
Full java Implemetation of RTSP (RFC 2326) command protocol.

What is this?:

Rtsp Java url connection is an extention of java/net framwork allowing to support of rtsp protocol

How is it disigned:

The RtspURLStreamHandlerFactory class is set as an application's URLStreamHandlerFactory. So, it will be used to construct a stream protocol handler from a protocol name.

java.net.URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( new RtspURLStreamHandlerFactory());

General scheme illustrating this RTSP Protocol handling implementation based on Java net framework.


Runtime resolution of an rtsp url connection


Used in code:

  java.net.URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( new RtspURLStreamHandlerFactory());
   java.net.URL url = new URL("rtsp://...");
    RtspURLConnection urlc = (RtspURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        urlc.play( );
        urlc.pause( );


build your test and run it using an rtsp url ( such as this public and free one rtsp:// as program parameter.