org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.SequenceNode Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.SequenceNode. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From orion.server with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected Node representSequence(Tag tag, Iterable<?> sequence, Boolean flowStyle) {
    int size = 10;// default for ArrayList
    if (sequence instanceof List<?>) {
        size = ((List<?>) sequence).size();
    List<Node> value = new ArrayList<Node>(size);
    SequenceNode node = new SequenceNode(tag, value, flowStyle);
    representedObjects.put(objectToRepresent, node);
    boolean bestStyle = true;
    for (Object item : sequence) {
        Node nodeItem = representData(item);
        if (!((nodeItem instanceof ScalarNode && ((ScalarNode) nodeItem).getStyle() == null))) {
            bestStyle = false;
    if (flowStyle == null) {
        if (defaultFlowStyle != FlowStyle.AUTO) {
        } else {
    return node;
Example #2
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected Set<? extends Object> constructSet(SequenceNode node) {
    Set<Object> result;
    if (!node.getType().isInterface()) {
        // the root class may be defined
        try {
            result = (Set<Object>) node.getType().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new YAMLException(e);
    } else {
        result = createDefaultSet(node.getValue().size());
    constructSequenceStep2(node, result);
    return result;

Example #3
Source File:    From orion.server with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected List<? extends Object> constructSequence(SequenceNode node) {
    List<Object> result;
    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getType()) && !node.getType().isInterface()) {
        // the root class may be defined (Vector for instance)
        try {
            result = (List<Object>) node.getType().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new YAMLException(e);
    } else {
        result = createDefaultList(node.getValue().size());
    constructSequenceStep2(node, result);
    return result;

Example #4
Source File:    From orion.server with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected Set<? extends Object> constructSet(SequenceNode node) {
    Set<Object> result;
    if (!node.getType().isInterface()) {
        // the root class may be defined
        try {
            result = (Set<Object>) node.getType().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new YAMLException(e);
    } else {
        result = createDefaultSet(node.getValue().size());
    constructSequenceStep2(node, result);
    return result;

Example #5
Source File:    From Diorite with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void construct2ndStep(Node node, Object object)
    SequenceNode snode = (SequenceNode) node;
    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getType()))
        List<Object> list = (List<Object>) object;
        this.yamlConstructor.constructSequenceStep2(snode, list);
    else if (node.getType().isArray())
        this.yamlConstructor.constructArrayStep2(snode, object);
        throw new YAMLException("Immutable objects cannot be recursive.");
Example #6
Source File:    From onedev with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private static Node migrateJobDependency(Element jobDependencyElement) {
	List<NodeTuple> tuples = new ArrayList<>();
	tuples.add(new NodeTuple(
			new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, "jobName"), 
			new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, jobDependencyElement.elementText("jobName").trim())));
	tuples.add(new NodeTuple(
			new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, "requireSuccessful"), 
			new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, jobDependencyElement.elementText("requireSuccessful").trim())));
	Element artifactsElement = jobDependencyElement.element("artifacts");
	if (artifactsElement != null) {
		tuples.add(new NodeTuple(
				new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, "artifacts"), 
				new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, artifactsElement.getText().trim())));
	List<Node> paramSupplyNodes = migrateParamSupplies(jobDependencyElement.element("jobParams").elements());
	if (!paramSupplyNodes.isEmpty()) {
		tuples.add(new NodeTuple(
				new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, "jobParams"), 
				new SequenceNode(Tag.SEQ, paramSupplyNodes, FlowStyle.BLOCK)));
	return new MappingNode(Tag.MAP, tuples, FlowStyle.BLOCK);
Example #7
Source File:    From Diorite with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public boolean containsKey(String key)
    if (this.node instanceof MappingNode)
        return this.getNode((MappingNode) this.node, key) != null;
    if (this.node instanceof SequenceNode)
        int i = DioriteMathUtils.asInt(key, - 1);
        if (i == - 1)
            return false;
        return i < ((SequenceNode) this.node).getValue().size();
    return false;
Example #8
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected List<? extends Object> constructSequence(SequenceNode node) {
    List<Object> result;
    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getType()) && !node.getType().isInterface()) {
        // the root class may be defined (Vector for instance)
        try {
            result = (List<Object>) node.getType().newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new YAMLException(e);
    } else {
        result = createDefaultList(node.getValue().size());
    constructSequenceStep2(node, result);
    return result;

