org.apache.solr.common.params.GroupParams Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.solr.common.params.GroupParams. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a grouped facet count for the facet query
 * @see FacetParams#FACET_QUERY
public int getGroupedFacetQueryCount(Query facetQuery, DocSet docSet) throws IOException {
  // It is okay to retrieve group.field from global because it is never a local param
  String groupField = global.get(GroupParams.GROUP_FIELD);
  if (groupField == null) {
    throw new SolrException (
        "Specify the group.field as parameter or local parameter"

  AllGroupsCollector collector = new AllGroupsCollector<>(new TermGroupSelector(groupField));, docSet.getTopFilter()), collector);
  return collector.getGroupCount();
Example #2
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public NamedList getHeatmapCounts() throws IOException, SyntaxError {
  final NamedList<Object> resOuter = new SimpleOrderedMap<>();
  String[] unparsedFields = rb.req.getParams().getParams(FacetParams.FACET_HEATMAP);
  if (unparsedFields == null || unparsedFields.length == 0) {
    return resOuter;
  if (global.getBool(GroupParams.GROUP_FACET, false)) {
    throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
        "Heatmaps can't be used with " + GroupParams.GROUP_FACET);
  for (String unparsedField : unparsedFields) {
    final ParsedParams parsed = parseParams(FacetParams.FACET_HEATMAP, unparsedField); // populates facetValue, rb, params, docs

    resOuter.add(parsed.key, SpatialHeatmapFacets.getHeatmapForField(parsed.key, parsed.facetValue, rb, parsed.params,;
  return resOuter;
Example #3
Source File:    From solr-researcher with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void init(NamedList args) {
  maxOriginalResults = getInt(args, "maxOriginalResults");
  String tmp = (String) args.get("allComponentNames");
  if (tmp != null) {
  commonMisspellingsFileLocation = (String) args.get("commonMisspellingsFile");
  commonMisspellingsMap = CommonMisspellings.loadCommonMisspellingsFile(commonMisspellingsFileLocation);
Example #4
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void getFacetQueryCount(ParsedParams parsed, NamedList<Integer> res) throws SyntaxError, IOException {
  // TODO: slight optimization would prevent double-parsing of any localParams
  // TODO: SOLR-7753
  Query qobj = QParser.getParser(parsed.facetValue, req).getQuery();

  if (qobj == null) {
    res.add(parsed.key, 0);
  } else if (parsed.params.getBool(GroupParams.GROUP_FACET, false)) {
    res.add(parsed.key, getGroupedFacetQueryCount(qobj,;
  } else {
    res.add(parsed.key, searcher.numDocs(qobj,;
Example #5
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a <code>NamedList</code> with each entry having the "key" of the interval as name and the count of docs 
 * in that interval as value. All intervals added in the request are included in the returned 
 * <code>NamedList</code> (included those with 0 count), and it's required that the order of the intervals
 * is deterministic and equals in all shards of a distributed request, otherwise the collation of results
 * will fail. 
public NamedList<Object> getFacetIntervalCounts() throws IOException, SyntaxError {
  NamedList<Object> res = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>();
  String[] fields = global.getParams(FacetParams.FACET_INTERVAL);
  if (fields == null || fields.length == 0) return res;

  for (String field : fields) {
    final ParsedParams parsed = parseParams(FacetParams.FACET_INTERVAL, field);
    String[] intervalStrs = parsed.required.getFieldParams(parsed.facetValue, FacetParams.FACET_INTERVAL_SET);
    SchemaField schemaField = searcher.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField(parsed.facetValue);
    if (parsed.params.getBool(GroupParams.GROUP_FACET, false)) {
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Interval Faceting can't be used with " + GroupParams.GROUP_FACET);
    if (schemaField.getType().isPointField() && !schemaField.hasDocValues()) {
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Can't use interval faceting on a PointField without docValues");
    SimpleOrderedMap<Integer> fieldResults = new SimpleOrderedMap<Integer>();
    res.add(parsed.key, fieldResults);
    IntervalFacets intervalFacets = new IntervalFacets(schemaField, searcher,, intervalStrs, parsed.params);
    for (FacetInterval interval : intervalFacets) {
      fieldResults.add(interval.getKey(), interval.getCount());

  return res;
Example #6
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void prepare(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {
  if (rb.req.getParams().getBool(ExpandParams.EXPAND, false)) {
    if (rb.req.getParams().getBool(GroupParams.GROUP, false)) {
      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Can not use expand with Grouping enabled");
    rb.doExpand = true;
Example #7
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public void testCollateWithGrouping() throws Exception
  SolrCore core = h.getCore();
  SearchComponent speller = core.getSearchComponent("spellcheck");
  assertTrue("speller is null and it shouldn't be", speller != null);

  ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
  params.add(SpellCheckComponent.COMPONENT_NAME, "true");
  params.add(SpellingParams.SPELLCHECK_BUILD, "true");
  params.add(SpellingParams.SPELLCHECK_COUNT, "10");
  params.add(SpellingParams.SPELLCHECK_COLLATE, "true");
  params.add(SpellingParams.SPELLCHECK_MAX_COLLATION_TRIES, "5");
  params.add(SpellingParams.SPELLCHECK_MAX_COLLATIONS, "1");
  params.add(CommonParams.Q, "lowerfilt:(+fauth)");
  params.add(GroupParams.GROUP, "true");
  params.add(GroupParams.GROUP_FIELD, "id");

  //Because a FilterQuery is applied which removes doc id#1 from possible hits, we would
  //not want the collations to return us "lowerfilt:(+faith +hope +loaves)" as this only matches doc id#1.
  SolrRequestHandler handler = core.getRequestHandler("/spellCheckCompRH");
  SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse();
  rsp.addResponseHeader(new SimpleOrderedMap());
  SolrQueryRequest req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, params);
  handler.handleRequest(req, rsp);
  NamedList values = rsp.getValues();
  NamedList spellCheck = (NamedList) values.get("spellcheck");
  NamedList collationHolder = (NamedList) spellCheck.get("collations");
  List<String> collations = collationHolder.getAll("collation");
  assertTrue(collations.size() == 1);
Example #8
Source File:    From solr-researcher with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGroup2() {
  assertQ(req(CommonParams.QT, "dismax_relaxer", CommonParams.Q, 
      "+_query_:\"{!type=edismax qf='foo^10.0' v='apple google' mm=100% relax=on}\" +_query_:\"{!type=edismax qf='foo^10.0' v='apple google' mm=0% relax=on}\"",
      QueryRelaxerComponent.COMPONENT_NAME, "true",
      GroupParams.GROUP, "true", 
      GroupParams.GROUP_FIELD, "id",
      GroupParams.GROUP_LIMIT, "3",
      GroupParams.GROUP_TOTAL_COUNT, "true")
Example #9
Source File:    From solr-researcher with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGroup() {
  assertQ(req(CommonParams.QT, "dismax_relaxer", CommonParams.Q, "bi marley ",
      QueryRelaxerComponent.COMPONENT_NAME, "true", GroupParams.GROUP, "true", GroupParams.GROUP_FIELD, "id")
Example #10
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private ShardRequest[] createRequest(ResponseBuilder rb, String[] shards)
  ShardRequest sreq = new ShardRequest();
  sreq.shards = shards;
  sreq.purpose = ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_TOP_IDS;
  sreq.params = new ModifiableSolrParams(rb.req.getParams());

  // If group.format=simple group.offset doesn't make sense
  Grouping.Format responseFormat = rb.getGroupingSpec().getResponseFormat();
  if (responseFormat == Grouping.Format.simple || rb.getGroupingSpec().isMain()) {


  // set the start (offset) to 0 for each shard request so we can properly merge
  // results from the start.
  if (rb.shards_start > -1) {
    // if the client set shards.start set this explicitly
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.START, rb.shards_start);
  } else {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.START, "0");
  if (rb.shards_rows > -1) {
    // if the client set shards.rows set this explicitly
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.ROWS, rb.shards_rows);
  } else {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.ROWS, rb.getSortSpec().getOffset() + rb.getSortSpec().getCount());

  sreq.params.set(GroupParams.GROUP_DISTRIBUTED_SECOND, "true");
  final IndexSchema schema = rb.req.getSearcher().getSchema();
  for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<SearchGroup<BytesRef>>> entry : rb.mergedSearchGroups.entrySet()) {
    for (SearchGroup<BytesRef> searchGroup : entry.getValue()) {
      String groupValue;
      if (searchGroup.groupValue != null) {
        FieldType fieldType = schema.getField(entry.getKey()).getType();
        groupValue = fieldType.indexedToReadable(searchGroup.groupValue, new CharsRefBuilder()).toString();
      } else {
        groupValue = GROUP_NULL_VALUE;
      sreq.params.add(GroupParams.GROUP_DISTRIBUTED_TOPGROUPS_PREFIX + entry.getKey(), groupValue);

