Cassandra JMeter Plugin for Cassandra

A CQL3 native plugin for Cassandra 2.0 using the DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra. The plugin is loosely based on the JDBC Plugin included with JMeter originally written by Ruben Laguna. It includes 4 components:


Simply unpack the archive in the JMeter install directory. All of the libraries will unpack into the lib/ext directory.


Because it is based on the Java Driver, the plugin automatically connects to a given contact point and will discover the rest of the nodes in the cluster. To function correclty, it is necessary that JMeter be able to directly access all of the nodes in your cluster


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Simple add a Cassandra Sampler to your test plan. The sampler runs in 3 modes, Simple Statement, Prepared Statement, Batch Statement.

Set up the following fields:

Build a distribution package:

mvn clean package assembly:single -DskipTests=true