OpenJFX Monocle

Monocle is the implementation of the Glass windowing component of JavaFX for embedded systems [1]. It is part of the Java Platform since version 8u20 (released in August 2014), but not included in builds for desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac) [2].

This repository provides pre-packaged builds of Monocle taken from the OpenJFX project. The builds include components to run in headless environments. They do not include native libraries for low-level access.


testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-12.0.1+2" // For Java 12
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-11+26" // For Java 11
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-9+181" // For Java 9
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:8u76-b04" // For Java 8


    <version>jdk-12.0.1+2</version> <!-- jdk-11+26 for Java 11, jdk-9+181 for Java 9, 8u76-b04 for Java 8 -->

Build (under Windows)

Clone the repository and checkout the tag.

C:\> git clone
C:\> cd Monocle
C:\> git checkout 8u20-b26

Choose the JDK version and build the jars.

C:\> set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_20
C:\> gradlew clean jar
C:\> dir build\libs

Manual Update

To update the build to newer versions of Monocle just copy source code files from src/main/java/com/sun/glass/ui/monocle into the directory src/main/java and resource files from src/main/resources/com/sun/glass/ui/monocle into the directory src/main/resources. Use the links bz2, zip or gz to export the files as archive.

You can update to a certain version by changing tip in the URLs to a changeset hash. There is a list of changeset hashes at openjfx/8u-dev/rt/tags.

Example changeset hashes:

Automatic Update (beta)

The Bash script attempts to automate the process of updating to a newer version of Monocle from the OpenJFX repository. The script will look for the highest build number (such as b00, b01, etc.) for each version (such as 8u45, 8u60, etc.) and if there is no corresponding tag in this repository for that version/build number combination it will offer to open a pull-request with the changeset from the upstream OpenJFX repository. The PR is opened using the hub tool (which is automatically downloaded if you do not have it installed). This script should work on any flavor of Linux (including the Windows Subsystem for Linux) and macOS. Improvements to it are very welcome!

Issuing a Release

After you have either manually or automatically updated to the latest Monocle version you can issue a release by doing the following:

Upgraded Monocle Version is First Build (YY) for New Major Java Version (XX)

testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-XX+YY" // For Java XX
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-11+26" // For Java 11
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-9+181" // For Java 9
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:8u76-b04" // For Java 8
    <version>jdk-XX+YY</version> <!-- jdk-11+26 for Java 11, jdk-9+181 for Java 9, 8u76-b04 for Java 8 -->
group = org.testfx
version = jdk-XX+YY

Upgraded Monocle Version is New (Not First) Build (YY) for Existing Major Java Version (XX)

Assume XX is 12, then:

testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-12+YY" // For Java 12
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:jdk-9+181" // For Java 9
testCompile "org.testfx:openjfx-monocle:8u76-b04" // For Java 8
    <version>jdk-12+YY</version> <!-- jdk-9+181 for Java 9, 8u76-b04 for Java 8 -->
group = org.testfx
version = jdk-12+YY

Make the Release

git tag -a vXX+YY

git push upstream vXX+YY

gradlew bintray -PbintrayUsername=${BINTRAY_USERNAME} -PbintrayApiKey=${BINTRAY_API_KEY}"%ProgramFiles%\Java\XX.YY"


OpenJDK and OpenJFX are licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.