Java Code Examples for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.SnapshotDescriptionUtils#readSnapshotInfo()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.SnapshotDescriptionUtils#readSnapshotInfo() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From presto-hbase-connector with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * get region infos
 * @param zookeeperQuorum     zookeeper quorum
 * @param zookeeperClientPort zookeeper client port
 * @param hBaseRootDir        HBase root dir
 * @param snapshotName        snapshot name
 * @return region info list
 * @throws IOException IOException
public static List<HRegionInfo> getRegionInfos(String zookeeperQuorum, String zookeeperClientPort,
                                               String hBaseRootDir, String snapshotName) throws IOException {
    try {
        Configuration conf = Utils.getHadoopConf(zookeeperQuorum, zookeeperClientPort);
        Path root = new Path(hBaseRootDir);
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
        Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(snapshotName, root);
        HBaseProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshotDesc = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);
        SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs, snapshotDir, snapshotDesc);
        return Utils.getRegionInfosFromManifest(manifest);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("get region info error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
        throw ex;
Example 2
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Get table descriptor
 * @param tableName is the table backed up
 * @return {@link TableDescriptor} saved in backup image of the table
TableDescriptor getTableDesc(TableName tableName) throws IOException {
  Path tableInfoPath = this.getTableInfoPath(tableName);
  SnapshotDescription desc = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, tableInfoPath);
  SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs, tableInfoPath, desc);
  TableDescriptor tableDescriptor = manifest.getTableDescriptor();
  if (!tableDescriptor.getTableName().equals(tableName)) {
    LOG.error("couldn't find Table Desc for table: " + tableName + " under tableInfoPath: "
            + tableInfoPath.toString());
    LOG.error("tableDescriptor.getNameAsString() = "
            + tableDescriptor.getTableName().getNameAsString());
    throw new FileNotFoundException("couldn't find Table Desc for table: " + tableName
        + " under tableInfoPath: " + tableInfoPath.toString());
  return tableDescriptor;
Example 3
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void openWithoutRestoringSnapshot() throws IOException {
  Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(snapshotName, rootDir);
  SnapshotProtos.SnapshotDescription snapshotDesc =
      SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);

  SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs, snapshotDir, snapshotDesc);
  List<SnapshotRegionManifest> regionManifests = manifest.getRegionManifests();
  if (regionManifests == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Snapshot seems empty, snapshotName: " + snapshotName);

  regions = new ArrayList<>(regionManifests.size()); -> ProtobufUtil.toRegionInfo(r.getRegionInfo()))
    .filter(this::isValidRegion).sorted().forEach(r -> regions.add(r));
  htd = manifest.getTableDescriptor();
Example 4
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Set<String> getFilesReferencedBySnapshot(String snapshotName) throws IOException {
  HashSet<String> files = new HashSet<>();
  Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(
      snapshotName, CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf));
  SnapshotProtos.SnapshotDescription sd = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(
      fs, snapshotDir);
  SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs, snapshotDir, sd);
  // For each region referenced by the snapshot
  for (SnapshotRegionManifest rm : manifest.getRegionManifests()) {
    // For each column family in this region
    for (FamilyFiles ff : rm.getFamilyFilesList()) {
      // And each store file in that family
      for (StoreFile sf : ff.getStoreFilesList()) {
  return files;
Example 5
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public List<HRegionLocation> getRegionBoundaries(StatementContext context, byte[] tableName) throws SQLException {
	String snapshotName;
	Configuration conf = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getConfiguration();
	if((snapshotName = getSnapshotName(conf)) != null) {
		try {
			Path rootDir = new Path(conf.get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR));
			FileSystem fs = rootDir.getFileSystem(conf);
			Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(snapshotName, rootDir);
			SnapshotDescription snapshotDescription = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);
			SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs, snapshotDir, snapshotDescription);
			return getRegionLocationsFromManifest(manifest);
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e);
	else {
		return context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getAllTableRegions(tableName);
Example 6
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * For the given snapshot, find all files which this {@code snapshotName} references. After a file
 * is found to be referenced by the snapshot, it is removed from {@code filesToUpdate} and
 * {@code snapshotSizeChanges} is updated in concert.
 * @param snapshotName The snapshot to check
 * @param filesToUpdate A mapping of archived files to their size
 * @param snapshotSizeChanges A mapping of snapshots and their change in size
void bucketFilesToSnapshot(
    String snapshotName, Map<String,Long> filesToUpdate, Map<String,Long> snapshotSizeChanges)
        throws IOException {
  // A quick check to avoid doing work if the caller unnecessarily invoked this method.
  if (filesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {

  Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(
      snapshotName, CommonFSUtils.getRootDir(conf));
  SnapshotDescription sd = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);
  SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs, snapshotDir, sd);
  // For each region referenced by the snapshot
  for (SnapshotRegionManifest rm : manifest.getRegionManifests()) {
    // For each column family in this region
    for (FamilyFiles ff : rm.getFamilyFilesList()) {
      // And each store file in that family
      for (StoreFile sf : ff.getStoreFilesList()) {
        Long valueOrNull = filesToUpdate.remove(sf.getName());
        if (valueOrNull != null) {
          // This storefile was recently archived, we should update this snapshot with its size
          snapshotSizeChanges.merge(snapshotName, valueOrNull, Long::sum);
        // Short-circuit, if we have no more files that were archived, we don't need to iterate
        // over the rest of the snapshot.
        if (filesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
Example 7
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Check that the snapshot description written in the filesystem matches the current snapshot
 * @param snapshotDir snapshot directory to check
private void verifySnapshotDescription(Path snapshotDir) throws CorruptedSnapshotException {
  SnapshotDescription found = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(workingDirFs,
  if (!this.snapshot.equals(found)) {
    throw new CorruptedSnapshotException(
        "Snapshot read (" + found + ") doesn't equal snapshot we ran (" + snapshot + ").",
Example 8
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Delete the specified snapshot
 * @param snapshot
 * @throws SnapshotDoesNotExistException If the specified snapshot does not exist.
 * @throws IOException For filesystem IOExceptions
public void deleteSnapshot(SnapshotDescription snapshot) throws IOException {
  // check to see if it is completed
  if (!isSnapshotCompleted(snapshot)) {
    throw new SnapshotDoesNotExistException(ProtobufUtil.createSnapshotDesc(snapshot));

  String snapshotName = snapshot.getName();
  // first create the snapshot description and check to see if it exists
  FileSystem fs = master.getMasterFileSystem().getFileSystem();
  Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(snapshotName, rootDir);
  // Get snapshot info from file system. The one passed as parameter is a "fake" snapshotInfo with
  // just the "name" and it does not contains the "real" snapshot information
  snapshot = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);

  // call coproc pre hook
  MasterCoprocessorHost cpHost = master.getMasterCoprocessorHost();
  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.SnapshotDescription snapshotPOJO = null;
  if (cpHost != null) {
    snapshotPOJO = ProtobufUtil.createSnapshotDesc(snapshot);

  LOG.debug("Deleting snapshot: " + snapshotName);
  // delete the existing snapshot
  if (!fs.delete(snapshotDir, true)) {
    throw new HBaseSnapshotException("Failed to delete snapshot directory: " + snapshotDir);

  // call coproc post hook
  if (cpHost != null) {

Example 9
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void createAndRestoreTable(Connection conn, TableName tableName, TableName newTableName,
    Path tableBackupPath, boolean truncateIfExists, String lastIncrBackupId) throws IOException {
  if (newTableName == null) {
    newTableName = tableName;
  FileSystem fileSys = tableBackupPath.getFileSystem(this.conf);

  // get table descriptor first
  TableDescriptor tableDescriptor = getTableDescriptor(fileSys, tableName, lastIncrBackupId);
  if (tableDescriptor != null) {
    LOG.debug("Retrieved descriptor: " + tableDescriptor + " thru " + lastIncrBackupId);

  if (tableDescriptor == null) {
    Path tableSnapshotPath = getTableSnapshotPath(backupRootPath, tableName, backupId);
    if (fileSys.exists(tableSnapshotPath)) {
      // snapshot path exist means the backup path is in HDFS
      // check whether snapshot dir already recorded for target table
      if (snapshotMap.get(tableName) != null) {
        SnapshotDescription desc =
            SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fileSys, tableSnapshotPath);
        SnapshotManifest manifest =, fileSys, tableSnapshotPath, desc);
        tableDescriptor = manifest.getTableDescriptor();
      } else {
        tableDescriptor = getTableDesc(tableName);
        snapshotMap.put(tableName, getTableInfoPath(tableName));
      if (tableDescriptor == null) {
        LOG.debug("Found no table descriptor in the snapshot dir, previous schema would be lost");
    } else {
      throw new IOException("Table snapshot directory: " +
          tableSnapshotPath + " does not exist.");

