Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From teku with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Attestation createAttestation(
    final BeaconBlockAndState blockAndState,
    final boolean withValidSignature,
    final UnsignedLong slot) {
  UnsignedLong assignedSlot = slot;

  Optional<Attestation> attestation = Optional.empty();
  while (attestation.isEmpty()) {
    Stream<Attestation> attestations =
            ? streamAttestations(blockAndState, assignedSlot)
            : streamInvalidAttestations(blockAndState, assignedSlot);
    attestation = attestations.findFirst();
    assignedSlot =;

  return attestation.orElseThrow();
Example 2
Source File:    From tjungblut-online-ml with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Peeks for the feature and outcome dimensions.
 * @param streamSupplier the supplier that gets streams.
protected void peekDimensions(
    Supplier<Stream<FeatureOutcomePair>> streamSupplier) {
  Stream<FeatureOutcomePair> stream = Preconditions.checkNotNull(
      streamSupplier.get(), "Supplied a null stream!");
  Optional<FeatureOutcomePair> first = stream.findFirst();

  if (!first.isPresent()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied an empty stream!");

  FeatureOutcomePair firstExample = first.get();
  this.featureDimension = firstExample.getFeature().getDimension();
  this.outcomeDimension = firstExample.getOutcome().getDimension();
  this.numOutcomeClasses = Math.max(2, this.outcomeDimension);
Example 3
Source File:    From esjc with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void failsToProcessDeletedStream() {
    final String stream = generateStreamName();

    eventstore.deleteStream(stream, ExpectedVersion.NO_STREAM, true).join();

    Stream<ResolvedEvent> eventStream = eventstore.streamEventsForward(stream, 0, 5, false);

    try {
        fail("should fail with 'StreamDeletedException'");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertThat(e, instanceOf(StreamDeletedException.class));
        assertEquals(stream, ((StreamDeletedException) e).stream);
Example 4
Source File:    From rapidminer-studio with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tries to get the mac address of the first device in alphabetic order, should be eth or en in most cases.
 * <p>
 * Warning: this method can take seconds to execute
 * @return the first found hardware address
 * @throws SocketException
 * 		if an I/O error occurs.
 * @throws InvalidResultException
 * 		if no non-loopback network device exists.
 * @throws NullPointerException
 * 		if no network device exists.
static String getHardwareAddress() throws SocketException {
	//Use hardware addresses as seed
	Stream<NetworkInterface> sortedStream = Collections.list(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces()).stream().filter(i -> {
		try {
			return i.getHardwareAddress() != null;
		} catch (SocketException e) {
			return false;
	Optional<NetworkInterface> result = sortedStream.findFirst();
	if (!result.isPresent()) {
		throw new InvalidResultException("No non-loopback network interface exists");
	return DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(result.get().getHardwareAddress());
Example 5
Source File:    From esjc with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void failsToProcessDeletedStream() {
    final String stream = generateStreamName();

    eventstore.deleteStream(stream, ExpectedVersion.NO_STREAM, true).join();

    Stream<ResolvedEvent> eventStream = eventstore.streamEventsBackward(stream, 0, 5, false);

