Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Reads the Ticl state from persistent storage (if any) and calls {@code startInternal}. */
private void scheduleStartAfterReadingStateBlob() {
  storage.readKey(CLIENT_TOKEN_KEY, new Callback<SimplePair<Status, byte[]>>() {
    public void accept(final SimplePair<Status, byte[]> readResult) {
      Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
      final byte[] serializedState = readResult.getFirst().isSuccess() ?
          readResult.getSecond() : null;
      // Call start now.
      if (!readResult.getFirst().isSuccess()) {
        logger.warning("Could not read state blob: %s", readResult.getFirst().getMessage());
Example #2
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Reads the Ticl state from persistent storage (if any) and calls {@code startInternal}. */
private void scheduleStartAfterReadingStateBlob() {
  storage.readKey(CLIENT_TOKEN_KEY, new Callback<SimplePair<Status, byte[]>>() {
    public void accept(final SimplePair<Status, byte[]> readResult) {
      Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
      final byte[] serializedState = readResult.getFirst().isSuccess() ?
          readResult.getSecond() : null;
      // Call start now.
      if (!readResult.getFirst().isSuccess()) {
        logger.warning("Could not read state blob: %s", readResult.getFirst().getMessage());
Example #3
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Reads the Ticl state from persistent storage (if any) and calls {@code startInternal}. */
private void scheduleStartAfterReadingStateBlob() {
  storage.readKey(CLIENT_TOKEN_KEY, new Callback<SimplePair<Status, byte[]>>() {
    public void accept(final SimplePair<Status, byte[]> readResult) {
      Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
      final byte[] serializedState = readResult.getFirst().isSuccess() ?
          readResult.getSecond() : null;
      // Call start now.
      if (!readResult.getFirst().isSuccess()) {
        logger.warning("Could not read state blob: %s", readResult.getFirst().getMessage());
Example #4
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Sends pending data to the server (e.g., registrations, acks, registration sync messages). */
void sendMessageToServer() {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
  if (nextMessageSendTimeMs > internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs()) {
    logger.warning("In quiet period: not sending message to server: %s > %s",
        nextMessageSendTimeMs, internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs());

  // Create the message from the batcher.
  ClientToServerMessage.Builder msgBuilder =
      batcher.toBuilder(listener.getClientToken() != null);
  if (msgBuilder == null) {
    // Happens when we don't have a token and are not sending an initialize message. Logged
    // in batcher.toBuilder().

  // Validate the message and send it.
  ClientToServerMessage message =;
  if (!msgValidator.isValid(message)) {
    logger.severe("Tried to send invalid message: %s", message);

  logger.fine("Sending message to server: {0}",
      CommonProtoStrings2.toLazyCompactString(message, true));

  // Record that the message was sent. We're invoking the listener directly, rather than
  // scheduling a new work unit to do it. It would be safer to do a schedule, but that's hard to
  // do in Android, we wrote this listener (it's InvalidationClientCore, so we know what it does),
  // and it's the last line of this function.
Example #5
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns whether the token in the header of {@code parsedMessage} matches either the
 * client token or nonce of this Ticl (depending on which is non-{@code null}).
private boolean validateToken(ParsedMessage parsedMessage) {
  if (clientToken != null) {
    // Client token case.
    if (!TypedUtil.<ByteString>equals(clientToken, parsedMessage.header.token)) {"Incoming message has bad token: server = %s, client = %s",
      return false;
    return true;
  } else if (nonce != null) {
    // Nonce case.
    if (!TypedUtil.<ByteString>equals(nonce, parsedMessage.header.token)) {
      statistics.recordError(ClientErrorType.NONCE_MISMATCH);"Rejecting server message with mismatched nonce: Client = %s, Server = %s",
      return false;
    } else {"Accepting server message with matching nonce: %s",
      return true;
  // Neither token nor nonce; ignore message.
  logger.warning("Neither token nor nonce was set in validateToken: %s, %s", clientToken, nonce);
  return false;
Example #6
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
@Override  // InvalidationClient
public void acknowledge(final AckHandle acknowledgeHandle) {
      "Not running on internal thread");

  // 1. Parse the ack handle first.
  AckHandleP ackHandle;
  try {
    ackHandle = AckHandleP.parseFrom(acknowledgeHandle.getHandleData());
  } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException exception) {
    logger.warning("Bad ack handle : %s",

  // 2. Validate ack handle - it should have a valid invalidation.
  if (!ackHandle.hasInvalidation() ||
      !msgValidator.isValid(ackHandle.getInvalidation())) {
    logger.warning("Incorrect ack handle data: %s", acknowledgeHandle);

  // Currently, only invalidations have non-trivial ack handle.
  InvalidationP invalidation = ackHandle.getInvalidation();
  if (invalidation.hasPayload()) {
    // Don't send the payload back.
    invalidation = invalidation.toBuilder().clearPayload().build();
  protocolHandler.sendInvalidationAck(invalidation, batchingTask);
Example #7
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Sends pending data to the server (e.g., registrations, acks, registration sync messages). */
void sendMessageToServer() {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
  if (nextMessageSendTimeMs > internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs()) {
    logger.warning("In quiet period: not sending message to server: %s > %s",
        nextMessageSendTimeMs, internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs());

  // Create the message from the batcher.
  ClientToServerMessage.Builder msgBuilder =
      batcher.toBuilder(listener.getClientToken() != null);
  if (msgBuilder == null) {
    // Happens when we don't have a token and are not sending an initialize message. Logged
    // in batcher.toBuilder().

