org.pentaho.di.trans.step.StepInterface Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.pentaho.di.trans.step.StepInterface. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * This method runs transformations related to PDI-13545.<br/> The scenario is the following: there are two step
 * generating data, the latter of which is a Mapping step. They are followed with a Join Rows step, that has two
 * copies. The last in a row is a Dummy step, named "Last". Since both generating steps output 3 rows ([10, 20, 30]
 * and [1, 2, 3] respectively), the last step must obtain 3*3=9 rows.
 * @param transPath a path to transformation file
 * @throws Exception
private void runTransWhenMappingsIsFollowedByCopiedStep( String transPath ) throws Exception {

  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta( transPath );
  transMeta.setTransformationType( TransMeta.TransformationType.Normal );

  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );
  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  assertEquals( 0, trans.getErrors() );

  List<StepInterface> list = trans.findBaseSteps( "Last" );
  assertEquals( 1, list.size() );
  assertEquals( 9, list.get( 0 ).getLinesRead() );
Example #2
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void stopStep( StepMetaDataCombi combi, boolean safeStop ) {
  StepInterface rt = combi.step;
  rt.setStopped( true );
  rt.setSafeStopped( safeStop );

  try {
    rt.stopRunning( combi.meta, );
  } catch ( Exception e ) {
    log.logError( "Something went wrong while trying to safe stop the transformation: ", e );
  } StepExecutionStatus.STATUS_STOPPED );
  if ( safeStop ) {
Example #3
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets the mapping inputs for each step in the transformation.
 * @return an array of MappingInputs
public MappingInput[] findMappingInput() {
  if ( steps == null ) {
    return null;

  List<MappingInput> list = new ArrayList<>();

  // Look in threads and find the MappingInput step thread...
  for ( int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++ ) {
    StepMetaDataCombi smdc = steps.get( i );
    StepInterface step = smdc.step;
    if ( step.getStepID().equalsIgnoreCase( "MappingInput" ) ) {
      list.add( (MappingInput) step );
  return list.toArray( new MappingInput[ list.size() ] );
Example #4
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static double getProcessCount( Context actualContext, Scriptable actualObject, Object[] ArgList,
  Function FunctionContext ) {

  if ( ArgList.length == 1 ) {
    try {
      Object scmO = actualObject.get( "_step_", actualObject );
      StepInterface scm = (StepInterface) Context.jsToJava( scmO, StepInterface.class );
      String strType = Context.toString( ArgList[0] ).toLowerCase();

      if ( strType.equals( "i" ) ) {
        return scm.getLinesInput();
      } else if ( strType.equals( "o" ) ) {
        return scm.getLinesOutput();
      } else if ( strType.equals( "r" ) ) {
        return scm.getLinesRead();
      } else if ( strType.equals( "u" ) ) {
        return scm.getLinesUpdated();
      } else if ( strType.equals( "w" ) ) {
        return scm.getLinesWritten();
      } else if ( strType.equals( "e" ) ) {
        return scm.getLinesRejected();
      } else {
        return 0;
    } catch ( Exception e ) {
      // throw Context.reportRuntimeError(e.toString());
      return 0;
  } else {
    throw Context.reportRuntimeError( "The function call getProcessCount requires 1 argument." );
Example #5
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void subscribeToOpLogging() throws KettleException {
  transformation.getOperations().stream().forEach( operation -> {
    try {
      messageEventService.addHandler( Util.getOperationLogEvent( operation.getId() ),
        new MessageEventHandler() {
          public void execute( Message message ) throws MessageEventHandlerExecutionException {
            PDIEvent<RemoteSource, LogEntry> event = (PDIEvent<RemoteSource, LogEntry>) message;
            LogEntry logEntry = event.getData();
            StepInterface stepInterface = findStepInterface( operation.getId(), 0 );
            if ( stepInterface != null ) {
              // This is intended to put a red error (dash) on the step in PDI.
              // In order to do that 3 things are needed: errors have to be set
              // to a positive number, the state is stopped state (not finished)
              // and Error log on the step (done just below this if statement)
              if ( LogLevel.ERROR.equals( logEntry.getLogLogLevel() ) ) {
                stepInterface.setErrors( 1 );
                stepInterface.setStopped( true );

