Java Code Examples for org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity#getStatusCodeValue()

The following examples show how to use org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity#getStatusCodeValue() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Mastering-Microservices-with-Java-Third-Edition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void getUser() throws Exception {
  try {
    ResponseEntity<Collection<UserVO>> response
        userEndpoint + "?name=z",
        new ParameterizedTypeReference<Collection<UserVO>>() {
        }, (Object) "restaurants");"Response status: {}", response.getStatusCode());"Response headers: {}", response.getHeaders());"Response body: {}", response.getBody());
    if (response.getStatusCodeValue() == 200) {
      response.getBody().forEach((UserVO userVO) -> {"UserVO: {}", userVO);
  } catch (org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException.NotFound ex) {;
Example 2
Source File:    From Mastering-Microservices-with-Java-Third-Edition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void getUser() throws Exception {
  try {
    ResponseEntity<Collection<UserVO>> response
        userEndpoint + "?name=z",
        new ParameterizedTypeReference<Collection<UserVO>>() {
        }, (Object) "restaurants");"Response status: {}", response.getStatusCode());"Response headers: {}", response.getHeaders());"Response body: {}", response.getBody());
    if (response.getStatusCodeValue() == 200) {
      response.getBody().forEach((UserVO userVO) -> {"UserVO: {}", userVO);
  } catch (org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException.NotFound ex) {;
Example 3
Source File:    From Mastering-Microservices-with-Java-Third-Edition with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void getUser() throws Exception {
  try {
    ResponseEntity<Collection<UserVO>> response
        userEndpoint + "?name=z",
        new ParameterizedTypeReference<Collection<UserVO>>() {
        }, (Object) "restaurants");"Response status: {}", response.getStatusCode());"Response headers: {}", response.getHeaders());"Response body: {}", response.getBody());
    if (response.getStatusCodeValue() == 200) {
      response.getBody().forEach((UserVO userVO) -> {"UserVO: {}", userVO);
  } catch (org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException.NotFound ex) {;
Example 4
Source File:    From api-layer with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void validate(TokenType type, String token) {
    final String url = getURI(getZosmfServiceId()) + ZOSMF_INFO_END_POINT;

    final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add(ZOSMF_CSRF_HEADER, "");
    headers.add(HttpHeaders.COOKIE, type.getCookieName() + "=" + token);

    try {
        ResponseEntity<String> response =
            new HttpEntity<>(null, headers),

        if (response.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) return;
        if (response.getStatusCodeValue() == 401) {
            throw new TokenNotValidException("Token is not valid.");
        apimlLog.log("", url, response.getStatusCodeValue());
        throw new ServiceNotAccessibleException("Could not get an access to z/OSMF service.");
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
        throw handleExceptionOnCall(url, re);
Example 5
Source File:    From jcasbin-springboot-plugin with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void testAuthzRequest(String user, String path, String method, int code) {
    try {
        // We use HTTP basic authentication for authentication in this test client.
        // Username is user.
        // Password is "123".
        // You can customize your own authentication like OAuth, Apache Shiro, Spring Security, etc.
        String plainCredentials = user + ":123";
        String base64Credentials = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(plainCredentials.getBytes());
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.add("Authorization", "Basic " + base64Credentials);

        ResponseEntity<String> result =, HttpMethod.resolve(method), new HttpEntity<>(headers), String.class);
        int myCode = result.getStatusCodeValue();
        if (myCode != code) {
            fail(String.format("%s, %s, %s: %d, supposed to be %d", user, path, method, myCode, code));
    } catch (Exception e) {
Example 6
Source File:    From camunda-bpm-identity-keycloak with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Requests an access token for the configured Keycloak client.
 * @return new Keycloak context holding the access token
private KeycloakContext openAuthorizationContext() {
	HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
	headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED + ";charset=" + keycloakConfiguration.getCharset());
	HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<String>(
    		"client_id=" + keycloakConfiguration.getClientId()
    		+ "&client_secret=" + keycloakConfiguration.getClientSecret()
    		+ "&grant_type=client_credentials",

	try {
		ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate
				.postForEntity(keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakIssuerUrl() + "/protocol/openid-connect/token", request, String.class);
		if (!response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
			throw new IdentityProviderException("Could not connect to " + keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakIssuerUrl()
					+ ": HTTP status code " + response.getStatusCodeValue());

		JsonObject json = parseAsJsonObject(response.getBody());
		String accessToken = getJsonString(json, "access_token");
		String tokenType = getJsonString(json, "token_type");
		String refreshToken = getJsonString(json, "refresh_token");
		long expiresInMillis = getJsonLong(json, "expires_in") * 1000;
		return new KeycloakContext(accessToken, tokenType, expiresInMillis, refreshToken, keycloakConfiguration.getCharset());

