NetStorageKit (for Java)

This library assists in the interaction with Akamai's NetStorage CMS API. The following CMS API Specs are available:

Project organization


Getting Started

For example, to delete a file:

import com.akamai.netstorage.NetStorage;
import com.akamai.netstorage.DefaultCredential;

DefaultCredential credential = new DefaultCredential("","id of your upload account", "apiKey of upload account");

NetStorage ns = new NetStorage(credential);
ns.delete("/[CP Code]/");

Other methods return an InputStream. For example, to retrieve a directory listing:

import com.akamai.netstorage.NetStorage;
import com.akamai.netstorage.DefaultCredential;
DefaultCredential credential = new DefaultCredential("","id of your upload account", "apiKey of upload account");
NetStorage ns = new NetStorage(credential);

try (InputStream result = ns.dir("/[CP code]/1234")) {
 // TODO: consume InputStream

Finally, when uploading a File object can be sent or an open InputStream wll be used

import com.akamai.netstorage.NetStorage;
import com.akamai.netstorage.DefaultCredential;
DefaultCredential credential = new DefaultCredential("","id of your upload account", "apiKey of upload account");
NetStorage ns = new NetStorage(credential);
try (InputStream result = ns.upload("/[CP code]/1234/", new File("../workingdir/"))) {
 // TODO: consume InputStream

Sample application (CMS)

java -classpath build/classes CMS -a dir -u user1 -k 1234abcd