              LogChannelInterface logChannel = stepInterface.getLogChannel();
              logToChannel( logChannel, logEntry );
            } else {
              // Could not find step, log at transformation level instead
              logToChannel( getLogChannel(), logEntry );

          public String getIdentifier() {
            return OPERATION_LOG + operation.getKey();
        } );
    } catch ( HandlerRegistrationException e ) {
      getLogChannel().logError( "Error registering message handlers", e );
  } );
Example #6
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Test 'Swim lines partitioning'
 * @throws KettleException
public void testSwimLanesPartitioning() throws KettleException {

  trans.prepareExecution( new String[] {} );
  List<RowSet> rowsets = trans.getRowsets();
  assertTrue( !rowsets.isEmpty() );
  assertEquals( "We have 2 rowsets finally", 2, rowsets.size() );
  assertEquals( "We have 3 steps: 1 producer and 2 copies of consumer since it is partitioned", 4, trans.getSteps()
      .size() );

  // Ok, examine initialized steps now.
  StepInterface stepOne0 = getStepByName( SP10 );
  assertTrue( "1.0 step have no input row sets", stepOne0.getInputRowSets().isEmpty() );
  assertEquals( "1.0 step have 1 output rowsets", 1, stepOne0.getOutputRowSets().size() );

  StepInterface stepOne1 = getStepByName( SP11 );
  assertTrue( "1.1 step have no input row sets", stepOne1.getInputRowSets().isEmpty() );
  assertEquals( "1.1 step have 1 output rowsets", 1, stepOne1.getOutputRowSets().size() );

  StepInterface stepTwo0 = getStepByName( SP20 );
  assertEquals( "2.0 step have 2 input row sets", 1, stepTwo0.getInputRowSets().size() );
  assertTrue( "2.0 step have no output rowsets", stepTwo0.getOutputRowSets().isEmpty() );

  StepInterface stepTwo2 = getStepByName( SP21 );
  assertTrue( "2.2 step have no output row sets", stepTwo2.getOutputRowSets().isEmpty() );
  assertEquals( "2.2 step have 2 output rowsets", 1, stepTwo2.getInputRowSets().size() );
Example #7
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets the run thread for the step at the specified index.
 * @param i the index of the desired step
 * @return a StepInterface object corresponding to the run thread for the specified step
public StepInterface getRunThread( int i ) {
  if ( steps == null ) {
    return null;
  return steps.get( i ).step;
Example #8
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void processRows( StepInterface step, final int maxCalls ) throws Exception {
  for ( int outRowIdx = 0; outRowIdx < maxCalls; outRowIdx++ ) {
    if ( !step.processRow( helper.processRowsStepMetaInterface, helper.processRowsStepDataInterface ) ) {
Example #9
Source File:    From learning-hadoop with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep(StepMeta stepMeta,
    StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int copyNr, TransMeta transMeta,
    Trans trans) {

  return new CassandraInput(stepMeta, stepDataInterface, copyNr, transMeta,
Example #10
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Find the run thread for the step with the specified name.
 * @param stepname the step name
 * @return a StepInterface object corresponding to the run thread for the specified step
public StepInterface findRunThread( String stepname ) {
  if ( steps == null ) {
    return null;

  for ( int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++ ) {
    StepMetaDataCombi sid = steps.get( i );
    StepInterface step = sid.step;
    if ( step.getStepname().equalsIgnoreCase( stepname ) ) {
      return step;
  return null;
Example #11
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Find the executing step copy for the step with the specified name and copy number
 * @param stepname the step name
 * @param copynr
 * @return the executing step found or null if no copy could be found.
public StepInterface findStepInterface( String stepname, int copyNr ) {
  if ( steps == null ) {
    return null;

  for ( int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++ ) {
    StepMetaDataCombi sid = steps.get( i );
    StepInterface stepInterface = sid.step;
    if ( stepInterface.getStepname().equalsIgnoreCase( stepname ) && sid.copy == copyNr ) {
      return stepInterface;
  return null;
Example #12
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void setUp() throws Exception {
  stepInterface = mock( StepInterface.class );
  rowSet = mock( RowSet.class );
  rowProducer = new RowProducer( stepInterface, rowSet );
  rowMeta = mock( RowMetaInterface.class );
  rowData = new Object[]{};
Example #13
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@PrepareForTest( { Encode.class } )
public void testSniffStepServletEscapesHtmlWhenTransFound() throws ServletException, IOException {
  HttpServletRequest mockHttpServletRequest = mock( HttpServletRequest.class );
  HttpServletResponse mockHttpServletResponse = mock( HttpServletResponse.class );
  Trans mockTrans = mock( Trans.class );
  TransMeta mockTransMeta = mock( TransMeta.class );
  StepInterface mockStepInterface = mock( StepInterface.class );
  List<StepInterface> stepInterfaces = new ArrayList<StepInterface>();
  stepInterfaces.add( mockStepInterface );
  LogChannelInterface mockChannelInterface = mock( LogChannelInterface.class );
  StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
  PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter( out );

