
A bot for signal. This bot can connect to the Signal Service as the primary device using a dedicated number or secondary to your main device. It answers incoming messages automatically using plugins implemented as Java classes.


This project uses gradle as its build management system and git for version control. Therefore:

git clone [email protected]:nerdclub-tfg/signal-bot.git
cd signal-bot
./gradlew fatJar

If you have already used gradle you might be wondering why there is fatJar and not build. fatJar is a custom task we defined to build a jar which contains all the dependencies, so you can run it easily and everywhere on a Java Machine supporting Java 8:

java -jar build/libs/signal-bot-all.jar


Reporting Bugs & Requesting Features

Please search for your issue on the issue tracker of this project to see if it is already reported. If not, you are free to create a new ticket. Please use the plugin proposal tag (blue) for any new plugins you would like to have.

Pull Requests

Please use meaningful commit messages and branch names and rebase changes on master into your fork (instead of creating merge commits). We love to see PRs for new features and plugins!

Tips for Developing

Development Environment

Most Java IDEs nowadays support gradle projects out of the box, so just point your IDE at the project's root. There are multiple options for testing:

Additionally, Whispersystems wants you to use the staging and not the production server for all testing. To get two instances of Signal on your Android phone I suggest to use MultiROM. Please note that Signal-Desktop can be registered as a standalone device using the developer console. Refer to in the github repository.

Adding a new Plugin

Plugins are classes that extend Plugin and are located in the package plugins. So for creating a new one, subclass Plugin and add it to the package. You also have to add an entry to the PLUGINS array in Plugin and to defaultConfig.json in the resources package. The boolean there specifies whether your plugin is enabled by default or disabled. An existing config will be updated with this value.

Plugins consist of currently two methods:

If you want your plugin to only activate if the message's text is prefixed with something like !myplugin you can use PrefixedPlugin which implements accepts and a method stripPrefix to get the substring of the body which contains the parameters. We suggest to prefix all commands with an exclamation mark to clearly differentiate it from normal messages.