org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners.WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners.WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From green_android with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    File file = new File(args[0]);
    Wallet wallet = Wallet.loadFromFile(file);

    // Set up the components and link them together.
    final NetworkParameters params = TestNet3Params.get();
    BlockStore blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(params);
    BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, wallet, blockStore);

    final PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(params, chain);

    wallet.addCoinsReceivedEventListener(new WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener() {
        public synchronized void onCoinsReceived(Wallet w, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {
            System.out.println("\nReceived tx " + tx.getHashAsString());

    // Now download and process the block chain.
Example #2
Source File:    From GreenBits with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    File file = new File(args[0]);
    Wallet wallet = Wallet.loadFromFile(file);

    // Set up the components and link them together.
    final NetworkParameters params = TestNet3Params.get();
    BlockStore blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(params);
    BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, wallet, blockStore);

    final PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(params, chain);

    wallet.addCoinsReceivedEventListener(new WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener() {
        public synchronized void onCoinsReceived(Wallet w, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {
            System.out.println("\nReceived tx " + tx.getHashAsString());

    // Now download and process the block chain.
Example #3
Source File:    From bcm-android with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testAppearedAtChainHeightDepthAndWorkDone() throws Exception {
    // Test the TransactionConfidence appearedAtChainHeight, depth and workDone field are stored.

    BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(UNITTEST, myWallet, new MemoryBlockStore(UNITTEST));

    final ArrayList<Transaction> txns = new ArrayList<>(2);
    myWallet.addCoinsReceivedEventListener(new WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener() {
        public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {

    // Start by building two blocks on top of the genesis block.
    Block b1 = UNITTEST.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work1 = b1.getWork();
    assertTrue(work1.signum() > 0);

    Block b2 = b1.createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work2 = b2.getWork();
    assertTrue(work2.signum() > 0);


    // We now have the following chain:
    //     genesis -> b1 -> b2

    // Check the transaction confidence levels are correct before wallet roundtrip.
    assertEquals(2, txns.size());

    TransactionConfidence confidence0 = txns.get(0).getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence confidence1 = txns.get(1).getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, confidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, confidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, confidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, confidence1.getDepthInBlocks());

    // Roundtrip the wallet and check it has stored the depth and workDone.
    Wallet rebornWallet = roundTrip(myWallet);

    Set<Transaction> rebornTxns = rebornWallet.getTransactions(false);
    assertEquals(2, rebornTxns.size());

    // The transactions are not guaranteed to be in the same order so sort them to be in chain height order if required.
    Iterator<Transaction> it = rebornTxns.iterator();
    Transaction txA =;
    Transaction txB =;

    Transaction rebornTx0, rebornTx1;
    if (txA.getConfidence().getAppearedAtChainHeight() == 1) {
        rebornTx0 = txA;
        rebornTx1 = txB;
    } else {
        rebornTx0 = txB;
        rebornTx1 = txA;

    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence0 = rebornTx0.getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence1 = rebornTx1.getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence1.getDepthInBlocks());
Example #4
Source File:    From green_android with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // This line makes the log output more compact and easily read, especially when using the JDK log adapter.
    if (args.length < 1) {
        System.err.println("Usage: address-to-send-back-to [regtest|testnet]");

    // Figure out which network we should connect to. Each one gets its own set of files.
    NetworkParameters params;
    String filePrefix;
    if (args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("testnet")) {
        params = TestNet3Params.get();
        filePrefix = "forwarding-service-testnet";
    } else if (args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("regtest")) {
        params = RegTestParams.get();
        filePrefix = "forwarding-service-regtest";
    } else {
        params = MainNetParams.get();
        filePrefix = "forwarding-service";
    // Parse the address given as the first parameter.
    forwardingAddress = Address.fromBase58(params, args[0]);

    // Start up a basic app using a class that automates some boilerplate.
    kit = new WalletAppKit(params, new File("."), filePrefix);

    if (params == RegTestParams.get()) {
        // Regression test mode is designed for testing and development only, so there's no public network for it.
        // If you pick this mode, you're expected to be running a local "bitcoind -regtest" instance.

