org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ArrayInitializer Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ArrayInitializer. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From EasyMPermission with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Annotation[] createConstructorProperties(ASTNode source, Collection<EclipseNode> fields) {
	if (fields.isEmpty()) return null;
	int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
	long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE;
	long[] poss = new long[3];
	Arrays.fill(poss, p);
	QualifiedTypeReference constructorPropertiesType = new QualifiedTypeReference(JAVA_BEANS_CONSTRUCTORPROPERTIES, poss);
	setGeneratedBy(constructorPropertiesType, source);
	SingleMemberAnnotation ann = new SingleMemberAnnotation(constructorPropertiesType, pS);
	ann.declarationSourceEnd = pE;
	ArrayInitializer fieldNames = new ArrayInitializer();
	fieldNames.sourceStart = pS;
	fieldNames.sourceEnd = pE;
	fieldNames.expressions = new Expression[fields.size()];
	int ctr = 0;
	for (EclipseNode field : fields) {
		char[] fieldName = removePrefixFromField(field);
		fieldNames.expressions[ctr] = new StringLiteral(fieldName, pS, pE, 0);
		setGeneratedBy(fieldNames.expressions[ctr], source);
	ann.memberValue = fieldNames;
	setGeneratedBy(ann, source);
	setGeneratedBy(ann.memberValue, source);
	return new Annotation[] { ann };
Example #2
Source File:    From EasyMPermission with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@Override public void handle(AnnotationValues<SneakyThrows> annotation, Annotation source, EclipseNode annotationNode) {
		handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.SNEAKY_THROWS_FLAG_USAGE, "@SneakyThrows");
		List<String> exceptionNames = annotation.getRawExpressions("value");
		List<DeclaredException> exceptions = new ArrayList<DeclaredException>();
		MemberValuePair[] memberValuePairs = source.memberValuePairs();
		if (memberValuePairs == null || memberValuePairs.length == 0) {
			exceptions.add(new DeclaredException("java.lang.Throwable", source));
		} else {
			Expression arrayOrSingle = memberValuePairs[0].value;
			final Expression[] exceptionNameNodes;
			if (arrayOrSingle instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
				exceptionNameNodes = ((ArrayInitializer)arrayOrSingle).expressions;
			} else exceptionNameNodes = new Expression[] { arrayOrSingle };
			if (exceptionNames.size() != exceptionNameNodes.length) {
						"LOMBOK BUG: The number of exception classes in the annotation isn't the same pre- and post- guessing.");
			int idx = 0;
			for (String exceptionName : exceptionNames) {
				if (exceptionName.endsWith(".class")) exceptionName = exceptionName.substring(0, exceptionName.length() - 6);
				exceptions.add(new DeclaredException(exceptionName, exceptionNameNodes[idx++]));
		EclipseNode owner = annotationNode.up();
		switch (owner.getKind()) {
//		case FIELD:
//			return handleField(annotationNode, (FieldDeclaration)owner.get(), exceptions);
		case METHOD:
			handleMethod(annotationNode, (AbstractMethodDeclaration)owner.get(), exceptions);
			annotationNode.addError("@SneakyThrows is legal only on methods and constructors.");
Example #3
Source File:    From EasyMPermission with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
@Override public void visitLocal(EclipseNode localNode, LocalDeclaration local) {
	if (!EclipseHandlerUtil.typeMatches(val.class, localNode, local.type)) return;
	handleFlagUsage(localNode, ConfigurationKeys.VAL_FLAG_USAGE, "val");
	boolean variableOfForEach = false;
	if (localNode.directUp().get() instanceof ForeachStatement) {
		ForeachStatement fs = (ForeachStatement) localNode.directUp().get();
		variableOfForEach = fs.elementVariable == local;
	if (local.initialization == null && !variableOfForEach) {
		localNode.addError("'val' on a local variable requires an initializer expression");
	if (local.initialization instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
		localNode.addError("'val' is not compatible with array initializer expressions. Use the full form (new int[] { ... } instead of just { ... })");
	if (localNode.directUp().get() instanceof ForStatement) {
		localNode.addError("'val' is not allowed in old-style for loops");
	if (local.initialization != null && local.initialization.getClass().getName().equals("org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LambdaExpression")) {
		localNode.addError("'val' is not allowed with lambda expressions.");
Example #4
Source File:    From EasyMPermission with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static List<Annotation> unboxAndRemoveAnnotationParameter(Annotation annotation, String annotationName, String errorName, EclipseNode errorNode) {
	if ("value".equals(annotationName)) {
		// We can't unbox this, because SingleMemberAnnotation REQUIRES a value, and this method
		// is supposed to remove the value. That means we need to replace the SMA with either
		// MarkerAnnotation or NormalAnnotation and that is beyond the scope of this method as we
		// don't need that at the time of writing this method; we only unbox onMethod, onParameter
		// and onConstructor. Let's exit early and very obviously:
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Lombok cannot unbox 'value' from SingleMemberAnnotation at this time.");
	if (!NormalAnnotation.class.equals(annotation.getClass())) {
		// Prevent MarkerAnnotation, SingleMemberAnnotation, and
		// CompletionOnAnnotationMemberValuePair from triggering this handler.