	} catch (RestClientException rce) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to get access token from Keycloak server", rce);
	} catch (JsonException je) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to get access token from Keycloak server", je);
Example 7
Source File:    From full-teaching with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void checkAuthorizationUsersTest() {
	String o ="Example object";
	String[] roles = {"STUDENT"};
	Collection<User> u = new ArrayList<User>();
	u.add(new User("user3", "Mock6666", "mock", null,roles));
	u.add(new User("user1", "Mock6666", "mock", null,roles));
	u.add(new User("user2", "Mock6666", "mock", null,roles));
	ResponseEntity <Object> r = service.checkAuthorizationUsers(null, u);
	int status1 = r.getStatusCodeValue();
	int expected1 = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value();
	Assert.assertEquals("failure - expected HTTP status "+expected1, expected1, status1);
	ResponseEntity <Object> r2 = service.checkAuthorizationUsers(o, u);
	int status2 = r2.getStatusCodeValue();
	int expected2 = HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value();
	Assert.assertTrue("failure login - expected HTTP status "+
			expected2 +
			" but was: "+status2, 
	ResponseEntity <Object> r3 = service.checkAuthorizationUsers(o, u);
	Assert.assertEquals("Expeceted null", null, r3);
Example 8
Source File:    From onetwo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Integer determineStatusCode(Exception ex, HttpServletRequest request, String viewName) {
	Integer statusCode = super.determineStatusCode(request, viewName);
		ResponseEntity<Object> reponse = responseEntityExceptionHandler.handleException(ex, webRequest);
		statusCode = reponse.getStatusCodeValue();
	return statusCode;
Example 9
Source File:    From mutual-tls-ssl with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ClientResponse executeRequest(String url) {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add(HEADER_KEY_CLIENT_TYPE, getClientType().getValue());
    HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<>(null, headers);

    ResponseEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class);
    return new ClientResponse(response.getBody(), response.getStatusCodeValue());
Example 10
Source File:    From flowing-retail with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void sendCloudEventsToOptimize(String messageArrayJsonString) {
  log.debug("Try to ingest event into Optimize\n"+messageArrayJsonString);

  // prepare request
  HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
  headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, optimizeIngestionAccessToken);
  HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<String>(messageArrayJsonString, headers);
  try {      
    // Use Optimize Event Ingestion API, see
    ResponseEntity<String> response = rest.postForEntity( //
        optimizeIngestionEndpoint, //
        request, //

