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CDI interceptor for logging to slf4j.

Logging is the standard example for writing interceptors. Yet, I didn't find a good one, so I wrote my own (and it was a lot of fun :)

There are two main use-cases for logging interceptors:


Version 3.x

We use semantic versioning. tl;dr: versions consist of three parts with a semantic: The Bad (major = breaking changes), the Good (minor = new features), and the Ugly (micro/patch = bugfixes).

So going to 3.0.0 was Bad, as it may break existing applications. But sometimes Bad things are necessary. Here we need it to get to Java 8 and replace esp. Joda-Date (BTW: big kudos to Stephen for that project and for making it obsolete by moving it to Java 8).



Basic Trace

@Logged(level = INFO)
public class CustomersResource {
    public Customer getCustomer(@PathParam("customer-id") String customerId) {
        return ...

would log calls to all methods in CustomersResource at INFO level, e.g.:

get customer 1234
return Customer(id=1234, firstName="Joe", ...)

Classic Logger

static class CustomersResourceLogger {
    @Logged("found {} for id {}")
    void foundCustomerForId(Customer customer, String customerId) {}

@Inject CustomersResourceLogger log;

log.foundCustomerForId(customer, "1234");

would log:

found Customer(id=1234, firstName="Joe", ...) for id 1234

Log Stack Trace

static class ExceptionLogger {
    @Logged(level = ERROR)
    void failed(String operation, RuntimeException e) {}

ExceptionLogger exceptionLogger;

try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
    exceptionLogger.failed("my operation", e);

would log the message failed my operation with the exception and stack trace.


public class ResponseLogConverter implements Converter {
    public String convert(Response response) {
        StatusType statusInfo = response.getStatusInfo();
        return statusInfo.getStatusCode() + " " + statusInfo.getReasonPhrase() + entityInfo(response);

    private String entityInfo(Response response) {
        Object entity = response.getEntity();
        if (entity == null)
            return "";
        return ": " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName();


Add Bintray to your settings.xml (see the Set me up! button) and this Maven dependency to your pom.xml:


Enable in Java EE 7

The interceptor is annotated with a @Priority (see the last paragraph in Java EE Tutorial). So it is automatically activated if you add it as a library to you application.

Enable in Java EE 6

Enabling interceptors from a library jar is a bit tricky in CDI 1.0. If you'd just add the logging-interceptor.jar to your war or ear, it was a separate CDI module, and the interceptor was not useable in your application. So you'll have to overlay the jar contents into your application by adding this to your pom.xml:



Then you can activate the interceptor in the application's beans.xml:

<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


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