrClusterDefinitionInstanceTypeConfig> emrClusterDefinitionInstanceTypeConfigs = null;
    final EmrClusterDefinitionLaunchSpecifications emrClusterDefinitionLaunchSpecifications = null;
    final EmrClusterDefinitionInstanceFleet emrClusterDefinitionInstanceFleet =
        new EmrClusterDefinitionInstanceFleet(name, instanceFleetType, targetOnDemandCapacity, targetSpotCapacity, emrClusterDefinitionInstanceTypeConfigs,

    // Create an EMR cluster definition with instance fleet configuration and multiple EC2 subnet IDs.
    EmrClusterDefinition emrClusterDefinition = new EmrClusterDefinition();
    emrClusterDefinition.setSubnetId(String.format("%s , %s  ", EC2_SUBNET, EC2_SUBNET_2));
    emrClusterDefinition.setNodeTags(Lists.newArrayList(new NodeTag("tagName", "tagValue")));

    when(mockEmrOperations.runEmrJobFlow(any(), any())).then(new Answer<String>()
        public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
            // Assert that the given EMR cluster definition produced the correct RunJobFlowRequest.
            RunJobFlowRequest runJobFlowRequest = invocation.getArgument(1);
            JobFlowInstancesConfig jobFlowInstancesConfig = runJobFlowRequest.getInstances();
            assertEquals(0, CollectionUtils.size(jobFlowInstancesConfig.getInstanceGroups()));
            final List<InstanceTypeConfig> expectedInstanceTypeConfigs = null;
                new InstanceFleetConfig().withName(name).withInstanceFleetType(instanceFleetType).withTargetOnDemandCapacity(targetOnDemandCapacity)
            assertEquals(2, CollectionUtils.size(jobFlowInstancesConfig.getEc2SubnetIds()));
            List<StepConfig> stepConfigs = runJobFlowRequest.getSteps();
            assertEquals(0, stepConfigs.size());
            List<Tag> tags = runJobFlowRequest.getTags();
            assertEquals(1, tags.size());
                Tag tag = tags.get(0);
                assertEquals("tagName", tag.getKey());
                assertEquals("tagValue", tag.getValue());

            return clusterId;

    assertEquals(clusterId, emrDao.createEmrCluster(clusterName, emrClusterDefinition, getAwsParamsDto()));
Example #5
Source File:    From digdag with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private NewCluster submitNewClusterRequest(AmazonElasticMapReduce emr, String tag, StepCompiler stepCompiler,
        Config cluster, Filer filer, ParameterCompiler parameterCompiler)
        throws IOException
    RemoteFile runner = prepareRunner(filer, tag);

    // Compile steps

    List<StepConfig> stepConfigs = stepCompiler.stepConfigs();

    Config ec2 = cluster.getNested("ec2");
    Config master = ec2.getNestedOrGetEmpty("master");
    List<Config> core = ec2.getOptional("core", Config.class).transform(ImmutableList::of).or(ImmutableList.of());
    List<Config> task = ec2.getListOrEmpty("task", Config.class);

    List<String> applications = cluster.getListOrEmpty("applications", String.class);
    if (applications.isEmpty()) {
        applications = ImmutableList.of("Hadoop", "Hive", "Spark", "Flink");

    // TODO: allow configuring additional application parameters
    List<Application> applicationConfigs =
            .map(application -> new Application().withName(application))

    // TODO: merge configurations with the same classification?
    List<Configuration> configurations = cluster.getListOrEmpty("configurations", JsonNode.class).stream()

    List<JsonNode> bootstrap = cluster.getListOrEmpty("bootstrap", JsonNode.class);
    List<BootstrapActionConfig> bootstrapActions = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < bootstrap.size(); i++) {
        bootstrapActions.add(bootstrapAction(i + 1, bootstrap.get(i), tag, filer, runner, parameterCompiler));

    // Stage files to S3

    Optional<String> subnetId = ec2.getOptional("subnet_id", String.class);

    String defaultMasterInstanceType;
    String defaultCoreInstanceType;
    String defaultTaskInstanceType;

    if (subnetId.isPresent()) {
        // m4 requires VPC (subnet id)
        defaultMasterInstanceType = "m4.2xlarge";
        defaultCoreInstanceType = "m4.xlarge";
        defaultTaskInstanceType = "m4.xlarge";
    else {
        defaultMasterInstanceType = "m3.2xlarge";
        defaultCoreInstanceType = "m3.xlarge";
        defaultTaskInstanceType = "m3.xlarge";