Example #9
Source File:    From Diorite with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private Node getNode(Node node, String key)
    if (key.isEmpty())
        return node;
    if (node instanceof SequenceNode)
        SequenceNode sequenceNode = (SequenceNode) node;
        List<Node> sequenceNodeValue = sequenceNode.getValue();
        int i = DioriteMathUtils.asInt(key, - 1);
        if ((i == - 1) || (i < sequenceNodeValue.size()))
            return null;
        return sequenceNodeValue.get(i);
    if (node instanceof MappingNode)
        return this.getNode((MappingNode) node, key);
    return null;
Example #10
Source File:    From onedev with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private static Node migrateDefaultMultiValueProvider(Element defaultMultiValueProviderElement) {
	List<NodeTuple> tuples = new ArrayList<>();
	String classTag = getClassTag(defaultMultiValueProviderElement.attributeValue("class"));
	Element scriptNameElement = defaultMultiValueProviderElement.element("scriptName");
	if (scriptNameElement != null) {
		tuples.add(new NodeTuple(
				new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, "scriptName"), 
				new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, scriptNameElement.getText().trim())));
	Element valueElement = defaultMultiValueProviderElement.element("value");
	if (valueElement != null) {
		List<Node> valueItemNodes = new ArrayList<>();
		for (Element valueItemElement: valueElement.elements())
			valueItemNodes.add(new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, valueItemElement.getText().trim()));
		tuples.add(new NodeTuple(
				new ScalarNode(Tag.STR, "value"), 
				new SequenceNode(Tag.SEQ, valueItemNodes, FlowStyle.BLOCK)));
	return new MappingNode(new Tag(classTag), tuples, FlowStyle.BLOCK);
Example #11
Source File:    From orion.server with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void construct2ndStep(Node node, Object object) {
    // Compact Object Notation may contain only one entry
    MappingNode mnode = (MappingNode) node;
    NodeTuple nodeTuple = mnode.getValue().iterator().next();

    Node valueNode = nodeTuple.getValueNode();

    if (valueNode instanceof MappingNode) {
        constructJavaBean2ndStep((MappingNode) valueNode, object);
    } else {
        // value is a list
        applySequence(object, constructSequence((SequenceNode) valueNode));
Example #12
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Car construct(Node node) {
    Car car = new Car();
    MappingNode mapping = (MappingNode) node;
    List<NodeTuple> list = mapping.getValue();
    for (NodeTuple tuple : list) {
        String field = toScalarString(tuple.getKeyNode());
        if ("plate".equals(field)) {
        if ("wheels".equals(field)) {
            SequenceNode snode = (SequenceNode) tuple.getValueNode();
            List<Wheel> wheels = (List<Wheel>) constructSequence(snode);
    return car;
Example #13
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void construct2ndStep(Node node, Object object) {
    // Compact Object Notation may contain only one entry
    MappingNode mnode = (MappingNode) node;
    NodeTuple nodeTuple = mnode.getValue().iterator().next();

    Node valueNode = nodeTuple.getValueNode();