  // Validate the message and send it.
  ClientToServerMessage message =;
  if (!msgValidator.isValid(message)) {
    logger.severe("Tried to send invalid message: %s", message);

  logger.fine("Sending message to server: {0}",
      CommonProtoStrings2.toLazyCompactString(message, true));

  // Record that the message was sent. We're invoking the listener directly, rather than
  // scheduling a new work unit to do it. It would be safer to do a schedule, but that's hard to
  // do in Android, we wrote this listener (it's InvalidationClientCore, so we know what it does),
  // and it's the last line of this function.
Example #8
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns whether the token in the header of {@code parsedMessage} matches either the
 * client token or nonce of this Ticl (depending on which is non-{@code null}).
private boolean validateToken(ParsedMessage parsedMessage) {
  if (clientToken != null) {
    // Client token case.
    if (!TypedUtil.<ByteString>equals(clientToken, parsedMessage.header.token)) {"Incoming message has bad token: server = %s, client = %s",
      return false;
    return true;
  } else if (nonce != null) {
    // Nonce case.
    if (!TypedUtil.<ByteString>equals(nonce, parsedMessage.header.token)) {
      statistics.recordError(ClientErrorType.NONCE_MISMATCH);"Rejecting server message with mismatched nonce: Client = %s, Server = %s",
      return false;
    } else {"Accepting server message with matching nonce: %s",
      return true;
  // Neither token nor nonce; ignore message.
  logger.warning("Neither token nor nonce was set in validateToken: %s, %s", clientToken, nonce);
  return false;
Example #9
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
@Override  // InvalidationClient
public void acknowledge(final AckHandle acknowledgeHandle) {
      "Not running on internal thread");

  // 1. Parse the ack handle first.
  AckHandleP ackHandle;
  try {
    ackHandle = AckHandleP.parseFrom(acknowledgeHandle.getHandleData());
  } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException exception) {
    logger.warning("Bad ack handle : %s",

  // 2. Validate ack handle - it should have a valid invalidation.
  if (!ackHandle.hasInvalidation() ||
      !msgValidator.isValid(ackHandle.getInvalidation())) {
    logger.warning("Incorrect ack handle data: %s", acknowledgeHandle);

  // Currently, only invalidations have non-trivial ack handle.
  InvalidationP invalidation = ackHandle.getInvalidation();
  if (invalidation.hasPayload()) {
    // Don't send the payload back.
    invalidation = invalidation.toBuilder().clearPayload().build();
  protocolHandler.sendInvalidationAck(invalidation, batchingTask);
Example #10
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Sends pending data to the server (e.g., registrations, acks, registration sync messages). */
void sendMessageToServer() {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
  if (nextMessageSendTimeMs > internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs()) {
    logger.warning("In quiet period: not sending message to server: %s > %s",
        nextMessageSendTimeMs, internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs());

  // Create the message from the batcher.
  ClientToServerMessage message;
  try {
    message = batcher.toMessage(createClientHeader(), listener.getClientToken() != null);
    if (message == null) {
      // Happens when we don't have a token and are not sending an initialize message. Logged
      // in batcher.toMessage().
  } catch (ProtoWrapper.ValidationArgumentException exception) {
    logger.severe("Tried to send invalid message: %s", batcher);

  logger.fine("Sending message to server: %s", message);

  // Record that the message was sent. We're invoking the listener directly, rather than
  // scheduling a new work unit to do it. It would be safer to do a schedule, but that's hard to
  // do in Android, we wrote this listener (it's InvalidationClientCore, so we know what it does),
  // and it's the last line of this function.
Example #11
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Handles a message from the server. If the message can be processed (i.e., is valid, is
 * of the right version, and is not a silence message), returns a {@link ParsedMessage}
 * representing it. Otherwise, returns {@code null}.
 * <p>
 * This class intercepts and processes silence messages. In this case, it will discard any other
 * data in the message.
 * <p>
 * Note that this method does <b>not</b> check the session token of any message.
ParsedMessage handleIncomingMessage(byte[] incomingMessage) {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
  ServerToClientMessage message;
  try {
    message = ServerToClientMessage.parseFrom(incomingMessage);
  } catch (ValidationException exception) {
    logger.warning("Incoming message is invalid: %s", Bytes.toLazyCompactString(incomingMessage));
    return null;