		return Collections.emptyList();
	NormalAnnotation normalAnnotation = (NormalAnnotation) annotation;
	MemberValuePair[] pairs = normalAnnotation.memberValuePairs;
	if (pairs == null) return Collections.emptyList();
	char[] nameAsCharArray = annotationName.toCharArray();
	for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
		if (pairs[i].name == null || !Arrays.equals(nameAsCharArray, pairs[i].name)) continue;
		Expression value = pairs[i].value;
		MemberValuePair[] newPairs = new MemberValuePair[pairs.length - 1];
		if (i > 0) System.arraycopy(pairs, 0, newPairs, 0, i);
		if (i < pairs.length - 1) System.arraycopy(pairs, i + 1, newPairs, i, pairs.length - i - 1);
		normalAnnotation.memberValuePairs = newPairs;
		// We have now removed the annotation parameter and stored '@__({... annotations ...})',
		// which we must now unbox.
		if (!(value instanceof Annotation)) {
			errorNode.addError("The correct format is " + errorName + "@__({@SomeAnnotation, @SomeOtherAnnotation}))");
			return Collections.emptyList();
		Annotation atDummyIdentifier = (Annotation) value;
		if (!(atDummyIdentifier.type instanceof SingleTypeReference) ||
				!isAllValidOnXCharacters(((SingleTypeReference) atDummyIdentifier.type).token)) {
			errorNode.addError("The correct format is " + errorName + "@__({@SomeAnnotation, @SomeOtherAnnotation}))");
			return Collections.emptyList();
		if (atDummyIdentifier instanceof MarkerAnnotation) {
			// It's @Getter(onMethod=@__). This is weird, but fine.
			return Collections.emptyList();
		Expression content = null;
		if (atDummyIdentifier instanceof NormalAnnotation) {
			MemberValuePair[] mvps = ((NormalAnnotation) atDummyIdentifier).memberValuePairs;
			if (mvps == null || mvps.length == 0) {
				// It's @Getter(onMethod=@__()). This is weird, but fine.
