
A tool help you to analyze current activity information
Have your ever handled with follow issues for lots of time?

If your answer is YES, it is for you, saving your time to do all of those easily. A tool help you to do the follow stuffs.

Support Lollipop(Android 5.0)+.

Additional, with the help of xpose, we can get all running fragments in current activity. But using xpose may make you android device unstable, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Feel free to talk about your advice and using experience.

Download link

Download APK


  1. add to root folder, set ANDROID_API and ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS as you switch. Here is an example.

  2. press the 'Run App' button on toolbar or run ./gradlew clean assembleDebug, you can find the apk file in app/build/outputs/apk/debug folder

  3. for release build, please send a merge request.