  // Check the version of the message.
  if (message.getHeader().getProtocolVersion().getVersion().getMajorVersion() !=
      ClientConstants.PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION) {
    logger.severe("Dropping message with incompatible version: %s", message);
    return null;

  // Check if it is a ConfigChangeMessage which indicates that messages should no longer be
  // sent for a certain duration. Perform this check before the token is even checked.
  if (message.hasConfigChangeMessage()) {
    ConfigChangeMessage configChangeMsg = message.getConfigChangeMessage();
    if (configChangeMsg.hasNextMessageDelayMs()) {  // Validator has ensured that it is positive.
      nextMessageSendTimeMs =
          internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs() + configChangeMsg.getNextMessageDelayMs();
    return null;  // Ignore all other messages in the envelope.

  lastKnownServerTimeMs = Math.max(lastKnownServerTimeMs, message.getHeader().getServerTimeMs());
  return new ParsedMessage(message);
Example #12
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
@Override  // InvalidationClient
public void acknowledge(final AckHandle acknowledgeHandle) {
      "Not running on internal thread");

  // Parse and validate the ack handle first.
  AckHandleP ackHandle;
  try {
    ackHandle = AckHandleP.parseFrom(acknowledgeHandle.getHandleData());
  } catch (ValidationException exception) {
    logger.warning("Bad ack handle : %s",

  // Currently, only invalidations have non-trivial ack handle.
  InvalidationP invalidation = ackHandle.getNullableInvalidation();
  if (invalidation == null) {
    logger.warning("Ack handle without invalidation : %s",

  // Don't send the payload back.
  if (invalidation.hasPayload()) {
    InvalidationP.Builder builder = invalidation.toBuilder();
    builder.payload = null;
    invalidation =;
  protocolHandler.sendInvalidationAck(invalidation, batchingTask);

  // Record that the invalidation has been acknowledged to potentially avoid unnecessary delivery
  // of earlier invalidations for the same object.
Example #13
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns whether the token in the header of {@code parsedMessage} matches either the
 * client token or nonce of this Ticl (depending on which is non-{@code null}).
private boolean validateToken(ParsedMessage parsedMessage) {
  if (clientToken != null) {
    // Client token case.
    if (!TypedUtil.<Bytes>equals(clientToken, parsedMessage.header.token)) {"Incoming message has bad token: server = %s, client = %s",
          parsedMessage.header.token, clientToken);
      return false;
    return true;
  } else if (nonce != null) {
    // Nonce case.
    if (!TypedUtil.<Bytes>equals(nonce, parsedMessage.header.token)) {
      statistics.recordError(ClientErrorType.NONCE_MISMATCH);"Rejecting server message with mismatched nonce: Client = %s, Server = %s",
          nonce, parsedMessage.header.token);
      return false;
    } else {"Accepting server message with matching nonce: %s", nonce);
      return true;
  // Neither token nor nonce; ignore message.
  logger.warning("Neither token nor nonce was set in validateToken: %s, %s", clientToken, nonce);
  return false;
Example #14
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean runTask() {
  if (clientToken == null) {
    // We cannot write without a token. We must do this check before creating the
    // PersistentTiclState because newPersistentTiclState cannot handle null tokens.
    return false;

  // Compute the state that we will write if we decide to go ahead with the write.
  final ProtoWrapper<PersistentTiclState> state =
      ProtoWrapper.of(CommonProtos2.newPersistentTiclState(clientToken, lastMessageSendTimeMs));
  byte[] serializedState = PersistenceUtils.serializeState(state.getProto(), digestFn);

  // Decide whether or not to do the write. The decision varies depending on whether or
  // not the channel supports offline delivery. If we decide not to do the write, then
  // that means the in-memory and stored state match semantically, and the train stops.
  if (config.getChannelSupportsOfflineDelivery()) {
    // For offline delivery, we want the entire state to match, since we write the last
    // send time for every message.
    if (state.equals(lastWrittenState.get())) {
      return false;
  } else {
    // If we do not support offline delivery, we avoid writing the state on each message, and
    // we avoid checking the last-sent time (we check only the client token).
    if (state.getProto().getClientToken().equals(
            lastWrittenState.get().getProto().getClientToken())) {
      return false;

  // We decided to do the write.
  storage.writeKey(CLIENT_TOKEN_KEY, serializedState, new Callback<Status>() {
    public void accept(Status status) {"Write state completed: %s for %s", status, state.getProto());
      if (status.isSuccess()) {
        // Set lastWrittenToken to be the token that was written (NOT clientToken - which
        // could have changed while the write was happening).
      } else {
  return true;  // Reschedule after timeout to make sure that write does happen.
Example #15
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean runTask() {
  if (clientToken == null) {
    // We cannot write without a token. We must do this check before creating the
    // PersistentTiclState because newPersistentTiclState cannot handle null tokens.
    return false;