				return Collections.emptyList();
			if (mvps.length == 1 && Arrays.equals("value".toCharArray(), mvps[0].name)) {
				content = mvps[0].value;
		if (atDummyIdentifier instanceof SingleMemberAnnotation) {
			content = ((SingleMemberAnnotation) atDummyIdentifier).memberValue;
		if (content == null) {
			errorNode.addError("The correct format is " + errorName + "@__({@SomeAnnotation, @SomeOtherAnnotation}))");
			return Collections.emptyList();
		if (content instanceof Annotation) {
			return Collections.singletonList((Annotation) content);
		} else if (content instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
			Expression[] expressions = ((ArrayInitializer) content).expressions;
			List<Annotation> result = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
			if (expressions != null) for (Expression ex : expressions) {
				if (ex instanceof Annotation) result.add((Annotation) ex);
				else {
					errorNode.addError("The correct format is " + errorName + "@__({@SomeAnnotation, @SomeOtherAnnotation}))");
					return Collections.emptyList();
			return result;
		} else {
			errorNode.addError("The correct format is " + errorName + "@__({@SomeAnnotation, @SomeOtherAnnotation}))");
			return Collections.emptyList();
	return Collections.emptyList();
Example #5
Source File:    From EasyMPermission with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
@Override public boolean visit(ArrayInitializer node, BlockScope scope) {
	fixPositions(setGeneratedBy(node, source));
	return super.visit(node, scope);
Example #6
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean visit(ArrayInitializer arrayInitializer, BlockScope scope) {
	return false;
Example #7
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected Object getMemberValue(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.MemberValuePair memberValuePair, Expression expression) {
	if (expression instanceof NullLiteral) {
		return null;
	} else if (expression instanceof Literal) {
		((Literal) expression).computeConstant();
		return Util.getAnnotationMemberValue(memberValuePair, expression.constant);
	} else if (expression instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation) {
		org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation annotation = (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation) expression;
		Object handle = acceptAnnotation(annotation, null, (JavaElement) this.handleStack.peek());
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_ANNOTATION;
		return handle;
	} else if (expression instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) {
		ClassLiteralAccess classLiteral = (ClassLiteralAccess) expression;
		char[] name = CharOperation.concatWith(classLiteral.type.getTypeName(), '.');
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_CLASS;
		return new String(name);
	} else if (expression instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
		char[] qualifiedName = CharOperation.concatWith(((QualifiedNameReference) expression).tokens, '.');
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_QUALIFIED_NAME;
		return new String(qualifiedName);
	} else if (expression instanceof SingleNameReference) {
		char[] simpleName = ((SingleNameReference) expression).token;
		if (simpleName == RecoveryScanner.FAKE_IDENTIFIER) {
			memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
			return null;
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_SIMPLE_NAME;
		return new String(simpleName);
	} else if (expression instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
		memberValuePair.valueKind = -1; // modified below by the first call to getMemberValue(...)
		Expression[] expressions = ((ArrayInitializer) expression).expressions;
		int length = expressions == null ? 0 : expressions.length;
		Object[] values = new Object[length];
		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			int previousValueKind = memberValuePair.valueKind;
			Object value = getMemberValue(memberValuePair, expressions[i]);
			if (previousValueKind != -1 && memberValuePair.valueKind != previousValueKind) {
				// values are heterogeneous, value kind is thus unknown
				memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
			values[i] = value;
		if (memberValuePair.valueKind == -1)
			memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
		return values;
	} else if (expression instanceof UnaryExpression) {			// to deal with negative numerals (see bug - 248312)
		UnaryExpression unaryExpression = (UnaryExpression) expression;
		if ((unaryExpression.bits & ASTNode.OperatorMASK) >> ASTNode.OperatorSHIFT == OperatorIds.MINUS) {
			if (unaryExpression.expression instanceof Literal) {
				Literal subExpression = (Literal) unaryExpression.expression;
				return Util.getNegativeAnnotationMemberValue(memberValuePair, subExpression.constant);
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
		return null;
	} else {
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
		return null;
Example #8
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private Object getAnnotationMemberValue(MemberValuePair memberValuePair, Expression expression, JavaElement parentElement) {
	if (expression instanceof NullLiteral) {
		return null;
	} else if (expression instanceof Literal) {
		((Literal) expression).computeConstant();
		return Util.getAnnotationMemberValue(memberValuePair, expression.constant);
	} else if (expression instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation) {
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_ANNOTATION;
		return getAnnotation((org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation) expression, parentElement);
	} else if (expression instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) {
		ClassLiteralAccess classLiteral = (ClassLiteralAccess) expression;
		char[] typeName = CharOperation.concatWith(classLiteral.type.getTypeName(), '.');
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_CLASS;
		return new String(typeName);
	} else if (expression instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
		char[] qualifiedName = CharOperation.concatWith(((QualifiedNameReference) expression).tokens, '.');
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_QUALIFIED_NAME;
		return new String(qualifiedName);
	} else if (expression instanceof SingleNameReference) {
		char[] simpleName = ((SingleNameReference) expression).token;
		if (simpleName == RecoveryScanner.FAKE_IDENTIFIER) {
			memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
			return null;
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_SIMPLE_NAME;
		return new String(simpleName);
	} else if (expression instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
		memberValuePair.valueKind = -1; // modified below by the first call to getMemberValue(...)
