net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess.NLinearInterpolatorFactory Java Examples

The following examples show how to use net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess.NLinearInterpolatorFactory. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From imagej-ops with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testScaling() {
	Img<ByteType> in = generateByteArrayTestImg(true, new long[] { 10, 10 });
	double[] scaleFactors = new double[] { 2, 2 };
	RandomAccessibleInterval<ByteType> out = (RandomAccessibleInterval<ByteType>), in,
		scaleFactors, new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<ByteType>());

	assertEquals(out.dimension(0), 20);
	assertEquals(out.dimension(1), 20);

	RandomAccess<ByteType> inRA = in.randomAccess();
	RandomAccess<ByteType> outRA = out.randomAccess();
	inRA.setPosition(new long[] { 5, 5 });
	outRA.setPosition(new long[] { 10, 10 });
	assertEquals(inRA.get().get(), outRA.get().get());

Example #2
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * @param reader container
 * @param dataset dataset
 * @param transform transforms voxel data into real world coordinates
 * @param priority in fetching queue
 * @param name initialize with this name
 * @param <T> data type
 * @param <V> viewer type
 * @return {@link DataSource}
 * @throws IOException if any N5 operation throws {@link IOException}
public static <T extends NativeType<T> & RealType<T>, V extends Volatile<T> & NativeType<V> & RealType<V>>
DataSource<T, V> openRawAsSource(
		final N5Reader reader,
		final String dataset,
		final AffineTransform3D transform,
		final SharedQueue queue,
		final int priority,
		final String name) throws IOException, ReflectionException {
	return openScalarAsSource(
			i -> i == Interpolation.NLINEAR
			     ? new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()
			     : new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory<>(),
			i -> i == Interpolation.NLINEAR
			     ? new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()
			     : new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory<>(),
Example #3
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final NLinearInterpolatorFactory< FloatType > f = new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< FloatType >();
	// make the interpolators and get the transformations
	final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > ir = Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), f ).realRandomAccess();
	final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > wr = blending.realRandomAccess();

	final Cursor< FloatType > cursor = Views.iterable( transformedImg ).localizingCursor();
	final Cursor< FloatType > cursorW = Views.iterable( weightImg ).cursor();

	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];

	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	cursorW.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );

	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		loop( cursor, cursorW, ir, wr, transform, s, t, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, imgSizeX, imgSizeY, imgSizeZ );

	return portion + " finished successfully (transform input & precompute weights).";
Example #4
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public String call() throws Exception 
	final NLinearInterpolatorFactory< FloatType > f = new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< FloatType >();
	// make the interpolators and get the transformations
	final RealRandomAccess< FloatType > ir = Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img ), f ).realRandomAccess();
	final Cursor< FloatType > cursor = Views.iterable( transformedImg ).localizingCursor();