  if ((rb.getFieldFlags() & SolrIndexSearcher.GET_SCORES) != 0 || rb.getSortSpec().includesScore()) {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.FL, schema.getUniqueKeyField().getName() + ",score");
  } else {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.FL, schema.getUniqueKeyField().getName());
  int origTimeAllowed = sreq.params.getInt(CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, -1);
  if (origTimeAllowed > 0) {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, Math.max(1,origTimeAllowed - rb.firstPhaseElapsedTime));

  return new ShardRequest[] {sreq};
Example #11
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ShardRequest[] constructRequest(ResponseBuilder rb) {
  HashMap<String, Set<ShardDoc>> shardMap = new HashMap<>();
  for (TopGroups<BytesRef> topGroups : rb.mergedTopGroups.values()) {
    for (GroupDocs<BytesRef> group : topGroups.groups) {
      mapShardToDocs(shardMap, group.scoreDocs);

  for (QueryCommandResult queryCommandResult : rb.mergedQueryCommandResults.values()) {
    mapShardToDocs(shardMap, queryCommandResult.getTopDocs().scoreDocs);

  ShardRequest[] shardRequests = new ShardRequest[shardMap.size()];
  SchemaField uniqueField = rb.req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField();
  int i = 0;
  for (Collection<ShardDoc> shardDocs : shardMap.values()) {
    ShardRequest sreq = new ShardRequest();
    sreq.purpose = ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_FIELDS;
    sreq.shards = new String[] {shardDocs.iterator().next().shard};
    sreq.params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
    sreq.params.add( rb.req.getParams());
    // we need to ensure the uniqueField is included for collating docs with their return fields
    if (! rb.rsp.getReturnFields().wantsField(uniqueField.getName())) {
      // the user didn't ask for it, so we have to...
      sreq.params.add(CommonParams.FL, uniqueField.getName());

    List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(shardDocs.size());
    for (ShardDoc shardDoc : shardDocs) {
    sreq.params.add(ShardParams.IDS, StrUtils.join(ids, ','));
    shardRequests[i++] = sreq;

  return shardRequests;
Example #12
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ShardRequest[] constructRequest(ResponseBuilder rb) {
  ShardRequest sreq = new ShardRequest();
  GroupingSpecification groupingSpecification = rb.getGroupingSpec();
  if (groupingSpecification.getFields().length == 0) {
    return new ShardRequest[0];

  sreq.purpose = ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_TOP_GROUPS;

  sreq.params = new ModifiableSolrParams(rb.req.getParams());
  // TODO: base on current params or original params?

  // don't pass through any shards param

  // set the start (offset) to 0 for each shard request so we can properly merge
  // results from the start.
  if(rb.shards_start > -1) {
    // if the client set shards.start set this explicitly
  } else {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.START, "0");
  // TODO: should we even use the SortSpec?  That's obtained from the QParser, and
  // perhaps we shouldn't attempt to parse the query at this level?
  // Alternate Idea: instead of specifying all these things at the upper level,
  // we could just specify that this is a shard request.
  if(rb.shards_rows > -1) {
    // if the client set shards.rows set this explicity
  } else {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.ROWS, rb.getSortSpec().getOffset() + rb.getSortSpec().getCount());

  // in this first phase, request only the unique key field
  // and any fields needed for merging.
  sreq.params.set(GroupParams.GROUP_DISTRIBUTED_FIRST, "true");

  if ( (rb.getFieldFlags() & SolrIndexSearcher.GET_SCORES)!=0 || rb.getSortSpec().includesScore()) {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.FL, rb.req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField().getName() + ",score");
  } else {
    sreq.params.set(CommonParams.FL, rb.req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField().getName());
  return new ShardRequest[] {sreq};
Example #13
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public RangeFacetRequest(ResponseBuilder rb, String f) {
  super(rb, FacetParams.FACET_RANGE, f);

  IndexSchema schema = rb.req.getSchema();
  this.schemaField = schema.getField(facetOn);

  SolrParams params = SolrParams.wrapDefaults(localParams, rb.req.getParams());
  SolrParams required = new RequiredSolrParams(params);