		Expression[] expressions = ((ArrayInitializer) expression).expressions;
		int length = expressions == null ? 0 : expressions.length;
		Object[] values = new Object[length];
		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			int previousValueKind = memberValuePair.valueKind;
			Object value = getAnnotationMemberValue(memberValuePair, expressions[i], parentElement);
			if (previousValueKind != -1 && memberValuePair.valueKind != previousValueKind) {
				// values are heterogeneous, value kind is thus unknown
				memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
			values[i] = value;
		if (memberValuePair.valueKind == -1)
			memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
		return values;
	} else if (expression instanceof UnaryExpression) {			//to deal with negative numerals (see bug - 248312)
		UnaryExpression unaryExpression = (UnaryExpression) expression;
		if ((unaryExpression.bits & ASTNode.OperatorMASK) >> ASTNode.OperatorSHIFT == OperatorIds.MINUS) {
			if (unaryExpression.expression instanceof Literal) {
				Literal subExpression = (Literal) unaryExpression.expression;
				return Util.getNegativeAnnotationMemberValue(memberValuePair, subExpression.constant);
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
		return null;
	} else {
		memberValuePair.valueKind = IMemberValuePair.K_UNKNOWN;
		return null;
Example #9
Source File:    From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void notifySourceElementRequestor(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, TypeDeclaration declaringType) {

	// range check
	boolean isInRange =
				this.initialPosition <= fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceStart
				&& this.eofPosition >= fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd;

	switch(fieldDeclaration.getKind()) {
		case AbstractVariableDeclaration.ENUM_CONSTANT:
			if (this.reportReferenceInfo) {
				// accept constructor reference for enum constant
				if (fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof AllocationExpression) {
					AllocationExpression alloc = (AllocationExpression) fieldDeclaration.initialization;
						alloc.arguments == null ? 0 : alloc.arguments.length,
		case AbstractVariableDeclaration.FIELD:
			int fieldEndPosition = this.sourceEnds.get(fieldDeclaration);
			if (fieldEndPosition == -1) {
				// use the declaration source end by default
				fieldEndPosition = fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd;
			if (isInRange) {
				int currentModifiers = fieldDeclaration.modifiers;

				// remember deprecation so as to not lose it below
				boolean deprecated = (currentModifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccDeprecated) != 0 || hasDeprecatedAnnotation(fieldDeclaration.annotations);

				char[] typeName = null;
				if (fieldDeclaration.type == null) {
					// enum constant
					typeName =;
					currentModifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccEnum;
				} else {
					// regular field
					typeName = CharOperation.concatWith(fieldDeclaration.type.getParameterizedTypeName(), '.');
				ISourceElementRequestor.FieldInfo fieldInfo = new ISourceElementRequestor.FieldInfo();
				fieldInfo.typeAnnotated = ((fieldDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations) != 0);
				fieldInfo.declarationStart = fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceStart; =;
				fieldInfo.modifiers = deprecated ? (currentModifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccJustFlag) | ClassFileConstants.AccDeprecated : currentModifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccJustFlag;
				fieldInfo.type = typeName;
				fieldInfo.nameSourceStart = fieldDeclaration.sourceStart;
				fieldInfo.nameSourceEnd = fieldDeclaration.sourceEnd;
				fieldInfo.categories = (char[][]) this.nodesToCategories.get(fieldDeclaration);
				fieldInfo.annotations = fieldDeclaration.annotations;
				fieldInfo.node = fieldDeclaration;
			this.visitIfNeeded(fieldDeclaration, declaringType);
			if (isInRange){
					// filter out initializations that are not a constant (simple check)
					(fieldDeclaration.initialization == null
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof ArrayInitializer
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof AllocationExpression
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof ArrayAllocationExpression
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof Assignment
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof ClassLiteralAccess
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof MessageSend
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof ArrayReference
							|| fieldDeclaration.initialization instanceof ThisReference) ?
						-1 :
		case AbstractVariableDeclaration.INITIALIZER:
			if (isInRange){
			if (isInRange){