jd-cmd - Command line Java Decompiler

The jd-cmd is a simple command line wrapper around JD Core Java Decompiler project.


Find latest bits in GitHub Releases.


Java runtime is required in version 8 or newer (for version 1.0.0 and newer) and Java 6 for older versions.

Usage - Command line

You can use the jd-cli.bat (Windows) or jd-cli (Linux/Unix) scripts to run the the JAR file.

Usage: java -jar jd-cli.jar [options] [Files to decompile]
    --displayLineNumbers, -n
       displays line numbers in decompiled classes
       Default: false
    --escapeUnicodeCharacters, -eu
       escape unicode characters in decompiled classes
       Default: false
    --help, -h
       shows this help
       Default: false
    --logLevel, -g
       takes [level] as parameter and sets it as the CLI log level. Possible
       values are: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF
       Default: INFO
    --outputConsole, -oc
       enables output to system output stream
       Default: false
    --outputDir, -od
       takes a [directoryPath] as a parameter and configures a flat DIR output
       for this path
    --outputDirStructured, -ods
       takes a [directoryPath] as a parameter and configures a structured DIR
       output for this path
    --outputZipFile, -oz
       takes a [zipFilePath] as a parameter and configures ZIP output for this
    --pattern, -p
       RegExp pattern which the to-be-decompiled file has to match. Not matching
       entries are skipped.
    --skipResources, -sr
       skips processing resources
       Default: false
    --version, -v
       shows the version
       Default: false


This project was originally forked from JDCommandLine.
