
Build Status Release

This is the actioncable client library for Java. Please see Action Cable Overview to understand actioncable itself.



repositories {
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.hosopy:actioncable-client-java:0.1.2'

This Library uses google/gson to parse and compose JSON strings.

Please see user guide to know about GSON API.


// 1. Setup
URI uri = new URI("ws://");
Consumer consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer(uri);

// 2. Create subscription
Channel appearanceChannel = new Channel("AppearanceChannel");
Subscription subscription = consumer.getSubscriptions().create(appearanceChannel);

    .onConnected(new Subscription.ConnectedCallback() {
        public void call() {
            // Called when the subscription has been successfully completed
    }).onRejected(new Subscription.RejectedCallback() {
        public void call() {
            // Called when the subscription is rejected by the server
    }).onReceived(new Subscription.ReceivedCallback() {
        public void call(JsonElement data) {
            // Called when the subscription receives data from the server
    }).onDisconnected(new Subscription.DisconnectedCallback() {
        public void call() {
            // Called when the subscription has been closed
    }).onFailed(new Subscription.FailedCallback() {
        public void call(ActionCableException e) {
            // Called when the subscription encounters any error

// 3. Establish connection

// 4. Perform any action

// 5. Perform any action using JsonObject(GSON)
JsonObject params = new JsonObject();
params.addProperty("foo", "bar");
subscription.perform("appear", params);

Passing Parameters to Channel

Channel chatChannel = new Channel("ChatChannel");
chatChannel.addParam("room", "Best Room");
Subscription subscription = consumer.getSubscriptions().create(chatChannel);

Supported parameter type is Number, String, Boolean and JsonElement(GSON).

chatChannel.addParam("room_id", 1);
chatChannel.addParam("room", "Best Room");
chatChannel.addParam("private", true);
chatChannel.addParam("params", new JsonObject());

Custom Subscription Interface

You can perform any action by calling Subscription#perform(), but you can define custom interfaces having methods.

public interface ChatSubscription extends Subscription {
     * Equivalent:
     *   perform("join")
    void join();

     * Equivalent:
     *   perform("send_message", JsonObjectFactory.fromJson("{body: \"...\", private: true}"))
    void sendMessage(@Data("body") String body, @Data("private") boolean isPrivate);

Supported parameter type is Number, String, Boolean and JsonElement(GSON).

To instantiate the custom subscription, pass the interface when you create a subscription.

Channel chatChannel = new Channel("ChatChannel");
ChatSubscription subscription = consumer.getSubscriptions().create(appearanceChannel, ChatSubscription.class);;

subscription.sendMessage("Hello", true);


URI uri = new URI("ws://");

Consumer.Options options = new Consumer.Options();
options.reconnection = true;

Consumer consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer(uri, options);

Below is a list of available options.


How to authenticate a request depends on the architecture you choose.

Authenticate by HTTP Header

Consumer.Options options = new Consumer.Options();

Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap();
headers.put("Authorization", "Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx");
options.headers = headers;

Consumer consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer(uri, options);

Authenticate by Query Params

Consumer.Options options = new Consumer.Options();

Map<String, String> query = new HashMap();
query.put("access_token", "xxxxxxxxxx");
options.query = query;

Consumer consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer(uri, options);

Authenticate by Cookie

CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager();
// Some setup
options.cookieHandler = cookieManager;

Consumer consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer(uri, options);

Proguard Rules

-keep class com.hosopy.actioncable.** { *; }
-keep interface com.hosopy.actioncable._* { *; }
