This project is obselete and no longer maintained.

Spring Cloud Lattice

Preview of Spring Cloud Lattice implementation


Tested with lattice v0.5.0

Create redis, rabbit and mysql using the lattice docs.

mysql -h"" -p"somesecret" -u"root"

Running the sample

  1. Install lattice
  2. Follow the getting started guide, including scaling lattice-app to 3
  3. run mvn --settings .settings.xml install
  4. run PROCESS_GUID=spring-cloud-lattice-sample java -jar spring-cloud-lattice-sample/target/spring-cloud-lattice-sample-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. visit http://localhost:8080?service=lattice-app verify that the 3 services rotate through as you refresh

Running the sample ON LATTICE

  1. ./mvnw clean package
  2. ltc build-droplet sc-lattice-sample java --path=spring-cloud-lattice-sample/target/spring-cloud-lattice-sample-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
  3. ltc launch-droplet sc-lattice-sample sc-lattice-sample
  4. visit verify that the 3 services rotate through as you refresh
  5. visit verify that the 3 services rotate through as you refresh

IDE Discovery

if you run SampleLatticeApplication in the IDE on port 8081 you can run it on lattice with the following command

LATTICE_CLI_TIMEOUT=180 ltc create spring-cloud-lattice-sample spencergibb/spring-cloud-lattice-sample -- java -jar /spring-cloud-lattice-sample.jar

Then call and it will hit the service running in the ide.

Config Server

TODO: document using catalyst ltc create -m 512 catalyst mstine/catalyst