EML to PDF Converter (Email to PDF Converter) Actions Status

This software can be used to convert eml files (emails as plain text in MIME format) to pdf files. It can be used as a library, command line tool or desktop application with its GUI.

The conversion is done by parsing (and cleaning) the mime/structure, converting it to html and then using wkhtmltopdf to convert the generated html to a pdf file.

It also handles inline images, corrupt mime headers and can use a proxy.


You can download the lates binaries here.

There you can find a Windows setup.exe and a jar.
If you want to use the jar (e.g. for a non Windows OS) you need the wkhtmltopdf binary in the PATH.


Commandline Interface

Usage: EMLtoPDFConverter [options] [eml-filename]
    -d, --debug
       Debug mode
       Default: false
    -e, --error
       Display only Error messages.
       Default: false
    -a, --extract-attachments
       Extract Attachments.
       Default: false
    -ad, --extract-attachments-directory
       Extract Attachments to this Directory, if this option is not present the
       directory is besides the pdf as "-attachments".
    -?, --help
       Print this help.
       Default: false
    -hh, --hide-headers
       Do not add email headers (subject, from, etc.) at the beginning of the
       PDF document.
       Default: false
    -o, --output-filepath
       Filepath of the produced PDF document. If this option is ommited the PDF
       will be placed alongside the EML File.
    -p, --proxy
       Proxy (e.g. ""). If "auto" is supplied the default
       system proxy will be used.
    -q, --quiet
       Do not display any messages at all.
       Default: false
    -gui, --show-graphical-user-interface
       Show graphical user interface (other parameters are ignored when using
       this switch).
       Default: false
    -v, --version
       Print the version number.
       Default: false

E.g. java -jar emailconverter-2.0.0-all.jar example.eml (you need wkhtmltopdf binary in the PATH)

How to build

You need to git clone this repository. The build will fail if you remove the .git folder (e.g. download this as zip from github).


The code is available under the terms of the Apache V2 License.