


这是一个转换css文件中的px单位为rem/vw/vh等自适应设计页面(Responsive Web Design)单位的插件,主要适用于idea和webstorm.

本项目参考了 https://github.com/yclnycl/ideapx2rem 项目,在他的基础上加入了一些新的功能。


this is a tool of converting px to rem/vw/vh in a css/less file by a few settings.



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v2.1.2:添加回退功能到code intention中; 添加了选择是否在使用快捷键转换时对于文件类型的限制

v2.1.1:添加了版本兼容性处理; 添加了回退功能

v2.1.0:添加了code intention和code completion;修改了配置页面的位置;修改了快捷键为Alt + d;添加了px转vw和vh插件功能



v2.0.0:添加了转换整个文件的快捷键,修改了转换行内单位的逻辑;因转换文件的快捷键和默认的有冲突,现在将快捷键换成'shift d'和'ctrl shift d'





v1.1.1:修复了当前行内包含多条样式时无法转换的问题,将设置窗口移动到file-other settings下



v2.1.2: add the rollback action(rem/vw/vh to px) into code intention. add the option if limit the file type with css files when use short-cut key.

v2.1.1: deal with the compatibility problem.

v2.1.0: change the default short-cut key from Shift + d to Alt + d; add px to vw and px to vh; change the plugin-settings location to 'File - Settings - Px to Rwd'; add a code completion; add a code intention

v2.0.2: give a option of showing the calculation process in comment block; change the accuracy set

v2.0.1: change the accuracy set, which can be matched with the font size of root element

v2.0.0: give a short-cut key of Ctrl + Shift + d to convert the px to rem in a whole css file

v1.1.5: add some comments

v1.1.4: add some comments

v1.1.3: correct some errors

v1.1.2: add a persistence state of saving the custom settings

v1.1.1: correct some errors; change the setting location to 'File-Other settings'

v1.1.0: add a function of converting a line by short-cut key

v1.0.0: give a location to change the font size of root element




email:[email protected]


目前提供了三种方式来转换:快捷键、代码意图提示(Alt + Enter)、代码自动完成提示

  1. 快捷键

默认的快捷键是Alt + d,在插件配置页面中可以看到快捷键部分有3种转换类型的选项,分别是rem,vw,vh,选择其中的一个来使用快捷键转换,需要注意的是,需要在选项下方的值配置中设置对应的基值。 只能选择一种转换类型来使用快捷键转换单位。同时也可以重新设置快捷键。需要注意的是,跟之前的版本相比,默认的快捷键修改了,修改的原因主要是原来的Shift + d会与大小写冲突。

  1. code intention

选择使用代码意图提示的类型后即可使用已选择的类型来在css文件中通过Alt + Shift来调用code intention来快捷转换单位。未勾选的选项不会出现在文件的code intention列表中。

  1. code completion

选择使用代码自动提示的类型后即可使用已选择的类型来在css文件中快捷转换单位,当输入'px'后,code completion列表中会出现在配置页面中选择的类型名称,选择其中一个类型后即可实现自动完成转换功能。



  1. File-Settings-Px to Rwd进行必要的参数配置
  2. 选择一个需要转换的样式或者将光标移动到一个包含需要转换样式的行中,使用快捷键Alt + d来转换,也可以使用Ctrl + Alt + d来转换整个文件中的可转换样式
  3. 通过code intentionAlt + Enter来转换某一行中涉及到的样式
  4. 通过在输入'px'字符后显示的自动完成提示列表中选择相应的选项来转换相应的样式
  5. 通过快捷键Ctrl + Shift + Alt + d来回退一行内的转换

there are three ways to convert: short-cut key, code intention, code completion. you can find the settings related to these converting ways in settings page with the path 'File - Settings - Px to Rwd'

  1. short-cut key

select a converting type from three options of rem, vw, vh in setting page and give a necessary value set below the radio group, then use the default short-cut key of Alt + d to convert a line or a selected text. you can also use the short-cut key of Ctrl + Alt + d to convert in a whole file. you can only choose one converting type of short-cut key from rem,vw,vg to convert. btw, you can change the short-cut key in your ide by setting the keymap option.

  1. code intention

you can find three code intention types in settings page and you can select if a code intention type works by check the checkbox. by check a code intention in a line of a css file, which will display by typing Alt + Shift, you can convert the line where the caret displays. the unselected code intention types in settings page will not show in the list of code intention in a css file

  1. code completion

you can also find three code completion types in the settings page and you can select if a code completion type works by check the checkbox. by typing 'px' in a css file, you can find some code completion types you set in settings page. choose a type then it will give a result of converting. the unselected code completion types in settings page will not show in the list of code completion in a css file


  1. find menu at 'File - Settings - Px to Rwd', and give some settings.
  2. select a text or move cursor at a line which contains a 'px' value.
  3. use default shortcut key Alt + d to convert px to rem/vw/vh with a line; btw, you can change the shortcut at 'File - Settings - keymap - Plug-ins - px2rwd'.
  4. use default shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + d to convert px to rem/vw/vh in a whole file.
  5. use a code intention to convert px to rem/vw/vh in a css file
  6. use a code completion to convert px to rem/vw/vh in a css file
  7. use the short-cut key Ctrl + Shift + Alt + d to rollback the converting within one line






    box-shadow: 0.1rem    /* 10 / 100 */ 0.1rem    /* 10 / 100 */ 0.1rem    /* 10 / 100 */ #000;
    width:calc(100% - 0.2rem    /* 20 / 100 */);




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