Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From hawkular-apm with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public List<CompletionTime> getTraceCompletions(String tenantId, Criteria criteria) {
    String index = client.getIndex(tenantId);
    if (!refresh(index)) {
        return null;

    BoolQueryBuilder query = buildQuery(criteria, ElasticsearchUtil.TRANSACTION_FIELD, CompletionTime.class);
    SearchRequestBuilder request = getTraceCompletionRequest(index, criteria, query, criteria.getMaxResponseSize());
    request.addSort(ElasticsearchUtil.TIMESTAMP_FIELD, SortOrder.DESC);
    SearchResponse response = getSearchResponse(request);
    if (response.isTimedOut()) {
        return null;

            .filter(c -> c != null)
Example 2
Source File:    From hawkular-apm with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private long getTraceCompletionCount(String tenantId, Criteria criteria, boolean onlyFaulty) {
    String index = client.getIndex(tenantId);
    if (!refresh(index)) {
        return 0;

    BoolQueryBuilder query = buildQuery(criteria, ElasticsearchUtil.TRANSACTION_FIELD, CompletionTime.class);
    SearchRequestBuilder request = getTraceCompletionRequest(index, criteria, query, 0);

    if (onlyFaulty) {
        FilterBuilder filter = FilterBuilders.queryFilter(QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
                .must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(ElasticsearchUtil.PROPERTIES_NAME_FIELD, Constants.PROP_FAULT)));
        request.setPostFilter(FilterBuilders.nestedFilter("properties", filter));

    SearchResponse response = request.execute().actionGet();
    if (response.isTimedOut()) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return response.getHits().getTotalHits();
Example 3
Source File:    From dht-spider with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void search(Map<String, Object> m) throws Exception{

        SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
        searchSourceBuilder.timeout(new TimeValue(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        searchSourceBuilder.query(QueryBuilders.termQuery("message", "视频"));

        SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();

        SearchResponse searchResponse =, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
        RestStatus status = searchResponse.status();
        TimeValue took = searchResponse.getTook();
        Boolean terminatedEarly = searchResponse.isTerminatedEarly();
        boolean timedOut = searchResponse.isTimedOut();
        SearchHits hits = searchResponse.getHits();
        SearchHit[] searchHits = hits.getHits();
        for (SearchHit hit : searchHits) {
            // do something with the SearchHit
            Map<String, Object> sourceAsMap = hit.getSourceAsMap();

Example 4
Source File:    From anomaly-detection with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private RestResponseListener<SearchResponse> search(RestChannel channel, Class<T> clazz) {
    return new RestResponseListener<SearchResponse>(channel) {
        public RestResponse buildResponse(SearchResponse response) throws Exception {
            if (response.isTimedOut()) {
                return new BytesRestResponse(RestStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, response.toString());

            if (clazz == AnomalyDetector.class) {
                for (SearchHit hit : response.getHits()) {
                    XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON
                    ensureExpectedToken(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, parser.nextToken(), parser::getTokenLocation);

                    // write back id and version to anomaly detector object
                    ToXContentObject xContentObject = AnomalyDetector.parse(parser, hit.getId(), hit.getVersion());
                    XContentBuilder builder = xContentObject.toXContent(jsonBuilder(), EMPTY_PARAMS);

            return new BytesRestResponse(RestStatus.OK, response.toXContent(channel.newBuilder(), EMPTY_PARAMS));
Example 5
Source File:    From hawkular-apm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static SearchResponse getSearchResponse(SearchRequestBuilder request) {
    SearchResponse response = request.execute().actionGet();
    if (response.isTimedOut()) {
    return response;
Example 6
Source File:    From aws-athena-query-federation with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Used to read the row data associated with the provided Split.
 * @param spiller A BlockSpiller that should be used to write the row data associated with this Split.
 * The BlockSpiller automatically handles chunking the response, encrypting, and spilling to S3.
 * @param recordsRequest Details of the read request, including:
 * 1. The Split
 * 2. The Catalog, Database, and Table the read request is for.
 * 3. The filtering predicate (if any)
 * 4. The columns required for projection.
 * @param queryStatusChecker A QueryStatusChecker that you can use to stop doing work for a query that has already terminated
 * @throws RuntimeException when an error occurs while attempting to send the query, or the query timed out.
 * @note Avoid writing >10 rows per-call to BlockSpiller.writeRow(...) because this will limit the BlockSpiller's
 * ability to control Block size. The resulting increase in Block size may cause failures and reduced performance.
protected void readWithConstraint(BlockSpiller spiller, ReadRecordsRequest recordsRequest,
                                  QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker)
        throws RuntimeException
{"readWithConstraint - enter - Domain: {}, Index: {}, Mapping: {}",
            recordsRequest.getTableName().getSchemaName(), recordsRequest.getTableName().getTableName(),

    String domain = recordsRequest.getTableName().getSchemaName();
    String endpoint = recordsRequest.getSplit().getProperty(domain);
    String index = recordsRequest.getTableName().getTableName();
    String shard = recordsRequest.getSplit().getProperty(ElasticsearchMetadataHandler.SHARD_KEY);
    long numRows = 0;

    if (queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning()) {
        AwsRestHighLevelClient client = clientFactory.getOrCreateClient(endpoint);
        try {
            // Create field extractors for all data types in the schema.
            GeneratedRowWriter rowWriter = createFieldExtractors(recordsRequest);