	final float[] s = new float[ 3 ];
	final float[] t = new float[ 3 ];
	cursor.jumpFwd( portion.getStartPosition() );
	for ( int j = 0; j < portion.getLoopSize(); ++j )
		loop( cursor, ir, transform, s, t, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, imgSizeX, imgSizeY, imgSizeZ );
	return portion + " finished successfully (transform input & no weights).";
Example #5
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RealRandomAccess<FloatType> realRandomAccess( final RealInterval interval )
	return Views.interpolate(
			Views.extendZero( this.contentBasedImg ),
			new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< FloatType >()
			).realRandomAccess( interval );
Example #6
Source File:    From imagej-ops with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
@SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "unchecked" })
public void testOutOfBoundsFactoryIsNull() {
	Img<ByteType> in = generateByteArrayTestImg(true, new long[] { 10, 10 });
	double[] scaleFactors = new double[] { 2, 2 };
	NLinearInterpolatorFactory<ByteType> nLinearInterpolatorFactory =
		new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<ByteType>();
	RandomAccessibleInterval<ByteType> out = (RandomAccessibleInterval<ByteType>), in,
		scaleFactors, nLinearInterpolatorFactory, null);
Example #7
Source File:    From imagej-ops with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testContingency() {
	Img<ByteType> in = generateByteArrayTestImg(true, new long[] { 10, 10 });
	double[] scaleFactors = new double[] { 2, 2, 2 };, in, scaleFactors,
		new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<ByteType>());
Example #8
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected static < T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > CompositeImage createOverlay( final T targetType, final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2, final InvertibleBoundable finalModel1, final InvertibleBoundable finalModel2, final int dimensionality ) 
	final ArrayList< ImagePlus > images = new ArrayList<ImagePlus>();
	images.add( imp1 );
	images.add( imp2 );
	final ArrayList< InvertibleBoundable > models = new ArrayList<InvertibleBoundable>();
	models.add( finalModel1 );
	models.add( finalModel2 );
	return createOverlay( targetType, images, models, dimensionality, 1, new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<FloatType>() );
Example #9
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public RealRandomAccess<FloatType> realRandomAccess()
	return Views.interpolate(
		Views.extendZero( this.contentBasedImg ),
		new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< FloatType >()
Example #10
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public < T extends RealType< T > > InterpolatorFactory< T, RandomAccessible< T > > getInterpolatorFactory( final T type )
	if ( getInterpolation() == 0 )
		return new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory<T>();
		return new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< T >();
Example #11
Source File:    From TrakEM2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
final static private < T extends RealType< T > >InterpolatorFactory< RealComposite< T >, RandomAccessible< RealComposite< T > > > interpolatorFactory( final Interpolation interpolation )
	switch ( interpolation )
	case NN:
		return new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory< RealComposite< T > >();
		return new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< RealComposite< T > >();
Example #12
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static <R extends RealType<R>, T extends NativeType<T> & RealType<T>> RealRandomAccessible<T> getInterpolatedDistanceTransformMask(
		final RandomAccessibleInterval<R> dt1,
		final RandomAccessibleInterval<R> dt2,
		final double distance,
		final T targetValue,
		final AffineTransform3D transformToSource)
	final RandomAccessibleInterval<R> distanceTransformStack = Views.stack(dt1, dt2);

	final R extendValue = Util.getTypeFromInterval(distanceTransformStack).createVariable();
	final RealRandomAccessible<R> interpolatedDistanceTransform = Views.interpolate(
			Views.extendValue(distanceTransformStack, extendValue),
			new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()

	final RealRandomAccessible<R> scaledInterpolatedDistanceTransform = RealViews.affineReal(
			new Scale3D(1, 1, -distance)

	final T emptyValue = targetValue.createVariable();
	final RealRandomAccessible<T> interpolatedShape = Converters.convert(
			(in, out) -> out.set(in.getRealDouble() <= 0 ? targetValue : emptyValue),

	return RealViews.affineReal(interpolatedShape, transformToSource);
Example #13
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param meta
 * @param transform
 * @param dataExtension
 * @param extension
 * @param name
 * @param priority
 * @param channelDimension
 * @param channels
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws DataTypeNotSupported
private N5ChannelDataSource(
		final N5Meta meta,
		final AffineTransform3D transform,
		final D dataExtension,
		final T extension,
		final String name,
		final SharedQueue queue,
		final int priority,
		final int channelDimension,
		final long[] channels) throws
		IOException, DataTypeNotSupported {

	final ImagesWithTransform<D, T>[] data = getData(
	final RandomAccessibleIntervalDataSource.DataWithInvalidate<D, T> dataWithInvalidate = RandomAccessibleIntervalDataSource.asDataWithInvalidate(data);
	this.meta = meta;
	this.channelDimension = channelDimension; = name;
	this.transforms = dataWithInvalidate.transforms;
	this.invalidate = dataWithInvalidate.invalidate;

	this.channels = channels == null ? range((int)[0].dimension(channelDimension)) : channels;
	this.numChannels = this.channels.length;

	this.intervals =;
	extension.setValid(true); = collapseDimension(, this.channelDimension, this.channels, dataExtension);
	this.viewerData = collapseDimension(dataWithInvalidate.viewData, this.channelDimension, this.channels, extension);

	this.interpolation = ipol -> new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory<>();
	this.viewerInterpolation = ipol -> Interpolation.NLINEAR.equals(ipol) ? new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>() : new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory<>();