  PowerMockito.spy( Encode.class );
  when( mockHttpServletRequest.getContextPath() ).thenReturn( SniffStepServlet.CONTEXT_PATH );
  when( mockHttpServletRequest.getParameter( anyString() ) ).thenReturn( ServletTestUtils.BAD_STRING_TO_TEST );
  when( mockHttpServletResponse.getWriter() ).thenReturn( printWriter );
  when( mockTransformationMap.getTransformation( any( CarteObjectEntry.class ) ) ).thenReturn( mockTrans );
  when( mockTrans.getLogChannel() ).thenReturn( mockChannelInterface );
  when( mockTrans.getLogChannelId() ).thenReturn( "test" );
  when( mockTrans.getTransMeta() ).thenReturn( mockTransMeta );
  when( mockTransMeta.getMaximum() ).thenReturn( new Point( 10, 10 ) );
  when( mockTrans.findBaseSteps( ServletTestUtils.BAD_STRING_TO_TEST ) ).thenReturn( stepInterfaces );

  sniffStepServlet.doGet( mockHttpServletRequest, mockHttpServletResponse );
  assertFalse( ServletTestUtils.hasBadText( ServletTestUtils.getInsideOfTag( "H1", out.toString() ) ) );

  PowerMockito.verifyStatic( atLeastOnce() );
  Encode.forHtml( anyString() );
Example #14
Source File:    From pentaho-hadoop-shims with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@Test( expected = KettleException.class )
public void testVerifyTransMetaOutKeyNotDefined() throws KettleException {
  String inputStepName = "inputStepName";
  String outputStepName = "outputStepName";
  StepMeta inputStepMeta = mock( StepMeta.class );
  when( transMeta.findStep( inputStepName ) ).thenReturn( inputStepMeta );
  RowMetaInterface rowMetaInterface = mock( RowMetaInterface.class );
  when( rowMetaInterface.getFieldNames() ).thenReturn( new String[] { "key", "value" } );
  when( transMeta.getStepFields( inputStepMeta ) ).thenReturn( rowMetaInterface );
  Trans trans = mock( Trans.class );
  when( transFactory.create( transMeta ) ).thenReturn( trans );
  when( trans.getStepInterface( inputStepName, 0 ) ).thenReturn( mock( StepInterface.class ) );
  final StepMeta outputStepMeta = mock( StepMeta.class );
  StepMetaInterface stepMetaInterface = mock( StepMetaInterface.class );
  when( outputStepMeta.getStepMetaInterface() ).thenReturn( stepMetaInterface );
  when( transMeta.findStep( outputStepName ) ).thenReturn( outputStepMeta );
  RowMetaInterface outputRowMetaInterface = mock( RowMetaInterface.class );
  when( transMeta.getStepFields( outputStepMeta ) ).thenReturn( outputRowMetaInterface );
  when( outputRowMetaInterface.getFieldNames() ).thenReturn( new String[] {} );
  try {
    pentahoMapReduceJobBuilder.verifyTransMeta( transMeta, inputStepName, outputStepName );
  } catch ( KettleException e ) {
    assertEquals( BaseMessages.getString( PentahoMapReduceJobBuilderImpl.PKG,
      PentahoMapReduceJobBuilderImpl.PENTAHO_MAP_REDUCE_JOB_BUILDER_IMPL_NO_OUTPUT_KEY_ORDINAL, outputStepName ),
      e.getMessage().trim() );
    throw e;
Example #15
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Create, execute, and return the row listener attached to the output step with complete results from the execution.
 * @param checkSumType
 *          Type of checksum to use (the array index of {@link CheckSumMeta#checksumtypeCodes})
 * @param compatibilityMode
 *          Use compatibility mode for CheckSum
 * @param fieldSeparatorString
 *          The string separate multiple fields with
 * @param inputs
 *          Array of objects representing row data
 * @param inputValueMetas
 *          metas to be processed
 * @return RowListener with results.
private MockRowListener executeHexTest( int checkSumType, boolean compatibilityMode, boolean oldChecksumBehaviour,
    String fieldSeparatorString, Object[] inputs, ValueMetaInterface... inputValueMetas ) throws Exception {