    try {
        fail("should fail with 'StreamDeletedException'");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertThat(e, instanceOf(StreamDeletedException.class));
        assertEquals(stream, ((StreamDeletedException) e).stream);
Example 6
Source File:    From xenon with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to find a parallel environment that can be used to get a number of cores on a single node
 * @param coresPerNode
 *            number of cores to reserve on a node
 * @param queueName
 *            Name of the queue
 * @return optional parallel environment
Optional<ParallelEnvironmentInfo> getSingleNodeParallelEnvironment(int coresPerNode, String queueName) {
    Stream<ParallelEnvironmentInfo> stream = this.parallelEnvironments.values().stream().filter(pe -> pe.canAllocateSingleNode(coresPerNode));
    // Filter pe on queue
    QueueInfo queue = queues.get(queueName);
    if (queue == null) {
        Set<String> pesOfQueues = new HashSet<>();
        for (QueueInfo q : queues.values()) {
        stream = stream.filter(pe -> pesOfQueues.contains(pe.getName()));
    } else {
        // don't know which queue the scheduler will pick, make sure at least one queue has the candidate pe
        Set<String> pesOfQueue = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(queue.getParallelEnvironments()));
        stream = stream.filter(pe -> pesOfQueue.contains(pe.getName()));
    Optional<ParallelEnvironmentInfo> r = stream.findFirst();
    LOGGER.debug("Gridengine choose to use following pe: " + r.toString());
    return r;
Example 7
Source File:    From beakerx with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Comm getCommByTargetName(String targetName) {
  Stream<Map.Entry<String, Comm>> entryStream = commMap.entrySet().stream().filter(x -> x.getValue().getTargetName().equals(targetName));
  Optional<Map.Entry<String, Comm>> first = entryStream.findFirst();
  if (first.isPresent()) {
    return first.get().getValue();
  return null;
Example 8
Source File:    From tutorials with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void givenStream_whenStreamUsedTwice_thenThrowException() {
    Stream<String> stringStream = Stream.of("A", "B", "C", "D");
    Optional<String> result1 = stringStream.findAny();
    Optional<String> result2 = stringStream.findFirst();
Example 9
Source File:    From batfish with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public AnswerElement checkForwarding(NetworkSnapshot snapshot, HeaderQuestion question) {
  long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  HeaderQuestion q = new HeaderQuestion(question);
  Tuple<Stream<Supplier<NetworkSlice>>, Long> ecs =
      findAllNetworkSlices(q, new Graph(_batfish, snapshot), true);
  Stream<Supplier<NetworkSlice>> stream = ecs.getFirst();
  Long timeAbstraction = ecs.getSecond();
  Optional<Supplier<NetworkSlice>> opt = stream.findFirst();
  if (!opt.isPresent()) {
    throw new BatfishException("Unexpected Error: checkForwarding");
  long timeEc = System.currentTimeMillis();
  Supplier<NetworkSlice> sup = opt.get();
  NetworkSlice slice = sup.get();
  timeEc = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeEc;
  Graph g = slice.getGraph();
  q = new HeaderQuestion(q);
  long timeEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis();
  Encoder encoder = new Encoder(g, q);
  addEnvironmentConstraints(encoder, q.getBaseEnvironmentType());
  timeEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeEncoding;
  VerificationResult result = encoder.verify().getFirst();
  totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - totalTime;
  VerificationStats stats = result.getStats();
  if (q.getBenchmark()) {
    stats.setTimeCreateBdds((double) timeAbstraction);
    stats.setTimeCreateBdds((double) timeAbstraction);
  return new SmtOneAnswerElement(result);
Example 10
Source File:    From vxms with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void initHttpAll(
        VxmsShared vxmsShared,
        Router router,
        Object service,
        Method restMethod,
        Path path,
        Stream<Method> errorMethodStream,
        Optional<Consumes> consumes) {
    final Optional<Method> errorMethod = errorMethodStream.findFirst();
    final Route route = router.route(URIUtil.cleanPath(path.value()));
    final Context context = getContext(vxmsShared);
    final String methodId =
            path.value() + HTTP_ALL + ConfigurationUtil.getCircuitBreakerIDPostfix(context.config());
    initHttpRoute(methodId, vxmsShared, service, restMethod, consumes, errorMethod, route);
Example 11
Source File:    From junit5-docker with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void shouldGiveLogsInStream() {
    containerId = dockerClient.createContainerCmd(WANTED_IMAGE).withEnv(singletonList("WAITING_TIME=1ms"))
    Stream<String> logs = defaultDockerClient.logs(containerId);
    Optional<String> firstLine = logs.findFirst();
Example 12
Source File:    From esjc with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void failsToProcessNonExistingStream() {
    final String stream = generateStreamName();

    Stream<ResolvedEvent> eventStream = eventstore.streamEventsBackward(stream, 0, 5, false);

    try {
        fail("should fail with 'StreamNotFoundException'");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertThat(e, instanceOf(StreamNotFoundException.class));
        assertEquals(stream, ((StreamNotFoundException) e).stream);
Example 13
Source File:    From estatio with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Document findDocument(final String roleName) {
    final Stream<Document> documents = findDocumentsInRoleAsStream(roleName);
    final Optional<Document> documentIfAny = documents.findFirst();
    return documentIfAny.orElseThrow(() -> (RuntimeException)new ApplicationException(String.format(
            "Could not find document (via paperclip with role of '%s')",
Example 14
Source File:    From mycore with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testParseIdentifier() {
    String mockString = MCRMockIdentifier.MOCK_SCHEME + "";
    Stream<MCRPersistentIdentifier> mcrPersistentIdentifierStream = MCRPIManager

    Optional<? extends MCRPersistentIdentifier> mcrMockIdentifier = mcrPersistentIdentifierStream
    Assert.assertEquals(mcrMockIdentifier.get().asString(), mockString);
Example 15
Source File:    From common-kafka with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Closes all {@link Producer producers} that have been produced by this pool.
 * <p>
 * Any subsequent invocation of this method is ignored.
 * </p>
 * @throws IOException
 *             if an error occurs during producer closure.
 * {@inheritDoc}
public void close() throws IOException {
    try {
        if (!shutdown) {
            shutdown = true;
            final Stream<Exception> exceptions = pool.values().stream()
                    .flatMap(producer -> {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LOGGER.error("Could not close producer", e);
                            return Stream.of(e);
                        return Stream.empty();