  String methodStr = params.get(FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_METHOD);
  FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod method = (methodStr == null ? FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.getDefault() : FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.get(methodStr));

  if ((schemaField.getType() instanceof DateRangeField) && method.equals(FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.DV)) {
    // the user has explicitly selected the FacetRangeMethod.DV method
    log.warn("Range facet method '{}' is not supported together with field type '{}'. Will use method '{}' instead"
        , FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.DV, DateRangeField.class, FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.FILTER);
    method = FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.FILTER;
  if (method.equals(FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.DV) && !schemaField.hasDocValues() && (schemaField.getType().isPointField())) {
    log.warn("Range facet method '{}' is not supported on PointFields without docValues. Will use method '{}' instead"
        , FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.DV
        , FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.FILTER);
    method = FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.FILTER;

  this.start = required.getFieldParam(facetOn, FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_START);
  this.end = required.getFieldParam(facetOn, FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_END); = required.getFieldParam(facetOn, FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_GAP);
  this.minCount = params.getFieldInt(facetOn, FacetParams.FACET_MINCOUNT, 0);

  this.include = FacetParams.FacetRangeInclude.parseParam
      (params.getFieldParams(facetOn, FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_INCLUDE));

  this.hardEnd = params.getFieldBool(facetOn, FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_HARD_END, false);

  this.others = EnumSet.noneOf(FacetParams.FacetRangeOther.class);
  final String[] othersP = params.getFieldParams(facetOn, FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_OTHER);
  if (othersP != null && othersP.length > 0) {
    for (final String o : othersP) {

  this.groupFacet = params.getBool(GroupParams.GROUP_FACET, false);
  if (groupFacet && method.equals(FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.DV)) {
    // the user has explicitly selected the FacetRangeMethod.DV method
    log.warn("Range facet method '{}' is not supported together with '{}'. Will use method '{}' instead"
        , FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.DV, GroupParams.GROUP_FACET, FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.FILTER);
    method = FacetParams.FacetRangeMethod.FILTER;

  this.method = method;

  RangeEndpointCalculator<? extends Comparable<?>> calculator = createCalculator();
  this.facetRanges = calculator.computeRanges();
  this.gapObj = calculator.getGap();
  this.startObj = calculator.getStart();
  this.endObj = calculator.getComputedEnd();
Example #14
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** verify expected error msgs from bad client behavior */
public void testBadInputs() throws Exception {
  // sometimes seed some data, othertimes use an empty index
  if (random().nextBoolean()) {
    assertU(adoc("id", "42", "str", "z", "float", "99.99", "int", "42"));
    assertU(adoc("id", "66", "str", "x", "float", "22.00", "int", "-66"));
  } else {

  // empty, blank, or bogus cursor
  for (String c : new String[] { "", "   ", "all the docs please!"}) {
    assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                      "sort", "id desc", 
                      CURSOR_MARK_PARAM, c),
               ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Unable to parse");

  // no id in sort
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "score desc", 
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "uniqueKey field");
  // _docid_
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "_docid_ asc, id desc", 
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "_docid_");

  // using cursor w/ timeAllowed
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "id desc", 
                    CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, "1000",
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED);

  // using cursor w/ grouping
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "id desc", 
                    GroupParams.GROUP, "true",
                    GroupParams.GROUP_FIELD, "str",
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Grouping");
Example #15
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void doBadInputTest() throws Exception {
  // sometimes seed some data, other times use an empty index
  if (random().nextBoolean()) {
    indexDoc(sdoc("id", "42", "str", "z", "float", "99.99", "int", "42"));
    indexDoc(sdoc("id", "66", "str", "x", "float", "22.00", "int", "-66"));
  } else {

  // empty, blank, or bogus cursor
  for (String c : new String[] { "", "   ", "all the docs please!"}) {
    assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                      "sort", "id desc", 
                      CURSOR_MARK_PARAM, c),
               ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Unable to parse");

  // no id in sort
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "score desc", 
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "uniqueKey field");
  // _docid_
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "_docid_ asc, id desc", 
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "_docid_");

  // using cursor w/ timeAllowed
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "id desc", 
                    CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, "1000",
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED);

  // using cursor w/ grouping
  assertFail(params("q", "*:*", 
                    "sort", "id desc", 
                    GroupParams.GROUP, "true",
                    GroupParams.GROUP_FIELD, "str",
             ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Grouping");