	LOG.debug("Channel dimension {} has {} channels", channelDimension, numChannels);
Example #14
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static <T extends RealType<T>> Function<Interpolation, InterpolatorFactory<T, RandomAccessible<T>>>
	return i -> i.equals(Interpolation.NLINEAR)
	            ? new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()
	            : new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory<>();
Example #15
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public InterpolatorFactory<T, RandomAccessible<T>> apply(final Interpolation t)
	return t.equals(Interpolation.NLINEAR)
	       ? new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>()
	       : new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory<>();
Example #16
Source File:    From TrakEM2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public LinearIntensityMap( final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > source )
	this( source, new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< RealComposite< T > >() );
Example #17
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Extracts the PSF by averaging the local neighborhood RANSAC correspondences
 * @param size - the size in which the psf is extracted (in pixel units, z-scaling is ignored)
 * @return - the psf, NOT z-scaling corrected
protected static < T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > ArrayImg< T, ? > extractPSFLocal(
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > img,
		final ArrayList< double[] > locations,
		final long[] size )
	final int numDimensions = size.length;
	final ArrayImg< T, ? > psf = new ArrayImgFactory< T >().create( size, Views.iterable( img ).firstElement() );
	// Mirror produces some artifacts ... so we use periodic
	final RealRandomAccess< T > interpolator =
			Views.interpolate( Views.extendPeriodic( img ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< T >() ).realRandomAccess();
	final ArrayLocalizingCursor< T > psfCursor = psf.localizingCursor();
	final long[] sizeHalf = size.clone();
	for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
		sizeHalf[ d ] /= 2;
	final int[] tmpI = new int[ size.length ];
	final double[] tmpD = new double[ size.length ];

	for ( final double[] position : locations )
		while ( psfCursor.hasNext() )
			psfCursor.localize( tmpI );

			for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
				tmpD[ d ] = tmpI[ d ] - sizeHalf[ d ] + position[ d ];
			interpolator.setPosition( tmpD );
			psfCursor.get().add( interpolator.get() );

	return psf;
Example #18
Source File:    From render with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @return the default interpolator factory for warp field instances.
public static InterpolatorFactory<RealComposite<DoubleType>, RandomAccessible<RealComposite<DoubleType>>> getDefaultInterpolatorFactory() {
    return new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>();
Example #19
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static < T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > ImagePlus createReRegisteredSeries( final T targetType, final ImagePlus imp, final ArrayList<InvertibleBoundable> models, final int dimensionality )
	final int numImages = imp.getNFrames();

	// the size of the new image
	final int[] size = new int[ dimensionality ];
	// the offset relative to the output image which starts with its local coordinates (0,0,0)
	final double[] offset = new double[ dimensionality ];

	final int[][] imgSizes = new int[ numImages ][ dimensionality ];
	for ( int i = 0; i < numImages; ++i )
		imgSizes[ i ][ 0 ] = imp.getWidth();
		imgSizes[ i ][ 1 ] = imp.getHeight();
		if ( dimensionality == 3 )
			imgSizes[ i ][ 2 ] = imp.getNSlices();
	// estimate the boundaries of the output image and the offset for fusion (negative coordinates after transform have to be shifted to 0,0,0)
	Fusion.estimateBounds( offset, size, imgSizes, models, dimensionality );
	// for output
	final ImgFactory< T > f = new ImagePlusImgFactory< T >();
	// the composite
	final ImageStack stack = new ImageStack( size[ 0 ], size[ 1 ] );

	for ( int t = 1; t <= numImages; ++t )
		for ( int c = 1; c <= imp.getNChannels(); ++c )
			final Img<T> out = f.create( size, targetType );
			final Img< FloatType > in = ImageJFunctions.convertFloat( Hyperstack_rearranger.getImageChunk( imp, c, t ) );

			fuseChannel( out, Views.interpolate( Views.extendZero( in ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< FloatType >() ), offset, models.get( t - 1 ) );