  // Compute the state that we will write if we decide to go ahead with the write.
  final PersistentTiclState state =
      PersistentTiclState.create(clientToken, lastMessageSendTimeMs);
  byte[] serializedState = PersistenceUtils.serializeState(state, digestFn);

  // Decide whether or not to do the write. The decision varies depending on whether or
  // not the channel supports offline delivery. If we decide not to do the write, then
  // that means the in-memory and stored state match semantically, and the train stops.
  if (config.getChannelSupportsOfflineDelivery()) {
    // For offline delivery, we want the entire state to match, since we write the last
    // send time for every message.
    if (state.equals(lastWrittenState.get())) {
      return false;
  } else {
    // If we do not support offline delivery, we avoid writing the state on each message, and
    // we avoid checking the last-sent time (we check only the client token).
    if (TypedUtil.<Bytes>equals(
        state.getClientToken(), lastWrittenState.get().getClientToken())) {
      return false;

  // We decided to do the write.
  storage.writeKey(CLIENT_TOKEN_KEY, serializedState, new Callback<Status>() {
    public void accept(Status status) {"Write state completed: %s for %s", status, state);
      if (status.isSuccess()) {
        // Set lastWrittenToken to be the token that was written (NOT clientToken - which
        // could have changed while the write was happening).
      } else {
  return true;  // Reschedule after timeout to make sure that write does happen.
Example #16
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handles a message from the server. If the message can be processed (i.e., is valid, is
 * of the right version, and is not a silence message), returns a {@link ParsedMessage}
 * representing it. Otherwise, returns {@code null}.
 * <p>
 * This class intercepts and processes silence messages. In this case, it will discard any other
 * data in the message.
 * <p>
 * Note that this method does <b>not</b> check the session token of any message.
ParsedMessage handleIncomingMessage(byte[] incomingMessage) {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
  ServerToClientMessage message;
  try {
    message = ServerToClientMessage.parseFrom(incomingMessage);
  } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException exception) {
    logger.warning("Incoming message is unparseable: %s",
    return null;

  // Validate the message. If this passes, we can blindly assume valid messages from here on.
  logger.fine("Incoming message: %s", message);
  if (!msgValidator.isValid(message)) {
    logger.severe("Received invalid message: %s", message);
    return null;

  // Check the version of the message.
  if (message.getHeader().getProtocolVersion().getVersion().getMajorVersion() !=
      CommonInvalidationConstants2.PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION) {
    logger.severe("Dropping message with incompatible version: %s", message);
    return null;

  // Check if it is a ConfigChangeMessage which indicates that messages should no longer be
  // sent for a certain duration. Perform this check before the token is even checked.
  if (message.hasConfigChangeMessage()) {
    ConfigChangeMessage configChangeMsg = message.getConfigChangeMessage();
    if (configChangeMsg.hasNextMessageDelayMs()) {  // Validator has ensured that it is positive.
      nextMessageSendTimeMs =
          internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs() + configChangeMsg.getNextMessageDelayMs();
    return null;  // Ignore all other messages in the envelope.

  lastKnownServerTimeMs = Math.max(lastKnownServerTimeMs, message.getHeader().getServerTimeMs());
  return new ParsedMessage(message);
Example #17
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a builder for a {@link ClientToServerMessage} to be sent to the server. Crucially,
 * the builder does <b>NOT</b> include the message header.
 * @param hasClientToken whether the client currently holds a token
ClientToServerMessage.Builder toBuilder(boolean hasClientToken) {
  ClientToServerMessage.Builder builder = ClientToServerMessage.newBuilder();
  if (pendingInitializeMessage != null) {
    pendingInitializeMessage = null;

  // Note: Even if an initialize message is being sent, we can send additional
  // messages such as regisration messages, etc to the server. But if there is no token
  // and an initialize message is not being sent, we cannot send any other message.

  if (!hasClientToken && !builder.hasInitializeMessage()) {
    // Cannot send any message
        "Cannot send message since no token and no initialize msg: %s", builder);
    return null;

  // Check for pending batched operations and add to message builder if needed.

  // Add reg, acks, reg subtrees - clear them after adding.
  if (!pendingAckedInvalidations.isEmpty()) {

  // Check regs.
  if (!pendingRegistrations.isEmpty()) {

  // Check reg substrees.
  if (!pendingRegSubtrees.isEmpty()) {
    for (ProtoWrapper<RegistrationSubtree> subtree : pendingRegSubtrees) {

  // Check if an info message has to be sent.
  if (pendingInfoMessage != null) {
    pendingInfoMessage = null;
  return builder;
Example #18
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handles registration operation statuses from the server. Returns a list of booleans, one per
 * registration status, that indicates whether the registration operation was both successful and
 * agreed with the desired client state (i.e., for each registration status,
 * (status.optype == register) == desiredRegistrations.contains(status.objectid)).
 * <p>
 * REQUIRES: the caller subsequently make an informRegistrationStatus or informRegistrationFailure
 * upcall on the listener for each registration in {@code registrationStatuses}.
List<Boolean> handleRegistrationStatus(List<RegistrationStatus> registrationStatuses) {
  // Local-processing result code for each element of registrationStatuses.
  List<Boolean> localStatuses = new ArrayList<Boolean>(registrationStatuses.size());
  for (RegistrationStatus registrationStatus : registrationStatuses) {
    ObjectIdP objectIdProto = registrationStatus.getRegistration().getObjectId();

