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OpenTracing gRPC Instrumentation

OpenTracing instrumentation for gRPC.






import io.opentracing.Tracer;

    public class YourServer {

        private int port;
        private Server server;
        private final Tracer tracer;

        private void start() throws IOException {
            TracingServerInterceptor tracingInterceptor = TracingServerInterceptor

            // If GlobalTracer is used: 

            server = ServerBuilder.forPort(port)


import io.opentracing.Tracer;import io.opentracing.contrib.grpc.TracingClientInterceptor;

    public class YourClient {

        private final ManagedChannel channel;
        private final GreeterGrpc.GreeterBlockingStub blockingStub;
        private final Tracer tracer;

        public YourClient(String host, int port) {

            channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(host, port)

            TracingClientInterceptor tracingInterceptor = TracingClientInterceptor

            // If GlobalTracer is used: 

            blockingStub = GreeterGrpc.newBlockingStub(tracingInterceptor.intercept(channel));

Server Tracing

A TracingServerInterceptor uses default settings, which you can override by creating it using a TracingServerInterceptor.Builder.


    TracingServerInterceptor tracingInterceptor = TracingServerInterceptor
        .withOperationName(new OperationNameConstructor() {
            public <ReqT, RespT> String constructOperationName(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method) {
                // construct some operation name from the method descriptor

Client Tracing

A TracingClientInterceptor also has default settings, which you can override by creating it using a TracingClientInterceptor.Builder.


import io.opentracing.Span;

    TracingClientInterceptor tracingInterceptor = TracingClientInterceptor
        .withOperationName(new OperationNameConstructor() {
            public <ReqT, RespT> String constructOperationName(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method) {
                // construct some operation name from the method descriptor
        .withActiveSpanSource(new ActiveSpanSource() {
            public Span getActiveSpan() {
                // implement how to get the current active span, for example:
                return OpenTracingContextKey.activeSpan();

Current Span Context

In your server request handler, you can access the current active span for that request by calling

Span span = OpenTracingContextKey.activeSpan();

This is useful if you want to manually set tags on the span, log important events, or create a new child span for internal units of work. You can also use this key to wrap these internal units of work with a new context that has a user-defined active span.

For example:

Tracer tracer = ...;

    // some unit of internal work that you want to trace
    Runnable internalWork = someInternalWork

    // a wrapper that traces the work of the runnable
    class TracedRunnable implements Runnable {
        Runnable work;
        Tracer tracer;

        TracedRunnable(Runnable work, Tracer tracer) {
   = work;
            this.tracer = tracer;

        public void run() {

            // create a child span for the current active span
            Span span = tracer

            // create a new context with the child span as the active span
            Context contextWithNewSpan = Context.current()
                .withValue(OpenTracingContextKey.get(), span);

            // wrap the original work and run it
            Runnable tracedWork = contextWithNewSpan.wrap(;

            // make sure to finish any manually created spans!

    Runnable tracedInternalWork = new TracedRunnable(internalWork, tracer);;

Operation Names

The default operation name for any span is the RPC method name (io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.getFullMethodName()). However, you may want to add your own prefixes, alter the name, or define a new name. For examples of good operation names, check out the OpenTracing semantics.

To alter the operation name, you need to add an implementation of the interface OperationNameConstructor to the TracingClientInterceptor.Builder or TracingServerInterceptor.Builder. For example, if you want to add a prefix to the default operation name of your ClientInterceptor, your code would look like this:

 TracingClientInterceptor interceptor = TracingClientInterceptor.Builder ...
        .withOperationName(new OperationNameConstructor() {
            public <ReqT, RespT> String constructOperationName(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method) {
                return "your-prefix" + method.getFullMethodName();

Active Span Sources

If you want your client to continue a trace rather than starting a new one, then you can tell your TracingClientInterceptor how to extract the current active span by building it with your own implementation of the interface ActiveSpanSource. This interface has one method, getActiveSpan, in which you will define how to access the current active span.

For example, if you're creating the client in an environment that has the active span stored in a global dictionary-style context under OPENTRACING_SPAN_KEY, then you could configure your Interceptor as follows:

import io.opentracing.Span;

    TracingClientInterceptor interceptor = TracingClientInterceptor
        .withActiveSpanSource(new ActiveSpanSource() {
            public Span getActiveSpan() {
                return Context.get(OPENTRACING_SPAN_KEY);

We also provide two built-in implementations:

Active Span Context Sources

Instead of ActiveSpanSource it's possible to use ActiveSpanContextSource if span is not available

import io.opentracing.Span;

    TracingClientInterceptor interceptor = TracingClientInterceptor
        .withActiveSpanContextSource(new ActiveSpanContextSource() {
            public SpanContext getActiveSpanContext() {
                return Context.get(OPENTRACING_SPAN_CONTEXT_KEY);

We also provide two built-in implementations:

Custom Span Decorators

If you want to add custom tags or logs to the server and client spans, then you can implement the ClientSpanDecorator, ClientCloseDecorator, ServerSpanDecorator, and ServerCloseDecorator interfaces. Multiple different decorators may be added to the builder.

TracingClientInterceptor clientInterceptor = TracingClientInterceptor
    .withClientSpanDecorator(new ClientSpanDecorator() {
        public void interceptCall(Span span, MethodDescriptor method, CallOptions callOptions) {
            span.setTag("some_tag", "some_value");
            span.log("Example log");
    .withClientCloseDecorator(new ClientCloseDecorator() {
        public void close(Span span, Status status, Metadata trailers) {
            span.setTag("some_other_tag", "some_other_value");

TracingServerInterceptor serverInterceptor = TracingServerInterceptor
    .withServerSpanDecorator(new ServerSpanDecorator() {
        public void interceptCall(Span span, ServerCall call, Metadata headers) {
            span.setTag("some_tag", "some_value");
            span.log("Intercepting server call");
    .withServerCloseDecorator(new ServerCloseDecorator() {
        public void close(Span span, Status status, Metadata trailers) {
            span.setTag("some_other_tag", "some_other_value");

Integrating with Other Interceptors

Although we provide TracingServerInterceptor.intercept(service) and TracingClientInterceptor.intercept(channel) methods, you don't want to use these if you're chaining multiple interceptors. Instead, use the following code (preferably putting the tracing interceptor at the top of the interceptor stack so that it traces the entire request lifecycle, including other interceptors):


server = ServerBuilder.forPort(port)
        .addService(ServerInterceptors.intercept(service, someInterceptor,
            someOtherInterceptor, TracingServerInterceptor))


blockingStub = GreeterGrpc.newBlockingStub(ClientInterceptors.intercept(channel,
        someInterceptor, someOtherInterceptor, TracingClientInterceptor));


Apache 2.0 License.