    // Download the block chain and wait until it's done.

    // We want to know when we receive money.
    kit.wallet().addCoinsReceivedEventListener(new WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener() {
        public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet w, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {
            // Runs in the dedicated "user thread" (see bitcoinj docs for more info on this).
            // The transaction "tx" can either be pending, or included into a block (we didn't see the broadcast).
            Coin value = tx.getValueSentToMe(w);
            System.out.println("Received tx for " + value.toFriendlyString() + ": " + tx);
            System.out.println("Transaction will be forwarded after it confirms.");
            // Wait until it's made it into the block chain (may run immediately if it's already there).
            // For this dummy app of course, we could just forward the unconfirmed transaction. If it were
            // to be double spent, no harm done. Wallet.allowSpendingUnconfirmedTransactions() would have to
            // be called in onSetupCompleted() above. But we don't do that here to demonstrate the more common
            // case of waiting for a block.
            Futures.addCallback(tx.getConfidence().getDepthFuture(1), new FutureCallback<TransactionConfidence>() {
                public void onSuccess(TransactionConfidence result) {

                public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
                    // This kind of future can't fail, just rethrow in case something weird happens.
                    throw new RuntimeException(t);

    Address sendToAddress = kit.wallet().currentReceiveKey().toAddress(params);
    System.out.println("Send coins to: " + sendToAddress);
    System.out.println("Waiting for coins to arrive. Press Ctrl-C to quit.");

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}
Example #5
Source File:    From green_android with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testAppearedAtChainHeightDepthAndWorkDone() throws Exception {
    // Test the TransactionConfidence appearedAtChainHeight, depth and workDone field are stored.

    BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(PARAMS, myWallet, new MemoryBlockStore(PARAMS));

    final ArrayList<Transaction> txns = new ArrayList<>(2);
    myWallet.addCoinsReceivedEventListener(new WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener() {
        public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {

    // Start by building two blocks on top of the genesis block.
    Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work1 = b1.getWork();
    assertTrue(work1.signum() > 0);

    Block b2 = b1.createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work2 = b2.getWork();
    assertTrue(work2.signum() > 0);


    // We now have the following chain:
    //     genesis -> b1 -> b2

    // Check the transaction confidence levels are correct before wallet roundtrip.
    assertEquals(2, txns.size());

    TransactionConfidence confidence0 = txns.get(0).getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence confidence1 = txns.get(1).getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, confidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, confidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, confidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, confidence1.getDepthInBlocks());

    // Roundtrip the wallet and check it has stored the depth and workDone.
    Wallet rebornWallet = roundTrip(myWallet);

    Set<Transaction> rebornTxns = rebornWallet.getTransactions(false);
    assertEquals(2, rebornTxns.size());

    // The transactions are not guaranteed to be in the same order so sort them to be in chain height order if required.
    Iterator<Transaction> it = rebornTxns.iterator();
    Transaction txA =;
    Transaction txB =;

    Transaction rebornTx0, rebornTx1;
     if (txA.getConfidence().getAppearedAtChainHeight() == 1) {
        rebornTx0 = txA;
        rebornTx1 = txB;
    } else {
        rebornTx0 = txB;
        rebornTx1 = txA;

    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence0 = rebornTx0.getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence1 = rebornTx1.getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence1.getDepthInBlocks());
Example #6
Source File:    From GreenBits with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // This line makes the log output more compact and easily read, especially when using the JDK log adapter.
    if (args.length < 1) {
        System.err.println("Usage: address-to-send-back-to [regtest|testnet]");