    // The object is no longer pending, since we have received a server status for it, so
    // remove it from the pendingOperations map. (It may or may not have existed in the map,
    // since we can receive spontaneous status messages from the server.)
    TypedUtil.remove(pendingOperations, ProtoWrapper.of(objectIdProto));

    // We start off with the local-processing set as success, then potentially fail.
    boolean isSuccess = true;

    // if the server operation succeeded, then local processing fails on "incompatibility" as
    // defined above.
    if (CommonProtos2.isSuccess(registrationStatus.getStatus())) {
      boolean appWantsRegistration = desiredRegistrations.contains(objectIdProto);
      boolean isOpRegistration =
          registrationStatus.getRegistration().getOpType() == RegistrationP.OpType.REGISTER;
      boolean discrepancyExists = isOpRegistration ^ appWantsRegistration;
      if (discrepancyExists) {
        // Remove the registration and set isSuccess to false, which will cause the caller to
        // issue registration-failure to the application.
        statistics.recordError(ClientErrorType.REGISTRATION_DISCREPANCY);"Ticl discrepancy detected: registered = %s, requested = %s. " +
            "Removing %s from requested",
            isOpRegistration, appWantsRegistration,
        isSuccess = false;
    } else {
      // If the server operation failed, then also local processing fails.
      logger.fine("Removing %s from committed",
      isSuccess = false;
  return localStatuses;
Example #19
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Implementation of {@link #start} on the internal thread with the persistent
 * {@code serializedState} if any. Starts the TICL protocol and makes the TICL ready to receive
 * registrations, invalidations, etc.
private void startInternal(byte[] serializedState) {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");

  // Initialize the session manager using the persisted client token.
  PersistentTiclState persistentState =
      (serializedState == null) ? null : PersistenceUtils.deserializeState(logger,
          serializedState, digestFn);

  if ((serializedState != null) && (persistentState == null)) {
    // In this case, we'll proceed as if we had no persistent state -- i.e., obtain a new client
    // id from the server.
    logger.severe("Failed deserializing persistent state: %s",
  if (persistentState != null) {
    // If we have persistent state, use the previously-stored token and send a heartbeat to
    // let the server know that we've restarted, since we may have been marked offline.

    // In the common case, the server will already have all of our
    // registrations, but we won't know for sure until we've gotten its summary.
    // We'll ask the application for all of its registrations, but to avoid
    // making the registrar redo the work of performing registrations that
    // probably already exist, we'll suppress sending them to the registrar."Restarting from persistent state: %s", persistentState.getClientToken());
    shouldSendRegistrations = false;

    // Schedule an info message for the near future.
    int initialHeartbeatDelayMs = computeInitialPersistentHeartbeatDelayMs(
        config, resources, persistentState.getLastMessageSendTimeMs());
    initialPersistentHeartbeatTask = new InitialPersistentHeartbeatTask(initialHeartbeatDelayMs);

    // We need to ensure that heartbeats are sent, regardless of whether we start fresh or from
    // persistent state. The line below ensures that they are scheduled in the persistent startup
    // case. For the other case, the task is scheduled when we acquire a token.
  } else {
    // If we had no persistent state or couldn't deserialize the state that we had, start fresh.
    // Request a new client identifier.

    // The server can't possibly have our registrations, so whatever we get
    // from the application we should send to the registrar."Starting with no previous state");
    shouldSendRegistrations = true;

  // listener.ready() is called when ticl has acquired a new token.
Example #20
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Implementation of {@link #start} on the internal thread with the persistent
 * {@code serializedState} if any. Starts the TICL protocol and makes the TICL ready to receive
 * registrations, invalidations, etc.
private void startInternal(byte[] serializedState) {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");

  // Initialize the session manager using the persisted client token.
  PersistentTiclState persistentState =
      (serializedState == null) ? null : PersistenceUtils.deserializeState(logger,
          serializedState, digestFn);

  if ((serializedState != null) && (persistentState == null)) {
    // In this case, we'll proceed as if we had no persistent state -- i.e., obtain a new client
    // id from the server.
    logger.severe("Failed deserializing persistent state: %s",
  if (persistentState != null) {
    // If we have persistent state, use the previously-stored token and send a heartbeat to
    // let the server know that we've restarted, since we may have been marked offline.