  String[] fieldNames = new String[inputValueMetas.length];
  RowMeta inputRowMeta = new RowMeta();
  for ( int i = 0; i < inputValueMetas.length; i++ ) {
    inputRowMeta.addValueMeta( inputValueMetas[i] );
    fieldNames[i] = inputValueMetas[i].getName();

  Trans trans =
      buildHexadecimalChecksumTrans( checkSumType, compatibilityMode, oldChecksumBehaviour, fieldSeparatorString,
          fieldNames );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface output = trans.getRunThread( "Output", 0 );
  MockRowListener listener = new MockRowListener();
  output.addRowListener( listener );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( "CheckSum", 0 );

  ( (BaseStep) trans.getRunThread( "CheckSum", 0 ) ).setInputRowMeta( inputRowMeta );


  rp.putRow( inputRowMeta, inputs );

  return listener;
Example #16
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * This checks transformation initialization when using many to many copies.
 * @throws KettleException
public void testManyToManyCopies() throws KettleException {

  trans.prepareExecution( new String[] {} );
  List<RowSet> rowsets = trans.getRowsets();
  assertTrue( !rowsets.isEmpty() );
  assertEquals( "We have 2 rowsets finally", 2, rowsets.size() );
  assertEquals( "We have 4 steps: 2 copies of producer and 2 copies of consumer", 4, trans.getSteps().size() );

  // Ok, examine initialized steps now.
  StepInterface stepOne0 = getStepByName( S10 );
  assertTrue( "1 step have no input row sets", stepOne0.getInputRowSets().isEmpty() );
  assertEquals( "1 step have 1 output rowsets", 1, stepOne0.getOutputRowSets().size() );

  StepInterface stepOne1 = getStepByName( S11 );
  assertTrue( "1 step have no input row sets", stepOne1.getInputRowSets().isEmpty() );
  assertEquals( "1 step have 1 output rowsets", 1, stepOne1.getOutputRowSets().size() );

  StepInterface stepTwo0 = getStepByName( S20 );
  Assert.assertEquals( "2.0 step have 1 input row sets", 1, stepTwo0.getInputRowSets().size() );
  Assert.assertTrue( "2.0 step have no output row sets", stepTwo0.getOutputRowSets().isEmpty() );

  StepInterface stepTwo1 = getStepByName( S21 );
  Assert.assertEquals( "2.1 step have 1 input row sets", 1, stepTwo1.getInputRowSets().size() );
  Assert.assertTrue( "2.1 step have no output row sets", stepTwo1.getOutputRowSets().isEmpty() );
Example #17
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void processRow( TransProcessControl control ) throws Exception {
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );
  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );
  generateData( rp );
  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( synchronizeAfterMergeStepname, 0 );
  switch ( control ) {
    case ITTERUPT:
      while (  !si.getStatus().equals( StepExecutionStatus.STATUS_STOPPED ) ) {
        //wait until transformation does not stopped
    case WAIT:
      assertEquals( "Step still started", StepExecutionStatus.STATUS_FINISHED, si.getStatus() );
  assertEquals( "Unexpected error occurred",  0, si.getErrors() );

  Field field = SynchronizeAfterMerge.class.getDeclaredField( "data" );
  field.setAccessible( true );
  SynchronizeAfterMergeData  data = (SynchronizeAfterMergeData) field.get( si );
  //should be closed and set null after finish transformation
  assertNull( data.db.getConnection() );
Example #18
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testStepShouldStopProcessingInput_IfUnderlyingTransitionIsStopped() throws Exception {

  MappingInput mappingInput = mock( MappingInput.class );
  when( mappingInput.getStepname() ).thenReturn( MAPPING_INPUT_STEP_NAME );
  stepMockHelper.processRowsStepDataInterface.mappingInput = mappingInput;

  RowProducer rowProducer = mock( RowProducer.class );
  when( rowProducer.putRow( any( RowMetaInterface.class ), any( Object[].class ), anyBoolean() ) )
    .thenReturn( true );

