Maven plugin for JavaFX

Maven Central Travis CI Apache License

Maven plugin to run JavaFX 11+ applications


The plugin is available via Maven Central.

In case you want to build and install the latest snapshot, you can clone the project, set JDK 11 and run

mvn install


Create a new Maven project, use an existing one like HelloFX, or use an archetype.

The project can be modular or non-modular.

JavaFX dependencies are added as usual:


Add the plugin:


To compile the project (optional):

mvn javafx:compile

Alternatively, the maven-compiler-plugin can be used:

mvn compile

Note that including this plugin is convenient for a better project integration within your IDE.

To run the project:

mvn javafx:run

For modular projects, to create and run a custom image:

mvn javafx:jlink

target/image/bin/java -m hellofx/org.openjfx.App

javafx:compile options

When compiling with javafx:compile, the source level, target level and/or the release level for the Java compiler can be set. The default value is 11.

This configuration changes these levels to 12, for instance:


If required, compiler arguments can be set. For instance:


javafx:run options

The plugin includes by default: --module-path, --add-modules and -classpath options.

Optionally, the configuration can be modified with:

For instance, the following configuration adds some VM options and a command line argument:



It is possible to use a local SDK instead of Maven Central. This is helpful for developers trying to test a local build of OpenJFX. Since transitive dependencies are not resolved, all the required jars needs to be added as a separate dependency, like:



javafx:jlink options

The same command line options for jlink can be set:

For instance, with the following configuration:


a custom image can be created and run as:

mvn clean javafx:jlink


Issues and Contributions

Issues can be reported to the Issue tracker.

Contributions can be submitted via Pull requests, providing you have signed the Gluon Individual Contributor License Agreement (CLA).