    // In the common case, the server will already have all of our
    // registrations, but we won't know for sure until we've gotten its summary.
    // We'll ask the application for all of its registrations, but to avoid
    // making the registrar redo the work of performing registrations that
    // probably already exist, we'll suppress sending them to the registrar."Restarting from persistent state: %s",
    shouldSendRegistrations = false;

    // Schedule an info message for the near future.
    int initialHeartbeatDelayMs = computeInitialPersistentHeartbeatDelayMs(
        config, resources, persistentState.getLastMessageSendTimeMs());
    initialPersistentHeartbeatTask = new InitialPersistentHeartbeatTask(initialHeartbeatDelayMs);

    // We need to ensure that heartbeats are sent, regardless of whether we start fresh or from
    // persistent state. The line below ensures that they are scheduled in the persistent startup
    // case. For the other case, the task is scheduled when we acquire a token.
  } else {
    // If we had no persistent state or couldn't deserialize the state that we had, start fresh.
    // Request a new client identifier.

    // The server can't possibly have our registrations, so whatever we get
    // from the application we should send to the registrar."Starting with no previous state");
    shouldSendRegistrations = true;

  // listener.ready() is called when ticl has acquired a new token.
Example #21
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean runTask() {
  if (clientToken == null) {
    // We cannot write without a token. We must do this check before creating the
    // PersistentTiclState because newPersistentTiclState cannot handle null tokens.
    return false;

  // Compute the state that we will write if we decide to go ahead with the write.
  final ProtoWrapper<PersistentTiclState> state =
      ProtoWrapper.of(CommonProtos2.newPersistentTiclState(clientToken, lastMessageSendTimeMs));
  byte[] serializedState = PersistenceUtils.serializeState(state.getProto(), digestFn);

  // Decide whether or not to do the write. The decision varies depending on whether or
  // not the channel supports offline delivery. If we decide not to do the write, then
  // that means the in-memory and stored state match semantically, and the train stops.
  if (config.getChannelSupportsOfflineDelivery()) {
    // For offline delivery, we want the entire state to match, since we write the last
    // send time for every message.
    if (state.equals(lastWrittenState.get())) {
      return false;
  } else {
    // If we do not support offline delivery, we avoid writing the state on each message, and
    // we avoid checking the last-sent time (we check only the client token).
    if (state.getProto().getClientToken().equals(
            lastWrittenState.get().getProto().getClientToken())) {
      return false;

  // We decided to do the write.
  storage.writeKey(CLIENT_TOKEN_KEY, serializedState, new Callback<Status>() {
    public void accept(Status status) {"Write state completed: %s for %s", status, state.getProto());
      if (status.isSuccess()) {
        // Set lastWrittenToken to be the token that was written (NOT clientToken - which
        // could have changed while the write was happening).
      } else {
  return true;  // Reschedule after timeout to make sure that write does happen.
Example #22
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handles registration operation statuses from the server. Returns a list of booleans, one per
 * registration status, that indicates whether the registration operation was both successful and
 * agreed with the desired client state (i.e., for each registration status,
 * (status.optype == register) == desiredRegistrations.contains(status.objectid)).
 * <p>
 * REQUIRES: the caller subsequently make an informRegistrationStatus or informRegistrationFailure
 * upcall on the listener for each registration in {@code registrationStatuses}.
List<Boolean> handleRegistrationStatus(List<RegistrationStatus> registrationStatuses) {
  // Local-processing result code for each element of registrationStatuses.
  List<Boolean> localStatuses = new ArrayList<Boolean>(registrationStatuses.size());
  for (RegistrationStatus registrationStatus : registrationStatuses) {
    ObjectIdP objectIdProto = registrationStatus.getRegistration().getObjectId();

    // The object is no longer pending, since we have received a server status for it, so
    // remove it from the pendingOperations map. (It may or may not have existed in the map,
    // since we can receive spontaneous status messages from the server.)
    TypedUtil.remove(pendingOperations, objectIdProto);

    // We start off with the local-processing set as success, then potentially fail.
    boolean isSuccess = true;

    // if the server operation succeeded, then local processing fails on "incompatibility" as
    // defined above.
    if (CommonProtos.isSuccess(registrationStatus.getStatus())) {
      boolean appWantsRegistration = desiredRegistrations.contains(objectIdProto);
      boolean isOpRegistration =
          registrationStatus.getRegistration().getOpType() == RegistrationP.OpType.REGISTER;
      boolean discrepancyExists = isOpRegistration ^ appWantsRegistration;
      if (discrepancyExists) {
        // Remove the registration and set isSuccess to false, which will cause the caller to
        // issue registration-failure to the application.
        statistics.recordError(ClientErrorType.REGISTRATION_DISCREPANCY);"Ticl discrepancy detected: registered = %s, requested = %s. " +
            "Removing %s from requested",
            isOpRegistration, appWantsRegistration, objectIdProto);
        isSuccess = false;
    } else {
      // If the server operation failed, then also local processing fails.
      logger.fine("Removing %s from committed", objectIdProto);
      isSuccess = false;
  return localStatuses;
Example #23
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handles a message from the server. If the message can be processed (i.e., is valid, is
 * of the right version, and is not a silence message), returns a {@link ParsedMessage}
 * representing it. Otherwise, returns {@code null}.
 * <p>
 * This class intercepts and processes silence messages. In this case, it will discard any other
 * data in the message.
 * <p>
 * Note that this method does <b>not</b> check the session token of any message.
ParsedMessage handleIncomingMessage(byte[] incomingMessage) {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");
  ServerToClientMessage message;
  try {
    message = ServerToClientMessage.parseFrom(incomingMessage);
  } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException exception) {
    logger.warning("Incoming message is unparseable: %s",
    return null;