  Path tableArchivePath = getTableArchivePath(tableName);
  if (tableArchivePath == null) {
    if (tableDescriptor != null) {
      // find table descriptor but no archive dir means the table is empty, create table and exit
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("find table descriptor but no archive dir for table " + tableName
            + ", will only create table");
      tableDescriptor = TableDescriptorBuilder.copy(newTableName, tableDescriptor);
      checkAndCreateTable(conn, tableBackupPath, tableName, newTableName, null, tableDescriptor,
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot restore hbase table because directory '"
          + " tableArchivePath is null.");

  if (tableDescriptor == null) {
    tableDescriptor = TableDescriptorBuilder.newBuilder(newTableName).build();
  } else {
    tableDescriptor = TableDescriptorBuilder.copy(newTableName, tableDescriptor);

  // record all region dirs:
  // load all files in dir
  try {
    ArrayList<Path> regionPathList = getRegionList(tableName);

    // should only try to create the table with all region informations, so we could pre-split
    // the regions in fine grain
    checkAndCreateTable(conn, tableBackupPath, tableName, newTableName, regionPathList,
      tableDescriptor, truncateIfExists);
    RestoreJob restoreService = BackupRestoreFactory.getRestoreJob(conf);
    Path[] paths = new Path[regionPathList.size()];
    regionPathList.toArray(paths);, new TableName[]{tableName}, new TableName[] {newTableName}, true);

  } catch (Exception e) {
    LOG.error(e.toString(), e);
    throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot restore hbase table", e);
Example 10
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Restore or Clone the specified snapshot
 * @param reqSnapshot
 * @param nonceKey unique identifier to prevent duplicated RPC
 * @throws IOException
public long restoreOrCloneSnapshot(final SnapshotDescription reqSnapshot, final NonceKey nonceKey,
    final boolean restoreAcl) throws IOException {
  FileSystem fs = master.getMasterFileSystem().getFileSystem();
  Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(reqSnapshot, rootDir);

  // check if the snapshot exists
  if (!fs.exists(snapshotDir)) {
    LOG.error("A Snapshot named '" + reqSnapshot.getName() + "' does not exist.");
    throw new SnapshotDoesNotExistException(

  // Get snapshot info from file system. The reqSnapshot is a "fake" snapshotInfo with
  // just the snapshot "name" and table name to restore. It does not contains the "real" snapshot
  // information.
  SnapshotDescription snapshot = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);
  SnapshotManifest manifest =, fs,
      snapshotDir, snapshot);
  TableDescriptor snapshotTableDesc = manifest.getTableDescriptor();
  TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(reqSnapshot.getTable());

  // sanity check the new table descriptor
  TableDescriptorChecker.sanityCheck(master.getConfiguration(), snapshotTableDesc);

  // stop tracking "abandoned" handlers

  // Verify snapshot validity
  SnapshotReferenceUtil.verifySnapshot(master.getConfiguration(), fs, manifest);

  // Execute the restore/clone operation
  long procId;
  if (MetaTableAccessor.tableExists(master.getConnection(), tableName)) {
    procId = restoreSnapshot(reqSnapshot, tableName, snapshot, snapshotTableDesc, nonceKey,
  } else {
    procId =
        cloneSnapshot(reqSnapshot, tableName, snapshot, snapshotTableDesc, nonceKey, restoreAcl);
  return procId;
Example 11
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static SnapshotManifest getSnapshotManifest(Configuration conf, String snapshotName,
    Path rootDir, FileSystem fs) throws IOException {
  Path snapshotDir = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.getCompletedSnapshotDir(snapshotName, rootDir);
  SnapshotDescription snapshotDesc = SnapshotDescriptionUtils.readSnapshotInfo(fs, snapshotDir);
  return, fs, snapshotDir, snapshotDesc);