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Tool for monitor kafka customer consumer based information, include near realtime offset/lag monitor.

This project is based on KafkaOffsetMonitor, include all the feature KafkaOffsetMonitor have and other features.

Data sources


The ability you can see through Chickling Kmanager:



Start use Jar file

This project is a maven project, you can manualy build it, just run:

mvn clean package

or download the official latest version jar file through release tab.

Then, you can use below command to run:

java -jar ChicklingKManager.jar

Or, give it a different port rather than default(8099):

java -jar ChicklingKManager.jar --server.port=8080

Extra setting will be set within setting page:

Setting page

Run with Docker

docker run -it -p 8099:8099 --name kmanager chickling/kmanager:0.0.1

Then, you can start your journey through below address (use your real host):