				final ImagePlus outImp = ((ImagePlusImg<?,?>)out).getImagePlus();
				for ( int z = 1; z <= out.dimension( 2 ); ++z )
					stack.addSlice( imp.getTitle(), outImp.getStack().getProcessor( z ) );
			catch (ImgLibException e) 
				Log.error( "Output image has no ImageJ type: " + e );
	//convertXYZCT ...
	ImagePlus result = new ImagePlus( "registered " + imp.getTitle(), stack );
	// numchannels, z-slices, timepoints (but right now the order is still XYZCT)
	if ( dimensionality == 3 )
		result.setDimensions( size[ 2 ], imp.getNChannels(), imp.getNFrames() );
		result = OverlayFusion.switchZCinXYCZT( result );
		return CompositeImageFixer.makeComposite( result, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE );
	// "ch: " + imp.getNChannels() );
	// "slices: " + imp.getNSlices() );
	// "frames: " + imp.getNFrames() );
	result.setDimensions( imp.getNChannels(), 1, imp.getNFrames() );
	if ( imp.getNChannels() > 1 )
		return CompositeImageFixer.makeComposite( result, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE );
	return result;
Example #20
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected static < T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > ImagePlus fuse( final T targetType, final ImagePlus imp1, final ImagePlus imp2, final ArrayList<InvertibleBoundable> models, final StitchingParameters params )
	final ArrayList<ImagePlus> images = new ArrayList< ImagePlus >();
	images.add( imp1 );
	images.add( imp2 );
	if ( params.fusionMethod < 6 )
		ImagePlus imp = Fusion.fuse( targetType, images, models, params.dimensionality, params.subpixelAccuracy, params.fusionMethod, null, false, params.ignoreZeroValuesFusion, params.displayFusion );
		return imp;
	else if ( params.fusionMethod == 6 ) // overlay
		// images are always the same, we just trigger different timepoints
		final InterpolatorFactory< FloatType, RandomAccessible< FloatType > > factory;
		if ( params.subpixelAccuracy )
			factory  = new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<FloatType>();
			factory  = new NearestNeighborInterpolatorFactory< FloatType >();
		// fuses the first timepoint but estimates the boundaries for all timepoints as it gets all models
		final CompositeImage timepoint0 = OverlayFusion.createOverlay( targetType, images, models, params.dimensionality, 1, factory );
		if ( imp1.getNFrames() > 1 )
			final ImageStack stack = new ImageStack( timepoint0.getWidth(), timepoint0.getHeight() );
			// add all slices of the first timepoint
			for ( int c = 1; c <= timepoint0.getStackSize(); ++c )
				stack.addSlice( "", timepoint0.getStack().getProcessor( c ) );
			//"Overlay into composite image"
			for ( int f = 2; f <= imp1.getNFrames(); ++f )
				final CompositeImage tmp = OverlayFusion.createOverlay( targetType, images, models, params.dimensionality, f, factory );
				// add all slices of the first timepoint
				for ( int c = 1; c <= tmp.getStackSize(); ++c )
					stack.addSlice( "", tmp.getStack().getProcessor( c ) );					
			//convertXYZCT ...
			ImagePlus result = new ImagePlus( params.fusedName, stack );
			// numchannels, z-slices, timepoints (but right now the order is still XYZCT)
			result.setDimensions( timepoint0.getNChannels(), timepoint0.getNSlices(), imp1.getNFrames() );
			return CompositeImageFixer.makeComposite( result, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE );
			timepoint0.setTitle( params.fusedName );
			return timepoint0;
		//"Do not fuse images"
		return null;
Example #21
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public <T extends RealType<T>, S extends RealType<S>> void calculateCrossCorr(RandomAccessibleInterval<T> img1, RandomAccessibleInterval<S> img2, 
		long minOverlapPx, boolean interpolateSubpixel)
	Pair<Interval, Interval> intervals = PhaseCorrelation2Util.getOverlapIntervals(img1, img2, shift);
	// no overlap found
	if (intervals == null) {
		crossCorr = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
		nPixel = 0;
	nPixel = 1;
	for (int i = 0; i< intervals.getA().numDimensions(); i++){
		nPixel *= intervals.getA().dimension(i);
	if (nPixel < minOverlapPx){
		crossCorr = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
		nPixel = 0;

	// for subpixel move the underlying Img2 by the subpixel offset
	if ( subpixelShift != null && interpolateSubpixel )
		RealRandomAccessible< S > rra = Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( img2 ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< S >() );

		InvertibleRealTransform transform = null;