    if (valueNode instanceof MappingNode) {
        constructJavaBean2ndStep((MappingNode) valueNode, object);
    } else {
        // value is a list
        applySequence(object, constructSequence((SequenceNode) valueNode));
Example #14
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected Node representSequence(Tag tag, Iterable<?> sequence, Boolean flowStyle) {
    int size = 10;// default for ArrayList
    if (sequence instanceof List<?>) {
        size = ((List<?>) sequence).size();
    List<Node> value = new ArrayList<Node>(size);
    SequenceNode node = new SequenceNode(tag, value, flowStyle);
    representedObjects.put(objectToRepresent, node);
    boolean bestStyle = true;
    for (Object item : sequence) {
        Node nodeItem = representData(item);
        if (!(nodeItem instanceof ScalarNode && ((ScalarNode) nodeItem).getStyle() == null)) {
            bestStyle = false;
    if (flowStyle == null) {
        if (defaultFlowStyle != FlowStyle.AUTO) {
        } else {
    return node;
Example #15
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object construct(Node node) {
    SequenceNode snode = (SequenceNode) node;
    List<Entity> values = (List<Entity>) constructSequence(snode);
    Shape shape = new Shape(values);
    return shape;
Example #16
Source File:    From yauaa with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void loadYamlLookupSets(MappingNode entry, String filename) {
    String name = null;
    Set<String> lookupSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    Set<String> merge = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    for (NodeTuple tuple : entry.getValue()) {
        switch (getKeyAsString(tuple, filename)) {
            case "name":
                name = getValueAsString(tuple, filename);
            case "merge":
                merge.addAll(getStringValues(getValueAsSequenceNode(tuple, filename), filename));
            case "values":
                SequenceNode node = getValueAsSequenceNode(tuple, filename);
                for (String value: getStringValues(node, filename)) {

    if (!merge.isEmpty()) {
        lookupSetMerge.put(name, merge);

    lookupSets.put(name, lookupSet);
Example #17
Source File:    From api-compiler with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static SequenceNode expectList(YamlReaderHelper config, FieldDescriptor field, Node node) {
  if (isEmpty(node)) {
    return new SequenceNode(Tag.SEQ, ImmutableList.<Node>of(), false);
  } else if (node instanceof ScalarNode) {
    // Allow a singleton as a list.
    return new SequenceNode(Tag.SEQ, ImmutableList.<Node>of(node), false);
  } else if (node instanceof SequenceNode) {
    return (SequenceNode) node;
  } else {
    config.error(node, "Expected a list for field '%s', found '%s'.",
        field.getFullName(), node.getNodeId());
    return new SequenceNode(Tag.SEQ, ImmutableList.<Node>of(), false);
Example #18
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object construct(Node node) {
    if (SortedSet.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getType())) {
        if (node.isTwoStepsConstruction()) {
            throw new YAMLException("Set cannot be recursive.");
        } else {
            Collection<Object> result = new TreeSet<Object>();
            SetContructor.this.constructSequenceStep2((SequenceNode) node, result);
            return result;
    } else {
        return super.construct(node);
Example #19
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object construct(Node node) {
    // Note: we do not check for duplicate keys, because it's too
    // CPU-expensive.
    if (!(node instanceof SequenceNode)) {
        throw new ConstructorException("while constructing pairs", node.getStartMark(),
                "expected a sequence, but found " + node.getNodeId(), node.getStartMark());
    SequenceNode snode = (SequenceNode) node;
    List<Object[]> pairs = new ArrayList<Object[]>(snode.getValue().size());
    for (Node subnode : snode.getValue()) {
        if (!(subnode instanceof MappingNode)) {
            throw new ConstructorException("while constructingpairs", node.getStartMark(),
                    "expected a mapping of length 1, but found " + subnode.getNodeId(),
        MappingNode mnode = (MappingNode) subnode;
        if (mnode.getValue().size() != 1) {
            throw new ConstructorException("while constructing pairs", node.getStartMark(),
                    "expected a single mapping item, but found " + mnode.getValue().size()
                            + " items", mnode.getStartMark());
        Node keyNode = mnode.getValue().get(0).getKeyNode();
        Node valueNode = mnode.getValue().get(0).getValueNode();
        Object key = constructObject(keyNode);
        Object value = constructObject(valueNode);
        pairs.add(new Object[] { key, value });
    return pairs;
Example #20
Source File:    From api-compiler with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void handleMessageField(ConfigSource.Builder builder, FieldDescriptor field, Node value,
    String path){
  if (field.isMapField()) {
    MappingNode map = NodeConverterUtils.expectMap(helper, field, value);
    FieldDescriptor keyField = field.getMessageType().getFields().get(0);
    FieldDescriptor valueField = field.getMessageType().getFields().get(1);
    boolean isNested =
        field.getMessageType().getFields().get(1).getType() == FieldDescriptor.Type.MESSAGE;
    for (NodeTuple entry : map.getValue()) {