    if (response.getStatusCodeValue()==204) {
      log.debug("Ingested event into Optimize\nMessages:"+messageArrayJsonString+"\nResponse:"+response);
    } else {
      // Actually errors should be lead to exceptions in Spring already - but just to be sure! 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not ingest event into Optimize, response code: " + response.getStatusCodeValue());        
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    // Just log the problem and move on      
    log.error("Could not ingest event into Optimize\n"+messageArrayJsonString, ex);
    // This leads to this event being missing in optimize
    // but I don't care for this demo and prefer to move on when something is wired
    // Not the best real-life strategy!
Example 11
Source File:    From onetwo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
	public Object handleResponse(M invokeMethod, ResponseEntity<?> responseEntity, Class<?> actualResponseType){
		Object response = responseEntity.getBody();
			ApiResponsable<?> baseResponse = null;
				baseResponse = (ApiResponsable<?>) response;
			} else if (Result.class.isAssignableFrom(actualResponseType)) {
				Result result = (Result) response;
				baseResponse = new DataResultApiResponsableAdaptor(result);
			} else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(actualResponseType)){
				//reponseType have not define errcode and errmsg
				Map<String, ?> map = (Map<String, ?>) response;
				if (hasResultCodeField(map)) {
					baseResponse = createBaseResponseByMap(map);
//						response = map2Bean(map, invokeMethod.getMethodReturnType());
						response = handleResponseMap(map, invokeMethod.getMethodReturnType());
				} else if (invokeMethod.isReturnVoid()) {
					return null;
				else {
//					response = map2Bean(map, invokeMethod.getMethodReturnType());
					response = handleResponseMap(map, invokeMethod.getMethodReturnType());
			} else {
					logger.debug("Non-WechatResponse type: {}", response.getClass());
			if(baseResponse!=null && !baseResponse.isSuccess() && invokeMethod.isAutoThrowIfErrorCode()){
				logger.error("api[{}] error response: {}", invokeMethod.getMethod().getName(), baseResponse);
				/*throw WechatErrors.byErrcode(baseResponse.getErrcode())
				 			 .map(err->new ApiClientException(err, invokeMethod.getMethod(), null))
				 			 .orElse(new ApiClientException(ErrorTypes.of(baseResponse.getErrcode().toString(), 
				throw translateToApiClientException(invokeMethod, baseResponse, responseEntity);
//				throw new ApiClientException(ErrorTypes.of(baseResponse.getErrcode().toString(), baseResponse.getErrmsg(), responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue()));
				return null;
			return response;
		throw new RestClientException("error response: " + responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue());
Example 12
Source File:    From full-teaching with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void checkBackendLoggedTest() {
	ResponseEntity<Object> r = service.checkBackendLogged();
	Assert.assertEquals("Expeceted null", null, r);
	ResponseEntity<Object> r2 = service.checkBackendLogged();
	int status2 = r2.getStatusCodeValue();
	int expected2 = HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value();
	Assert.assertTrue("failure login - expected HTTP status "+
			expected2 +
			" but was: "+status2, 
Example 13
Source File:    From multiapps-controller with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public RestResponse(ResponseEntity<?> response) {
    this.status = response.getStatusCodeValue();
    this.entity = response.getBody();
Example 14
Source File:    From crnk-framework with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public RestTemplateResponse(ResponseEntity<String> response) {
    this.body = response.getBody();
    this.status = response.getStatusCodeValue();
    this.message = response.getStatusCode().getReasonPhrase();
    this.headers = response.getHeaders();
Example 15
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static Response toResponse(ResponseEntity responseEntity, MediaType defaultContentType) {
    return new BuiltResponse(responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue(),
            addContentTypeIfMissing(toJaxRsHeaders(responseEntity.getHeaders()), defaultContentType),
            new Annotation[0]);
Example 16
Source File:    From camunda-bpm-identity-keycloak with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Requests users.
 * @param query the user query - not including a groupId criteria
 * @return list of matching users
public List<User> requestUsersWithoutGroupId(KeycloakUserQuery query) {
	List<User> userList = new ArrayList<>();

	StringBuilder resultLogger = new StringBuilder();
	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
		resultLogger.append("Keycloak user query results: [");

	try {
		// get members of this group
		ResponseEntity<String> response = null;

		if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query.getId())) {
			response = requestUserById(query.getId());
		} else {
			// Create user search filter
			String userFilter = createUserSearchFilter(query);
			response = + "/users" + userFilter, HttpMethod.GET,
					keycloakContextProvider.createApiRequestEntity(), String.class);
		if (!response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
			throw new IdentityProviderException(
					"Unable to read users from " + keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakAdminUrl()
							+ ": HTTP status code " + response.getStatusCodeValue());

		JsonArray searchResult = parseAsJsonArray(response.getBody());
		for (int i = 0; i < searchResult.size(); i++) {
			JsonObject keycloakUser = getJsonObjectAtIndex(searchResult, i);
			if (keycloakConfiguration.isUseEmailAsCamundaUserId() && 
					StringUtils.isEmpty(getJsonString(keycloakUser, "email"))) {
			if (keycloakConfiguration.isUseUsernameAsCamundaUserId() &&
					StringUtils.isEmpty(getJsonString(keycloakUser, "username"))) {

			UserEntity user = transformUser(keycloakUser);

			// client side check of further query filters
			// beware: looks like most attributes are treated as 'like' queries on Keycloak
			//         and must therefore be seen as a sort of pre-filter only
			if (!matches(query.getId(), user.getId())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getEmail(), user.getEmail())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getFirstName(), user.getFirstName())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getLastName(), user.getLastName())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getIds(), user.getId())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getEmailLike(), user.getEmail())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getFirstNameLike(), user.getFirstName())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getLastNameLike(), user.getLastName())) continue;
			if(isAuthenticatedUser(user) || isAuthorized(READ, USER, user.getId())) {

				if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
					resultLogger.append(" based on ");
					resultLogger.append(", ");

	} catch (RestClientException rce) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query users", rce);
	} catch (JsonException je) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query users", je);

	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {

	// sort users according to query criteria
	if (query.getOrderingProperties().size() > 0) {
		userList.sort(new UserComparator(query.getOrderingProperties()));
	// paging
	if ((query.getFirstResult() > 0) || (query.getMaxResults() < Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
		userList = userList.subList(query.getFirstResult(), 
				Math.min(userList.size(), query.getFirstResult() + query.getMaxResults()));
	return userList;
Example 17
Source File:    From camunda-bpm-identity-keycloak with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Requests users of a specific group.
 * @param query the user query - including a groupId criteria
 * @return list of matching users
public List<User> requestUsersByGroupId(KeycloakUserQuery query) {
	String groupId = query.getGroupId();
	List<User> userList = new ArrayList<>();

