Google Media Framework for Android


As of March 15, 2018, we have stopped development and support for Google Media Framework (GMF) for Android in favor of the new ExoPlayer IMA extension.


The Google Media Framework (GMF) is a lightweight media player designed to make video playback and integration with the Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK on Android easier.

Google Media Framework Android Demo

The framework is currently in beta, allowing interested developers to try it out and send feedback before we finalize the APIs and features.


Getting started

Clone the repository

git clone GoogleMediaFramework

Then import the project in Android Studio (or build using Gradle via ./gradlew).

Via jCenter

You can also include GMF by adding the following in your project's build.gradle file:

compile ''

where X.X.X is the version. For the latest version, see the project's Releases. For more details, see the project on Bintray.

Note: this installs the underlying mediaframework library. For the demo package with IMA integration, please download or clone the source.


Please see the Javadoc


For a detailed description of the project, please see the wiki.

Where do I report issues?

Please report issues on the issues page.


If you have questions about the framework, you can ask them in our google group.

How do I contribute?

See for details.

I want to use a newer version of Exoplayer

Change the version of ExoPlayer included in the googlemediaframework package's build.grade:

compile ''

Note: you may have to modify the code if any underlying ExoPlayer APIs have changed.