      Object keyObj = NodeConverterUtils.convert(helper, keyField, entry.getKeyNode());
      if (keyObj == null) {
      if (isNested) {
        String nestedPath = appendToPath(path, keyObj);
        helper.checkAndAddPath(nestedPath, value, field);
        builder.withBuilder(field, keyObj, new ReadNodeBuildAction(helper, entry.getValueNode(),
            appendToPath(nestedPath, keyObj)));
      } else {
        Object valueObj = NodeConverterUtils.convert(helper, valueField, entry.getValueNode());
        if (valueObj != null) {
          builder.setValue(field, keyObj, valueObj, helper.getLocation(entry.getValueNode()));
  } else if (field.isRepeated()) {
    SequenceNode list = NodeConverterUtils.expectList(helper, field, value);
    int index = 0;
    for (Node elem : list.getValue()) {
      String indexedPath = String.format("%s[%s]", path, index++);
      builder.withAddedBuilder(field, new ReadNodeBuildAction(helper, elem, indexedPath));
  } else {
    builder.withBuilder(field, new ReadNodeBuildAction(helper, value, path));
  addExplicitLocationField(builder, field, value);
Example #21
Source File:    From Diorite with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<?> constructSequence(SequenceNode node)
    Collection<Object> collection;
    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getType()))
        collection = YamlCollectionCreator.createCollection(node.getType(), node.getValue().size());
        collection = YamlCollectionCreator.createCollection(List.class, node.getValue().size());
    this.constructSequenceStep2(node, collection);
    return (List<?>) collection;
Example #22
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object construct(Node node) {
    // Note: we do not check for duplicate keys, because it's too
    // CPU-expensive.
    Map<Object, Object> omap = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>();
    if (!(node instanceof SequenceNode)) {
        throw new ConstructorException("while constructing an ordered map",
                node.getStartMark(), "expected a sequence, but found " + node.getNodeId(),
    SequenceNode snode = (SequenceNode) node;
    for (Node subnode : snode.getValue()) {
        if (!(subnode instanceof MappingNode)) {
            throw new ConstructorException("while constructing an ordered map",
                    node.getStartMark(), "expected a mapping of length 1, but found "
                            + subnode.getNodeId(), subnode.getStartMark());
        MappingNode mnode = (MappingNode) subnode;
        if (mnode.getValue().size() != 1) {
            throw new ConstructorException("while constructing an ordered map",
                    node.getStartMark(), "expected a single mapping item, but found "
                            + mnode.getValue().size() + " items", mnode.getStartMark());
        Node keyNode = mnode.getValue().get(0).getKeyNode();
        Node valueNode = mnode.getValue().get(0).getValueNode();
        Object key = constructObject(keyNode);
        Object value = constructObject(valueNode);
        omap.put(key, value);
    return omap;
Example #23
Source File:    From yauaa with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void assertSameVersion(NodeTuple versionNodeTuple, String filename) {
    // Check the version information from the Yaml files
    SequenceNode versionNode = getValueAsSequenceNode(versionNodeTuple, filename);
    String gitCommitIdDescribeShort = null;
    String buildTimestamp = null;
    String projectVersion = null;

    List<Node> versionList = versionNode.getValue();
    for (Node versionEntry : versionList) {
        requireNodeInstanceOf(MappingNode.class, versionEntry, filename, "The entry MUST be a mapping");
        NodeTuple entry = getExactlyOneNodeTuple((MappingNode) versionEntry, filename);
        String key = getKeyAsString(entry, filename);
        String value = getValueAsString(entry, filename);
        switch (key) {
            case "git_commit_id_describe_short":
                gitCommitIdDescribeShort = value;
            case "build_timestamp":
                buildTimestamp = value;
            case "project_version":
                projectVersion = value;
            case "copyright":
            case "license":
            case "url":
                // Ignore those two when comparing.
                throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException(
                    "Yaml config.(" + filename + ":" + versionNode.getStartMark().getLine() + "): " +
                        "Found unexpected config entry: " + key + ", allowed are " +
                        "'git_commit_id_describe_short', 'build_timestamp' and 'project_version'");
    assertSameVersion(gitCommitIdDescribeShort, buildTimestamp, projectVersion);
Example #24
Source File:    From yauaa with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static List<String> getStringValues(Node sequenceNode, String filename) {
    requireNodeInstanceOf(SequenceNode.class, sequenceNode, filename,
        "The provided node must be a sequence but it is a " + sequenceNode.getNodeId().name());

