cordova-ourcodeworld-filebrowser Plugin

A cordova implementation of NoNonsense-FilePicker for Android.

This plugin allow you to select folder and files, and at the same time create folders and create files (not a file is created actually, but it will return the filepath and name of the "choosen path").

<img src="" width="25%" />

<img src="" width="50%" />

## Installation Install the plugin ```batch $ cordova plugin add ``` After installing the plugin, remember that the targetSdkVersion of cordova needs to be less than 24 e.g in Cordova 9.0.1, you need to specify inside the `config.xml` file of your project: ```xml ``` ## Usage A global object `OurCodeWorld.Filebrowser` will be available in your window. This object offers a file picker, folder picker, mixed folder and file picker and the file creation dialog. ```javascript // Single file selector window.OurCodeWorld.Filebrowser.filePicker.single({ success: function(data){ if(!data.length){ // No file selected return; } // Array with filepaths // ["file:///storage/emulated/0/360/security/file.txt", "file:///storage/emulated/0/360/security/another-file.txt"] }, error: function(err){ console.log(err); } }); // Single folder selector window.OurCodeWorld.Filebrowser.folderPicker.single({ success: function(data){ if(!data.length){ // No folders selected return; } // Array with paths // ["file:///storage/emulated/0/360/security", "file:///storage/emulated/0/360/security"] console.log(data); }, error: function(err){ console.log(err); } }); ``` Check the documentation to see more methods of the plugin like the creation of file, mixed file and folder picker etc. ## External links - [Documentation](