            // Create a new search-source injected with the projection, predicate, and the pagination batch size.
            SearchSourceBuilder searchSource = new SearchSourceBuilder().size(QUERY_BATCH_SIZE)
                    .timeout(new TimeValue(queryTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
            // Create a new search-request for the specified index.
            SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(index).preference(shard);
            int hitsNum;
            int currPosition = 0;
            do {
                // Process the search request injecting the search-source, and setting the from position
                // used for pagination of results.
                SearchResponse searchResponse = client

                // Throw on query timeout.
                if (searchResponse.isTimedOut()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Request for index (" + index + ") " + shard + " timed out.");

                // Increment current position to next batch of results.
                currPosition += QUERY_BATCH_SIZE;
                // Process hits.
                Iterator<SearchHit> hitIterator = searchResponse.getHits().iterator();
                hitsNum = searchResponse.getHits().getHits().length;

                while (hitIterator.hasNext() && queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning()) {
                    spiller.writeRows((Block block, int rowNum) ->
                            rowWriter.writeRow(block, rowNum, client.getDocument( ? 1 : 0);
                // if hitsNum < QUERY_BATCH_SIZE, then this is the last batch of documents.
            } while (hitsNum == QUERY_BATCH_SIZE && queryStatusChecker.isQueryRunning());
        catch (IOException error) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error sending search query: " + error.getMessage(), error);
    }"readWithConstraint: numRows[{}]", numRows);
Example 7
Source File:    From java-study with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
     * @return void
     * @Author pancm
     * @Description 普通查询
     * @Date 2019/9/12
     * @Param []
    private static void genSearch() throws IOException {
        String type = "_doc";
        String index = "test1";
        // 查询指定的索引库
        SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(index);
        SearchSourceBuilder sourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
        // 设置查询条件
        sourceBuilder.query(QueryBuilders.termQuery("uid", "1234"));
        // 设置起止和结束
        sourceBuilder.timeout(new TimeValue(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        // 设置路由
//		searchRequest.routing("routing");
        // 设置索引库表达式
        // 查询选择本地分片,默认是集群分片

        // 排序
        // 根据默认值进行降序排序
//		sourceBuilder.sort(new ScoreSortBuilder().order(SortOrder.DESC));
        // 根据字段进行升序排序
//		sourceBuilder.sort(new FieldSortBuilder("id").order(SortOrder.ASC));

        // 关闭suorce查询
//		sourceBuilder.fetchSource(false);

        String[] includeFields = new String[]{"title", "user", "innerObject.*"};
        String[] excludeFields = new String[]{"_type"};
        // 包含或排除字段
//		sourceBuilder.fetchSource(includeFields, excludeFields);

        // 同步查询
        SearchResponse searchResponse =, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);

        // HTTP状态代码、执行时间或请求是否提前终止或超时
        RestStatus status = searchResponse.status();
        TimeValue took = searchResponse.getTook();
        Boolean terminatedEarly = searchResponse.isTerminatedEarly();
        boolean timedOut = searchResponse.isTimedOut();

        // 供关于受搜索影响的切分总数的统计信息,以及成功和失败的切分
        int totalShards = searchResponse.getTotalShards();
        int successfulShards = searchResponse.getSuccessfulShards();
        int failedShards = searchResponse.getFailedShards();
        // 失败的原因
        for (ShardSearchFailure failure : searchResponse.getShardFailures()) {
            // failures should be handled here
        // 结果
        searchResponse.getHits().forEach(hit -> {
            Map<String, Object> map = hit.getSourceAsMap();
            System.out.println("普通查询的结果:" + map);
Example 8
Source File:    From hawkular-apm with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public CollectorConfiguration getCollector(String tenantId, String type, String host, String server) {
    CollectorConfiguration config = ConfigurationLoader.getConfiguration(type);

    try {
        String index = client.getIndex(tenantId);

        RefreshRequestBuilder refreshRequestBuilder =

        // Only retrieve valid configurations
        SearchResponse response = client.getClient().prepareSearch(index)
        if (response.isTimedOut()) {

        for (SearchHit searchHitFields : response.getHits()) {
            try {
                TransactionConfig btc = mapper.readValue(searchHitFields.getSourceAsString(),
                if (!btc.isDeleted()) {
                    config.getTransactions().put(searchHitFields.getId(), btc);
            } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexMissingException t) {
        // Ignore, as means that no transaction configurations have
        // been stored yet
        if (msgLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
            msgLog.tracef("No index found, so unable to retrieve transaction configs");

    return config;
Example 9
Source File:    From hawkular-apm with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Map<String, TransactionConfig> getTransactions(String tenantId, long updated) {
    Map<String, TransactionConfig> ret = new HashMap<String, TransactionConfig>();
    String index = client.getIndex(tenantId);

    try {
        RefreshRequestBuilder refreshRequestBuilder =

        // Should only obtain valid transactions
        SearchResponse response = client.getClient().prepareSearch(index)
        if (response.isTimedOut()) {

        for (SearchHit searchHitFields : response.getHits()) {
            try {
                TransactionConfig btxn = mapper.readValue(searchHitFields.getSourceAsString(),
                if ((updated == 0 && !btxn.isDeleted()) || (updated > 0 && btxn.getLastUpdated() > updated)) {
                    ret.put(searchHitFields.getId(), btxn);
            } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexMissingException t) {
        // Ignore, as means that no transaction configurations have
        // been stored yet
        if (msgLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
            msgLog.tracef("No index found, so unable to retrieve transaction names");

    return ret;