	StringBuilder resultLogger = new StringBuilder();
	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
		resultLogger.append("Keycloak user query results: [");

	try {
		//  get Keycloak specific groupID
		String keyCloakID;
		try {
			keyCloakID = getKeycloakGroupID(groupId);
		} catch (KeycloakGroupNotFoundException e) {
			// group not found: empty search result
			return userList;

		// get members of this group
		ResponseEntity<String> response =
				keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakAdminUrl() + "/groups/" + keyCloakID + "/members?max=" + getMaxQueryResultSize(), 
				HttpMethod.GET, keycloakContextProvider.createApiRequestEntity(), String.class);
		if (!response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
			throw new IdentityProviderException(
					"Unable to read group members from " + keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakAdminUrl()
							+ ": HTTP status code " + response.getStatusCodeValue());

		JsonArray searchResult = parseAsJsonArray(response.getBody());
		for (int i = 0; i < searchResult.size(); i++) {
			JsonObject keycloakUser = getJsonObjectAtIndex(searchResult, i);
			if (keycloakConfiguration.isUseEmailAsCamundaUserId() && 
					StringUtils.isEmpty(getJsonString(keycloakUser, "email"))) {
			if (keycloakConfiguration.isUseUsernameAsCamundaUserId() &&
					StringUtils.isEmpty(getJsonString(keycloakUser, "username"))) {
			UserEntity user = transformUser(keycloakUser);

			// client side check of further query filters
			if (!matches(query.getId(), user.getId())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getIds(), user.getId())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getEmail(), user.getEmail())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getEmailLike(), user.getEmail())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getFirstName(), user.getFirstName())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getFirstNameLike(), user.getFirstName())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getLastName(), user.getLastName())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getLastNameLike(), user.getLastName())) continue;
			if(isAuthenticatedUser(user) || isAuthorized(READ, USER, user.getId())) {

				if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
					resultLogger.append(" based on ");
					resultLogger.append(", ");

	} catch (HttpClientErrorException hcee) {
		// if groupID is unknown server answers with HTTP 404 not found
		if (hcee.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)) {
			return userList;
		throw hcee;
	} catch (RestClientException rce) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query members of group " + groupId, rce);
	} catch (JsonException je) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query members of group " + groupId, je);

	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {

	// sort users according to query criteria
	if (query.getOrderingProperties().size() > 0) {
		userList.sort(new UserComparator(query.getOrderingProperties()));

	// paging
	if ((query.getFirstResult() > 0) || (query.getMaxResults() < Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
		userList = userList.subList(query.getFirstResult(), 
				Math.min(userList.size(), query.getFirstResult() + query.getMaxResults()));
	return userList;
Example 18
Source File:    From camunda-bpm-identity-keycloak with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Requests groups.
 * @param query the group query - not including a userId criteria
 * @return list of matching groups
public List<Group> requestGroupsWithoutUserId(KeycloakGroupQuery query) {
	List<Group> groupList = new ArrayList<>();

	StringBuilder resultLogger = new StringBuilder();
	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
		resultLogger.append("Keycloak group query results: [");

	try {
		// get groups according to search criteria
		ResponseEntity<String> response = null;

		if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query.getId())) {
			response = requestGroupById(query.getId());
		} else {
			String groupFilter = createGroupSearchFilter(query); // only pre-filter of names possible
			response = + "/groups" + groupFilter, HttpMethod.GET,
					keycloakContextProvider.createApiRequestEntity(), String.class);
		if (!response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
			throw new IdentityProviderException(
					"Unable to read groups from " + keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakAdminUrl()
							+ ": HTTP status code " + response.getStatusCodeValue());

		JsonArray searchResult = null;
		if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query.getId())) {
			searchResult = parseAsJsonArray(response.getBody());
		} else {
			// for non ID queries search in subgroups as well
			searchResult = flattenSubGroups(parseAsJsonArray(response.getBody()), new JsonArray());
		for (int i = 0; i < searchResult.size(); i++) {
			JsonObject keycloakGroup = getJsonObjectAtIndex(searchResult, i);
			Group group = transformGroup(keycloakGroup);
			// client side check of further query filters
			if (!matches(query.getIds(), group.getId())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getName(), group.getName())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getNameLike(), group.getName())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getType(), group.getType())) continue;
			if (isAuthorized(READ, GROUP, group.getId())) {

				if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
					resultLogger.append(" based on ");
					resultLogger.append(", ");

