Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private InputGate createInputGate(TaskManagerLocation senderLocation) throws Exception {
	InputGate[] gates = new InputGate[channels];
	for (int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) {
		final InputGateDeploymentDescriptor gateDescriptor = createInputGateDeploymentDescriptor(

		final InputGate gate = createInputGateWithMetrics(gateFactory, gateDescriptor, channel);

		gates[channel] = gate;

	if (channels > 1) {
		return new UnionInputGate(gates);
	} else {
		return gates[0];
Example #2
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private InputGate createInputGate(TaskManagerLocation senderLocation) throws Exception {
	IndexedInputGate[] gates = new IndexedInputGate[partitionIds.length];
	for (int gateIndex = 0; gateIndex < gates.length; ++gateIndex) {
		final InputGateDeploymentDescriptor gateDescriptor = createInputGateDeploymentDescriptor(

		final IndexedInputGate gate = createInputGateWithMetrics(gateFactory, gateDescriptor, gateIndex);

		gates[gateIndex] = gate;

	if (gates.length > 1) {
		return new UnionInputGate(gates);
	} else {
		return gates[0];
Example #3
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates the record readers for the number of inputs as defined by {@link #getNumTaskInputs()}.
 * This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
protected void initInputReaders() throws Exception {
	final int numInputs = getNumTaskInputs();
	final MutableReader<?>[] inputReaders = new MutableReader<?>[numInputs];

	int currentReaderOffset = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
		//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
		// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
		final int groupSize = this.config.getGroupSize(i);

		if (groupSize == 1) {
			// non-union case
			inputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
		} else if (groupSize > 1){
			// union case
			InputGate[] readers = new InputGate[groupSize];
			for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; ++j) {
				readers[j] = getEnvironment().getInputGate(currentReaderOffset + j);
			inputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
					new UnionInputGate(readers),
		} else {
			throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);

		currentReaderOffset += groupSize;
	this.inputReaders = inputReaders;

	// final sanity check
	if (currentReaderOffset != this.config.getNumInputs()) {
		throw new Exception("Illegal configuration: Number of input gates and group sizes are not consistent.");
Example #4
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates the record readers for the extra broadcast inputs as configured by {@link TaskConfig#getNumBroadcastInputs()}.
 * This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
protected void initBroadcastInputReaders() throws Exception {
	final int numBroadcastInputs = this.config.getNumBroadcastInputs();
	final MutableReader<?>[] broadcastInputReaders = new MutableReader<?>[numBroadcastInputs];

	int currentReaderOffset = config.getNumInputs();

	for (int i = 0; i < this.config.getNumBroadcastInputs(); i++) {
		//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
		// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
		final int groupSize = this.config.getBroadcastGroupSize(i);
		if (groupSize == 1) {
			// non-union case
			broadcastInputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
		} else if (groupSize > 1){
			// union case
			InputGate[] readers = new InputGate[groupSize];
			for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; ++j) {
				readers[j] = getEnvironment().getInputGate(currentReaderOffset + j);
			broadcastInputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
					new UnionInputGate(readers),
		} else {
			throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);

		currentReaderOffset += groupSize;
	this.broadcastInputReaders = broadcastInputReaders;
Example #5
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes the input readers of the DataSinkTask.
 * @throws RuntimeException
 *         Thrown in case of invalid task input configuration.
private void initInputReaders() throws Exception {
	int numGates = 0;
	//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
	// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
	final int groupSize = this.config.getGroupSize(0);
	numGates += groupSize;
	if (groupSize == 1) {
		// non-union case
		inputReader = new MutableRecordReader<DeserializationDelegate<IT>>(
	} else if (groupSize > 1){
		// union case
		inputReader = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
				new UnionInputGate(getEnvironment().getAllInputGates()),
	} else {
		throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);
	this.inputTypeSerializerFactory = this.config.getInputSerializer(0, getUserCodeClassLoader());
	@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
	final MutableObjectIterator<?> iter = new ReaderIterator(inputReader, this.inputTypeSerializerFactory.getSerializer());
	this.reader = (MutableObjectIterator<IT>)iter;

