Vertx Vaadin


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Vertx Vaadin is an adapter library that lets you run Vaadin applications on top of Vert.x. This means you can mix the simplicity and robustness of Vaadin applications with the powerful tools provided by Vert.x, such as event bus, clustering, High Availability and Fail-Over.

Installation and Getting Started

Vertx-vaadin binaries are available on Maven Central and Bintray.



For snapshots:



compile 'com.github.mcollovati.vertx:vertx-vaadin8:0.4.0'

For snapshots:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Compatibility matrix

Vaadin version Vert.x version vertx-vaadin version Status
8.x -> 8.7 3.5 vertx-vaadin8:1.0.1 CircleCI
8.8 3.7 vertx-vaadin8:2.0.0 CircleCI
10 3.5 vertx-vaadin-flow:10.0.0 CircleCI
12 3.5 vertx-vaadin-flow:12.0.0 CircleCI
13 3.5 vertx-vaadin-flow:13.0.1 CircleCI
14.0 3.7 vertx-vaadin-flow:14.0.0 CircleCI
14.0 3.8.3 vertx-vaadin-flow:14.0.10+ CircleCI
14.1 3.8.3 vertx-vaadin-flow:14.1.x CircleCI
14.2 3.8.3 vertx-vaadin-flow:14.2.x CircleCI
15 3.8.5 vertx-vaadin-flow:15.0.x CircleCI


See vertx-vaadin-8 or vertx-vaadin-flow module for more information.

Demo and samples

A public demo based on Vaadin 8 archetype application example is published on heroku and is available here

Bookstore demo on Vaadin Flow is published on heroku and is available at the following urls:

Source code and other samples can be found on vaadin-vertx-samples repository.

Issue tracking

The issues for this project are tracked on its page. All bug reports and feature requests are appreciated.


Contributions are welcome, but there are no guarantees that they are accepted as such. Process for contributing is the following:


Vertx Vaadin is distributed under MIT License. For license terms, see LICENSE.


Thanks to David Sowerby (author of Krail framework) for all his precious technical and non technical support.