    // Figure out which network we should connect to. Each one gets its own set of files.
    NetworkParameters params;
    String filePrefix;
    if (args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("testnet")) {
        params = TestNet3Params.get();
        filePrefix = "forwarding-service-testnet";
    } else if (args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("regtest")) {
        params = RegTestParams.get();
        filePrefix = "forwarding-service-regtest";
    } else {
        params = MainNetParams.get();
        filePrefix = "forwarding-service";
    // Parse the address given as the first parameter.
    forwardingAddress = Address.fromBase58(params, args[0]);

    // Start up a basic app using a class that automates some boilerplate.
    kit = new WalletAppKit(params, new File("."), filePrefix);

    if (params == RegTestParams.get()) {
        // Regression test mode is designed for testing and development only, so there's no public network for it.
        // If you pick this mode, you're expected to be running a local "bitcoind -regtest" instance.

    // Download the block chain and wait until it's done.

    // We want to know when we receive money.
    kit.wallet().addCoinsReceivedEventListener(new WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener() {
        public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet w, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {
            // Runs in the dedicated "user thread" (see bitcoinj docs for more info on this).
            // The transaction "tx" can either be pending, or included into a block (we didn't see the broadcast).
            Coin value = tx.getValueSentToMe(w);
            System.out.println("Received tx for " + value.toFriendlyString() + ": " + tx);
            System.out.println("Transaction will be forwarded after it confirms.");
            // Wait until it's made it into the block chain (may run immediately if it's already there).
            // For this dummy app of course, we could just forward the unconfirmed transaction. If it were
            // to be double spent, no harm done. Wallet.allowSpendingUnconfirmedTransactions() would have to
            // be called in onSetupCompleted() above. But we don't do that here to demonstrate the more common
            // case of waiting for a block.
            Futures.addCallback(tx.getConfidence().getDepthFuture(1), new FutureCallback<TransactionConfidence>() {
                public void onSuccess(TransactionConfidence result) {

                public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
                    // This kind of future can't fail, just rethrow in case something weird happens.
                    throw new RuntimeException(t);

    Address sendToAddress = kit.wallet().currentReceiveKey().toAddress(params);
    System.out.println("Send coins to: " + sendToAddress);
    System.out.println("Waiting for coins to arrive. Press Ctrl-C to quit.");

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {}
Example #7
Source File:    From GreenBits with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testAppearedAtChainHeightDepthAndWorkDone() throws Exception {
    // Test the TransactionConfidence appearedAtChainHeight, depth and workDone field are stored.

    BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(PARAMS, myWallet, new MemoryBlockStore(PARAMS));

    final ArrayList<Transaction> txns = new ArrayList<>(2);
    myWallet.addCoinsReceivedEventListener(new WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener() {
        public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {

    // Start by building two blocks on top of the genesis block.
    Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work1 = b1.getWork();
    assertTrue(work1.signum() > 0);

    Block b2 = b1.createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work2 = b2.getWork();
    assertTrue(work2.signum() > 0);


    // We now have the following chain:
    //     genesis -> b1 -> b2

    // Check the transaction confidence levels are correct before wallet roundtrip.
    assertEquals(2, txns.size());

    TransactionConfidence confidence0 = txns.get(0).getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence confidence1 = txns.get(1).getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, confidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, confidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, confidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, confidence1.getDepthInBlocks());

    // Roundtrip the wallet and check it has stored the depth and workDone.
    Wallet rebornWallet = roundTrip(myWallet);

    Set<Transaction> rebornTxns = rebornWallet.getTransactions(false);
    assertEquals(2, rebornTxns.size());

    // The transactions are not guaranteed to be in the same order so sort them to be in chain height order if required.
    Iterator<Transaction> it = rebornTxns.iterator();
    Transaction txA =;
    Transaction txB =;

    Transaction rebornTx0, rebornTx1;
     if (txA.getConfidence().getAppearedAtChainHeight() == 1) {
        rebornTx0 = txA;
        rebornTx1 = txB;
    } else {
        rebornTx0 = txB;
        rebornTx1 = txA;

    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence0 = rebornTx0.getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence1 = rebornTx1.getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence1.getDepthInBlocks());