  StepInterface stepInterface = mock( StepInterface.class );

  Trans mappingTrans = mock( Trans.class );
  when( mappingTrans.addRowProducer( anyString(), anyInt() ) ).thenReturn( rowProducer );
  when( mappingTrans.findStepInterface( anyString(), anyInt() ) ).thenReturn( stepInterface );
  when( mappingTrans.isFinishedOrStopped() ).thenReturn( Boolean.FALSE ).thenReturn( Boolean.TRUE );
  stepMockHelper.processRowsStepDataInterface.mappingTrans = mappingTrans;

  MappingOutput mappingOutput = mock( MappingOutput.class );
  when( mappingOutput.getStepname() ).thenReturn( MAPPING_OUTPUT_STEP_NAME );
  stepMockHelper.processRowsStepDataInterface.mappingOutput = mappingOutput;

  smp = new SimpleMapping( stepMockHelper.stepMeta, stepMockHelper.stepDataInterface, 0, stepMockHelper.transMeta,
    stepMockHelper.trans );
  smp.init( stepMockHelper.initStepMetaInterface, simpleMpData );
  smp.addRowSetToInputRowSets( stepMockHelper.getMockInputRowSet( new Object[] { } ) );
  smp.addRowSetToInputRowSets( stepMockHelper.getMockInputRowSet( new Object[] { } ) );

    smp.processRow( stepMockHelper.processRowsStepMetaInterface, stepMockHelper.processRowsStepDataInterface ) );
    smp.processRow( stepMockHelper.processRowsStepMetaInterface, stepMockHelper.processRowsStepDataInterface ) );

Example #19
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for javascript functionality: trans_Status and SKIP_TRANSFORMATION. Regression test case for JIRA defect
 * PDI-364.
public void testTransStatus() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "test javascript trans_Status" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // Create a javascript step
  String javaScriptStepname = "javascript step";
  ScriptValuesMetaMod svm = new ScriptValuesMetaMod();

  // process 3 rows and skip the rest.
  ScriptValuesScript[] js =
    new ScriptValuesScript[] { new ScriptValuesScript(
      ScriptValuesScript.TRANSFORM_SCRIPT, "script", "trans_Status = CONTINUE_TRANSFORMATION;\n"
      + "if (getProcessCount(\"r\") > 3) {\n" + " \ttrans_Status = SKIP_TRANSFORMATION;\n" + "}" ) };
  svm.setJSScripts( js );
  svm.setFieldname( new String[] {} );
  svm.setRename( new String[] {} );
  svm.setType( new int[] {} );
  svm.setLength( new int[] {} );
  svm.setPrecision( new int[] {} );
  svm.setCompatible( false );

  String javaScriptStepPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, svm );
  StepMeta javaScriptStep = new StepMeta( javaScriptStepPid, javaScriptStepname, svm );
  transMeta.addStep( javaScriptStep );

  TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, javaScriptStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi1 );

  // Create a dummy step
  String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
  DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm );
  StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta( dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  TransHopMeta hi2 = new TransHopMeta( javaScriptStep, dummyStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi2 );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si;

  si = trans.getStepInterface( javaScriptStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector javaScriptRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( javaScriptRc );

  si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData1();
  Iterator<RowMetaAndData> it = inputList.iterator();
  while ( it.hasNext() ) {
    RowMetaAndData rm =;
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData2();
  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows1 = javaScriptRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( resultRows1, goldenImageRows );

  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows2 = dummyRc.getRowsRead();
  checkRows( resultRows2, goldenImageRows );
Example #20
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int cnr,
  TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans ) {
  return new SalesforceUpsert( stepMeta, stepDataInterface, cnr, transMeta, trans );
Example #21
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int copyNr,
    TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans ) {
  return null;
Example #22
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for parameters using a simple transformation. Check whether parameters override variables.
 * @throws Exception
 *           exception on any problem.
public void testParameterSimpleTrans6() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "parameter_simple_trans4" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create a get variables step...
  String getVariablesStepname = "get variables step";
  GetVariableMeta gvm = new GetVariableMeta();

  // Set the information of the get variables step.
  String getVariablesPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, gvm );
  StepMeta getVariablesStep = new StepMeta( getVariablesPid, getVariablesStepname, gvm );
  transMeta.addStep( getVariablesStep );