		// e.g. subpixel = (-0.4, 0.1, -0.145)
		final double tx = subpixelShift.getDoublePosition( 0 ) - shift.getDoublePosition( 0 );
		final double ty = subpixelShift.getDoublePosition( 1 ) - shift.getDoublePosition( 1 );

		if ( rra.numDimensions() == 2 )
			transform = new Translation2D( -tx, -ty ); // -relative subpixel shift only
		else if ( rra.numDimensions() == 3 )
			transform = new Translation3D( -tx, -ty, shift.getDoublePosition( 2 ) - subpixelShift.getDoublePosition( 2 ) ); // -relative subpixel shift only

		img2 = Views.interval( Views.raster( RealViews.transform( rra, transform ) ), img2 );

	// calculate cross correlation.
	// note that the overlap we calculate assumes zero-min input
	crossCorr = PhaseCorrelation2Util.getCorrelation(
			Views.zeroMin( Views.interval(Views.zeroMin(img1), intervals.getA())),
			Views.zeroMin( Views.interval(Views.zeroMin(img2), intervals.getB()))
Example #22
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args)
	Img< FloatType > a = ImgLib2Util.openAs32Bit( new File( "" ) );
	Img< FloatType > b = ImgLib2Util.openAs32Bit( new File( "" ) );

	TranslationGet t1 = new Translation3D();
	TranslationGet t2 = new Translation3D(460, 0, 0);
	ArrayList< Pair< RealInterval, AffineGet > > views = new ArrayList<Pair<RealInterval, AffineGet>>();
	views.add( new ValuePair< RealInterval, AffineGet >( a, t1 ) );
	views.add( new ValuePair< RealInterval, AffineGet >( b, t2 ) );

	RealInterval overlap = BoundingBoxMaximalGroupOverlap.getMinBoundingIntervalSingle( views );

	final RealInterval transformed1 = TransformTools.applyTranslation( a, t1, new boolean[] {false, false, false} );
	final RealInterval transformed2 = TransformTools.applyTranslation( b, t2, new boolean[] {false, false, false} );

	// get overlap in images' coordinates
	final RealInterval localOverlap1 = TransformTools.getLocalOverlap( transformed1, overlap );
	final RealInterval localOverlap2 = TransformTools.getLocalOverlap( transformed2, overlap );

	// round to integer interval
	final Interval interval1 = TransformTools.getLocalRasterOverlap( localOverlap1 );
	final Interval interval2 = TransformTools.getLocalRasterOverlap( localOverlap2 );

	//final WarpFunction warp = new TranslationWarp(3);
	final WarpFunction warp = new RigidWarp(3);
	//final WarpFunction warp = new AffineWarp( 3 );

	// rotate second image
	AffineTransform3D rot = new AffineTransform3D();
	rot.rotate( 2, 2 * Math.PI / 180 );
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > rotated = Views.interval(
					Views.interpolate( Views.extendBorder( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( b, interval2 ) ) ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>() ),
					rot.copy() ),

	// show input
	new ImageJ(); Views.interval( a,  interval1 ), "target" ); rotated, "in");

	// downsample input
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > simple2x1 = Downsample.simple2x( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( a, interval1 ) ), new ArrayImgFactory<>(), new boolean[] {true, true, false} );
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > simple2x2 = Downsample.simple2x( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( rotated, interval2 ) ), new ArrayImgFactory<>(), new boolean[] {true, true, false} );

	// align

	//Align< FloatType > lk = new Align<>( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( a, interval1 ) ), new ArrayImgFactory<>(), warp );
	Align< FloatType > lk = new Align<>( simple2x1, new ArrayImgFactory<>(), warp );
	//System.out.println( Util.printCoordinates( lk.align( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( b, interval2 ) ), 100, 0.01 ).getRowPackedCopy() ) );
	//final AffineTransform transform = lk.align( Views.zeroMin( rotated ), 100, 0.01 );
	final AffineTransform transform = lk.align( simple2x2, 100, 0.01 );

	final AffineTransform scale = new AffineTransform( 3 );
	scale.set( 2, 0, 0 );
	scale.set( 1, 1, 1 );

	transform.preConcatenate( scale );

	// transformation matrix
	System.out.println( Util.printCoordinates( transform.getRowPackedCopy() ) );

	// correct input and show
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > backRotated = Views.interval(
					Views.interpolate( Views.extendBorder( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( b, interval2 ) ) ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>() ),
					rot.copy().preConcatenate( transform ).copy() ),
			interval2); backRotated, "out" );