	} catch (RestClientException rce) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query groups", rce);
	} catch (JsonException je) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query groups", je);

	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {

	// sort groups according to query criteria
	if (query.getOrderingProperties().size() > 0) {
		groupList.sort(new GroupComparator(query.getOrderingProperties()));

	// paging
	if ((query.getFirstResult() > 0) || (query.getMaxResults() < Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
		groupList = groupList.subList(query.getFirstResult(), 
				Math.min(groupList.size(), query.getFirstResult() + query.getMaxResults()));

	// group queries in Keycloak do not consider the max attribute within the search request
	return truncate(groupList, keycloakConfiguration.getMaxResultSize());
Example 19
Source File:    From camunda-bpm-identity-keycloak with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Requests groups of a specific user.
 * @param query the group query - including a userId criteria
 * @return list of matching groups
public List<Group> requestGroupsByUserId(KeycloakGroupQuery query) {
	String userId = query.getUserId();
	List<Group> groupList = new ArrayList<>();

	StringBuilder resultLogger = new StringBuilder();
	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
		resultLogger.append("Keycloak group query results: [");

	try {
		//  get Keycloak specific userID
		String keyCloakID;
		try {
			keyCloakID = getKeycloakUserID(userId);
		} catch (KeycloakUserNotFoundException e) {
			// user not found: empty search result
			return groupList;

		// get groups of this user
		ResponseEntity<String> response =
				keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakAdminUrl() + "/users/" + keyCloakID + "/groups?max=" + getMaxQueryResultSize(), 
				HttpMethod.GET, keycloakContextProvider.createApiRequestEntity(), String.class);
		if (!response.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
			throw new IdentityProviderException(
					"Unable to read user groups from " + keycloakConfiguration.getKeycloakAdminUrl()
							+ ": HTTP status code " + response.getStatusCodeValue());

		JsonArray searchResult = parseAsJsonArray(response.getBody());
		for (int i = 0; i < searchResult.size(); i++) {
			JsonObject keycloakGroup = getJsonObjectAtIndex(searchResult, i);
			Group group = transformGroup(keycloakGroup);

			// client side check of further query filters
			if (!matches(query.getId(), group.getId())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getIds(), group.getId())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getName(), group.getName())) continue;
			if (!matchesLike(query.getNameLike(), group.getName())) continue;
			if (!matches(query.getType(), group.getType())) continue;

			// authenticated user is always allowed to query his own groups
			// otherwise READ authentication is required
			boolean isAuthenticatedUser = isAuthenticatedUser(userId);
			if (isAuthenticatedUser || isAuthorized(READ, GROUP, group.getId())) {

				if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {
					resultLogger.append(" based on ");
					resultLogger.append(", ");

	} catch (HttpClientErrorException hcee) {
		// if userID is unknown server answers with HTTP 404 not found
		if (hcee.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)) {
			return groupList;
		throw hcee;
	} catch (RestClientException rce) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query groups of user " + userId, rce);
	} catch (JsonException je) {
		throw new IdentityProviderException("Unable to query groups of user " + userId, je);

	if (KeycloakPluginLogger.INSTANCE.isDebugEnabled()) {

	// sort groups according to query criteria
	if (query.getOrderingProperties().size() > 0) {
		groupList.sort(new GroupComparator(query.getOrderingProperties()));

	// paging
	if ((query.getFirstResult() > 0) || (query.getMaxResults() < Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
		groupList = groupList.subList(query.getFirstResult(), 
				Math.min(groupList.size(), query.getFirstResult() + query.getMaxResults()));

	// group queries in Keycloak do not consider the max attribute within the search request
	return truncate(groupList, keycloakConfiguration.getMaxResultSize());
Example 20
Source File:    From full-teaching with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
public void checkAuthorizationTest() {
	String o ="Example object";
	String[] roles = {"STUDENT"};
	User u = new User("FailUser", "Mock6666", "mock", null,roles);
	ResponseEntity <Object> r = service.checkAuthorization(null, u);
	int status1 = r.getStatusCodeValue();
	int expected1 = HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED.value();
	Assert.assertEquals("failure - expected HTTP status "+expected1, expected1, status1);
	ResponseEntity <Object> r2 = service.checkAuthorization(o, u);
	int status2 = r2.getStatusCodeValue();
	int expected2 = HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value();
	Assert.assertTrue("failure login - expected HTTP status "+
			expected2 +
			" but was: "+status2, 
	ResponseEntity <Object> r3 = service.checkAuthorization(o, user.getLoggedUser());
	Assert.assertEquals("Expeceted null", null, r3);