  // Generate 1 row
  String[] fieldName = { "PARAM1", "PARAM2" };
  String[] varName = { "${Param1}", "%%PARAM2%%" };
  int[] fieldType = { ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING };
  int[] length = { -1, -1 };
  int[] precision = { -1, -1 };
  String[] format = { "", "" };
  String[] currency = { "", "" };
  String[] decimal = { "", "" };
  String[] grouping = { "", "" };
  int[] trimType = { ValueMetaInterface.TRIM_TYPE_NONE, ValueMetaInterface.TRIM_TYPE_NONE };

  FieldDefinition[] fields = new FieldDefinition[fieldName.length];
  for ( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) {
    FieldDefinition field = new FieldDefinition();
    field.setFieldName( fieldName[i] );
    field.setVariableString( varName[i] );
    field.setFieldType( fieldType[i] );
    field.setFieldLength( length[i] );
    field.setFieldPrecision( precision[i] );
    field.setFieldFormat( format[i] );
    field.setCurrency( currency[i] );
    field.setDecimal( decimal[i] );
    field.setGroup( grouping[i] );
    field.setTrimType( trimType[i] );
    fields[i] = field;
  gvm.setFieldDefinitions( fields );

  // Create a dummy step 1
  String dummyStepname1 = "dummy step 1";
  DummyTransMeta dm1 = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid1 = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm1 );
  StepMeta dummyStep1 = new StepMeta( dummyPid1, dummyStepname1, dm1 );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep1 );

  TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta( getVariablesStep, dummyStep1 );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi1 );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );
  trans.addParameterDefinition( "Param1", "", "Parameter 1" );
  trans.addParameterDefinition( "PARAM2", "", "Parameter 2" );
  trans.setParameterValue( "PARAM2", "PARAMVALUE2" );

  // See whether this variable overrides the parameter... it should NOT. Param1
  // is defined but not set. And no default... so the variable will be set to "". not
  // to "Variable1"
  trans.setVariable( "Param1", "Variable1" );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname1, 0 );
  RowStepCollector endRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( endRc );



  // Now check whether the output is still as we expect.
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData6();
  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows1 = endRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( resultRows1, goldenImageRows );
Example #23
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int cnr, TransMeta tr,
  Trans trans ) {
  return new Calculator( stepMeta, stepDataInterface, cnr, tr, trans );
Example #24
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int cnr,
  TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans ) {
  return new FieldsChangeSequence( stepMeta, stepDataInterface, cnr, transMeta, trans );
Example #25
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int cnr,
  TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans ) {
  return new LucidDBBulkLoader( stepMeta, stepDataInterface, cnr, transMeta, trans );
Example #26
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int copyNr, TransMeta transMeta,
                              Trans trans ) {
  return new MQTTProducer( stepMeta, stepDataInterface, copyNr, transMeta, trans );
Example #27
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test "Load All Rows" version of BasicDatabaseLookup test.
public void CacheAndLoadAllRowsDatabaseLookup() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "transname" );

  // Add the database connections
  for ( int i = 0; i < databasesXML.length; i++ ) {
    DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta( databasesXML[i] );
    transMeta.addDatabase( databaseMeta );

  DatabaseMeta dbInfo = transMeta.findDatabase( "db" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.

  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // create the lookup step...
  String lookupName = "look up from [" + lookup_table + "]";
  DatabaseLookupMeta dbl = new DatabaseLookupMeta();
  dbl.setDatabaseMeta( transMeta.findDatabase( "db" ) );
  dbl.setTablename( lookup_table );
  dbl.setCached( true );
  dbl.setLoadingAllDataInCache( true );
  dbl.setEatingRowOnLookupFailure( false );
  dbl.setFailingOnMultipleResults( false );
  dbl.setOrderByClause( "" );

  dbl.setTableKeyField( new String[] { "ID" } );
  dbl.setKeyCondition( new String[] { "=" } );
  dbl.setStreamKeyField1( new String[] { "int_field" } );
  dbl.setStreamKeyField2( new String[] { "" } );

  dbl.setReturnValueField( new String[] { "CODE", "STRING" } );
  dbl.setReturnValueDefaultType( new int[] { ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING } );
  dbl.setReturnValueDefault( new String[] { "-1", "UNDEF" } );
  dbl.setReturnValueNewName( new String[] { "RET_CODE", "RET_STRING" } );