	// constructor needs column packed matrix, therefore the transpose
	Matrix mt = new Matrix( transform.getRowPackedCopy(), 4).transpose();
	Matrix rigid = mt.getMatrix( 0, 2, 0, 2 );

	// check whether result is rotation matrix (det == +-1, orthogonal)
	System.out.println( rigid.det() );
	System.out.println( Util.printCoordinates( rigid.times( rigid.transpose() ).getRowPackedCopy() ) );
Example #23
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Compute the pixel-wise difference between an affine-transformed source
 * image and a target image.
 * @param source
 *            The source image.
 * @param transform
 *            A coordinate transformation to apply to the source image.
 * @param target
 *            The target image.
 * @param difference
 *            Output image. The pixel-wise difference between the
 *            transformed source image and the target image is stored here.
 * @param service
 *            thread pool for difference calculation
 * @param nTasks
 *            number of image parts that are processed in parallel
 * @param <T> pixel type source
 * @param <S> pixel type target
public static < T extends RealType< T >,  S extends RealType< S > > void computeDifference(
		final RandomAccessible< T > source,
		final AffineTransform transform,
		final RandomAccessible< T > target,
		final RandomAccessibleInterval< S > difference,
		final ExecutorService service,
		final int nTasks)
	final RealRandomAccessible< T > interpolated = Views.interpolate( source, new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< T >() );
	final RandomAccessible< T > warped = RealViews.affine( interpolated, transform );

	final long stepSize = Views.iterable( difference ).size() / nTasks;

	final List<Callable< Void >> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
	final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger( 0 );
	for (int iO = 0; iO<nTasks; iO++)
		tasks.add( new Callable< Void >()
			public Void call() throws Exception
				final int i = ai.getAndIncrement();
				final Cursor< T > cw = Views.flatIterable( Views.interval( warped, difference ) ).cursor();
				final Cursor< T > ct = Views.flatIterable( Views.interval( target, difference ) ).cursor();
				final Cursor< S > cd = Views.flatIterable( difference ).cursor();

				cw.jumpFwd( stepSize * i );
				ct.jumpFwd( stepSize * i );
				cd.jumpFwd( stepSize * i );

				final long end = i == nTasks - 1 ? Views.iterable( difference ).size() - stepSize * i : stepSize;
				int count = 0;
				while (count++ < end)
				{ ( - ));
				return null;
		} );

		List< Future< Void > > futures = service.invokeAll( tasks );
		for (Future< Void > f: futures)
	catch ( InterruptedException | ExecutionException e )
Example #24
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public double getCurrentCorrelation(final RandomAccessibleInterval< T > image)
	final RealRandomAccessible< T > interpolated = Views.interpolate( Views.extendBorder( image ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory< T >() );
	final RandomAccessible< T > warped = RealViews.affine( interpolated, currentTransform );
	return PhaseCorrelation2Util.getCorrelation( Views.interval( warped, template ), template );
Example #25
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args)
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > a = ImgLib2Util.openAs32Bit( new File( "" ) );
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > b = ImgLib2Util.openAs32Bit( new File( "" ) );
	long slice = 40; a );
	a = Views.zeroMin( Views.hyperSlice( a, 2, slice ));
	b = Views.zeroMin( Views.hyperSlice( b, 2, slice ));

	TranslationGet t1 = new Translation2D();
	TranslationGet t2 = new Translation2D(460, 0);
	ArrayList< Pair< RealInterval, AffineGet > > views = new ArrayList<Pair<RealInterval, AffineGet>>();
	views.add( new ValuePair< RealInterval, AffineGet >( a, t1 ) );
	views.add( new ValuePair< RealInterval, AffineGet >( b, t2 ) );

	RealInterval overlap = BoundingBoxMaximalGroupOverlap.getMinBoundingIntervalSingle( views );

	final RealInterval transformed1 = TransformTools.applyTranslation( a, t1, new boolean[] {false, false} );
	final RealInterval transformed2 = TransformTools.applyTranslation( b, t2, new boolean[] {false, false} );

	// get overlap in images' coordinates
	final RealInterval localOverlap1 = TransformTools.getLocalOverlap( transformed1, overlap );
	final RealInterval localOverlap2 = TransformTools.getLocalOverlap( transformed2, overlap );