	// final sanity check
	if (numGates != this.config.getNumInputs()) {
		throw new Exception("Illegal configuration: Number of input gates and group sizes are not consistent.");
Example #6
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static InputGate createInputGate(InputGate[] inputGates) {
	if (inputGates.length <= 0) {
		throw new RuntimeException("No such input gate.");

	if (inputGates.length < 2) {
		return inputGates[0];
	} else {
		return new UnionInputGate(inputGates);
Example #7
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates the record readers for the number of inputs as defined by {@link #getNumTaskInputs()}.
 * This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
protected void initInputReaders() throws Exception {
	final int numInputs = getNumTaskInputs();
	final MutableReader<?>[] inputReaders = new MutableReader<?>[numInputs];

	int currentReaderOffset = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
		//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
		// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
		final int groupSize = this.config.getGroupSize(i);

		if (groupSize == 1) {
			// non-union case
			inputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
		} else if (groupSize > 1){
			// union case
			InputGate[] readers = new InputGate[groupSize];
			for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; ++j) {
				readers[j] = getEnvironment().getInputGate(currentReaderOffset + j);
			inputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
					new UnionInputGate(readers),
		} else {
			throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);

		currentReaderOffset += groupSize;
	this.inputReaders = inputReaders;

	// final sanity check
	if (currentReaderOffset != this.config.getNumInputs()) {
		throw new Exception("Illegal configuration: Number of input gates and group sizes are not consistent.");
Example #8
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates the record readers for the extra broadcast inputs as configured by {@link TaskConfig#getNumBroadcastInputs()}.
 * This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
protected void initBroadcastInputReaders() throws Exception {
	final int numBroadcastInputs = this.config.getNumBroadcastInputs();
	final MutableReader<?>[] broadcastInputReaders = new MutableReader<?>[numBroadcastInputs];

	int currentReaderOffset = config.getNumInputs();

	for (int i = 0; i < this.config.getNumBroadcastInputs(); i++) {
		//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
		// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
		final int groupSize = this.config.getBroadcastGroupSize(i);
		if (groupSize == 1) {
			// non-union case
			broadcastInputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
		} else if (groupSize > 1){
			// union case
			InputGate[] readers = new InputGate[groupSize];
			for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; ++j) {
				readers[j] = getEnvironment().getInputGate(currentReaderOffset + j);
			broadcastInputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
					new UnionInputGate(readers),
		} else {
			throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);

		currentReaderOffset += groupSize;
	this.broadcastInputReaders = broadcastInputReaders;
Example #9
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes the input readers of the DataSinkTask.
 * @throws RuntimeException
 *         Thrown in case of invalid task input configuration.
private void initInputReaders() throws Exception {
	int numGates = 0;
	//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
	// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
	final int groupSize = this.config.getGroupSize(0);
	numGates += groupSize;
	if (groupSize == 1) {
		// non-union case
		inputReader = new MutableRecordReader<DeserializationDelegate<IT>>(
	} else if (groupSize > 1){
		// union case
		inputReader = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
				new UnionInputGate(getEnvironment().getAllInputGates()),
	} else {
		throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);
	this.inputTypeSerializerFactory = this.config.getInputSerializer(0, getUserCodeClassLoader());
	@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
	final MutableObjectIterator<?> iter = new ReaderIterator(inputReader, this.inputTypeSerializerFactory.getSerializer());
	this.reader = (MutableObjectIterator<IT>)iter;

	// final sanity check
	if (numGates != this.config.getNumInputs()) {
		throw new Exception("Illegal configuration: Number of input gates and group sizes are not consistent.");
Example #10
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static InputGate createInputGate(InputGate[] inputGates) {
	if (inputGates.length <= 0) {
		throw new RuntimeException("No such input gate.");

	if (inputGates.length < 2) {
		return inputGates[0];
	} else {
		return new UnionInputGate(inputGates);
Example #11
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates the record readers for the number of inputs as defined by {@link #getNumTaskInputs()}.
 * This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
protected void initInputReaders() throws Exception {
	final int numInputs = getNumTaskInputs();
	final MutableReader<?>[] inputReaders = new MutableReader<?>[numInputs];

	int currentReaderOffset = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
		//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
		// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
		final int groupSize = this.config.getGroupSize(i);

		if (groupSize == 1) {
			// non-union case
			inputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
		} else if (groupSize > 1){
			// union case
			IndexedInputGate[] readers = new IndexedInputGate[groupSize];
			for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; ++j) {
				readers[j] = getEnvironment().getInputGate(currentReaderOffset + j);
			inputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
					new UnionInputGate(readers),
		} else {
			throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);

		currentReaderOffset += groupSize;
	this.inputReaders = inputReaders;