  // Validate the message. If this passes, we can blindly assume valid messages from here on.
  logger.fine("Incoming message: %s", message);
  if (!msgValidator.isValid(message)) {
    logger.severe("Received invalid message: %s", message);
    return null;

  // Check the version of the message.
  if (message.getHeader().getProtocolVersion().getVersion().getMajorVersion() !=
      CommonInvalidationConstants2.PROTOCOL_MAJOR_VERSION) {
    logger.severe("Dropping message with incompatible version: %s", message);
    return null;

  // Check if it is a ConfigChangeMessage which indicates that messages should no longer be
  // sent for a certain duration. Perform this check before the token is even checked.
  if (message.hasConfigChangeMessage()) {
    ConfigChangeMessage configChangeMsg = message.getConfigChangeMessage();
    if (configChangeMsg.hasNextMessageDelayMs()) {  // Validator has ensured that it is positive.
      nextMessageSendTimeMs =
          internalScheduler.getCurrentTimeMs() + configChangeMsg.getNextMessageDelayMs();
    return null;  // Ignore all other messages in the envelope.

  lastKnownServerTimeMs = Math.max(lastKnownServerTimeMs, message.getHeader().getServerTimeMs());
  return new ParsedMessage(message);
Example #24
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a builder for a {@link ClientToServerMessage} to be sent to the server. Crucially,
 * the builder does <b>NOT</b> include the message header.
 * @param hasClientToken whether the client currently holds a token
ClientToServerMessage.Builder toBuilder(boolean hasClientToken) {
  ClientToServerMessage.Builder builder = ClientToServerMessage.newBuilder();
  if (pendingInitializeMessage != null) {
    pendingInitializeMessage = null;

  // Note: Even if an initialize message is being sent, we can send additional
  // messages such as regisration messages, etc to the server. But if there is no token
  // and an initialize message is not being sent, we cannot send any other message.

  if (!hasClientToken && !builder.hasInitializeMessage()) {
    // Cannot send any message
        "Cannot send message since no token and no initialize msg: %s", builder);
    return null;

  // Check for pending batched operations and add to message builder if needed.

  // Add reg, acks, reg subtrees - clear them after adding.
  if (!pendingAckedInvalidations.isEmpty()) {

  // Check regs.
  if (!pendingRegistrations.isEmpty()) {

  // Check reg substrees.
  if (!pendingRegSubtrees.isEmpty()) {
    for (ProtoWrapper<RegistrationSubtree> subtree : pendingRegSubtrees) {

  // Check if an info message has to be sent.
  if (pendingInfoMessage != null) {
    pendingInfoMessage = null;
  return builder;
Example #25
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handles registration operation statuses from the server. Returns a list of booleans, one per
 * registration status, that indicates whether the registration operation was both successful and
 * agreed with the desired client state (i.e., for each registration status,
 * (status.optype == register) == desiredRegistrations.contains(status.objectid)).
 * <p>
 * REQUIRES: the caller subsequently make an informRegistrationStatus or informRegistrationFailure
 * upcall on the listener for each registration in {@code registrationStatuses}.
List<Boolean> handleRegistrationStatus(List<RegistrationStatus> registrationStatuses) {
  // Local-processing result code for each element of registrationStatuses.
  List<Boolean> localStatuses = new ArrayList<Boolean>(registrationStatuses.size());
  for (RegistrationStatus registrationStatus : registrationStatuses) {
    ObjectIdP objectIdProto = registrationStatus.getRegistration().getObjectId();

    // The object is no longer pending, since we have received a server status for it, so
    // remove it from the pendingOperations map. (It may or may not have existed in the map,
    // since we can receive spontaneous status messages from the server.)
    TypedUtil.remove(pendingOperations, ProtoWrapper.of(objectIdProto));

    // We start off with the local-processing set as success, then potentially fail.
    boolean isSuccess = true;

