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PolyJDBC is a polyglot, lightweight wrapper around standard JDBC drivers with schema inspection/creation capabilities.


When developing SmartParam JDBC repository i realized that i was writing polyglot JDBC wrapper instead of focusing on core JDBC repository responsibilities. PolyJDBC came to life by extracting low-level wrapping code to separate project.

Before starting work on SmartParam JDBC repo i was looking for a good JDBC wrapper that would do more than suppress SQLExceptions. Specifically i was looking for transaction-aware wrapper that would also make it easy to perform DDL operations.


PolyJDBC primary target are libraries that need light and cross-platform JDBC persistence. Hibernate is great, but it leaves little place for end-user customization, which is important when offering a library. It is also quite heavy. PolyJDBC size is only 75kB, no dependencies except for slf4j logging API.


Supported database engines

Thanks to testng magic PolyJDBC runs integration tests on each database. This way i can be sure that all features all supported across all engines.

How to get it?

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile group: 'org.polyjdbc', name: 'polyjdbc', version: '0.5.0'

Enough, show me the code


By default, PolyJDBC takes care of transaction management on it's own:

Dialect dialect = DialectRegistry.H2.getDialect();
PolyJDBC polyjdbc = PolyJDBCBuilder.polyJDBC(dialect).connectingToDataSource(dataSource).build();

But it is possible to leave connection management to any external framework:

Dialect dialect = DialectRegistry.H2.getDialect();
PolyJDBC polyjdbc = PolyJDBCBuilder.polyJDBC(dialect).usingManagedConnections(() -> frameworkManager::getConnection).build();


To ask simple questions, use simple tool. SimpleQueryRunner performs each query in new transaction:

SelectQuery query = polyJdbc.query().selectAll().from("test").where("name = :name")
        .withArgument("name", "test");

Test test = polyJdbc.simpleQueryRunner().queryUnique(query, new TestMapper());

You might want to span your transaction across multiple statements, if so use TransactionRunner:

TransactionRunner transactionRunner = polyjdbc.transactionRunner();

Test test = transactionRunner.run(new TransactionWrapper<Test>() {
    public Test perform(QueryRunner queryRunner) {
        SelectQuery query = polyJdbc.query().selectAll().from("test").where("name = :name")
            .withArgument("name", "test");
        return queryRunner.queryUnique(query, new TestMapper());

transactionRunner.run(new VoidTransactionWrapper() {
    public void performVoid(QueryRunner queryRunner) {
        DeleteQuery query = polyJdbc.query().delete().from("test").where("year < :year")
            .withArgument("year", 2012);

Or if you need to get your hands dirty, see QueryRunner, but remember to free the resources:

QueryRunner queryRunner = null;

try {
    queryRunner = polyjdbc.queryRunner();
    SelectQuery query = polyJdbc.query().selectAll().from("test").where("year = :year")
        .withArgument("year", 2013).limit(10);
    List<Test> tests = queryRunner.selectList(query, new TestMapper());
catch(Exception exception) {
    throw exception;
finally {

Schema management

PolyJDBC comes with tools for schema creating and deletion. More options for schema inspection are planned, although there is no concrete release date.

To check if relation exists:

SchemaInspector schemaInspector = null;
try {
    schemaInspector = polyjdbc.schemaInspector();
    boolean relationExists = schemaInspector.relationExists("testRelation");
} finally {

To create new schema (group of relations):

SchemaManager schemaManager = null;
try {
    schemaManager = polyjdbc.schemaManager();

    Schema schema = new Schema(configuration.getDialect());
        .foreignKey("fk_test_one_id").references("test_one", "id").on("fk_test_one").and()

} finally {

You don't need to define Schema object. Single Relation, Sequence or Index can be created using SchemaManager as well.


PolyJDBC is published under Apache License 2.0.
