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An Android library to make Emoji Reactions on imageviews in a manner Instagram does this!.

___ # Table of contents * [Features](#features) * [Example](#example) * [Usage](#usage) * [Further customization](#further-customization) * [Public methods](#public-methods) * [Contributions](#contributions) * [License](#license) # Features - Design : The library tries to be reasonably close to the original Instagram's design. - Customization : Users can customize the look to a great extent easily and reliably. - Support for RecyclerView : It can easily be used with Recycler views. - Optimum performance : Efforts have been made to keep memory usage as small as possible. - Unharmed image : The library doesn't change/modify the image, so every modification of image as imageview is possible # Example Below is the two sample for usage of the library:
# Usage Just add the following dependency in your app's `build.gradle` ```groovy repositories { maven { url 'https://dl.bintray.com/dev-ritik/EmojiReactionView/' } } dependencies { implementation 'com.ritik:emojireactionlibrary:1.0.2' } ``` Add the following code in your xml file ```xml ``` where `emoji` is an array resource which is the address to all emojis to be in the panel like: ```xml @drawable/em1 @drawable/em2 @drawable/em2 ``` and for the home emoji, rename that to **home**, so that its resource id becomes `R.drawable.home` to override default home emoji originally set. To get notified of when the emojis are clicked, you can use: ```java myImage.setOnEmojiClickListener(new ClickInterface() { @Override public void onEmojiClicked(int emojiIndex, int x, int y) { // emojiIndex is the index of the emoji being clicked (0 based) // x,y are the coordinates of the clicked position relative to the image // (if x && y == -1 => changed by program(SetClickedEmojiNumber) } @Override public void onEmojiUnclicked(int emojiIndex, int x, int y) { // emojiIndex is the index of the emoji being clicked (0 based) // x,y are the coordinates of the clicked position relative to the image // (if x && y == -1 => changed by program(SetClickedEmojiNumber) } }); ``` **If you are struck somewhere, you can always check its usage in the sample app for [Simple](https://github.com/dev-ritik/EmojiReactionView/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/ritik/emojireactionview/SimpleExample.java) and [RecyclerView](https://github.com/dev-ritik/EmojiReactionView/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/ritik/emojireactionview/FeedAdapter.java) usage.** _With this all done and working, you have made to the default design!_ # Further customization The library provides these attributes to modify default design to a custom one: |Attribute |Description | Type(Range) |Default Value | |---------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| |emojis | Set the emojis to be displayed in the panel animation | reference | | |set_emoji | Set the current selected emoji | integer(>-1)(< noe*) (0 based) | -1 | |home_Center_X | Set the x coordinate of homeEmoji's center | dimensions | 30 * density | |home_Center_Y | Set the y coordinate of homeEmoji's center | dimensions | Height - 30 * density | |home_side | Set the side length of homeEmoji | dimensions | 50 * density | |panel_center_X | Set the x coordinate of the center of panel animation | `dimension` or `fraction` [0%,100%] (w.r.t width)#| width / 2 | |panel_center_Y | Set the y coordinate of the center of panel animation | `dimension` or `fraction` [0%,100%] (w.r.t height)| Height - emojiSide / 2 | |panel_radius | Set the radius of panel animation | dimension | min(Height,Width) / 2 - 20 * density| |panel_emoji_side | Set the side of emojis on the panel | dimension | 50 * density | |emojis_rising_height | Set the height of the rising emojis(to start disappearing) | `fraction` [0%,100%] (w.r.t height)# | Height / 2 | |emojis_rising_speed | Set the speed per frame of the rising emojis | dimension | 10 * density | |emojis_rising_number | Set the number of emojis rising in rising emojis animation | integer | 24 | *noe = number of emojis.
*#* measurement from bottom # Public methods |Method |Description |Data Type | |-------------------------|----------------------------------------------|----------------------------| |getCentre | Get the center of panel animation | int(Pixels) | |getRadius | Get the radius of panel animation | int(Pixels) | |get/SetClickedEmojiNumber| Get/Set the current selected emoji | int (-1 for none)(0 based) | |getNumberOfEmojis | Get the number Of emojis in the panel | int | |getEmojisRisingSpeed | Get the speed per frame of the rising emojis | int(Pixels) | |getHomeRect | Get the Rect of the home emoji | Rect | |getPanelEmojiSide | Get the side of emojis on the panel | int(Pixels) | |get/SetHomeBitmap | Get/Set the bitmap of the home emoji | Bitmap | |isHomeEmojiVisible | Is home emoji visible | boolean | |isPanelAnimWorking | Is panel visible | boolean | |isClickingAnimWorking | Is the clicking animation working | boolean | |isEmojiRising | Is emoji rising animation visible | boolean | |setHomeEmojiVisible | Switch to home bitmap visible mode | boolean | |setPanelAnimWorking | Start the panel animation | boolean | # Contributions All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Please make a Pull Request or open an issue, if necessary. This may also include any form of feature enhancement. Every constructive criticism is welcome. See [Contributing.md](https://github.com/dev-ritik/EmojiReactionView/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) # License This library is licensed under `MIT license`. View [license](LICENSE).