  String lookupId = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dbl );
  StepMeta lookupStep = new StepMeta( lookupId, lookupName, dbl );
  lookupStep.setDescription( "Reads information from table [" + lookup_table + "] on database [" + dbInfo + "]" );
  transMeta.addStep( lookupStep );

  TransHopMeta hi = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, lookupStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si = trans.getStepInterface( lookupName, 0 );
  RowStepCollector rc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( rc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createDataRows();
  for ( RowMetaAndData rm : inputList ) {
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows = rc.getRowsWritten();
  List<RowMetaAndData> goldRows = createResultDataRows();
  checkRows( goldRows, resultRows );

Example #28
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int cnr,
  TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans ) {
  return new MailValidator( stepMeta, stepDataInterface, cnr, transMeta, trans );
Example #29
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public StepInterface getStep( StepMeta stepMeta, StepDataInterface stepDataInterface, int cnr,
  TransMeta transMeta, Trans trans ) {
  return new MemoryGroupBy( stepMeta, stepDataInterface, cnr, transMeta, trans );
Example #30
Source File:    From pentaho-kettle with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test case for javascript functionality: ltrim(), rtrim(), trim().
public void testLuhnCheck() throws Exception {

  // Create a new transformation...
  TransMeta transMeta = new TransMeta();
  transMeta.setName( "test javascript LuhnCheck" );

  PluginRegistry registry = PluginRegistry.getInstance();

  // create an injector step...
  String injectorStepname = "injector step";
  InjectorMeta im = new InjectorMeta();

  // Set the information of the injector.
  String injectorPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, im );
  StepMeta injectorStep = new StepMeta( injectorPid, injectorStepname, im );
  transMeta.addStep( injectorStep );

  // Create a javascript step
  String javaScriptStepname = "javascript step";
  ScriptValuesMetaMod svm = new ScriptValuesMetaMod();

  ScriptValuesScript[] js =
    new ScriptValuesScript[] { new ScriptValuesScript(
      ScriptValuesScript.TRANSFORM_SCRIPT, "script", "var str = string;\n" + "var bool = LuhnCheck(str);" ) };
  svm.setJSScripts( js );
  svm.setFieldname( new String[] { "bool" } );
  svm.setRename( new String[] { "" } );
  svm.setType( new int[] { ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN } );
  svm.setLength( new int[] { -1 } );
  svm.setPrecision( new int[] { -1 } );
  svm.setReplace( new boolean[] { false } );
  svm.setCompatible( false );

  String javaScriptStepPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, svm );
  StepMeta javaScriptStep = new StepMeta( javaScriptStepPid, javaScriptStepname, svm );
  transMeta.addStep( javaScriptStep );

  TransHopMeta hi1 = new TransHopMeta( injectorStep, javaScriptStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi1 );

  // Create a dummy step
  String dummyStepname = "dummy step";
  DummyTransMeta dm = new DummyTransMeta();

  String dummyPid = registry.getPluginId( StepPluginType.class, dm );
  StepMeta dummyStep = new StepMeta( dummyPid, dummyStepname, dm );
  transMeta.addStep( dummyStep );

  TransHopMeta hi2 = new TransHopMeta( javaScriptStep, dummyStep );
  transMeta.addTransHop( hi2 );

  // Now execute the transformation...
  Trans trans = new Trans( transMeta );

  trans.prepareExecution( null );

  StepInterface si;

  si = trans.getStepInterface( javaScriptStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector javaScriptRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( javaScriptRc );

  si = trans.getStepInterface( dummyStepname, 0 );
  RowStepCollector dummyRc = new RowStepCollector();
  si.addRowListener( dummyRc );

  RowProducer rp = trans.addRowProducer( injectorStepname, 0 );

  // add rows
  List<RowMetaAndData> inputList = createData1();
  Iterator<RowMetaAndData> it = inputList.iterator();
  while ( it.hasNext() ) {
    RowMetaAndData rm =;
    rp.putRow( rm.getRowMeta(), rm.getData() );


  List<RowMetaAndData> goldenImageRows = createResultData1();
  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows1 = javaScriptRc.getRowsWritten();
  checkRows( resultRows1, goldenImageRows );

  List<RowMetaAndData> resultRows2 = dummyRc.getRowsRead();
  checkRows( resultRows2, goldenImageRows );