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Java interceptors which can be used to monitor Grpc services using Prometheus.


The features of this library include two monitoring grpc interceptors, MonitoringServerInterceptor and MonitoringClientInterceptor. These interceptors can be attached separately to grpc servers and client stubs respectively. For each RPC, the interceptors increment the following Prometheus metrics, broken down by method type, service name, method name, and response code:

Note that by passing a Configuration instance to the interceptors, it is possible to configure the following:

The server interceptors have an identical implementation in Golang, go-grpc-prometheus, brought to you by @MWitkow.


This library is made available on the dinowernli GitHub Maven repository. Once the repository is set up, the library can be included using the following artifact id:


In order to attach the monitoring server interceptor to your gRPC server, you can do the following:

MonitoringServerInterceptor monitoringInterceptor = 
grpcServer = ServerBuilder.forPort(GRPC_PORT)
        HelloServiceGrpc.bindService(new HelloServiceImpl()), monitoringInterceptor))

In order to attach the monitoring client interceptor to your gRPC client, you can do the following:

MonitoringClientInterceptor monitoringInterceptor =
grpcStub = HelloServiceGrpc.newStub(NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(REMOTE_HOST, GRPC_PORT)

If you're using Spring Boot 2 with micrometer-registry-prometheus you should inject the CollectorRegistry that is already provided in the application context:

private CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry;

// use the provided registry 
MonitoringServerInterceptor monitoringInterceptor =  

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