            // Throw exception if any of the producers in the pool could not be closed.
            final Optional<Exception> exception = exceptions.findFirst();
            if (exception.isPresent()) {
                throw new IOException(exception.get());
    } finally {
Example 16
Source File:    From webtau with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Stream<TestResultPayload> extract(Stream<TestStep> testSteps) {
    Stream<ScreenshotStepPayload> payloads = testSteps
            .flatMap(s -> s.getCombinedPayloadsOfType(ScreenshotStepPayload.class));

    Optional<ScreenshotStepPayload> first = payloads.findFirst();
    return -> Stream.of(
            new TestResultPayload("screenshot", screenshotStepPayload.getBase64png())))
Example 17
Source File:    From netty-http-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private IFunctionHandler matchFunctionHandler(NettyHttpRequest request) throws IllegalPathNotFoundException, IllegalMethodNotAllowedException {

        AtomicBoolean matched = new AtomicBoolean(false);

        Stream<Path> stream = functionHandlerMap.keySet().stream()
                .filter(((Predicate<Path>) path -> {
                     *过滤 Path URI 不匹配的
                    if (request.matched(path.getUri(), path.isEqual())) {
                        return matched.get();
                    return false;

                }).and(path -> {
                     * 过滤 Method 匹配的
                    return request.isAllowed(path.getMethod());

        Optional<Path> optional = stream.findFirst();


        if (!optional.isPresent() && !matched.get()){
            throw  new IllegalPathNotFoundException();

        if (!optional.isPresent() && matched.get()){
            throw  new IllegalMethodNotAllowedException();

        return functionHandlerMap.get(optional.get());
Example 18
Source File:    From cineast with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public Optional<MediaSegmentDescriptor> lookUpSegment(String segmentId) {
  Stream<MediaSegmentDescriptor> descriptors =
      this.lookUpSegmentsByField(FIELDNAMES[0], segmentId);
  return descriptors.findFirst();
Example 19
Source File:    From che with Eclipse Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Starts tests by compiling first generated DTO from maven plugin
 * @throws IOException if unable to start process
 * @throws InterruptedException if unable to wait the end of the process
@Test(dependsOnGroups = "tools")
public void compileDTOAndLaunchTests() throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    // search DTO
    Path p = this.buildDirectory;
    final int maxDepth = 10;
    Stream<Path> matches = java.nio.file.Files.find( p, maxDepth, (path, basicFileAttributes) -> path.getFileName().toString().equals(GENERATED_DTO_NAME));

    // take first
    Optional<Path> optionalPath = matches.findFirst();
    if (!optionalPath.isPresent()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find generated DTO file named '" + GENERATED_DTO_NAME + "'. Check it has been generated first");

    Path generatedDtoPath = optionalPath.get();

    //copy it in test resources folder where package.json is
    java.nio.file.Files.copy(generatedDtoPath, this.rootPath.resolve(DTO_FILENAME), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

    matches = java.nio.file.Files.find( p, maxDepth, (path, basicFileAttributes) -> path.getFileName().toString().equals(GENERATED_DTO_DTS_NAME));

    // take first
    optionalPath = matches.findFirst();
    if (!optionalPath.isPresent()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find generated DTO file named '" + GENERATED_DTO_DTS_NAME + "'. Check it has been generated first");

    generatedDtoPath = optionalPath.get();

    //copy it in test resources folder where package.json is
    java.nio.file.Files.copy(generatedDtoPath, this.rootPath.resolve(DTO_DTS_FILENAME), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

    // setup command line
    List<String> command = getDockerExec();

    // avoid root permissions in generated files
    if (SystemInfo.isLinux()) {
        command.add(wrapLinuxCommand("npm test"));
    } else {
        command.add("npm test");
    // setup typescript compiler
    ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder().command(command).directory(rootPath.toFile()).redirectErrorStream(true).inheritIO();
    Process process = processBuilder.start();"Starting TypeScript tests...");
    int resultProcess = process.waitFor();

    if (resultProcess != 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("DTO has failed to compile");
    }"TypeScript tests OK");

Example 20
Source File:    From flow with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Finds {@code "dom-module"} element inside the {@code parent}.
 * <p>
 * If {@code id} is provided then {@code "dom-module"} element is searched
 * with the given {@code id} value.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent element
 * @param id
 *            optional id attribute value to search {@code "dom-module"}
 *            element, may be {@code null}
 * @return
static Optional<Element> getDomModule(Element parent, String id) {
    Stream<Element> stream = parent.getElementsByTag("dom-module").stream();
    if (id != null) {
        stream = stream.filter(element -> id.equals(;
    return stream.findFirst();