
Kinect v2 library for Processing

Version 0.7.8

Library is curretly on develop with the Windows SDK Version 1409 (9/16/2014)

Library for Mac check out the OpenKinect-for-Processing library.


Reference and tutorial

Webpage tutorial with a couple of useful examples.

Install for Processing 3.0

For Processing 2.2.1 please use the KinectPV2 0.7.2 version.



To build the KinectPV2 library from source code, look at the Build_libs folder

Know issues


Simple Device

To include the library into a processing sketch you just need to import it and initialize it.

import KinectPV2.*;
KinectPV2 kinect;

void setup() {
  kinect = new KinectPV2(this);
  //Start up methods go here


To obtain the color Image, depth Image, infrared Image, bodyIndex Image and long Exposure Image as a PImage you need to active with the following method

 void enableColorImg(boolean toggle);
 void enableDepthImg(boolean toggle);
 void enableInfraredImg(boolean toggle);
 void enableBodyTrackImg(boolean toggle);
 void enableInfraredLongExposureImg(boolean toggle);

 PImage getColorImage();
 PImage getDepthImage();
 PImage getInfraredImage();
 PImage getBodyTrackImage();
 PImage getInfraredLongExposureImage();

just initialize in the setup()

  kinect = new KinectPV2(this);

get the PImage in the draw()

PImage imgC = kinect.getColorImage();
image(imgC, 0, 0);

Raw Data is only available for the color, depth ad bodytrack frames/images. Once the frames are activated just call them.

  //raw Data int valeus from [0 - 4500]
  int [] rawData = kinect.getRawDepthData();

  //values for [0 - 256] strip
  int [] rawData256 = kinect.getRawDepth256Data();

  //raw body data 0-6 users 255 nothing
  int [] rawData = kinect.getRawBodyTrack();

  //unpacket color values
  int [] colorRaw = kinect.getRawColor();


MIT License