    RunJobFlowRequest request = new RunJobFlowRequest()
            .withName(cluster.get("name", String.class, "Digdag") + " (" + tag + ")")
            .withReleaseLabel(cluster.get("release", String.class, "emr-5.2.0"))
            .withLogUri(cluster.get("logs", String.class, null))
            .withJobFlowRole(cluster.get("cluster_role", String.class, "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole"))
            .withServiceRole(cluster.get("service_role", String.class, "EMR_DefaultRole"))
            .withTags(new Tag().withKey("DIGDAG_CLUSTER_ID").withValue(tag))
            .withVisibleToAllUsers(cluster.get("visible", boolean.class, true))
            .withInstances(new JobFlowInstancesConfig()
                            // Master Node
                            .add(instanceGroupConfig("Master", master, "MASTER", defaultMasterInstanceType, 1))
                            // Core Group
                            .addAll(instanceGroupConfigs("Core", core, "CORE", defaultCoreInstanceType))
                            // Task Groups
                            .addAll(instanceGroupConfigs("Task %d", task, "TASK", defaultTaskInstanceType))
                    .withAdditionalMasterSecurityGroups(ec2.getListOrEmpty("additional_master_security_groups", String.class))
                    .withAdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups(ec2.getListOrEmpty("additional_slave_security_groups", String.class))
                    .withEmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup(ec2.get("emr_managed_master_security_group", String.class, null))
                    .withEmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup(ec2.get("emr_managed_slave_security_group", String.class, null))
                    .withServiceAccessSecurityGroup(ec2.get("service_access_security_group", String.class, null))
                    .withTerminationProtected(cluster.get("termination_protected", boolean.class, false))
                    .withPlacement(cluster.getOptional("availability_zone", String.class)
                            .transform(zone -> new PlacementType().withAvailabilityZone(zone)).orNull())
                    .withEc2KeyName(ec2.get("key", String.class))
                    .withKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps(!cluster.get("auto_terminate", boolean.class, true)));"Submitting EMR job with {} steps(s)", request.getSteps().size());
    RunJobFlowResult result = emr.runJobFlow(request);"Submitted EMR job with {} step(s): {}", request.getSteps().size(), result.getJobFlowId(), result);

    return NewCluster.of(result.getJobFlowId(), request.getSteps().size());
Example #6
Source File:    From aws-big-data-blog with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This method uses method the AWS Java to launch an Apache HBase cluster on Amazon EMR. 
 * @param client - AmazonElasticMapReduce client that interfaces directly with the Amazon EMR Web Service
 * @param clusterIdentifier - identifier of an existing cluster
 * @param amiVersion - AMI to use for launching this cluster
 * @param keypair - A keypair for SSHing into the Amazon EMR master node
 * @param masterInstanceType - Master node Amazon EC2 instance type 
 * @param coreInstanceType - core nodes Amazon EC2 instance type 
 * @param logUri - An Amazon S3 bucket for your 
 * @param numberOfNodes - total number of nodes in this cluster including master node
 * @return
public static String createCluster(AmazonElasticMapReduce client,
		String clusterIdentifier,
		String amiVersion,
		String keypair,
		String masterInstanceType,
		String coreInstanceType,
		String logUri,
		int numberOfNodes) {

	if (clusterExists(client, clusterIdentifier)) {"Cluster " + clusterIdentifier + " is available");
		return clusterIdentifier;
	//Error checking
	if (amiVersion == null || amiVersion.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Please specify an AMI Version");
	if (keypair == null || keypair.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Please specify a valid Amazon Key Pair");
	if (masterInstanceType == null || masterInstanceType.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Please specify a Master Instance Type");
	if (logUri == null || logUri.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Please specify a valid Amazon S3 bucket for your logs.");
	if (numberOfNodes < 0) throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Please specify at least 1 node");
	  RunJobFlowRequest request = new RunJobFlowRequest()
		.withBootstrapActions(new BootstrapActionConfig()
		             .withName("Install HBase")
		             .withScriptBootstrapAction(new ScriptBootstrapActionConfig()
		.withName("Job Flow With HBAse Actions")	 
		.withSteps(new StepConfig() //enable debugging step
					.withName("Enable debugging")
					.withHadoopJarStep(new StepFactory().newEnableDebuggingStep()), 
					//Start HBase step - after installing it with a bootstrap action
					createStepConfig("Start HBase","TERMINATE_CLUSTER", "/home/hadoop/lib/hbase.jar", getHBaseArgs()), 
					//add HBase backup step
					createStepConfig("Modify backup schedule","TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW", "/home/hadoop/lib/hbase.jar", getHBaseBackupArgs()))
		.withInstances(new JobFlowInstancesConfig()

	RunJobFlowResult result = client.runJobFlow(request);
	String state = null;
	while (!(state = clusterState(client, result.getJobFlowId())).equalsIgnoreCase("waiting")) {
		try {
			Thread.sleep(10 * 1000); + " is " + state + ". Waiting for cluster to become available.");
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

		if (state.equalsIgnoreCase("TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS")){
			LOG.error("Could not create EMR Cluster");
	}"Created cluster " + result.getJobFlowId());"Cluster " + clusterIdentifier + " is available");	
	return result.getJobFlowId();