    // if the server operation succeeded, then local processing fails on "incompatibility" as
    // defined above.
    if (CommonProtos2.isSuccess(registrationStatus.getStatus())) {
      boolean appWantsRegistration = desiredRegistrations.contains(objectIdProto);
      boolean isOpRegistration =
          registrationStatus.getRegistration().getOpType() == RegistrationP.OpType.REGISTER;
      boolean discrepancyExists = isOpRegistration ^ appWantsRegistration;
      if (discrepancyExists) {
        // Remove the registration and set isSuccess to false, which will cause the caller to
        // issue registration-failure to the application.
        statistics.recordError(ClientErrorType.REGISTRATION_DISCREPANCY);"Ticl discrepancy detected: registered = %s, requested = %s. " +
            "Removing %s from requested",
            isOpRegistration, appWantsRegistration,
        isSuccess = false;
    } else {
      // If the server operation failed, then also local processing fails.
      logger.fine("Removing %s from committed",
      isSuccess = false;
  return localStatuses;
Example #26
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a builder for a {@link ClientToServerMessage} to be sent to the server. Crucially,
 * the builder does <b>NOT</b> include the message header.
 * @param hasClientToken whether the client currently holds a token
ClientToServerMessage toMessage(final ClientHeader header, boolean hasClientToken) {
  final InitializeMessage initializeMessage;
  final RegistrationMessage registrationMessage;
  final RegistrationSyncMessage registrationSyncMessage;
  final InvalidationMessage invalidationAckMessage;
  final InfoMessage infoMessage;

  if (pendingInitializeMessage != null) {
    initializeMessage = pendingInitializeMessage;
    pendingInitializeMessage = null;
  } else {
    initializeMessage = null;

  // Note: Even if an initialize message is being sent, we can send additional
  // messages such as regisration messages, etc to the server. But if there is no token
  // and an initialize message is not being sent, we cannot send any other message.

  if (!hasClientToken && (initializeMessage == null)) {
    // Cannot send any message
        "Cannot send message since no token and no initialize msg");
    return null;

  // Check for pending batched operations and add to message builder if needed.

  // Add reg, acks, reg subtrees - clear them after adding.
  if (!pendingAckedInvalidations.isEmpty()) {
    invalidationAckMessage = createInvalidationAckMessage();
  } else {
    invalidationAckMessage = null;

  // Check regs.
  if (!pendingRegistrations.isEmpty()) {
    registrationMessage = createRegistrationMessage();
  } else {
    registrationMessage = null;

  // Check reg substrees.
  if (!pendingRegSubtrees.isEmpty()) {
    // If there are multiple pending reg subtrees, only one is sent.
    ArrayList<RegistrationSubtree> regSubtrees = new ArrayList<RegistrationSubtree>(1);
    registrationSyncMessage = RegistrationSyncMessage.create(regSubtrees);
  } else {
    registrationSyncMessage = null;

  // Check if an info message has to be sent.
  if (pendingInfoMessage != null) {
    infoMessage = pendingInfoMessage;
    pendingInfoMessage = null;
  } else {
    infoMessage = null;

  return ClientToServerMessage.create(header, initializeMessage, registrationMessage,
      registrationSyncMessage, invalidationAckMessage, infoMessage);
Example #27
Source File:    From android-chromium with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Implementation of {@link #start} on the internal thread with the persistent
 * {@code serializedState} if any. Starts the TICL protocol and makes the TICL ready to receive
 * registrations, invalidations, etc.
private void startInternal(byte[] serializedState) {
  Preconditions.checkState(internalScheduler.isRunningOnThread(), "Not on internal thread");

  // Initialize the session manager using the persisted client token.
  PersistentTiclState persistentState =
      (serializedState == null) ? null : PersistenceUtils.deserializeState(logger,
          serializedState, digestFn);

  if ((serializedState != null) && (persistentState == null)) {
    // In this case, we'll proceed as if we had no persistent state -- i.e., obtain a new client
    // id from the server.
    logger.severe("Failed deserializing persistent state: %s",
  if (persistentState != null) {
    // If we have persistent state, use the previously-stored token and send a heartbeat to
    // let the server know that we've restarted, since we may have been marked offline.

    // In the common case, the server will already have all of our
    // registrations, but we won't know for sure until we've gotten its summary.
    // We'll ask the application for all of its registrations, but to avoid
    // making the registrar redo the work of performing registrations that
    // probably already exist, we'll suppress sending them to the registrar."Restarting from persistent state: %s",
    shouldSendRegistrations = false;

    // Schedule an info message for the near future.
    int initialHeartbeatDelayMs = computeInitialPersistentHeartbeatDelayMs(
        config, resources, persistentState.getLastMessageSendTimeMs());
    initialPersistentHeartbeatTask = new InitialPersistentHeartbeatTask(initialHeartbeatDelayMs);

    // We need to ensure that heartbeats are sent, regardless of whether we start fresh or from
    // persistent state. The line below ensures that they are scheduled in the persistent startup
    // case. For the other case, the task is scheduled when we acquire a token.
  } else {
    // If we had no persistent state or couldn't deserialize the state that we had, start fresh.
    // Request a new client identifier.

    // The server can't possibly have our registrations, so whatever we get
    // from the application we should send to the registrar."Starting with no previous state");
    shouldSendRegistrations = true;

  // listener.ready() is called when ticl has acquired a new token.