	// round to integer interval
	final Interval interval1 = TransformTools.getLocalRasterOverlap( localOverlap1 );
	final Interval interval2 = TransformTools.getLocalRasterOverlap( localOverlap2 );

	//final WarpFunction warp = new TranslationWarp(3);
	final WarpFunction warp = new RigidWarp(2);
	//final WarpFunction warp = new AffineWarp( 3 );

	// rotate second image
	AffineTransform2D rot = new AffineTransform2D();
	rot.rotate( 1.4 * Math.PI / 180 );
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > rotated = Views.interval(
					Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( b, interval2 ) ) ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>() ),
					rot.copy() ),

	// show input
	new ImageJ(); Views.interval( a,  interval1 ) ); rotated );

	// downsample input
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > simple2x1 = Downsample.simple2x( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( a, interval1 ) ), new ArrayImgFactory<>(), new boolean[] {false, false} );
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > simple2x2 = Downsample.simple2x( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( rotated, interval2 ) ), new ArrayImgFactory<>(), new boolean[] {false, false} );

	// align

	//Align< FloatType > lk = new Align<>( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( a, interval1 ) ), new ArrayImgFactory<>(), warp );
	Align< FloatType > lk = new Align<>( simple2x1, new ArrayImgFactory<>(), warp );
	//System.out.println( Util.printCoordinates( lk.align( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( b, interval2 ) ), 100, 0.01 ).getRowPackedCopy() ) );
	//final AffineTransform transform = lk.align( Views.zeroMin( rotated ), 100, 0.01 );
	final AffineTransform transform = lk.align( simple2x2, 100, 0.1 );

	// transformation matrix
	System.out.println( Util.printCoordinates( transform.getRowPackedCopy() ) );

	// correct input and show
	RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > backRotated = Views.interval(
					Views.interpolate( Views.extendMirrorSingle( Views.zeroMin( Views.interval( b, interval2 ) ) ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>() ),
					rot.copy().preConcatenate( transform ).copy() ),
			interval2); backRotated );

	// constructor needs column packed matrix, therefore the transpose
	Matrix mt = new Matrix( transform.getRowPackedCopy(), 3).transpose();
	Matrix rigid = mt.getMatrix( 0, 1, 0, 1 );

	// check whether result is rotation matrix (det == +-1, orthogonal)
	System.out.println( rigid.det() );
	System.out.println( Util.printCoordinates( rigid.times( rigid.transpose() ).getRowPackedCopy() ) );
Example #26
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
public void testPCRealShift() {
	// TODO: very large shifts (nearly no overlap) lead to incorrect shift determination (as expected)
	// maybe we can optimize behaviour in this situation
	Img< FloatType > img = ArrayImgs.floats( 200, 200 );
	Random rnd = new Random( seed );
	for( FloatType t : img )
		t.set( rnd.nextFloat());
	double shiftX = -20.9;
	double shiftY = 1.9;
	// to test < 0.5 px off
	final double eps = 0.5;
	FinalInterval interval2 = new FinalInterval(new long[] {50, 50});

	AffineRandomAccessible< FloatType, AffineGet > imgTr = RealViews.affine( Views.interpolate( Views.extendZero( img ), new NLinearInterpolatorFactory<>() ), new Translation2D( shiftX, shiftY ));
	IntervalView< FloatType > img2 = Views.interval( Views.raster( imgTr ), interval2);
	int [] extension = new int[img.numDimensions()];
	Arrays.fill(extension, 10);
	RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> pcm = PhaseCorrelation2.calculatePCM(Views.zeroMin(img2), Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(img, interval2)), extension, new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>(), 
			new FloatType(), new ArrayImgFactory<ComplexFloatType>(), new ComplexFloatType(), Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()));
	PhaseCorrelationPeak2 shiftPeak = PhaseCorrelation2.getShift(pcm, Views.zeroMin(img2), Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(img, interval2)), 20, 0, true, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()));
	double[] expected = new double[]{shiftX, shiftY};
	double[] found = new double[img.numDimensions()];
	System.out.println( Util.printCoordinates( found ) );
	for (int d = 0; d < expected.length; d++)
		assertTrue( Math.abs( expected[d] - found[d] ) < eps );