Snowflake-UID Generator

UidGenerator is a Java implemented, Snowflake based unique ID generator. It referenced the baidu's implementaton of But this generator is a simpler and non-db implementation, the default generator uses the last 24bit value of the ip address as the worker id, 28 bits for timestamp, and 11 bits for sequence. So it can generate 2048 sequence/second for each instance for about 8.7 years.

The kubernetes pod CIDR is less than /24, so this generator is suitable for k8s environment. If you can set the runtime network CIDR as /16, you can extend the time bits to 32 and sequence bits to 15, then the generator can generate 32768 sequences/seconds for each instance for about 128 years.


UidGenerator是基于Twitter Snowflake算法的分布式ID生成器,参考了百度的实现 不过相对来说要更简单并且不依赖于DB。其默认实现使用28位的时间,24位的worker id和最后的11位用于生成序列。提供单实例每秒2048个序列号,可使用8.7年。

这么做的目的是为了让其适合在K8S环境中使用,因为K8S默认的CIDR是/24,所以使用24位worker id可保证每个实例生成的ID的唯一性。当然相应的,单例每秒的id数要少些,不过对大部分应用也是够的,而且通常高可用环境下每个应用不止一个实例。如果运行的k8s环境的CIDR可以设置为/16,那么可以将时间和序列的位数各加4个,这样就可以支持每秒32768个序列,并能使用128年。


** Snowflake algorithm:** An unique id consists of worker node, timestamp and sequence within that timestamp. Usually, it is a 64 bits number(long), and the default bits of that three fields are as follows:

sign delta seconds worker node id sequence
1 bit 28 bits 24bits 11bits

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