	// final sanity check
	if (currentReaderOffset != this.config.getNumInputs()) {
		throw new Exception("Illegal configuration: Number of input gates and group sizes are not consistent.");
Example #12
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Creates the record readers for the extra broadcast inputs as configured by {@link TaskConfig#getNumBroadcastInputs()}.
 * This method requires that the task configuration, the driver, and the user-code class loader are set.
protected void initBroadcastInputReaders() throws Exception {
	final int numBroadcastInputs = this.config.getNumBroadcastInputs();
	final MutableReader<?>[] broadcastInputReaders = new MutableReader<?>[numBroadcastInputs];

	int currentReaderOffset = config.getNumInputs();

	for (int i = 0; i < this.config.getNumBroadcastInputs(); i++) {
		//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
		// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
		final int groupSize = this.config.getBroadcastGroupSize(i);
		if (groupSize == 1) {
			// non-union case
			broadcastInputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
		} else if (groupSize > 1){
			// union case
			IndexedInputGate[] readers = new IndexedInputGate[groupSize];
			for (int j = 0; j < groupSize; ++j) {
				readers[j] = getEnvironment().getInputGate(currentReaderOffset + j);
			broadcastInputReaders[i] = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
					new UnionInputGate(readers),
		} else {
			throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);

		currentReaderOffset += groupSize;
	this.broadcastInputReaders = broadcastInputReaders;
Example #13
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Initializes the input readers of the DataSinkTask.
 * @throws RuntimeException
 *         Thrown in case of invalid task input configuration.
private void initInputReaders() throws Exception {
	int numGates = 0;
	//  ---------------- create the input readers ---------------------
	// in case where a logical input unions multiple physical inputs, create a union reader
	final int groupSize = this.config.getGroupSize(0);
	numGates += groupSize;
	if (groupSize == 1) {
		// non-union case
		inputReader = new MutableRecordReader<DeserializationDelegate<IT>>(
	} else if (groupSize > 1){
		// union case
		inputReader = new MutableRecordReader<IOReadableWritable>(
				new UnionInputGate(getEnvironment().getAllInputGates()),
	} else {
		throw new Exception("Illegal input group size in task configuration: " + groupSize);
	this.inputTypeSerializerFactory = this.config.getInputSerializer(0, getUserCodeClassLoader());
	@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
	final MutableObjectIterator<?> iter = new ReaderIterator(inputReader, this.inputTypeSerializerFactory.getSerializer());
	this.reader = (MutableObjectIterator<IT>)iter;

	// final sanity check
	if (numGates != this.config.getNumInputs()) {
		throw new Exception("Illegal configuration: Number of input gates and group sizes are not consistent.");
Example #14
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static InputGate createInputGate(List<IndexedInputGate> inputGates) {
	if (inputGates.size() <= 0) {
		throw new RuntimeException("No such input gate.");

	if (inputGates.size() == 1) {
		return inputGates.get(0);
	} else {
		return new UnionInputGate(inputGates.toArray(new IndexedInputGate[0]));
Example #15
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private InputGate createInputGate(
		JobID jobId,
		IntermediateDataSetID dataSetID,
		ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID,
		final TaskManagerLocation senderLocation,
		NetworkEnvironment environment,
		final int channels) throws IOException {

	InputGate[] gates = new InputGate[channels];
	for (int channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel) {
		int finalChannel = channel;
		InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor[] channelDescriptors =
			.map(partitionId -> new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(
				localMode ? ResultPartitionLocation.createLocal() : ResultPartitionLocation.createRemote(new ConnectionID(senderLocation, finalChannel))))

		final InputGateDeploymentDescriptor gateDescriptor = new InputGateDeploymentDescriptor(

		SingleInputGate gate = SingleInputGate.create(
			"receiving task[" + channel + "]",
			new NoOpTaskActions(),

		gates[channel] = gate;

	if (channels > 1) {
		return new UnionInputGate(gates);
	} else {
		return gates[0];