Metrics SQL

This a Yammer|Codahale|Dropwizard Metrics extension to instrument JDBC resources and measure SQL execution times.

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Supported metrics

Description Default metric name Metric type
Connection opening (getConnection()) java.sql.Connection Timer
Connection life (between getConnection() and close()) java.sql.Connection Timer
Statement life (between createStatement() and close()) java.sql.Statement Timer
Statement execution (execute(), executeQuery()...) java.sql.Statement.[select * from my_table].exec Timer
PreparedStatement life (between prepareStatement() and close()) java.sql.PreparedStatement.[select * from my_table] Timer
PreparedStatement execution (execute(), executeQuery()...) java.sql.PreparedStatement.[select * from my_table].exec Timer
CallableStatement life (between prepareCall() and close()) java.sql.CallableStatement.[call_something()] Timer
CallableStatement execution (execute(), executeQuery()...) java.sql.CallableStatement.[call_something()].exec Timer
ResultSet life (between executeQuery.() and close()..) java.sql.ResultSet.[select * from my_table] Timer
ResultSet rows (next()) java.sql.ResultSet.[select * from my_table].rows Meter

Metric naming is tunable, to be more Graphite or InfluxDB compliant, see MetricNamingStrategy. Metering can be disabled per metric, you can select which metrics you (don't) want.


DataSource level

Wrap your existing DataSource using JdbcProxyFactory or MetricsSql builder class:

    metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
    dataSource = MetricsSql.forRegistry(metricRegistry)

The String mysql is a datasource Id used in metric names.

Connection level

Same as DataSource

    metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
    connection = MetricsSql.forRegistry(metricRegistry)

Driver level

  1. Register Metrics SQL JDBC Driver: replace the original JDBC driver by com.github.gquintana.metrics.sql.Driver
  2. Change JDBC URL prefix: jdbc:xxx becomes jdbc:metrics:xxx



The driver supports several options:


Naming strategy

The Naming strategy implements MetricNamingStrategy and can configure:

The DefaultMetricNamingStrategy generate metric names like:

java.sql.Statement.[select * from my_table].exec

When the database is set,

    dataSource = MetricsSql.forRegistry(metricRegistry)

It will produce:

java.sql.Statement.my_database.[select * from my_table].exec

This is useful when there are multiple datasources.

There is also the StrictMetricNamingStrategy which removes also special chars from the SQL query:


These settings are also available as URL properties:


Proxy factory

The Proxy factory implements ProxyFactory, can configure how JDBC elements are wrapped


The Driver uses the SharedMetricRegistries singleton to lookup (and register) the MetricRegistry:

connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:metrics:h2;metrics_registry=my_registry", "sa", "");
metryRegistry = SharedMetricRegistries.getOrCreate("my_registry");


Unprepared statement with unbound parameters

Beware of using unprepared statements and unbound parameters, it will generate a lot of metrics. For instance ...:

Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
statement.execute("insert into METRICS(ID, NAME) values(1, 'One')");
statement.execute("insert into METRICS(ID, NAME) values(2, 'Two')");

... will generate 2 metrics!

There are several options:


The JmxReporter doesn't play well with DefaultMetricNamingStrategy, you'll have to change either the naming strategy or the object name factory. A SqlObjectNameFactory is provided:

    .createsObjectNamesWith(new SqlObjectNameFactory())