    List<Node> valueNodes = ((SequenceNode)sequenceNode).getValue();
    List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(valueNodes.size());
    for (Node node: valueNodes) {
        requireNodeInstanceOf(ScalarNode.class, node, filename,
            "The value should be a string but it is a " + node.getNodeId().name());
    return values;
Example #25
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void construct2ndStep(Node node, Object data) {
    if (node.isTwoStepsConstruction()) {
        constructSequenceStep2((SequenceNode) node, (List<Object>) data);
    } else {
        throw new YAMLException("Unexpected recursive sequence structure. Node: " + node);
Example #26
Source File:    From launchpad-missioncontrol with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<OpenShiftCluster> construct(Node node) {
    List<OpenShiftCluster> clusters = new ArrayList<>();
    SequenceNode sequenceNode = (SequenceNode) node;
    for (Node n : sequenceNode.getValue()) {
        MappingNode mapNode = (MappingNode) n;
        Map<Object, Object> valueMap = constructMapping(mapNode);
        String id = (String) valueMap.get("id");
        String apiUrl = (String) valueMap.get("apiUrl");
        String consoleUrl = (String) valueMap.get("consoleUrl");
        clusters.add(new OpenShiftCluster(id, apiUrl, consoleUrl));
    return clusters;
Example #27
Source File:    From snake-yaml with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void construct2ndStep(Node node, Object object) {
    SequenceNode snode = (SequenceNode) node;
    if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getType())) {
        List<Object> list = (List<Object>) object;
        constructSequenceStep2(snode, list);
    } else if (node.getType().isArray()) {
        constructArrayStep2(snode, object);
    } else {
        throw new YAMLException("Immutable objects cannot be recursive.");
Example #28
Source File:    From thunderstorm with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object construct(Node node) {
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Double> sequence = (List<Double>) constructSequence((SequenceNode) node);
    if (sequence == null || sequence.size() != 9) return null;
    double[][] mat = new double[3][3];
    for (int r = 0, i = 0; r < 3; r++) {
        for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++, i++) {
            mat[r][c] = sequence.get(i);
    return TransformationMatrix.createFrom(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(mat));
Example #29
Source File:    From waggle-dance with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void notNullCollectionProperty() {
  Property property = new MethodProperty(getPropertyDescriptor("collectionProperty"));
  NodeTuple nodeTuple = representer.representJavaBeanProperty(bean, property, bean.getCollectionProperty(), null);
  assertThat(nodeTuple, is(notNullValue()));
  assertThat(nodeTuple.getKeyNode(), is(instanceOf(ScalarNode.class)));
  assertThat(((ScalarNode) nodeTuple.getKeyNode()).getValue(), is("collection-property"));
  assertThat(nodeTuple.getValueNode(), is(instanceOf(SequenceNode.class)));
  assertThat(((SequenceNode) nodeTuple.getValueNode()).getValue().size(), is(2));
  assertThat(((SequenceNode) nodeTuple.getValueNode()).getValue().get(0), is(instanceOf(ScalarNode.class)));
  assertThat(((ScalarNode) ((SequenceNode) nodeTuple.getValueNode()).getValue().get(0)).getValue(), is("1"));
  assertThat(((SequenceNode) nodeTuple.getValueNode()).getValue().get(1), is(instanceOf(ScalarNode.class)));
  assertThat(((ScalarNode) ((SequenceNode) nodeTuple.getValueNode()).getValue().get(1)).getValue(), is("2"));
Example #30
Source File:    From orion.server with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void construct2ndStep(Node node, Object data) {
    if (node.isTwoStepsConstruction()) {
        constructSequenceStep2((SequenceNode) node, (List<Object>) data);
    } else {
        throw new YAMLException("Unexpected recursive sequence structure. Node: " + node);